Bring on the wizards and the vampire hunters!

Started by Serephino, April 12, 2009, 03:50:28 PM

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I've really been wanting to do a Harry Potter role play.  I used to do it with a friend, but she's had some troubles and isn't on very much, which leaves me in need of a fix. 

I'm a little more picky with this one than usual.  I only want m/m and I want to do mpreg.  Pairings I like are James/Lucius  James/Snape  Harry/Draco  Harry/Snape  and maybe Harry/Lucius if done well.

James is my character.  I took him out of obscurity and gave him life.  I also like to play Harry, unless it's the Harry/Snape pairing, then I'll do either.

I'm not against Harry/James or Draco/Lucius. 

I like kidnapping, rape, and all other sorts of sticky situations.  If you want to try any other pairing other than those I've listed... we'll talk.  Hell, I'll even do one with Dumbledore.  That's become a recent thing with me...  *shrugs*

#2  I'm looking for someone to play a vampire hunter, perferably Van Helsing...  My character would be a vampire that he tracks down, but this one only kills criminals and isn't really a monster.