Subterra (Subverse Inspired Fantasy Parody, LF F Characters & Monster Girls)

Started by Odanrav, February 24, 2021, 02:13:01 PM

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Abandoned Temple of The Goddess

So most are probably immediately wondering what the hell is Subverse? Well, it is essentially a high budget (over 2 million USD raised on kickstarter) harem building game coming out next month set in a scifi world. Beyond just the sexual hijinks, the story also seeks to parody a lot of scifi with clear references to Mass Effect, Star Trek, Star Wars, etc. The tone of the game seems to be light and silly, but you as the male protagonist do get to know a variety of female companions in depth, almost like a dating sim, before inevitably getting into their pants when not destroying evil sex bots and censorship overlords. And there is an overall narrative and story taking place that strings it all together.

Much excite I am to get this game when it comes out. But in the meantime I was hoping to potentially start up my own variation on the idea within a fantasy world. A small group game featuring maybe 3-5 writers who control female or monster girl companions. They can be any of your standard fantasy or D&D races, monster girls (though I admit a personal aversion to snake-girls/naga, sorry), or make up something new if you are imaginative enough. Though hopefully we can see a good mix of races, personalities, and even kink interests.

Essentially the story I had in mind would be about a world that has descended into chaos following the death twenty years ago of the Goddess of Love and Harmony at the hands of the Underworld Queen, a Goddess of Lust, Envy, Jealousy. Love left the hearts of most beings, wars raged, loyalty couldn't be found anywhere, in a dog-eat-dog land.

However, the Protagonist of our story, the last living descendent of the Love Goddess has reached maturity having grown up raised by foster parents on an isolated farm in the country. Only he has no clue about who he really is until it's revealed within the plot it is his greater destiny to help restore love and harmony to the world. To accomplish this task he'll need a band of powerful and sexy femme fatales to combat the forces  who seek to keep the world in chaos, agents of the Underworld Queen. Which is where anyone who shows interest comes in.

That is to say, I don't intend for this to strictly be a harem game, since that seems hardly fair. In Subverse the waifus can have sex with alien monsters when not spending time with the captain. So my idea was the female companions in this can and I'm sure will have sex with male/female/intersexed NPCs out in the world (controlled by me or a co-GM writer if someone wants to do that) or monsters (also possibly controlled by me or a co-GM). But the Protagonist will be the center of all romantic affection the companions develop, or else what's the point?

If anyone is interested in this concept please speak up and say so, note some general ideas you might have for a character or two if you wanna double up, drop some inspirational artwork if you want. We can start brainstorming more detailed plot and world elements once there is a decent group formed.