Welcome to the sex dungeon (5E D&D, Playtesting lust system, Interest Closed)

Started by ZameRagues, March 17, 2019, 02:08:34 AM

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Here is my idea, I have seen various systems for rape, lewdness, and corruption for D&D, a lot of them include separate health pools, an array of values for body parts and other I think fairly complicated things. I want to run a dungeon using a simple system I have created for the less RP focused sex situations. This game will be more smut than story. The premise of the story will be that you wake up in a large stone room next to either strangers or your companions (it's up to the players rather the characters already know each other). The ceiling of the room is an open starry sky and a large figure looms over the party calling itself "The Master". You are informed that you will be freed and given riches if you manage to conquer the dungeon otherwise you'll be lost in the dimension for eternity, a toy for it's denizens and entertainment for The Master.

If you're interested, post a character, ask questions, give me your thoughts on the homebrew system. You're also welcome to PM me if you'd prefer. Characters will be Level 8, all published material is allowed, each character. My only request is female characters, no Futas please. No small races, goblins, gnomes, kobolds, etc, just personal off for me.

The Lust System is point base. There are three levels of lust in this system, Aroused, Tainted/Tempted, and Corrupted. Once fully corrupted, the character is broken and can not be saved unless restored by a Wish Spell. During encounters, traps, and other situations of sexual nature the characters will be given Wisdom based DCs, fail and they accrue Arousal Points (AP). These points can also have magical side effects based on their source. When a character has AP equal to 3 + Wisdom Modifier (Minimum 2 points), they become "Aroused". When a character has AP equal to 3 + Wisdom Modifier x 2 (Minimum 4 points), they become "Tempted" or "Tainted", both are the same. At AP equal to 3 + Wisdom Modifier x 3 (Minimum 6 points), they are now "Corrupted". AP equal to 3 + Wisdom Modifer x 4 (Minimum 12 points) the character is fully corrupted and considered broken.

(You suffer the previous level's effects when you increase in level)
When Aroused
- Character suffers disadvantage on Ability Checks
- Sex based saves have their DC increased by 1 against the character

When Tempted/Tainted

- Speed is halved
- Disadvantage on Attack Rolls and Saving Throws
- Sex based saves have their DC increased by 1 against the character (Total of 2)

When Corrupted
- Speed is halved again
- Hostiles have advantage against you
-  - Sex based saves have their DC increased by 2 against the character (Total of 4)

Magical Side Effects
- Pheromones, Monsters based on scent are more easily aware of your location and will more likely target you. You have disadvantage on stealth checks against scent based monsters.
- Naked Sight, You can only see yourself, allies, or hostiles as completely nude even when they are actively wearing clothing/armor.
- Fascination, You suffer disadvantage on perception checks as you are distracted by the genitalia of others around you, including monsters
- The Groping Hands, Though no one is actively touching you, you feel several hands, fingers, or tendrils exploring your body. While under the influence of Groping Hands, make a Wisdom save DC 14 each hour or gain one AP upon failure.
- Orgasmic Resistance, Your character has become resistant to climaxing. This decreases the DC for hostiles to bring the character to orgasm by 10. The character also can no longer find relief during a short rest by masturbating.

AP Sources
- Hostiles during encounters (Actions varying, further explained in Grappling Rules)
- Magic Spells and Effects
- Lustful substances
Spell: Confusion
When aroused
1 random movement
2-4 doesn't act
5-6 melee attack random target
7-8 begins removing clothing or armor. Characters can later spend an action to put clothing or armor back into place.
9-10 acts normally

When Tempted/Tainted
1 random movement
2-3 doesn't act
4-6 begins removing clothing or armor. Characters can later spend an action to put clothing or armor back into place.
7-8 Attempts to grapple the closest target and begins stripping them on similar rolls next turn. If the target is also confused and doing nothing auto fails the grapple. If the target is confused and aroused, auto fails the grapple if doing nothing or stripping themselves. If the target is confused and tempted/tainted, autofails the grapple if doing nothing, stripping themselves.If the target is attempting to stripping someone else, they will cooperate and begin stripping the grappler.
9-10 acts normally

When corrupted
1 random movement
2-3 doesn't act
4-6 begins removing clothing or armor. Characters can later spend an action to put clothing or armor back into place.
7-8 Attempts to grapple the closest target and begins fondling on success. If the target is also confused and doing nothing auto fails the grapple. If the target is confused and aroused, auto fails the grapple if doing nothing or fondling themselves.If the target is confused and tempted/tainted, autofails the grapple if doing nothing, fondling themselves or attempting to fondle someone else.
9 moves towards the most dominant hostile within sight and go prone if within 5ft of hostile.
10 act normally

Spell: Collar of Lust (Crown of Madness Rework)
1 action, 120ft, VS, Concentration up to 1 min
One humanoid of your choice that you can see within range must succeed on a Wisdom Save or become charmed by you for the duration. While charmed A thick leather collar ornamented with an iron ring appears around their neck and their eyes give off a pinkish glow.

The charmed target must use it's action before moving on each of it's turns make a Grapple attack action against a creature other than itself that you mentally choose. Subsequent turns will attempt to maintain the grapple and begin removing armor/clothing from the target, they will then begin fingering, fondling, and such afterwards. The target can act normally on it's turn if you choose no creature or if none are within it's reach.

On your subsequent turns, you must use your action to maintain control over the target, of the spell ends. Also the target can make a Wisdom Saving throw at the end of each of it's turns. On a success the spell ends.

- Spell: Evard's Black Tentacles, Instead of taking 3d6 bludgeoning damage. The tentacles on subsequent turns can instead begin performing grapple actions from the rules below.
- Spell: Symbol, Taint. Each target must make a Wisdom Saving Throw. On a failed save gains AP till they reach the next level of Lust. Those Corrupted before the spell will gain AP till they are two points from being considered Broken. (Example, Jessica with 1 AP, will become Aroused and now have 4 AP.)

AP Reduction
- On a Long Rest. Remove two points at the end of the long rest.
- Short Rest. Can masturbate and Remove one point at the end of the short rest
- Spell: Greater Restoration. Go down one level, (Example, Jessica has a Wisdom of 12 and currently has 5 AP so she is Aroused. Greater Restoration removes one level, taking her from Aroused to normal, leaving her with one AP)
- Spell: Lesser Restoration, Removes two points.
- Other methods will be thought off.

AP Protection
- Spell: Aura of Purity, gives advantage making saving throws for AP.

Grappling rules

- In order to be raped monsters must first successfully grapple the character. Once grappled other monsters on their turn can further grapple the character, characters have disadvantage on these contested rolls. Character must remain grappled for raping or removing of clothing/armor to happen.
- In order to escape the grapple of multiple hostiles the character must succeed on an Athletic or Acrobatic check at disadvantage vs. the Athletics of the grappler with the highest modifier to Athletics.
- As an action while the character is grappled the hostile can make a strength check DC 8 to shred the character's clothing so long as they are not wearing armor or the minimum armor has been removed, DC 8 Dexterity check to remove clothing enough to be fuck the character. 
- As an action, hostiles can grope and fondle the grappled character, Wisdom Save DC 6 plus hostile's Dexterity Mod or suffer one AP.
- As an action, hostiles that use tentacles or tongues can invade a grappled character's armor or clothing. Wisdom Save DC 6 plus hostile's Dexterity Mod or suffer one AP.
- As an action, hostiles can begin removing the grappled character's armor. One action will remove minimal light armor, two actions will remove minimal medium armor, three actions will remove minimal heavy armor. Hostiles may make a strength check to simply tear away the armor in one action DC10 for light armor, DC13 for medium, and DC 16 for heavy. This is the armor's straps and latches giving way to strength. Characters can be stripped of armor in one round if multiple hostiles work on one character.
- As an action, hostiles can pin and fuck a character orally. The hostile has disadvantage on their next grapple check against the character unless other hostiles are aiding in the grapple or the character is restrained. Wisdom Save DC 8 plus hostile's Dexterity Mod or suffer one AP.
- As an action, hostiles that you tentacles or tongues can fuck a character orally. Wisdom Save DC 8 plus hostile's Dexterity Mod or suffer one AP.
- As an action, hostiles can pin and begin fucking a character vaginally or anally so long as minimal armor and clothing has been removed. Wisdom Save DC 10 plus hostile's Dexterity Mod + 1 per additional hostile or tentacle involved in the sexual act, or suffer one AP. (Example, three bugbears have Jessica grappled and have removed her armor and clothing. The first begins fucking her vaginally it would be Wisdom Save DC 10 + 2 for Bugbear's Dex. The second begins fucking Jessica anally, Wisdom Save DC 10 + 2 for Bugbear's Dex + 1 for the other Bugbear involved. The third begins fucking Jessica in the mouth, Wisdom Save DC 8 + 2 for Bugbear's Dex + 2 for the other two Bugbear's involved. On three fails would be 3 AP accrued in the one round.)
- As an action, Hostiles can attempt to bring the grappled character to orgasm. The character makes a Con Save with a DC equal to 8 plus the Hostile's Dex Mod plus the number of actions the character has been fucked during the encounter. Failing the Save, the character orgasms and gains two AP. The hostile that brought the character to Orgasm can not try again or fuck the character for a minute.

More will be added as they are thought of.
Character Skeleton
Str: - ( - ) Dex: - ( - ) Con: - ( - )Int: - ( - ) Wis: - ( - ) Cha: - ( - )
AC: - Speed: - Max HP: -/-
Saving Throws:
Passive Perception:
Skill Proficiencies:
Tool Proficiencies:
Weapon Proficiencies:
Armor Proficiencies:
Character Ons:
Player Offs:

Each character can choose a number of magical items from the various books. Each character gets one option from each of the following sections.
Weapons and Armor
- A +1 Weapon and +1 Shield
- Two +1 Weapons
- A suit of +1 Armor
- One Rare magical weapon
- One Rare magical shield

Wonderous Items

- Two Uncommon Wondrous Items
- One Rare Wondrous Item

Potions and Scrolls
- Two Rare Potions
- Two Rare Spell Scrolls or One Rare Wondrous Item

- 3000 Gold for other equipment and items

I am looking for 3-4 character to run as a party, this is not first come first serve. If I can create a second party I will likely run a second game with them.

Thoughts, questions, concerns, and suggestions are welcome. I appreciate any interest and hope to get this game up fairly quickly.
Pure Impulse Plays
Discord - Zame Ragues
Dice Bot - 18627


Well.. This sounds like fun.

Edit: I need to stop reading this stuff at 3 am and feeling dumb. :p


Do you want the characters to be rolled up or are you using point buy?


Pure Impulse Plays
Discord - Zame Ragues
Dice Bot - 18627


I don't usually go for smut-heavy games, but for some reason, this one's catching my eye.

Maybe i'm just a slut for 5E games.


Maybe you just want to play with new mechanics. And if this works well I can use it in future games, other people can as well.
Pure Impulse Plays
Discord - Zame Ragues
Dice Bot - 18627


Reroll 4
Roll Result: Polymorph rolled: 4d6, keeping +3 dice
Comment: ability rolls
Result: 4, 2, 6, 1,
Total: 12


You can re-roll that four. I don't mind low stats but 6 is about as low as I go, so you're welcome to re roll the 4 if you'd like.
Pure Impulse Plays
Discord - Zame Ragues
Dice Bot - 18627


Looks like my character is gonna be
Blandia McAverage, Middle princess of Meh
132552   Noone or Anyone   2019-03-17 06:01:09   At 2019-03-17 06:01:09, Chula (uid: 27361) rolls: 4d6k3 Result: 6
132551   Noone or Anyone   2019-03-17 06:01:07   At 2019-03-17 06:01:07, Chula (uid: 27361) rolls: 4d6k3 Result: 11
132550   Noone or Anyone   2019-03-17 06:01:04   At 2019-03-17 06:01:04, Chula (uid: 27361) rolls: 4d6k3 Result: 12
132549   Noone or Anyone   2019-03-17 06:01:01   At 2019-03-17 06:01:01, Chula (uid: 27361) rolls: 4d6k3 Result: 13
132548   Noone or Anyone   2019-03-17 06:00:58   At 2019-03-17 06:00:58, Chula (uid: 27361) rolls: 4d6k3 Result: 14
132547   Noone or Anyone   2019-03-17 06:00:54   At 2019-03-17 06:00:54, Chula (uid: 27361) rolls: 4d6k3 Result: 13


"The true price of my immortality, has been outliving my children" - Kassey LeHane

http://lswsjr.deviantart.com/gallery/?catpath=/ - the Home of my SFW art commissions
http://www.hentai-foundry.com/pictures/user/LSWSjr - the Home of my NSFW art commissions


Started work on the character. Being level 8, and having magical items this will take a bit of thought to flesh out. I will modify this post as I build.

Name: Jade
Race/Age/Height/Weight: Human/ 25/ 5'4"/ 105lb
Class/Level: Warlock 8
Str: - (09(21) - -1(+5) ) Dex: - (12 - +1 ) Con: - (14 - +2 )Int: - (12(19) - +1(+4)) Wis: - (14 - +2 ) Cha: - (18 - +4 )
AC: 11(14) - Speed: 30' - Max HP: 51/51
Saving Throws: WIS, CHA
Languages: Common, Undercommon, Sylvan
Passive Perception: 15
Tool Proficiencies: Navigator's tool, Vehicles (Water)
Weapon Proficiencies: Simple Weapons
Armor Proficiencies: Light Armour, Shields (bought)
Skill Proficiencies: Arcana +3, Investigation +3, Stealth +3 (bought)
Background: Pirate: Perception +3, Athletics +3
Otherworldly Patron: Hyrsam
Eldritch Invocations
Fey Presence
Misty Escape
Pact of the Blade

Cantrips: Eldritch Blast, Poison Spray, True Strike,
Invocations: Armour of Shadows, Mask of Many Faces, Thirsting Blade
1st Lvl: Armour of Agathys, Hex, Witchbolt
2nd Lvl: Crown of Madness, Hold Person
3rd Lvl: Remove Curse, Vampiric Touch
4th Lvl: Blight, Dimension Door

Sunblade (Pact Blade) +2, +1d8vsUndead, light (Does radiant dmg, Longsword resembling an oriental katana)
Headband of Intellect (INT 19, a red velvet band with a black pearl setting)
Belt of Giant Strength (Hill Giant STR 21, a clasped chain of mithral rings)
Periapt of Health (Necklace with a red gemstone heart)
Shield +1 (Metal Buckler with coiled sea serpent painted)
Arcane Focus (Silvery Orb inscribed with glowing runes)
Belt Pouch 1: Arcane Focus, 20x Caltrops
Belt Pouch 2: 6x Healing Potion, 3x Oil Flasks

50' Silk Rope
Grappling Hook
10x Pitons
6x Rations
2x Manacles
Carved Ivory Phallus with Leather Harness (Uncommon item, self crafted 1x per day remove curse)
6x Gold Piercing Rings

Coin: 1661gp 7sp

Sunblade +6 (+10) 1d8+3 (+7)
Spellcasting DC 15

Character Ons: Cunnilingus, Analingus, Fingering (Anal+Vaginal), Nipple Play, Piercings, Sex Toys (Anal+Vaginal)
Player Offs: Scat, Watersports, Forced Chastity


You have my interest for this sort of thing, so I'll throw something into the ring, too.
Out of curiosity, what are the chances of us getting some girl on girl rape happening? I mean, I'm fine without, but if it's an option that'd also be nice.

Thinking I might as well go healslut.
Gonna be a bit busy today, but I'll get what I can up.

Name: Afria
Race/Age/Height/Weight: Protector Aasimar/19/5'/112 lbs
Class/Level: Life Cleric/8
Str: 10 ( - ) Dex: 12 ( +1 ) Con: 10 ( - )Int: 9 ( -1 ) Wis: 16 ( +3 ) Cha: 15 ( +2)
AC: 18 Speed: 30 Max HP: 64/64
Saving Throws: WIS, CHA
Languages: Common, Celestial
Passive Perception: 13
Skill Proficiencies: Acrobatics, Performance, Religion, Persuasion
Tool Proficiencies: Disguise Kit, Flute
Weapon Proficiencies: All Simple
Armor Proficiencies: All
Background: Entertainer
Disciple of Life
Channel Divinity (2/rest)
- Turn Undead
- Blessed Healer
Divine Strike

Darkvision (60ft)
Celestial Radiance: Resistance to Radiant and Necrotic damage
Healing Hands: As an action, heal touched creature an amount equal to level, once per long rest
Light Bearer: Know Light cantrip. Cast with Cha
Radiant Soul. Starting at 3rd level, you can use your action to unleash the divine energy within yourself, causing your eyes to glimmer and two luminous, incorporeal wings to sprout from your back. Your transformation lasts for 1 minute or until you end it as a bonus action. During it, you have a flying speed of 30 feet, and once on each of your turns, you can deal extra radiant damage to one target when you deal damage to it with an attack or a spell. The extra radiant damage equals your level. Once you use this trait, you can't use it again until you finish a long rest
Equipment: Mace, Armour of Fire Resistance (Half plate), Necklace of Prayer Beads (4 beads), Periapt of Proof Against Poison, flute, costume, Mace, Light crossbow (20 bolts), shield, 3015 gp
Light Crossbow:

Save: 14
Attack: +6
- Thaumaturgy
- Mending
- Resistance
- Sacred Flame
Level 1 (4)
- Cure Wounds (Domain)
- Bless (Domain)
- Guiding Bolt
- Protection from Evil
- Sanctuary
- Healing Word
Level 2 (3)
- Enhance Ability
- Prayer of Healing
- Protection from Poison
Level 3 (3)
- Spiritual Weapon (Domain)
- Lesser Restoration (Domain)
- Beacon of Hope
- Mass Healing Word
- Remove Curse
Level 4 (2)
- Banishment

Character Ons: Sweet loving vanilla sex. At least until her first rough bestiality experience
Player Offs: Gore, vore, scat.


Okay, here she is... and now most of her gold is spent :D

Name: Helena Skysea
Race/Age/Height/Weight: Half-Orc / 22 / 6'0" / 150 lbs
Alignment: Neutral Good
Class/Level: Fighter 8 (Champion)
Str: 20 (+5) Dex: 14 (+2) Con: 18 (+4) Int: 10 (+0) Wis: 10 (+0) Cha: 12 (+1)
AC: 16 (19 w/ Shield) Speed: 30 feet Max HP: 84/84
Saving Throws: STR, CON
Languages: Common, Orc, 'Undetermined Party Member Language' [Trained]
Passive Perception: 13
Skill Proficiencies: Athletics, Intimidation, Perception, Persuasion, Stealth [Trained], Survival
Tool Proficiencies: Gambling Set (Dice), Thieves' Tools [Trained], Vehicles (Land)
Weapon Proficiencies: Martial Weapons, Simple Weapons
Armor Proficiencies: Heavy Armour, Light Armour, Medium Armour, Shields
Background: Mercenary Veteran
Features: Ability Score Improvement (+2 Str, +1 Con, +1 Int +1 Wis, +1 Cha), Action Surge, Darkvision, Extra Attack, Fighting Style (Protection), Improved Critical, Mercenary Life, Relentless Endurance, Remarkable Athlete, Savage Attacks, Second Wind
Equipment: 1255 Gold, Battleaxe +1, Breastplate, Dice Set, Decanter of Endless Water, Dungeoneer's Pack, Efficient Quiver (w/ 60 Arrows, 18 Javelins, 6 Spears), Longbow, Mercenary Uniform, Necklace of Adaptation, Pouch, Rank Insignia, Robe of Eyes, Shield +1, Thieves' Tools, Winged Boots
-Battleaxe (1-handed) +9 to Hit, 1d8+6 slashing damage;
-Battleaxe (2-handed) +9 to Hit, 1d10+6 slashing damage;
-Javelin (1-handed) +8 to Hit, 1d6+5 piercing damage;
-Javelin (Thrown, range 30/120) +8 to Hit, 1d6+5 piercing damage;
-Longbow (2-handed, range 150/600) +5 to Hit, 1d8+2 piercing damage;
-Spear (1-handed) +8 to Hit, 1d6+5 piercing damage;
-Spear (2-handed) +8 to Hit, 1d8+5 piercing damage;
-Spear (Thrown, range 20/60) +8 to Hit, 1d6+5 piercing damage;
Character Ons: Compliments about her appearance, dominant males (instinctively), risk of pregnancy (instinctively), romantic gestures
Player Offs: Choking or being choked, drowning

"The true price of my immortality, has been outliving my children" - Kassey LeHane

http://lswsjr.deviantart.com/gallery/?catpath=/ - the Home of my SFW art commissions
http://www.hentai-foundry.com/pictures/user/LSWSjr - the Home of my NSFW art commissions


Does full corruption mean the character is unplayable and a new one is required? Or can we play corrupted chars already that're moles to get the others caught?


Quote from: Snake on March 17, 2019, 11:37:18 AM
Does full corruption mean the character is unplayable and a new one is required? Or can we play corrupted chars already that're moles to get the others caught?
Not to be presumptuous, but as there’s modifiers for the Corrupted’s actions, I was guessing it was more that they were addicted to sexual pleasure and couldn’t recover from their Arousal Point gains unless restored via a Wish spell?

"The true price of my immortality, has been outliving my children" - Kassey LeHane

http://lswsjr.deviantart.com/gallery/?catpath=/ - the Home of my SFW art commissions
http://www.hentai-foundry.com/pictures/user/LSWSjr - the Home of my NSFW art commissions


Well they'd just be stuck in a loop unless wish spells are reasonably common, or preworded ones that exist purely to fix it and don't do anything else.


Quote from: JoanieSappho on March 17, 2019, 09:57:45 AM
You have my interest for this sort of thing, so I'll throw something into the ring, too.
Out of curiosity, what are the chances of us getting some girl on girl rape happening? I mean, I'm fine without, but if it's an option that'd also be nice.
I'd say pretty good. All things are tools to tempt.

Quote from: Snake on March 17, 2019, 11:37:18 AM
Does full corruption mean the character is unplayable and a new one is required? Or can we play corrupted chars already that're moles to get the others caught?
Yes, the idea is at this point they are either mentally broken or sex is the only thing they can think of. You can play corrupted characters and if they've been tempted by other creatures you could act as a mole.

Quote from: LSWSjr on March 17, 2019, 11:45:10 AM
Not to be presumptuous, but as there’s modifiers for the Corrupted’s actions, I was guessing it was more that they were addicted to sexual pleasure and couldn’t recover from their Arousal Point gains unless restored via a Wish spell?

The Wish spell is required if they are fully corrupted and considered broken. Greater Restoration spells and other methods can be used to remove AP until then. In the dungeon I'm thinking like pools that can cleanse the characters, potions, maybe a magic item that lowers the DC for AP saves.
Pure Impulse Plays
Discord - Zame Ragues
Dice Bot - 18627



A bit more of a focus on the smut than I prefer, but I guess it might be worth a shot?  Maybe?  Well, we'll see at least.

Eh, sure, why not, I'll give this a shot.  No real backstory because this is pretty much an experimental hack-and-slash (At least in theory), and I'll get my ridiculously cute armor plated battleship of a cinnamon roll stuck in a hentaiverse who doesn't buy into the logic and tries very hard to avoid it at some point, I'm sure.

Melanna Goldheart
Name: Melanna Goldheart
Race/Age/Height/Weight: Human/23/5'7/140 lbs
Class/Level: Paladin of Devotion 8
Image References:
Spoiler: Click to Show/Hide

Facial Features/Portrait
Spoiler: Click to Show/Hide

Armor Design

Str: 16 (19) ( +3 (+4) ) Dex: 10 ( 0 ) Con: 13 ( +1 )Int: 10 ( 0 ) Wis: 14 ( +2 ) Cha: 18 ( +4 )
AC: 24 Speed: 30 Max HP: 53/53
Saving Throws: Wisdom, Charisma
Passive Perception: 12
Tool Proficiencies: None
Weapon Proficiencies: Simple, Martial
Armor Proficiencies: All
Skill Proficiencies Athletics, History, Insight, Persuasion,
Background: Noble
Features: Divine Sense, Spellcasting, Defense Fighting Style, Divine Smite, Divine Health, Channel Divinity, Aura of Protection, Aura of Devotion
Equipment: +1 Full Plate, +1 Shield (250), +1 Warhammer (250), +1 Morningstar (250), +2 Longsword (2,500), Ring of Protection, Gauntlets of Ogre Power, Eyes of the Eagle
Attacks: 2
Character Ons: Constriction, Breathplay, Confinement, Clingy Clothes/Armor
Player Offs: Beastiality, Bathroom stuff,


Quote from: Terian on March 17, 2019, 03:29:10 PM

A bit more of a focus on the smut than I prefer, but I guess it might be worth a shot?  Maybe?  Well, we'll see at least.

Eh, sure, why not, I'll give this a shot.  No real backstory because this is pretty much an experimental hack-and-slash (At least in theory), and I'll get my ridiculously cute armor plated battleship of a cinnamon roll stuck in a hentaiverse who doesn't buy into the logic and tries very hard to avoid it at some point, I'm sure.
I appreciate giving it a shot. No don't need a backstory for this as this is a mechanic experiment hack-n-slash.
Pure Impulse Plays
Discord - Zame Ragues
Dice Bot - 18627


I have a monk/warlock made. I can put the sheet up soon.

I did want to play a corrupted character tbh. Maybe her warlock levels are a side effect of being broken by Tentacles?


Definitely sounds like a cool idea, but my goal right now is to test this out and then in the future we could try a tentacle warlock
Pure Impulse Plays
Discord - Zame Ragues
Dice Bot - 18627


Hmm...it feels like a wisdom based character would have a big advantage, since they will be able to withstand more corruption.

How long would you expect this to run? I could give it a go, but probably not for a long campaign.


Well,  I can play her just as a normal PC then.  Maybe it happens at some point during it


Quote from: Aenon on March 17, 2019, 03:57:39 PM
Hmm...it feels like a wisdom based character would have a big advantage, since they will be able to withstand more corruption.

How long would you expect this to run? I could give it a go, but probably not for a long campaign.
A strong body can withstand kicks and punches. A strong mind can withstand insanity and torture. I thought Wisdom was a good choice since it's a value of how mentally strong the characters are, and the stronger mentally you are the more likely you are to retain yourself mentally when by things are trying to corrupt you. If something else seems like a better fit later on, I'm more then willing to give it a try, this is a test after all.

I don't see this as a long term campaign. It's a dungeon crawl, thats all. If the characters win, that the end of the game. If they lost, can try again depending on what happens. Plus if you have to leave the game at some point it's not gonna bother me, this is just a test game.

Quote from: Snake on March 17, 2019, 04:00:20 PM
Well,  I can play her just as a normal PC then.  Maybe it happens at some point during it
Don't see why not.
Pure Impulse Plays
Discord - Zame Ragues
Dice Bot - 18627


For once, e's dicebot liked me and got really good stats To use.

