Quintessential Quintuplets (M seeks F,F,F,F,F)

Started by shengami, February 03, 2019, 07:25:56 AM

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Fair warning: this idea involves the potential for incest/twincest. It does not NEED to include them though. This idea is inspired by my watching the anime from Winter season of the same name, but we can certainly take the basic premise to other places. I just happen to be enamored of the basic premise of a love hexangle... well, more the premise of how it would be even remotely possible for one person to attract the interest of five others. Now, that does not mean that I expect MC and all five females end up together. Hmm, maybe it just ends with 1x1. But the scenario is tantalizing, isn't it? Of note, I could play this out in Japan where the original inspiration is set or anywhere in U.S.A. or Europe. All other potential kinks beyond the incest and group dynamics can be decided upon later. One thing, all the girls have birthdays in the fall so that at the time of the game they are 18+. I don't even mind if they had been held back in other grades to make them 19. Lastly, I don't care about teh genre of the people writing the students here.

Basic plot: The five girls have been receiving terrible marks in the big private school they attend. There is a chance they will need to repeat their Senior years. As a result, their influential father has had them transfer to finish their second semester at a reputable public school/parochial school somewhere. He also hires them a tutor getting the best marks in that school. He hopes to get them through their final year and then he can just buy their way into universities or they can live off their trust funds. Now, during the winter break up through the first day of school, MC would run into the various girls and first impressions are bad. Only later is it revealed they will be his pupils and now they must battle their bad impressions. MC will have his own reasons for being unable to quit the situation, probably family debts or a desire to save up for a good university. After the initial meet, he will need to go through hoops and adventures to get each girl to the study table and pass the grade. But, will romance or something far kinkier also bloom?

Variation on the Plot: Instead of being a fellow student, the hired tutor is a teacher at the new school. This one would involved teacher/student pairings and some age play.

Variation on the plot: any of the girls might be transgendered or futanari or crossdressers.

Variation on the plot: The parents, in various ways, are involved in the story. Mom or Dad is the tutor. Mom also gets seduced by the tutor. A lot of variations here including variations of the other variations listed.

Variation on the plot: Either one partner or several partners write the five girls. I am fine with writing one or two of the quintuplets as well. Still, I am willing to write with one partner or several here.

Final Variation (and undesirable): Writing with fewer girls than the original idea. Minimum would be three, I think, to maintain some of the themes I am eager to explore.

Anyway, that's the idea. As stated above, I am looking for one or more partners interested in writing the game. WE'd need to set the stage a bit first in discussion and detail out the characters a bit more if we want to depart heavily from the anime/light novel. I'd prefer a heavy departure actually. I think that responding in this thread would be fine for this idea, so everyone can see who all is interested.

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