Changeling Child (F seeking M character)

Started by Phoenixrisen, November 25, 2021, 11:25:32 AM

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Before reading any further please take a gander at my O/O's.

Welcome to my very informal request thread for an idea I can't get out of me head. Any questions should have been answered by my O/O's above, but if they were not, please, feel free to send me a PM. This is going to be a much less formal request than I usually do.

The Idea

A young couple is unable to have children, or at least so they come to believe when a couple years of trying don't produce results. I'm imagining this is a semi-historical context, or a fantasy world where there aren't doctors. Or, alternatively, it could be urban fantasy, but the couple just can't afford the medical care. Regardless, they, or at least the wife, turns to the Fae. Her request: "Please, help me bear children."

I see this going any number of ways, depending on what ideas my partner brings to the idea. Perhaps, they take on the role of the husband, and the two much go on a quest to grant them the ability to produce children. Perhaps, they take on the role of the Fae, who takes a person interest in the young wife and tries a different tact to get her with child. Heck, maybe the Fae take her more literally, and we go off on a light hearted adventure in which the young couple now have to tend to bear cubs... The possibilities are only limited by the imaginations we bring to bear.

Please PM with any questions or expressions of interest. Please do not post here. Please do not express interest without bringing your ideas into the mix.
~A full heart has room for all things, an empty heart room for nothing.~
PM's and Discord messages always welcome.
New folks friendly.

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