Fallout (inspired) system game cancelled

Started by PixelatedPixie, January 04, 2020, 12:02:12 AM

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This is a system game, but I am willing to work with people who don't own the system as long as they are at least somewhat familiar with a similar system.  I will be using the Genesys system from Fantasy Flight, which is similar to their Star Wars line of games and I think at least one version of Warhammer.  I will be leaning heavily on the PDF linked here (http://www.d20radio.com/main/genesys-fallout-theme/).

The nature of the dice system required means that it is not always easy to use on this website, so I would generally be willing to roll for players.  This is part of the reason why I won't require ownership, as long as we can get you through character creation we can probably work things out.

Officially Vault 80 was built to act as a secondary ‘support’ vault to a larger nearby vault.  Located near the city of Colorado Springs, Colorado, the Vault was designed to hold non-essential personnel, civilians, and other low priority people while the larger vault would hold key military and political personnel.

As the bombs fell Vault 80 accepted anyone that reached it in time.  People were shuttled down to lower levels through various, supposed, elevators.  In reality they were put into cryogenic stasis.  A small maintenance team remained active with the stated job to communicate with the larger vault but, with no established communication link with the larger vault, they seemed to have no true purpose.

Vault 80 had the capacity to support roughly 30 non-frozen adults and 10 or so children.  Positions, of which there were 18, were hereditary, and therefore any couple was only allowed to have two children.  If a position was unfilled the Overseer was capable of unfreezing one of the stored personnel who were then assigned to the available position.  This only happened a handful of times, and did not always end well.

In the last few years the Vault computer has begun to release people from stasis at a random but increasing rate.  The population has doubled and supplies have all but run out.  The Overseer has ordered all non-essential personnel, those without a position or who are not being trained for a position, to be sent into the wasteland to either bring back supplies or make their own way. 

In secret a small group has been given a special mission by the Overseer.  Go to the location where the larger vault was supposed to be located, determine its fate, then return.

This game will be heavy on smut, and players need to be comfortable and interested in at least non-consensual smut.  I don't want to give a specific ratio, since it really comes down to the player, character, luck (which is why I like systems), and the specific story arc, but there could be both long spans that are pure smut, and long spans with little to no smut.  I will be rating the game Extreme, but only require a player is comfortable with Nonconsensual-Exotic, anything beyond that would come down to a case by case basis and I would try to take it into separate threads or spoiler it if needed. 

I am primarily looking for female characters (I don't care what the player is).  I won't flat out ban others, but they are less likely to be accepted as a result of my own on/offs. 

Creation will be fairly standard, but with the following changes:

The Archetypes on pages 36-39 are available.
The Sleeper from the Player’s Guide is also available.
Starting Wound Threshold: 12 + Brawn
Starting Strain Threshold: 12 + Willpower
Starting Experience: 100XP
Starting Skills:  A sleep begins the game with one rank in Mechanics or one rank in Computers.  They obtain this rank before spending experience points, and these skills may not be increased above rank 2 during character creation.
Remember This?: A sleeper adds Advantage to the results of any checks they make to identify, use, ore repair pre-apocalypse items, equipment, or media (including combat checks).

The starting Gear will be as listed in the Spoiler below.
All characters will begin with the following gear in place of standard gear rules:
One of:
  Light Pistol (10mm)
    Ranged (Light), DAM 5, CRIT 4, Short Range, ENCUM 1
  Collapsible Baton
    Melee, DAM +2, CRIT 3, Engaged Range, ENCUM 1
All of:
  Vault Suit
    Soak +1, ENCUM 2, HP 2, Add Boost to all Resilience checks, can be worn under other armour.
  1 Rad Away
  2 Stimpacks (see Painkillers on page 116)

They can also choose one of the following:
Pipboy (see linked Theme) OR
Combat Armour (see linked Theme)  OR
Combat Shotgun (see linked Theme) OR
Laser Rifle (see linked Theme) OR
something roughly equivalent with GM approval.

I don't need a full character sheet as an application, just a rough idea of Archetype, Career, and a bit of a background.  I am not going first come first served, and will probably limit things to a small group of characters. 

The Original Interest Check is below.
Original Interest Check
This would be a system game, but I would be willing to work with people who don't own the system as long as they are at least somewhat familiar with a similar system.  I would likely be using the Genesys system from Fantasy Flight, which is similar to their Star Wars line of games and I think at least one version of Warhammer.  I would probably also be leaning heavily on the PDF linked here (http://www.d20radio.com/main/genesys-fallout-theme/). 

The nature of the dice system required means that it is not always easy to use on this website, so I would generally be willing to roll for players.  This is part of the reason why I won't require ownership, as long as we can get you through character creation we can probably work things out.

This is just an interest check at the moment.  I have only recently returned and am still getting myself situated, so that may cause delays in launching.  I am also not sure how many people have Genesys or similar systems, or would be interested in a Fallout inspired game.  Finally, I would mainly be looking for female characters (I don't care what the player is) just due to my own on/off preferences so that always limits things.  I might allow, depending on the number of players, a non-female character or two but they would be subject to caveats and exceptions especially in relation to smut.

This game would be heavy on smut, and players need to be comfortable and interested in at least non-consensual smut.  I don't want to give a specific ratio, since it really comes down to the player, character, luck (which is why I like systems), and the specific story arc, but there could be both long spans that are pure smut, and long spans with little to no smut.  I would be rating the game Extreme, but only require a player is comfortable with Nonconsensual-Exotic, anything beyond that would come down to a case by case basis and I would try to take it into separate threads or spoiler it if needed. 

I will say I am not an expert on Fallout, though I have played (to some degree, they don't always capture me as hoped) at least since Fallout 2 so hopefully I am not horrible or anything.  So there may be lore mistakes or omissions, players should be willing to accept that. 

I am still debating where specifically I would want to set the game.  The general plot would be that the characters (at least to start) are residents of a cryogenic vault similar to Fallout 4.  They have been frozen in Vault 80 since the outbreak of war, and are only slowly being released.  The Vault is releasing cryogenic pods at a slow, seemingly random, rate.  To make matters worse, many of the pods failed.  The initial group would be from a number of pods that were deactivated in quick succession.  The Vault would have very little in the way of resources, and exploring the Wasteland would be a requirement to survive.

I want to keep things simple so the plot, initially, would mostly focus on survival and exploration.  The plot beyond that would be based on what develops ingame.

So... is anyone interested?


Interested to hear more. Taking a look at the PDF.



Im interested in this - especially the exotic nc side of things - I only played fallout a while ago so I dont recall much other than adventuring through a post nuke world with mutant animals and bandits and stuff with a wrist device that shows you a map - and rad-away vials - health vials and high tech weapons. is that ok ?


We potentially have enough people to give it a shot if everyone is still interested.  Did anyone have any thoughts, comments, or desires for the game before I have a chance to sit down and sort out the specific location/story a bit more?

Quote from: Carly on January 09, 2020, 07:51:47 PM
Im interested in this - especially the exotic nc side of things - I only played fallout a while ago so I dont recall much other than adventuring through a post nuke world with mutant animals and bandits and stuff with a wrist device that shows you a map - and rad-away vials - health vials and high tech weapons. is that ok ?

As long as you have some familiarity with the setting it is probably fine.  It might help to read a synopsis or such to get the feel of the setting.  Future world stuck in the 1950s turned post-apocalyptic wasteland. 


i am a crude woman that love crude nc-exotic stuff happening.

Im not sure if that is everyones taste though, but even if we have low smut/no smut i would still be interested in this

i will read through the pdf you supplied. I didnt notice that before

Elven Sex Goddess


@Carly: I think our likings go hand by hand :)

@GM: Starting location etc are totally up to you, as we'r vault born from the start (i hope, as its always the case in FallOut games, giving the best crash course to wastelands)


Quote from: Miroque on January 10, 2020, 03:23:19 AM
@Carly: I think our likings go hand by hand :)

I hope so. Its what attracted me to  this game :)


Amanda Stonebriar

Vault Overseer Stonebriars data:
When the sirens started to yell, Amanda was in her school. She left everything and ran as fast as she could to the school bus, which toke the children to the newly build VaultTech facility, like so many times before. Its going to be another emergency test..

Now, as the cryo-capsules start to unfreeze and Amandas brain neurons flare up, she starts to put pieces together. Home, family and cheerleading squad are all gone. life as she knew it is no more.


Game data:
Amanda Stonebriar, 17 year old cheerleader squadleader from Greenbrough. Daughter of VaultTech saler rep Arthur Stonebriar and homemaker Vivian Stonebriar.  Both of her parents were out of town when the final emergency warning came and neighter of them were in the vault during the closing.

Br 2, Ag 2, Int 2, Cun 2, Wp 2, Pre 4
Wounds: 12/12, Strain 12/12

Desire: Safety, Fear: Obscurity, Strength: Analytical, Flaw: Pride

Skills: Cool 2, Charm 1, Deception 1, Knowledge 1, Negotiation 1, Perception 1, Streetwise 1, Vigilance 1, Medicine 1

Type) Forceful personality (1/serrion: spend storypoint and next check heals/inflicts double strain)
Rank1) Clever Retort (1/encoutner, +2black to opposed social roll)
Rank1) Surgeon (r1, Medicine heals +1 wound/strain)
Rank1) Knack-for-it (-2blacks from Medicine tests)
Rank2) Sidestep (r1, causes strain, upgrades ranged diff to hit)


the pdf didnt explain the system.

m, can you link me the system that you used to make your character.

She is cool though ! I was thinking of making a doctor or medic but i will think of something else as your character fits that bill perfectly.


Still interested. I have played many hours of Fallout 4 including heavily modded smut versions, so have a good idea of the world setting. Very little experience with the game system, I played a short Star Wars campaign in a tabletop group years ago.

Thinking of a Vault Tec security guard as my character. Faceclaim below...
Spoiler: Click to Show/Hide


@Carly: I have GeneSys book irl... so no link Im afraid


i dont have the system.

That might be a requirement to play. We will let Cleric decide I suppose.

thanks anyway m !

lovely character btw !


I have both gensys and extensive fallout experience (1-4). Curious about the system too. Still room? I’ll play what the party needs.
Are we living in a land, where Sex and Horror are the new Gods? -Frankie Goes to Hollywood

IC: New Orleans: House of the Rising Sun
O & O's
Needs & Fantasies


im sure, that with some google-fu you can find the system PDF.... *wink*

use words like: GeneSys core book ( like in scribd: https://www.scribd.com/document/367509444/Genesys-Core-Rules )
https://drive.google.com/file/d/1j-6zsjft-HKKcTCD3qlRGUixfNwWZiIr/view (it opens it to viewer, but its better to download it as its huge)


Are we living in a land, where Sex and Horror are the new Gods? -Frankie Goes to Hollywood

IC: New Orleans: House of the Rising Sun
O & O's
Needs & Fantasies


Quote from: Miroque on January 10, 2020, 06:10:23 AM
im sure, that with some google-fu you can find the system PDF.... *wink*

Was just about to post similar. Downloaded PDF a few minutes ago.

So...if we are defrosting from cryo we have zero knowledge of conditions outside vault? Oh boy!


Quote from: Polymorph on January 10, 2020, 06:26:12 AM
Was just about to post similar. Downloaded PDF a few minutes ago.

So...if we are defrosting from cryo we have zero knowledge of conditions outside vault? Oh boy!

I was going for Vault born and raised. But cryo pods are used in some lesser vaults (for non important people...)


Quote from: Miroque on January 10, 2020, 05:14:00 PM
I was going for Vault born and raised. But cryo pods are used in some lesser vaults (for non important people...)

I was just going by the original post that the party was fresh out of the freezer.

The general plot would be that the characters (at least to start) are residents of a cryogenic vault similar to Fallout 4.  They have been frozen in Vault 80 since the outbreak of war, and are only slowly being released.  The Vault is releasing cryogenic pods at a slow, seemingly random, rate.  To make matters worse, many of the pods failed.  The initial group would be from a number of pods that were deactivated in quick succession.


My current thought is to place things somewhere in Colorado, on the far side of Caesar's Legion from New Vegas with them potentially making an appearance on occasion.  Otherwise I am still working on the write-up and deciding on details and will try to get it up within a few days.

Quote from: Carly on January 10, 2020, 05:17:07 AM
the pdf didnt explain the system.

The linked pdf is just info to adapt the system to the setting, the system is a separate book.  If someone doesn't have access to the book I would want them to at least have some familiarity with a similar system (Fantasy Flight Star Wars for example) but can help with character creation.

Quote from: Cirus on January 10, 2020, 06:04:35 AM
I have both gensys and extensive fallout experience (1-4). Curious about the system too. Still room? I’ll play what the party needs.

There is still room.  Technically I haven't even shifted from an interest check to a recruitment thread yet.

Quote from: Miroque on January 10, 2020, 05:14:00 PM
I was going for Vault born and raised. But cryo pods are used in some lesser vaults (for non important people...)
Quote from: Polymorph on January 10, 2020, 05:35:22 PM
I was just going by the original post that the party was fresh out of the freezer.

The intent was that the player characters were frozen.  If people strongly want to do a vault born instead of pre-war character I can adapt things though.  A small vault population to maintain the cryo system or similar. 

Quote from: Cirus on January 10, 2020, 06:15:35 AM
Perhaps there can be a dice roller via discord. I found a genesis bot for it


Thank you for finding that, unfortunately I don't really use Discord. 


No problem of the char background. I can easily change mine to for out of the freeze.


I have updated the original post and am now officially opening recruitment.  Please let me know if I forgot anything, made any mistakes, or left anything ambiguous that needs to be cleared up.  Thank you!

If you have previously posted a character concept please either re-post it or confirm that you are still interested with the same concept.


Intrested, but need to make background recheck... from vault born to out of the freezer.

EDIT: done


Mindy Johansson

Mindy was 24 when the apocalypse struck. A former police officer she had been tempted by the superior pay offered by Vault Tec and had joined their security division six months previously. The application and interview had been confusing, with Vault Tec seemingly being as interested in her health, genetics and fertility as they were her law enforcement experience After providing security during the evacuation to the vaults (keeping the riff raff out at gunpoint) She was deemed non essential and a drain on resources, but good future breeding stock and it was decided to freeze her in the spare Cryo tubes that were unused due to their intended occupants not making it to the vault before it was sealed.

Archetype Sleeper

Br 2, Ag 3, Int 2, Cun 2, Wp 2, Pre 2
Wounds: 16/16, Strain 14/14

Desire: Love, Fear: Humiliation, Strength: Curious, Flaw: Reckless

Skills: Ranged (light) 2, Ranged (heavy) 1, Discipline 2, Coercion 2, Perception 2, Mechanics 1, Survival 1,

Type) Remember this? A sleeper adds Advantage to the results of any checks they make to identify, use, ore repair pre-apocalypse items, equipment, or media (including combat checks).
Rank1) Toughened (+2 Wound threshold)
Rank1) Quick strike (+1 Boost dice for attack against opponent that has not taken a turn in encounter)
Rank1) Quick draw (Drawing weapon is incidental action)