Quantum Unitum Est (Gods|Goddesses Romance -Need one more Goddess)

Started by Bekah Boo, May 22, 2019, 07:51:09 AM

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Bekah Boo

Quantum Unitum Est
In a world filled with so much chaos, so much suffering...the Gods must return in order to heal society with their guidance..once they remember that is.

Hermes  The messenger of the Gods, is the being whom recruits all the former gods with the enticement of an all expenses paid vacation, a treat only a fool would turn down in today's society, after all it does seem quite legitimate even to the most uncertain person. From the lush cruise ship full of proper accommodations for the two day trip on the high sea towards the Mediterranean, guests would be able to enjoy the run of the ship with only themselves as the passengers, staff members cordial even if they seem a little more basic in interactions..as though they were created merely for a single purpose such as serving the occupants and nothing else. 

From the ship the passengers get to feel the true experience of a island truly untouched from human contact despite how lavish the mansion nestled near the shore, certainly it looks to be vacant yet with how prim and in pristine condition surely there was something at work. The large doors open to reveal the marbled glory of a center hall flowing into the drawing room full of comfortable places to sit, the palace gleaming with many treasures despite not another soul in sight. Upon further inspection the guests will find identical rooms for their choosing as each have a master bed and bath of their own, along with a closet filled with ethereal like garb that many would surely question the meaning or even reasoning for such lush materials on an island isolated such as this.  Deeper within guests will be allowed to entertain themselves within the posh bar with every cordial and liquor available along with a tending barman at the helm, his upper body that of a man and yet if one were to glance over the bar top would find the inklings of other matters at work, as the furred legs of a goat adorn his lower half; but Mr. Dio (as he prefers to be called) is more than willing to chat, friendly as he is.

The available library holds every known script of words of the world, it's comfortable place one of peace and quiet should one need a moment, as the bevy of literature one wishes can be found here. If one wishes to further unwind the underground grotto has the plethora of hot springs as far as the eye can see, such a massive area it seemingly is magical in how such a space can exist, but the constant warm of the springs supply the pools to be ever running no matter what time of day or night. For those who wish for a bit of fresh air the gardens just at the back of the mansion readily greet guests to it's exotic wonder, the colorful flora of many species living in harmony to paint the air thick with the intoxicating scents all the way towards the carefully trimmed hedge maze that is the center focal point of the entire garden. Guests can enjoy the maze itself filled with many an exciting adventure to discover from marbled statues of their former selves, as well as secret pools that can be used for matters more private.

Of course all will be revealed once the guests have been made comfortable, a single note left within their rooms imploring them to venture towards the drawing room within the hour as their host will explain all.

Greek| Nordic Gods Unavailable
Hindu Gods Unavailable
Egyptian Gods Unavailable

General Ideas for available Characters
~Note that any are generally accepted except for those listed unavailable~

Claimed Gods|Goddesses

Ostara- Norse Goddess of Spring
Wadjet-Egyptian Snake God
Saraswati -God of Learning and Music
Horus- Egyptian God of Protection
Set- Egyptian God of Chaos
Hecate- Greek Goddess of Magic|Witchcraft
Artemis- Greek Goddess of Hunt

Game Description

Greek gods, Nordic gods, Hindu and Egyptian...
So different yet all reside within the same ideology of the representation of traits the world beneath should instill, traits that as humankind grew so did the need for those who projected their strengths wane within the modern day of civilization. Within the gap separation of religious guides and society thrust forward with new technologies and world order the need for deities became cemented within merely myths of old, that with the decline of worship and grand structures becoming nothing but tourist attractions the Gods themselves turned dormant until the world needed their guidance once more.10 seemingly normal mortals would find themselves coming face to face with the full force of fate's hand revealing the smokey veil of truths and reality that once separated their world from that of the divine, all having a similarly odd experience of a young man offering a chance of a lifetime 'vacation' for selected persons unaware of their former selves trapped within mortal coil. Only when the former deities step foot upon the hidden island made for such grand rituals would they find their godly powers begin to awaken, and their true reasoning be revealed; but certainly it wouldn't be just work, it was a vacation too after all.

The premise of this game's main focus is on the characters drawn to the island and the reveal that they are indeed gods and goddesses of many pantheons, that as time passes their true selves will be unleashed from their human shells for their true purpose. The congregation of the universe's most powerful entities wish to bridge the gap between all factions to purge the world of it's sinful ways with unity, the birth of new gods to bring balance to the world and to help the fracture of society as a whole with the traits of those to help heal. Romance will ensue but surely it's not as easy as it sounds does it? While true the Greek gods had been known to throw their seed at anything that moved, a rather bothersome stigma really, but the goal is becoming united to create a new world of mythos, and to branch deities together as one. That said we will be looking for a total of 3 male characters and 3 female to keep the ratio even, as this means they will pair off. Genderbending the gods/goddesses is fully allowed, want to play a female Loki? Go for it. So long as the numbers are even it doesn't matter, although the sexual orientations do need to be geared towards romance that can result in the production of new gods. There is more than enough room to share moments with same gendered characters, but do note that this is a romance game so the entire premise is geared towards such.

This will be mostly a sand box game with some GM corralling every so often, mostly my aim of this game is to let the characters interact and find themselves thrust into the setting and expectation of it all. Are they angry? Confused? Maybe even thrilled? The world is your oyster. A few general rules do need to be given though in order to make this game work smoothly, the main being any sex or smut shouldn't occur until I have put up a sexual thread to be a catch for it all, after all we want the characters to get to know each other before boning. Remember romance is key here, but otherwise enjoy~

General Guidelines/Rules

Let's get the main one out of the way; I will not tolerate drama.The first little snippet of it I will not hesitate to kick people out. In the past I've seen drama completely tear a story apart, so please for the sake of common decency just try to be respectful to others okay? That goes as well for the Discord chat (which will come later depending on enough interest), because come on...we're all adults so please act like it. If there are any issues don't hesitate to message me and I  will clear up the matter quickly.As far as posting length I want to maintain a sensible 2 to 3 solid paragraphs if not longer as my normal rules apply to this as well; no one liners and god moding. I want to create a story full of emotion and depth, so posts should be detailed and be much more than sheer reaction if it can be helped. Granted this is not so much a rule as more to help fellow players have enough to respond to, so it doesn't have to be a novel either just enough to give a good direction for others to reply to.

I live in South Carolina so my time zone may vary compared to others, that being said I tend to post in the later afternoon going to the wee hours of the morning as I tend to not sleep all that well. Some posts may need to be paused in order to get into a routine though that doesn't mean we skip over due to an inactive partner. There may be posts that can further explain your own until we can move the story along, but try and be courteous to others given we are all in different time zones. That said as well I at least want one post a week from all players if not more, nothing too extreme but any inactivity longer than an week unless stated will result in a character being taken out in some form.This will be fairly sandbox as far as the general story with some leeway to allow people to filter in and out as they tend to do with group games; so long as we have posts the game will continue despite people dropping, so don't worry.

I will be accepting character sheets at all times so please send them to me or my co GM Bibliophilia in PM and not on the interest check, failure to do such will result in it not being accepted. I will review them as quickly as I can but do note that not everyone will be accepted; do not take this personally. I have been on this site for a while now and have figured out what writing styles work well with others or certain ideas, so if you are not accepted it is not personal merely it may not be the best fit. The total number that we are looking for will be 10 although if enough interest it may max out at 12 characters accepted, the potential for those to have second characters only after enough initial accepted characters but it will be the GM's decision. So for the time being only one character per player as of now.

[float=left][img height=350]Place Image here![/img][/float]
[b]Player Name:[/b]
[b]Character's Mortal Name:[/b]
[b]God|Goddess Title:[/b]What are you god/goddess of?You can place info on your god/goddess here
[b]Powers:[/b] Three abilities that pertain to their natural trait;only the first will be available when they set foot on the island, the other two will come as time passes[list]
[li][u]Ability One[/u][/li]
[li][u]Ability Two[/u] [/li]
[li][u]Ability Three[/u][/li]
[b]Personality:[/b] What is your character like?How does your character's personality change with their god/goddess awakening?
[b]History:[/b] Mortal history of your character before the trip
[b]Player's On and Offs:[/b]

Accepted character thread
IC Thread- Coming Soon
OOC Thread
Discord Link-Coming Soon



"The ultimate in paranoia is not when everyone is against you but when everything is against you." P.K. Dick
Ad astra - but per hominum


Bekah Boo

Quote from: Bowen on May 22, 2019, 04:30:20 PM
Hi there. This looks totally fun

Lol just send in a character sheet and we can get things started ;3


*bites the bait and just flails around*

Lets see what I can make XD


I submitted for Thor. This IS exciting. I haven’t played with any of you kids before!
Nitpicking naysayers barking like beagles, through the tall grass of poisonous tongues
Slide down your throat like an antidote you can quote...



It was you who beat me out for the Thunder God...just kidding. Looking forward to writing with you if my Horus gets approved.

Bekah Boo

Bowen your Horus looks good, so welcome aboard along with our female Thor ;3
I am in the process of making a thread for the accepted characters, but otherwise for those interested send in your sheets to either Bibliophilia or myself.


😃 I’m working on a CS for Hindu Goddess Kali.
“If all we have is this imagined empty canvas of endless possibility...this potential heaven...then let it be our haven. A place of marriage between two souls desperate to feel something beyond the cruel tedium of real life. If we truly be the masters who dream these dreams then let our innermost desires fuel the adventures we create and the love that we make here, let it all unfold endlessly or for only a brief moment in time but for as long as it breathes let it devour and I will forgive your boldness if you will be so good as to forgive me mine...” ~ Chantarelle


Sounds interesting!

I would like try for the God Hades! :D


Quote from: Tokyorose627 on May 25, 2019, 08:30:38 PM
Sounds interesting!

I would like try for the God Hades! :D

I think Hades is one of the unavailable ones listed at the top.


Quote from: Bowen on May 25, 2019, 08:32:56 PM
I think Hades is one of the unavailable ones listed at the top.

Cool! I think I may also try Ares maybe instead, is that ok?

Bekah Boo

For those who have been accepted this is the link to the character thread;

Character thread

Please look for additional info that will soon follow

El Maligno


Hey everyone!

This is a fun idea! I'm working on a character sheet for the Goddess Hecate.
Surely not everybody was Kung Fu fighting...
Ons and Offs


"The ultimate in paranoia is not when everyone is against you but when everything is against you." P.K. Dick
Ad astra - but per hominum

Bekah Boo

Quote from: Cosima on May 29, 2019, 11:40:09 AM
Hey everyone!

This is a fun idea! I'm working on a character sheet for the Goddess Hecate.

Awesome so glad to hear that! Just send it into myself and Bibs and we can get things rolling ;3

Also loooove the avatar ;3


Aw, Thanks! Hehe

I'm aiming to have it finished up and sent over sometime this weekend.  :-)
Surely not everybody was Kung Fu fighting...
Ons and Offs

Bekah Boo

Quote from: Cosima on May 31, 2019, 06:35:12 AM
Aw, Thanks! Hehe

I'm aiming to have it finished up and sent over sometime this weekend.  :-)

Oh no problem take all the time you need, I’m still getting a lot together due to work having twisted me a new one last week ;3

Bekah Boo

Alright folks the OOC is now up, the link is in the first post in the interest check ;3


Contemplating either Aphrodite or Artemis... or I might genderbend a god from Japanese Mythology, if that would be allowed?
Status: Fully Booked

To sleep, perchance to dream ... All the world's a stage.
Ons and Offs     Ideas / Requests     A&A


Quote from: PearlRuby on May 31, 2019, 09:29:26 AM
Contemplating either Aphrodite or Artemis... or I might genderbend a god from Japanese Mythology, if that would be allowed?

You're going to go with Susano-o and then call her Susan aren't you? :D


Quote from: Bowen on May 31, 2019, 09:32:20 AM
You're going to go with Susano-o and then call her Susan aren't you? :D

lol!  XD

Gosh darn it Bowen, you ruined the surprise! Stop looking over my shoulder  :P
Status: Fully Booked

To sleep, perchance to dream ... All the world's a stage.
Ons and Offs     Ideas / Requests     A&A

Bekah Boo

Quote from: PearlRuby on May 31, 2019, 09:29:26 AM
Contemplating either Aphrodite or Artemis... or I might genderbend a god from Japanese Mythology, if that would be allowed?

Hi ;3
Glad to see you interested ;3
We would prefer a deity from the pantheons we have listed if you don’t mind.