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Looking for some Star Wars (FFG)

Started by ShadowFox89, February 21, 2019, 10:58:14 AM

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Captain Whitebread

Quote from: Pumpkin Seeds on March 20, 2019, 08:47:26 AM
Figuring a Torguta Dancer.   Still thinking on the background.

Simple black shimmery curtain should work best

I have access to discord no predictable time when I can be on though
There are nights when the wolves are silent and it the moon that howls.

Thunder Splash

Quote from: Pumpkin Seeds on March 20, 2019, 08:47:26 AM
Figuring a Torguta Dancer.   Still thinking on the background.
No rush, I’m still working my way through the rules of the system.


Shadow mentioned that you might have an opening for a fourth for a more combat oriented character, since one of your applicants hasn't been in contact.

I don't have a concept at this stage, but I just wanted to make it known that I'm available if need be.

Thunder Splash

Things really still progressing, I’m still reading up on the system, it’s just taking a bit because life. Just bear with me I promise this game will get off the ground. If you guys want to start staring out your characters you can go ahead. We’ll be starting at base experience so just whatever you get from your race and obligations.

Captain Whitebread

Already done.

post them here or PM them?
There are nights when the wolves are silent and it the moon that howls.


I think the only thing left is what obligation limit we're using is and if force using characters are using obligation or morality to determine bonus xp/credits.
Call me Shadow
My A/A

Thunder Splash

Quote from: ShadowFox89 on March 23, 2019, 07:59:27 PM
I think the only thing left is what obligation limit we're using is and if force using characters are using obligation or morality to determine bonus xp/credits.
Haven’t gotten to the force yet, and just skimmed the obligation right now to determine how to tell you guys to stay out your characters. Let me get back to you on those.

Thunder Splash

Still reading guys don’t worry. I’ve not had much time to read but I’m almost to the point where I know just enough for us to start and I can just piece together what I need to know on the fly. Just bear with me, I promise this to will get off the ground.


If there is an opening, I have a human Soldier (Commando) who specializes in close quarters combat.

Figured it would round out the little party here nicely.  I've got most of the sheet and background writing done, but I don't want to rush things.

Thunder Splash

Sounds pretty good. I’ll go ahead and ask if everyone else would be fine with a party of five? I know we’d said four but as a DM I don’t see much of a difference between four and five.

Captain Whitebread

I have no issues. 

Maybe I should make that I have no issues with 5 players.
There are nights when the wolves are silent and it the moon that howls.


Call me Shadow
My A/A


Except for equipment, Melva is finished.  I am probably just grabbing heavy clothing and a stun blaster anyway.

Captain Whitebread

Lia’rn has been good to go for a while
There are nights when the wolves are silent and it the moon that howls.

Pumpkin Seeds

Still debating on some things with mine.  Like a name...

Thunder Splash

You have time pumpkin seed, I’m still making my way through the book in my currently limited free time. If you guys can bear with me a little longer I may know enough soon to at the very least stumble forward and learn as we go. It’s quite different from other systems so it’s a little trickier to get down on the first try.


Quote from: Pumpkin Seeds on March 31, 2019, 05:30:51 PM
Still debating on some things with mine.  Like a name...
Name is one of the hardest parts of char gen, IMO.

@Thunder Splash
Some of us have some experience with the system, and we'll do our best to support you. 


Call me Shadow
My A/A

Captain Whitebread

There are nights when the wolves are silent and it the moon that howls.

Captain Whitebread

ILar'Ven aka Lia'rn
Name:   Ilar'Ven (Ash Silver)
Cultural Background: Comfortable with Tech
Experiencing the Force: Pragmatic Power
Heeding the Call: Ultimate Abilities
Morality: 50   (+10 starting xp)
Emotional Strength: Independence
Emotional Weakness:   Coldness
Motivation: Ambition
Species: Twi'lek (Darian)
Brawn: 1   Wound Threshold:   11
Agility: 2+1(30)=3
Intellect:   2
Cunning:   2
Willpower: 2      Strain Threshold:   13
Presence: 3
Starting XP: 110   (100 for species +10 for Morality)   

Charm 1+1(15)=2 (species skill)
Deception    1      
Perception 1+1(10)=2
Skullduggery 1

Force Rating:   1

Cool      0+1(5)=1
Coordination   1+1(10)=2
Piloting   1+1(10)=2

Skilled Jockey (5)
Full Throttle (10)
Improved Full Throttle (15)

Light Blaster    (300)
Commlink   (25)
Breathing Mask(25)
Utility Belt   (25)
Jewelry (100)

25 CR

Description:  Ilar'Ven is smaller than average, to the point that he looks like  3/4 scale model of a full grown adult Twi'lek.  Coming in at a hulking 1.5 meters, he is frequently taken for a child.  His skin is grey, which presents a startling contrast to his almost luminous amber eyes.  He wears nothing but black, accenting himself with gold.  He has a number of decorative tattoos.

Background: Ilar'Ven wasn't born with the name he goes by; it was given to him.  He doesn't even remember his birth name or his parents.  All he's ever known is slavery.  He was treated very much like a pampered pet, which separated him from the majority of the other slaves.  It wasn't a safe position to be in.  Where he was frequently viewed as being privileged, he was the one who bore the brunt of his Zabrak mistress' frustrations.  He was rarely fully dressed and was frequently naked, except for the adornments he was made to wear.  He was constantly in a state of fear but learned to roll with the punches and to rely on his own skills and native cunning to survive.

He was attending his mistress when she was visiting a Hutt with whom she'd had frequent business dealings.  When the Hutt introduced his racing slave, the Zabrak laughed at his unassuming appearance, saying that her slave chauffeur could probably beat him in a race.  The Hutt, offended, demanded that the race take place, with the loser facing execution.  Ilar'Ven expected to die at the end of the race but half way through the course and well behind, he felt a sudden oneness with his speeder.  He made up the distance he'd fallen behind and won by half a speeder length.  Displeased, the Hutt made Ilar'Ven execute his opponent.  Knowing what would happen if he hesitated, he squeezed the trigger immediately.  Impressed with his ruthlessness and speed, the Hutt offered to buy him from the Zabrak.  She refused to sell.

That decision sealed both of their fates. Ilar'Ven was savagely punished for doing exactly what he'd been asked to do.  He was subject of a number of kidnapping attempts and was forced to start carrying a blaster to fend off attackers.  The relationship between the Hutt and the Zabrak deteriorated to something just short of open war.  Finally, to deny the Hutt any sort of victory in the matter, the Zabrak took the unusual step of setting him free.  On his own for the first time and able to determine his own future, he is determined to rise above his beginnings and become something greater than he was.

Personality: Ilar'Ven is quiet and tends towards submissiveness when faced with strong females but does not react this way to men.  It is a tendency he fights with all his will, because he hated his time as a slave.  That doesn't stop him from dropping to the floor in a submissive posture.  He wants to explore his seemingly newfound ability as a pilot.  He isn't particularly sympathetic towards the plight of other slaves.  He wants to rise above his former life as a slave but his former lifestyle has left him with the idea that rising above his station would include owning slaves of his own.  He's not fully comfortable with killing but he's more than willing to do so in order to save his own life.  Killing to save someone else's light is not a concept that has come up for him.

I realized he actually has useful skills for a smuggler - he is VERY well educated when it comes to luxury goods and would recognize cheap fakes/imitations.

No sure if that would be a real skill or a 'fluff' piece like his skill at massage, grooming and oral sex.
There are nights when the wolves are silent and it the moon that howls.


You don't have a career listed....
Call me Shadow
My A/A

Pumpkin Seeds

Asosa Kesh sound good?

Captain Whitebread

It does.

Love the veil.

did you ever decide if she was a slave or not?

There are nights when the wolves are silent and it the moon that howls.

Pumpkin Seeds