Can someone explain Fandoms to me?

Started by Razor, December 17, 2021, 12:19:22 PM

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I apologise if this is explained somewhere - I could not find it.

So I'm working on my Ons and Offs thread, and one of the things I came across as either was "fandoms".

Now, I think I understand what this means, but I'm not sure. The way I think of it is writing in, say, the universe of Harry Potter. Or, Supernatural - that's a popular one, isn't it?

But it's more than, I don't know, a Star Trek RP, isn't it?

Can someone help me with a definition so I know what I'm saying no to? Thank you!
I've lost and found, it's my final mistake
She's loving by proxy, no give and all take
'Cause I've been thrilled to fantasy one too many times


I've always taken "Fandom" as meaning someone is into a certain show, characters, setting, but not necessarily any one particular canon interpretation of it.

So for example if I say I'm into the "Marvel Fandom" it means I'm generally into characters and stories from that setting, but nothing more specific than that. It could be the MCU, the comic books, spinoffs, the old tv shows, fanfiction, original characters in that setting, all of the above, etc.

It's just sort of a jumping off point to let people know what you're into in a general sense setting and character and mood wise I think?
Apologies & Absences | Ons & Offs
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Lustful Bride

Fandoms is usually just a blanket term for saying "I enjoy playing in established settings". This could be anything from specific Tv shows, to Movies, to Books, to Tabletop RPGs. It tends to help to establish what kinds of fandoms you like, but after a while it might be overwhelming (or boring) to just read through a massive list of specific properties that someone likes.


Pretty much means you're open to writing fandoms, ones you're into of course.  Some people don't like to do that period.  I've noticed here that people put what specific fandoms they like in either their idea threads, or the on/off section. 


Like most users already suggested, Fandoms refers to a general interest in a given (insert name of world, franchise, book series ... etc.)

And as an alternate suggestion, Fandoms is a more broader term compared to 'Canons'.

The way I'd explain it, Saying you enjoy writing about X - Fandom, means you want to set up a roleplay within the boundaries of said franchise, which may involve the use of canon (pre-established) characters or not.

While saying you enjoy writing X - Canons, means you're more interested in writing stories involving said pre-established characters.


Thanks, everyone!

So it is just... something one is a fan of? Not some kind of code for anything more specific than that.

Good point about fandom vs canon, though I suppose at this point it's splitting hairs.

I will have to add a little more detail to this entry, then.

Thanks again. It's back to work for me, this thread won't write itself.
I've lost and found, it's my final mistake
She's loving by proxy, no give and all take
'Cause I've been thrilled to fantasy one too many times


Quote from: Razor on December 17, 2021, 04:09:38 PM
Thanks, everyone!

So it is just... something one is a fan of? Not some kind of code for anything more specific than that.

Good point about fandom vs canon, though I suppose at this point it's splitting hairs.

I will have to add a little more detail to this entry, then.

Thanks again. It's back to work for me, this thread won't write itself.

Yeah. It’s basically “I like writing in this universe.” If you want to write, say, a Star Wars story, or a Game of Thrones story, that would broadly be categorized as “fandom”.

The main nuance is how you like to wrote in those universes - exploring the universe with original characters (OCs), or writing canon characters, or some mix of the bunch. It can be a pretty deep well, but there’s definitely no need to overthink it at the outset.