Interest Check- Harry Potter universe- The marriage law

Started by LamentingQuill, January 12, 2018, 02:09:46 AM

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This idea was inspired by an old yahoo days thing known as the Marriage Law Challenge, as briefly described here:

The premise of the challenge is a forced marriage of a half-blood to a Pure-blood due to a new decree passed by the new Ministry of Magic to help preserve the magical population.
(Used to be muggleborns, but I'm changing it to strictly half-bloods. No exceptions. Muggleborns were slaughtered and any discovered by death eaters would be put to death immediately. This is Voldemort's Wizarding World after all)

Harry lost. Voldemort won. The 'criminal' Harry Potter is dead. The 'criminal' muggleborn and bloodscum Hermione Granger is dead. The 'criminal' Ron Weasley is dead for association and aiding the enemy Harry Potter.

In a twisted and warped act of 'mercy' towards half-bloods after his gruesome genocide of muggle-born witches and wizards... Voldemort has decreed that all half-bloods must marry a pure-blood within a year after turning 17 or they will submit to an arranged match... if they refuse the ministry chosen suitors offered and outright refuse to obey the law, they face criminal charges and execution.
Those over 18 at the time of  the decree have one year started from the day the decree was issued. Basically all applicable to the law of marrying age will have one year. Everyone from that point afterward will have precisely one year upon turning 17.

This method in the mind of Voldemort would eventually filter all muggle blood from Wizard family bloodlines, eliminating the filthy stain upon their glorious legacy forever.

This would all be taking place the year after Harry Potter's death after all castle repairs have been made, Harry and his loyal comrades will have perished on that final Hogwarts show down.

Canon characters would be forbidden, Original characters only would be permitted. All teachers loyal to Harry would have been put to death, so OC teachers are allowed as well, though probably strictly pureblood for teachers, maybe.



I want this so bad! I read a fanfic JUST like this! Though it was with Ginny Weasley x Draco Malfoy o.o


I'd be interested :-) Would a "Death Eaters Youth Organization" possibly be a thing? Or like Death Eaters offspring having some elite status or something?


Quote from: Heartsink on January 15, 2018, 06:39:52 AM
I'd be interested :-) Would a "Death Eaters Youth Organization" possibly be a thing? Or like Death Eaters offspring having some elite status or something?

Quite possibly


Should this gain decent enough interest by this weekend, I'll start breaking ground on rules and what not on Sunday.


The mind is it's own place; and can make a heaven of hell; and a hell of heaven.




Sounds great, I'll attempt a completed recruitment thread by Sunday night ^.^