Suggestions for easier use on a phone?

Started by Night Bird Pepper, March 24, 2018, 05:38:02 PM

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Night Bird Pepper

I was wondering if there's some sort of way to use this site on a phone better or if not, could a mobile version of the site maybe be developed?


I wish. Unfortunately not in the current state.

There are some plans that are discussed from time to time to change the whole forum over to a new thingy but nobody really knows any details or timetable for it.
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Night Bird Pepper


What exactly are you having trouble with? I find the site pretty easy to use on mobile.
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Night Bird Pepper

It's just really small and I misclick all the time.


Does your phone's internet browser have the ability to 'pinch' to zoom in/out? I usually just zoom in really close to whatever I want to click before I click it when I'm on my phone. I actually really like that I can see almost the whole thing at a glance because of how small it is on the phone screen, especially since I know I can zoom in when I decide what I want to do.

Night Bird Pepper


Quote from: Night Bird Pepper on March 24, 2018, 05:38:02 PM
I was wondering if there's some sort of way to use this site on a phone better or if not, could a mobile version of the site maybe be developed?

It's been delayed a bit because the Elkarte 1.1 release was extremely buggy. Including some serious security errors.

But the new site will be significantly more mobile friendly, though not perfect.


Quote from: Vekseid on March 25, 2018, 12:02:51 AM
It's been delayed a bit because the Elkarte 1.1 release was extremely buggy. Including some serious security errors.

But the new site will be significantly more mobile friendly, though not perfect.

This is awesome news! I also have difficulty using E on mobile so I can't wait to see this. Cheers!