≺⟡≻ Forbidden ≺⟡≻ - A Dark Fairytale - [F4M - Moderate-Advanced]

Started by Hecate, January 04, 2021, 06:30:31 PM

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Is it magic or is it madness?
Is it a dream, or more than it seems?
Faces in the clouds, traces on the ground.
Is it magic or is it madness?

Oh, what a world we live in.

≺⟡≻ [ Availability: O P E N ] ≺⟡≻

Hello, and welcome.
≺⟡≻ I'll be skipping over introductions and will direct those interested in learning more about me to please check my primary search thread and my O&O thread.

≺⟡≻ In this request thread I am detailing a prompt for a fairytale-inspired story in a fantasy setting. I would prefer to keep the world-building limited and small scale (think Cinderella, Snow White, the usual fairytale vagueness). This story would have elements of forbidden romance, low fantasy/low magic, intrigue (possibly political), social conflict, violence/murder, possible low combat, and sexual tension. I also HIGHLY encourage brainstorming ways to improve the story and even make it darker (as it is I prefer dark romance to fluffy romance, and this premise already leans a bit to the fluffier side). I'm very open to changes, nothing is set in stone. I do not have any stipulations about my partner's real life gender, but I am envisioning this scenario with my partner in the male role opposite my female character.

   Major characters and places of note will be as follows:

  • The Queen: Our primary antagonist, but not the typical "Evil Queen" depicted in fairytales. She is considered a more or less benevolent leader, yet as a mother she is quite controlling and protective. She is also shrewd and pragmatic, which can sometimes be perceived as cold. I can play this role entirely or it can be played as a joint effort.
  • The Princess: Considerably more impulsive and empathetic than her mother. She recognizes her duties as heir to the throne and does not seek to absolve herself of her responsibilities, though struggles to reconcile her anxieties with such a burden. She does resent her mother at times but does not outright hate her (at least not at the start, some circumstances may occur that change this). I will be playing this character as my main.
  • The Warrior: Facets of his personality will be left to my partner's discretion. He is a protector of The Forbidden Forest (aka Western Woods) and belongs to a race of creatures entirely foreign to humans, possessing large wings, horns, and strangely-colored eyes. Abilities are up for discussion but he should possess some aptitude or capability to commune with nature. The exact type of creature or name of his species is up to my partner. I'm also entirely open to my partner developing the lore of his species on their own and revealing more in-game, or if desired we can plot it out together.
  • The Kingdom: A small, prosperous citadel that seems to be growing in number and size each passing year. It's geographical borders are marked by a northern sea, eastern marshlands, southern grasslands, and the western woods.
  • The Forbidden Forest/Western Woods: A large expanse of woodlands reputed to be cursed by those who live within The Kingdom due to a great many disappearances. No human roads travel through this forest and a stone barrier prevents the curious and ignorant from wandering inward. It is said a number of wonderous and terrifying creatures reside within, yet no one has been able to confirm this.

    On the border of a gilded kingdom lay a dark and foreboding forest. Tales abound of the dangers and creatures within, with many a wayward traveler gone missing in the wild and vast woodland. Those who ventured inward were never heard from again. As such, the forest soon came to be considered cursed and eventually the kingdom's skeptical Queen, at the behest of the people, erected a stone wall along the border to dissuade the curious and foolhardy. Years passed, however, and The Queen neglected the maintenance of the stone barrier as time and nature took their toll, leaving it in such a state of disrepair that it began to crumble.

    Thus came a day when The Queen's daughter was finally due to choose a husband. Being the only heir to the throne, The Princess was tasked with a great many expectations. Her mother was considered a shrewd and respectable sovereign, and the same would be anticipated of the young monarch. On the evening of her birthday and dreading the impending parade of suitors, The Princess finds the weight of her responsibilities overwhelming her. Impulsively, she decides to sneak away from the castle grounds on horseback, in an attempt to clear her mind. Her fevered riding takes her further and further from the safety of the palace, and even beyond the city, until she arrives upon a ruined section of the border wall. The decay of the barrier was so extensive she could easily push at a number of loose stones and open up a passage large enough to slip through. Having inherited her mother's skepticism and more than her fair share of curiosity, The Princess abandoned her horse and ventured alone through the wall and into the forest.

    It had been years since the dark wood had been disturbed by humans, but the moment one set foot upon forbidden soil the trees were quick to alert their protector, The Warrior. For centuries uncounted his kind had lived in the forest and surrounding sacred lands, endeavoring to stay hidden and keep the wilds safe from the ever-reaching, ever-growing invasion of Man. Long had he considered humans a scourge and spared them little mercy when they were unfortunate enough to cross his path. His focus was singular, his action swift and brutal. Even among his own people The Warrior was considered especially vicious, so to humans he was surely a creature of nightmares. When he set out to find the trespasser he was fully intent upon punishing them, yet he did not expect the intruder to be a young woman, of all things. And a Princess, no less, he would discover. Oh but what fortune had he, that this unwelcome Princess might deliver to him an opportunity, and perhaps something else entirely unexpected.


    Posted more images of The Warrior here
    Basically I wanna play a cliché fairytale with some dark elements tossed in there. I see this as The Warrior taking The Princess captive, for reasons that can be discussed. During her captivity the two form a bond as The Princess comes to learn more about his people and realizes how humans have negatively affected the creatures of the wildlands, while The Warrior discovers that not all humans are as terrible as he's been lead to believe. Meanwhile, once The Queen realizes her daughter is missing she starts tearing through the citadel and then the sacred wildlands on search of her. This would, of course, cause conflict with those tasked to protect those lands. There's potential for much more but that can be expanded upon via Discord/PMs.

    Shamelessly inspired by parts of the live-action Maleficent films and good old-fashion fairytales >.>


    • Post Length: While quality is desirable over quantity, it's also extremely rare for me to write anything less than 800 words, so a partner on the same wavelength is optimal.
    • Post Frequency: I don't typically impose a frequency rate for posts from my partners, however if possible I would like to try and keep it to a minimum of one post a week. That said, I fully understand real life takes precedence and I will be accommodating to such circumstances.
    • Communication: This is crucial for me, and ideally would include the use of off-site messengers like Discord. While PMs are fine I dislike how the waiting around for a response slows everything down. Consistent communication also goes a long way toward building a rapport with my partner and helps to keep me invested in our story. The roleplay itself will still take place on-site.
    • Collaboration: Regardless of the length of the roleplay we are still writing it together and I expect my partner to put in equal effort to move the story along. I refuse to carry the narrative alone.
    • Partners: As mentioned previously I do not care what your real life gender is, but I would like a partner very comfortable with writing some violence and potential death/murder (of NPCs).
    • Faceclaims & Visual Storytelling: I use faceclaims (real life photos, usually) and templates for my characters when posting and will also use additional images in a post where it fits. A partner who does the same or similar would be nice but is not required.
    • Kinks: Being that this is more story focused I've put less consideration into the inclusion of specific kinks. Depending on the chosen dynamics and practices of a woodland tribe of creatures, the possibility of a mating custom and/or alpha hierarchy may be applicable. There is a possibility of dub-con, depending on the scenario. Open to suggestions, barring Offs. 

    Now if you're still with me and still interested please send me a private message with any details you'd like to add or discuss.

