Where to put this

Started by DemonessOfDeathValley, June 24, 2020, 12:36:55 PM

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My hobby is doll and miniature making. I was wondering where I should put a thread that not only let me share my pieces but invited others who might have like interests.

~Approximate response time - 1-7 days plus ~ Muse cooperative~


The Art, Media and Music forum would probably be the best place ;D

You can find it here!

Current status : Selectively seeking new stories


~Approximate response time - 1-7 days plus ~ Muse cooperative~


Question! I was reading over the rules for the Finders and Seekers forum and I was wondering, if I made something from, for example a Simplicity pattern, would that item be a derivative? And would that need to go into the subforum? Because I sometimes use bought patterns for my hobby.

~Approximate response time - 1-7 days plus ~ Muse cooperative~