The Avengers Academy (Marvel Freeform) [Recruiting]

Started by Totoro, May 06, 2019, 07:58:21 AM

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I'm thinking of using Victor Alvarez/Power Man as another new recruit.


Quote from: Juggtacular on August 28, 2019, 11:06:17 AM
I'm thinking of using Victor Alvarez/Power Man as another new recruit.

Technically supposed to be 1 recruit/1 instructor for first two characters and the one you currently have is a recruit.


Quote from: Sun Wukong on August 28, 2019, 11:19:07 AM
Technically supposed to be 1 recruit/1 instructor for first two characters and the one you currently have is a recruit.

Completely forgot about that. Alright then. I'll come up with an Instructor.

I think I might go with Hulk.


Quote from: Juggtacular on August 28, 2019, 11:31:46 AM
Completely forgot about that. Alright then. I'll come up with an Instructor.

I think I might go with Hulk.

To be honest I would say it might be okay to wait until we see who's still around. We might have a shortage of recruits.


Wolfi Recommends- changes weekly
Keep it vampirated and melanated.


Wolverine, Daredevil and Mockingbird are available once again.

A few faceclaims are no longer taken. The game's in a fresh month and very much looking for new writers.


Ons & Offs//Requests//Where is the Black Cat?
Current Posting Time - Once a Week or More

"One should either be a work of art, or wear a work of art" ~ Oscar Wilde
"I dream of painting and then I paint my dream" ~ Vincent Van Gogh



Ons & Offs//Requests//Where is the Black Cat?
Current Posting Time - Once a Week or More

"One should either be a work of art, or wear a work of art" ~ Oscar Wilde
"I dream of painting and then I paint my dream" ~ Vincent Van Gogh


Wolfi Recommends- changes weekly
Keep it vampirated and melanated.


This game is still actively recruiting with three ongoing missions, a wide variety of players and characters open to connections/scenes and a good deal of big canon names still available as well as the opportunity to play OC's.

If anyone is interested in joining in please feel free to post in this thread or PM me!


Another monthly bump. This game is still recruiting and welcoming new players. Active missions and an ongoing overarching storyline that's moving along consistently, a good deal of big canon names open in addition to OC's and a varied cast of writers/characters.


I was thinking of applying with a character with hyper-tech type abilities to see what he could manage to create. This could be a Canon character such as Pym or Beast, or could be an OC if that would work better. If the techie character is an OC, instructor character would probably be more action oriented such as Wonder Man or Captain Britain.

Any particular thoughts? Thanks.


Quote from: Midnite on November 13, 2019, 11:10:41 PM
I was thinking of applying with a character with hyper-tech type abilities to see what he could manage to create. This could be a Canon character such as Pym or Beast, or could be an OC if that would work better. If the techie character is an OC, instructor character would probably be more action oriented such as Wonder Man or Captain Britain.

Any particular thoughts? Thanks.

I would say, instinctively, Pym would be pretty awesome to have around. I rarely see him. In this setting I slightly envision Beast taking a more diplomatic role and probably spending a fair bit of time with the X-men still. He is an option but I think Pym fits better with the roster.

OC's are welcome too - if you want a tech based OC who's combat-focused that's fine too. But a Hank Pym Ant-Man would be my personal suggestion.

Edit: Updated the list of taken FC's. One came off, few more went on.

Also fully fixed the lists of taken / available canon characters.


Oh, I just had a really fun idea if I can get at least two others to go in on it with me. And if Sun is OK with it obviously.

Short Version- Thor’s buddies! The Warriors Three! And we can easily make room for the Lady Sif if there’s a fourth.

Personally, I’m leaving Volstagg. Maybe more along the lines of the MCU version where he’s not flat out obese but definitely dad bod. :P
My O/O's / My A/A's / My Ideas
Update - Apologies to all my partners, real life is exploding and I've gotten far behind.


Quote from: TheVillain on November 15, 2019, 04:27:28 PM
Oh, I just had a really fun idea if I can get at least two others to go in on it with me. And if Sun is OK with it obviously.

Short Version- Thor’s buddies! The Warriors Three! And we can easily make room for the Lady Sif if there’s a fourth.

Personally, I’m leaving Volstagg. Maybe more along the lines of the MCU version where he’s not flat out obese but definitely dad bod. :P

I would definitely be up for having them around if you can find the people to take on the other roles in the trio.


I liked the comic they had featuring those three a while ago.


Alright, let's get this started. Sent in a Sheet. Hoping this inspires others to toss in more of the Warrior's Three.

Basic Information
Name: Volstagg
Volstagg the Valiant
Volstagg the Staggeringly Perfect [Former]
Volstagg the Braggart's Tongue
Volstagg the Wise
Volstagg the Bloody Epic
Volstagg the Voluminous
Volstagg the Voluminous [Refering to his Genitals]
Volstagg the Enormous
Volstagg the Enormous [Refering to his Genitals]
Volstagg the Fat
Volstagg the Invincible
Volstagg the Voracious [Refering to his Eating]
Volstagg the Voracious [Refering to his Sex Drive]
The God of the Bloodstorm
The Lion of Asgard
Citizenship: Asgard
Place of Birth: Asgard
Role: Instructor, considering bringing some of his offspring in the future.

Physical Description
Age: Thousands [Asgardian Equivalent to starting to enter Middle Age.]
Gender: Male
Species: Asgardian
Height: 6'8". Yes, he's fully aware that he's actually taller then Thor.
Weight: Seems to Fluctuate between wildly between 900 pounds and 1400 pounds. By Asgardian standards he is considered moderately but noticeably overweight.
Eye Colour: Blue
Hair Colour: Red
General Appearance: It's fortunate that Asgardian Armor adapts to it's wearer as he wears his like it's a second skin. Appears every bit the old oaf and past-his-prime Warrior and Adventurer his reputation makes him out to be, and that's not all that inaccurate. Is frequently seen looking for food, drink, telling stories, or grooming his rather large beard. Some anthropologists have a theory that Volstagg was the original inspiration for the figure that became Santa Clause in popular culture.

It's easy to forget that Volstagg was at one point considered one of the fieriest warriors in all of Asgard - but then the call for Battle rises and he finds his Axe.

Personality & History

Personality: The initial impression of Volstagg is that he's a creature of voracious appetites. Food, Drink, Music, Sex, Battle - he wants it all and he'll gorge himself on it if given even the slightest opportunity. It's almost easy to forget that he was at one point known as one of the Asgard's fiercest Warriors and it's all still there. If you'd ask him he'd tell you that if a Warrior doesn't lust for Life as much as they Lust for Battle then what's the point?

The surprising part is that Volstagg is surprisingly good with his Sons and Daughters, but it makes sense if you think about it. He's had enough of his own to get the practice. He also has a surprisingly noble heart if prone to gluttony. Sure, he'll eat that entire boar by himself if you don't watch him, but he'll definitely go out and slay that Frost Giant monster terrorizing your village with a song in his heart. He himself doesn't really have interest in becoming an Avenger but he claims some of his offspring are curious and what kind of father would he be if he didn't check it out?

History: Where exactly the Truth ends and the Braggart's Tongue begins is sometimes difficult to say but a common theme is that it's always further along then a witness believes it is. Volstagg comes off as a Glutton and an Oaf, and maybe he is to some degree, but not as much as people think. Volstagg as an Asgardian, old enough to remember the announcement of the birth of Thor even if he was just a boy at the time. Always large for his age, he claims that he lived in the woods with his mother and learned to fight with just a woodsman's axe at first. Then he lied about his age to get into the Royal Guard for some official training then quit and became an Adventurer in his own right.

If you were to hear Volstagg tell it, he spent the next centuries as an Adventurer and Warrior for Asgard and became known as one of the fiercest in the 9 realms for a time. He claims to have slain monsters, completed quests, bedded maidens, and even at one point took under his wing the then known as Fandall the Quite Plain, Hugon the Good, and Thor the Welp under his wing and turned them all into fierce warriors in their own right. Clearly, these are all to be taken with a grain of salt. The surprise though is that the level of truth to his tales, if less than ideal, is much greater then you'd think. The monsters he claims to have slain, if you can find the remains you do find rather impressive axe wounds on them. The quests he claims to have completed, you can find proof that he at least took an active role.  It's sometimes difficult to tell and he's often exaggerating, but seems to never outright lie.

He won't deny he's slowed down a bit as he's entered his middle ages of course. Mostly due to an arranged marriage with one of the noble houses of Asgard. There was never any doubt that Volstagg the Valiant would provide the house a heir, even though the marriage was only political and arranged he and Hildegund have still had 8 sons and daughters together. The surprise is that he's actually a pretty good Dad too. He's currently at the Academy because a few of his Sons and Daughters are curious about spending a few 'semesters' training on Midgard and what kind of father would he be if he didn't at least check it out?


Asgardian Physiology: Volstagg's abilities all stem from his Asgardian heritage and physiology. In Volstagg's case some aspects of this are considered unusually high even by Asgardian standards but none are considered outright impossible.

  • Superhuman Strength - All Asgardians have at least some degree of Superhuman Strength when compared to baseline humans, usually somewhere around Class 30. In his prime Volstagg was Class 50. He still claims to be the Strongest Asgardian outside of the Royal Family and there might be something to that. He's certainly past his prime and not Class 50 anymore but he is still significantly stronger then even other Asgardians.
  • Superhuman Speed - As with all Asgardians he does have the ability to move at speeds faster then what human athletes can generate, though he does move noticeably slowly slower then other Asgardians save for in short sprints.
  • Superhuman Stamina - Volstagg's Stamina is considered high even by Asgardian standards though not beyond their scope. As such he can physically exert himself for about 24 hours solid before the build-up of fatigue toxins in his blood really begin to effect his performance.
  • Superhuman Density - As with all Asgardians, his tissues are about 3 times as dense as human counterparts.
  • Superhuman Durability - Covert SHIELD observations believe that the average Asgardians are still about as durable and resistant to injury as Spider-Man. Volstagg's durability is considered very high even by Asgardian standards, but plausibly so.
  • Regenerative Healing Factor - All Asgardians heal noticeably faster then baseline humans. Volstagg is no exception.
  • Superhuman Longevity - All Asgardians are extremely-long lived in comparison to normal humans. Volstagg appears to be a man starting to enter his middle age, but he's actually old enough to remember Thor's birth announcement while he himself was a "between a boy and a man" and Thor is 1,200+ years old.
  • Mystical Energy Manipulation - All Asgardians do have at least some potential to manipulate mystical energies, though usually not to the point actually being capable of consciously using Magic. In Volstagg's case all that's confirmed is he does pass on a little magical potential to his offspring. There is a theory that he might be able on an unconscious level using his little bit of mystical prowess to improve his body and to convert body mass into the energy for temporary boosts of his physical attributes, explaining his eating appetite and fluctuating body weight. This is only a guess though.

Skills and Equipment


Man of War: With literal Centuries of Battle Experience, Volstagg has an experienced fighter and warrior with an innate since of tactics and combat. The degree to which is not really attainable by humans but only due to his increased lifespan.

Glutton for Combat: While his favorite weapon is a two-handed Axe he is still known to be proficient with the use of Swords, Lances, Quarterstaffs, Shields, and just in general using his Size as an advantage in Battle. He's also good with Horses and their applications on the battlefield.

Glutton for Life: Volstagg's ability to consume large amounts food and drink in single settings almost qualify as a Power.


Brandrheid Undrsigr: A double-headed Battle Axe and Volstagg's weapon of choice. It was forged by the Dwarves of Nidavellir and as such is of extremely high quality, is extremely durable compared to similar Earth-made weaponry, and is very sharp. However it is not further enchanted beyond that.

Flaws and Weaknesses


Past His Prime: Volstagg's speed, agility, and reflexes are all noticeably inferior to those of other Asgardians, and his Strength and Stamina are both while noticeably superior to the average Asgardian are not what they used to be. He is fully aware of this and somewhat in denial.

The Voluminous: - Volstagg's weight is strangely prone to fluctuations and that can be anything between 900 to 1425 pounds. Visually though, by Asgardian standards, all these fall under at least 'noticeably overweight'. While he does eat a large amount even by Asgardian standards his adventurer's lifestyle does usually keep him on the lighter end of this range where he's 'Rocking the Dad Bod' in Human terms.

Responsibilities of Fatherhood: A consequence of his 'Voracious' appetites, Volstagg is the biological father of 8 legitimate offspring and more then a few illegitimate. The surprise is that he really is trying to legitimately do right by them.


The Warrior's Madness: A feared failing known to all Asgardians is the Warrior's Madness, also known as the Sin Unpardonable. This is the most forbidden malady in Asgard by law of Odin. Any who fall under it must pay the penalty, only the most bitter sacrifice can atone for it. Giving in is said to increase a Warrior's strangth and stamina 10 fold but at the cost of their sanity and self-control. All Asgardian warriors are vulnerable to falling victim to Warrior's Madness when pushed too far.

Don't Mistake Appetite for Apathy: Volstagg really does seem to need to consume more calories then the average Asgardian. If the theory that his internal mystical energies really are using body mass to improve and sustain his body then one has to imagine that if he ever does truly go hungry it can't be a good thing.


The Warriors Three: - Sometimes, the Norns are Kind and they give an opportunity to create the one true form of Immortality. The Immortality of Legends. The Warriors Three are such a chance as three Asgardian warriors have discovered that the bonds of friendship and their complimentary skills can overcome challenges none could do alone. In the words of Volstagg the Voluminous, alone each of them are Incredible but but when working together they are the stuff of Legends.

My O/O's / My A/A's / My Ideas
Update - Apologies to all my partners, real life is exploding and I've gotten far behind.


Aw darn, Villain, that looks like such a great idea! Unfortunately, I can't write a male character to save my life but if you do have a spot for Lady Sif I'd be very happy to write her a CS ;D


Quote from: Dominique on November 16, 2019, 11:32:58 PM
Aw darn, Villain, that looks like such a great idea! Unfortunately, I can't write a male character to save my life but if you do have a spot for Lady Sif I'd be very happy to write her a CS ;D

Sif is totally available.


Oh Hell Yeah, Lady Sif was always about as close as you can get to a 4th Warrior Three for sure. Plus, the Asgardians know how to party. :P
My O/O's / My A/A's / My Ideas
Update - Apologies to all my partners, real life is exploding and I've gotten far behind.



Certainly would make a better entrance if they showed up together with the Bifrost circle transport thing. :P
My O/O's / My A/A's / My Ideas
Update - Apologies to all my partners, real life is exploding and I've gotten far behind.


Bumping with a slight update.

This game now has a Co-GM, Timeless, and all CS's sent in to apply for this game should be sent to both myself and Timeless.

A few canon characters have become available again. Captain Marvel, Jessica Jones and Jubilee specifically.

This game will also now have a social events thread to allow for some planned non-mission events.


Avengers Academy is still actively recruiting in the new year. There remain a fair few big name characters I'd love to see alongside some smaller ones who'd be very welcome and OC's are still an option.

We have just moved to a new month so it's an ideal time to get involved. Current missions are wrapping so there will soon be a new set of missions to jump into.

The first social event will soon be taking place, too.

If you have any questions please let me know.