Chronicles of Darkness/Beast: The Primordial - CROSSOVER PREFERRED!

Started by eternaldarkness, April 07, 2020, 01:25:09 AM

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Beast: The Primordial is my favorite game ever but it is extremely hard to find a GM for. So...i'm looking for one! I have a million and one concepts for Beast characters that will work either in a Beast-only game or a crossover, which Beasts are designed to do and do well. I'm not too picky, but a game with a good post rate (A few posts a day) would be best, too. Other than that i am willing to negotiate on most things. I'd also be willing to GM in exchange for anyone so interested. A shared setting could be a lot of fun.


Don't have the spoons to GM with the current state fo the world (although who knows, that could change), but I would definitely be interested in joining in as a player!


Quote from: Dakkon on April 07, 2020, 02:29:47 PM
Don't have the spoons to GM with the current state fo the world (although who knows, that could change), but I would definitely be interested in joining in as a player!

I'm thinking about running one myself now. The awesomeness that is Beast needs to be shared with all.



Quote from: ChaoticSky on April 09, 2020, 03:56:50 PM
I for one would love to play such a game.

I'll put up an interest check and post here when i do. Even as few as two or three players is enough; actually, it might even be better.



I've played pretty much every other WoD (classic/new/new 2.0) title, but I haven't played Beast. If you're up for somebody new to the splat (but not the system), I'd love to play.
Like what you see? I am currently looking for new plots!

Detailed List of O/Os and Plot Seeds

All of my image links were previously photobucket and broken -- I'm fixing them as I use the avatars again, or for current games. Please let me know if there is something that needs updating!


Quote from: Lockepick on April 09, 2020, 08:16:51 PM
I've played pretty much every other WoD (classic/new/new 2.0) title, but I haven't played Beast. If you're up for somebody new to the splat (but not the system), I'd love to play.

Hell yeah. lemme get one set up.

Dreaming Space

I'm interested in playing Beast.

I definitely have the book, can't recall if I have the player's guide.
“It's not worth doing something unless someone, somewhere, would much rather you weren't doing it.”
― Terry Pratchett


Quote from: Dreaming Space on April 10, 2020, 12:57:15 AM
I'm interested in playing Beast.

I definitely have the book, can't recall if I have the player's guide.

The Player’s Guide is 100% worth it.

Dreaming Space

Quote from: Dakkon on April 10, 2020, 10:07:00 AM
The Player’s Guide is 100% worth it.

Yeah, it's got Strangers in it, IIRC, which I probably want to look at.
“It's not worth doing something unless someone, somewhere, would much rather you weren't doing it.”
― Terry Pratchett


Hrm. You said you wanted a crossover game.

Does that mean you want Beast players and non-Beast players? Or beasts interacting with non-beast NPCs?


Quote from: ChaoticSky on April 10, 2020, 08:03:20 PM
Hrm. You said you wanted a crossover game.

Does that mean you want Beast players and non-Beast players? Or beasts interacting with non-beast NPCs?

Non-Beasts will definitely be allowed. Ideally i'd like no more than half the group to be non-Beasts, not counting Heralds if anyone chooses to play those. I should have the game's character creation, setting, etc. up shortly.


Dreaming Space

“It's not worth doing something unless someone, somewhere, would much rather you weren't doing it.”
― Terry Pratchett

Dreaming Space

I'm going to start drafting a sheet. I can always move or delete this post as needed.

You mentioned you're very comfortable with the game mechanics, so I've built this character to work with that. I haven't cranked any of his skills up particularly high, but Patience + Good Time Management means he is a busy little bee for anything that's an extended task. He looks short on social skills, but Sympathetic takes up some slack if I'm willing to take a hit for it. He's not a great stand-up fighter, but his Eshmaki birthright + Killer Instinct makes him scary to normal humans if he has time to prepare or can sneak up on them. My goal was to build a character who is strongest when acting deliberately and with forethought.

Weston Nash

Weston was raised in a family that was affluent, professional, and very normal. His life was a college application checklist. He was destined to go to a good school, get a good job, meet a good girl, and have a McMansion and a perfect family of his own someday. Then he started to get weird as he got older. It was too easy not to notice he was in the room with you. He woke up with awful, screaming nightmares. He gave people the creeps for no reason anyone could put their finger on. Sometimes he didn't seem to sleep at all. His parents distanced themselves. They moved him into a converted attic bedroom (which he fortunately liked very well) so they could ignore him more effectively, and started pinning all their hopes on his sister (who was and remains perfect, and perfectly normal.)

Weston was in a state of quiet and existential despair. He excelled academically, he had one athletic and one intellectual extracurricular, and he did carefully chosen volunteer work on weekends. It all felt meaningless. It felt wrong.

One day, a woman he had never met before approached him at the mall. He had been reading How to Win Friends & Influence People alone over food court pad thai. She looked at him like she knew him. He couldn't place her age, race, or accent. "Boy," she said. "I know why you have nightmares, when sleep comes for you at all. I know why the night calls you. You do not want to go to college and make your family happy. You want to become a monster and make people afraid. Look behind the mask you have worn and see."

Weston realized immediately that she was right. He put down his book. He didn't know what to say. His throat was dry. He just nodded. That's the day he learned what it meant to be a Child of the Dark Mother. [I do not know if we want this person to become a recurring NPC or not, or if we want to replace her with some other NPC you have already ginned up.]

The core fact about Weston's outlook is that he was raised to work hard and excel. That hasn't changed. It's just that instead of trying to get into the ivy league, he's going to try and live up to what he imagines the Dark Mother's expectations might be.

Note on ages: Elliquiy's rules are such that characters in sexual situations need to be 16+. My thought is that Weston is 17 and his sister is 16 - I'm not necessarily driving towards incest but she's probably his most important mundane relationship and something could happen with her. If the group is interested in mundane trauma, his parents intend to kick him out of the house as a surprise on his 18th birthday, even though he'd still be in high school. If the group is wholly uninterested in mundane drama, we can say he's graduated from HS and living in an apartment, or just ignore his home/mundane life entirely.

Hunger Questionnaire:
Do you have supernatural kin? Weston regularly meets with the ghost of a tragically murdered, beautiful young stage actress from a long time ago. She haunts a graveyard not too far from his area. +1.
Do you take lots of small meals? Weston goes for rarer, larger, more complex feasts. He almost always observes or stalks his target at least a little bit before acting. +0.
Are you a social predator? No, but that might change if one or more of the other PCs turn out to be highly compatible. +0.
How frequently do you show your true self? Weston tends to rely on powers that don't require a satiety expenditure. +1.
How drawn to your Lair are you? Lair 1. +1.

I'd like to see some other PCs before I put too much thought into Aspirations. I know that he intends to, at some point, go to some location that is crowded full of people from our city, and brush against the largest number of them possible using the low-satiety function of Mimir's Wisdom. Just work his way through the crowd and build up a huge library of local dark secrets. Advanced Direction Sense + Eidetic Memory means he can keep them all in a mental rolodex and track them down later.

Character Sheet

Concept: Aspiring Professional Monster
Family: Eshmaki (Darkness)
Hunger: Nemesis (Punishment). The Shadow Man's preferred meal is sins that have marinated for a while. Either something minor that's been ongoing for a long time, or something major that the perpetrator got away with.
Legend: Watchful. (Regain a point of willpower if you make a character who thinks they are alone realize they are NOT alone, without revealing yourself. Regain all willpower if they find you despite your best efforts to remain unseen.)
Life: Cautious. (Regain a point of willpower if you dodge a bullet via prudent behavior. Regain all willpower if your caution urges you to do unto others before they do unto you.)
Horror: The Shadow Man. A sort of boogeyman. A shadowy figure that might, or might not, be the indistinct silhouette of a hooded man standing in fog or uncertain lighting. He can't be seen clearly, but gives off a sense that he's been watching you.

Strength 2
Dexterity 2
Stamina 2

Athletics 2
Brawl 2
Larceny 1 (picking locks)
Stealth 2

Presence 2
Manipulation 2
Composure 3

Empathy 2 (Good Listener.)
Subterfuge 1
Persuasion 1

Intelligence 3
Wits 3
Resolve 3

Academics 2
Computer 2 (Internet Stalking)
Craft 2
Investigation 2
Occult 2
Medicine 2

Willpower 6/6
Satiety 5
Size 5
Health 7
Speed 9
Defense 4
Initiative 5

Lair 1
Heart: The Abandoned Mental Hospital
Chamber: The Hedge Maze
Traits: Maze, Darkness

Behold, My True Form
You Must Obey

From the Shadows
Mimir's Wisdom
Relentless Hunter

Direction Sense.
Direction Sense: Advanced.
Good Time Management.
Trained Observer 1.
Resources 2.
Killer Instinct 3.

10 XP Expenditures:
+1 Wits, 4.
Killer Instinct 3, 3.
Relentless Hunter, 3.

This is a wish-list, because I don't know how generous you want to be.
A smartphone, a laptop, some kind of inexpensive vehicle, lockpicks, a multitool, moleskine and pen. If a weapon seems appropriate he would probably use a bow and arrow, or a set of brass knuckles he made himself. He has "working" clothes designed to hide his identity and be discarded if necessary.
“It's not worth doing something unless someone, somewhere, would much rather you weren't doing it.”
― Terry Pratchett


We're ready to get characters going! I'll be taking up to six characters until i find a CO-GM to help me out, at least half of which should be Beasts (I am willing to make exceptions for excellent character ideas or enthusiastic players, but six is about what i can handle and offer a good roleplay experience for everyone). The rest can be any other type of mortal or supernatural from the Chronicles of Darkness; keep in mind however that the primary focus will be on Beasts and their themes and all others are supporting cast. Non-Beasts should try to figure out a connection to at least one other player character - preferably a Beast. Mortals (both vanilla and with supernatural merits) and Heralds (from the Beast Player's Guide) are especially welcome and an excellent way to ease yourself into the setting, but other half-splats and minor templates like Wolf-Blooded, Ghouls and the Absent are equally welcome.

Setting and Character Creation thread is here: go ahead and post character sheets in this thread.
Ooc thread is Here: please use this thread for OOC discussion; talk to other players and work out characters together. I'll give my input and suggestions as well.