Charmed Next Generation (recruiting)

Started by Levi, December 12, 2017, 02:36:45 PM

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Its up to you! but yeah I think that was what she astblished!


Sent my profile to Levi, just waiting to hear back now before I submit it here for everyone to view ^.^


Lamenting you can send it to me as well if it takes to long! I am her co GM


Quote from: EroticLiteracy on December 27, 2017, 04:14:49 PM
Lamenting you can send it to me as well if it takes to long! I am her co GM

Just did.



Name Rosalyn Mitchell-Halliwell
Age 18
Description Rosalyn stands at approximately 5 foot and 4 inches and weighs precisely 129 lbs, she keeps her hair it's natural milk chocolate brown and prefer to keep it long. Her eyes are that of her grandfather Henry, she's very proud of that. Her figure is hourglass with an impressive 40DD breast size.
Face claim Maia Mitchell
Parents Tamora Mitchell-Halliwell and Michael Valentine (granddaughter of Paige and Henry)
Root Power Molecular manipulation (freezing/exploding)
Personality Rosalyn is one of those that perhaps loves just a little too much for her own good, she cares deeply about her family and the world around her, she's extremely eager to effect change in a positive way if something doable is presented to her.

She is naturally very bubbly and warm, a smile for most everyone on her sweet face... unless they give her reason to frown and get her dander up, then she's been known to get more than a little feisty... (She's had to work hard with great aunt Piper to learn how not to blow shit up when she gets mad).

Rosalyn's deep capacity for love can be dangerous thing too, she wouldn't blink even once at the notion of jumping straight into peril to try and protect someone she loves. That price for self-preservation is too high in her opinion, she'd rather throw caution to the wind and say at least she tried... instead of staying on the sidelines like a coward and losing a loved one.

Developed Powers (Rose largely takes after her mother and Aunt Kat, whom took after their aunt Piper)

(White-lighter racial ability) Orbing

Molecular acceleration

Molecular deceleration

Relationship status Single and open to a committed relationship.

Little over eighteen years ago, Tamora Halliwell was invited to a fellow witch friend's bachlorette party, changing her life immensely from that point on...
Tamora's friend deciding that since her fiance got strippers, she should get them too and thus, held her party at San Francisco's classiest magical community establishment catering to magical females with delicious male strippers of various magical backgrounds... each one seeming to be more tempting and alluring than the last... except for one that stood out among them all...

A 5 foot 7 inches tall package of muscular brunette cupid beefcake with the most beautiful mesmerizing hazel eyes and perfect lickable abs, not to mention a totally grippable tooshie... she managed to meet Mr. Beefcake... learning he called himself Michael Valentine.

One thing led to another and Tamora being completely charmed by the handsome cupid... engaged in an evening of passion and heat with the man...
They dated for weeks after after that, everything seeming to be perfect as pie... up until the pregnancy test came up positive...
It would turn out that not all cupids held the same kind of morality and honor as Tamora's uncle Coop... because Michael vanished the first opportunity he got and Tamora never saw him again.

9 months later... Rosalyn was born and all the pain of Michael's hurtful abandonment suddenly began to seem so trivial in the presence of such beautiful and pure love that she found in her baby daughter's face. If Michael didn't want to be apart of this, screw him... Tamora recognized a precious gift when she saw one.

Tamora raised Rosalyn on her own with the support of her wonderful family at her back, enabling the new little addition to the family go grow up surrounded by great love and unwavering supportive encouragement.
As years went by, Rosalyn found herself emulating her great aunt Piper more and more, she adored cooking and spent every moment she could hanging upon every word and scrap of advice her great aunt would bestow upon her. Her adoration of cooking certainly helped her at the potion making table too.

She spent as much time as she could too with her great aunt Piper, learning everything she could from her about their shared power and how to control it for the sake of herself and those around her.

Her mother and grandmother definitely spared no influence either upon the impressionable young witch, Rosalyn like her grandmother before her was deeply concerned about the troubled world around her, with kids especially... which prompted Rosalyn after graduating high school to accept a job at a local children's shelter as the head chef of their kitchen, at the very least, she could make sure these kids got good food in their stomach and perhaps a warm and encouraging word or two to brighten their day.

The pay wasn't fabulous and she had to dip into her own pocket sometimes to afford the quality ingredients she wanted for these deserving young people, but it worth it. She knew it was worth it with every smile and heart felt thank you she ever heard, the eyes of each child deeply and sincerely grateful for the simple gift of a hot nutritious filling meal.

Character on's/offs

Personal Ons~Long walks in the park on a sunny day, lavender scented bubble baths, orbing on top of San Fran bridge to enjoy the breathtaking view (especially at night, when stars are out), Anime (preferable Sailor Moon, Naruto, DBZ and Kamisama Kiss), good manga and volunteering at charitable establishments for needy kids when she's not working.

Sexual Ons~ Cunnilingus, giving fellatio (great thank you for cunnilingus, right?), missionary, riding and doggy style positions, her nipples being lightly nibbled and sexually aggressive (but not abusive) partners)

Personal Offs~ Rude people with no respect for others or themselves, stupid pointless anime, terribly written manga, arrogant jerks, bad food, child abusers (they should all just rot in a hole), comments about her lack of father being present, ugly clothes.

Sexual offs~
(please ask if something isn't listen and you'd like to know)
Anal, SM, heavy bondage, bathroom stuff, rude naming calling in bed,

Writers on's/of's Quill's on's and off's[/url] Quill's on's and off's


Name: Henry Mitchel The Second

Age: 19

Description: Tall and lean with a runners build. He has dark hair he keeps down over his eyes and dark tan skin. He has a handsome striking face with a sharp pointed chin. graceful cheeks, long lashes, and full lips. His eyebrows are thick and black and he in someways looks like a spitting image of Henry. He has long muscular legs and slight piano like fingers.

Face claim: None

Parents: Henry Mitchel JR & Elisabeth Chase

Root Power: None

Personality: Harsh and slightly cruel his history and his fathers death have turned what was once a bright happy boy cruel and dark. He is angry and commited with a strong will and personality. He is nice to mortals and is always looking to fight injustice of some kind.

Developed Powers: He has no powers but is a seasoned witch hunter

Relationship status Single for now

Background: Henry Mitchel Jr was adopted by Paige and Henry. Thus Henry Mitchel the second was the second generation of non magical user in the halliwell family. His father and his magical sister got along fine and for a time our Henry grew up in a house surrounded by magic and love.

Then tragedy struck

A demon one the charmed sisters had faced many times before attacked the family. Young Henry watched as his family fought off the demon with powerful magic. They were successful however one of the less seasoned of his older cousins cast a spell with horrific consequences. Henry watched as his mortal father was cut down by the very magic he never had access to.

This alone wasn't enough to turn him from his family. After all he grew up surrounded by magic and love. Even the death of the man he respected and loved couldn't shake that...

Could it?

A vulnerable and very grief stricken Henry was approached by a man representing the "society of dragon" The society of dragon the man said were a group of mortal dedicated to removing magic and witchcraft from the world. They were ancestors of the original settlers of Salem the man claimed and wanted to strike magic from the world forever. The man took advantage of Henry the seconds grief and days later Henry the second dissapeared from his family.

He has come back recently sporting training and weaponry from the distant corners of the globe. With a tattoo of a dragon on his chest and the rank Templar he seeks to get revenge for his father and end the power of three once and for all!

Character on's/offs Everything and everything! Seriously can not stress that enough! As long as its not male and male he and I are interested! I could make him a kinky bondage master if someone is interested as well!

Writers on's/of's Same as his


Name: Xavier Mcormack

Age 35

Description Xavier looks like a cross between a bald monk and a body builder. His skin is pale and he is all man with large broad shoulders and a very jacked build. He is entirely bald but sports a very striking dark black goatee. His eyes are mismatched as well and he sports one clear blue one and one green.

Face claim: None

Parents:  No familial ties to the Halliwells 

Root Power: Molecular Combustion

Personality: Wise and cheerful Xavier describes himself as an ass kicking wiseman. He has a depth of knowledge on the world of magic through his years of training all over the world. He has sage level wisdom and likes giving it to his students in what he likes to describe as "Chinese Fortune Cookie nonsense". He takes his job as the head of magic school very seriously but also knows how important it is to let kids find their own way.

Developed Powers:  Meditation, Astral Projection

Relationship status: Single

Background: From an early age Xavier was obsessed with magic. He grew up as the youngest of a family of six in Chicago. His parents loved him and his sibling but because he was the youngest Xavier frequently got lost in the shuffle. Money was always tight with them and so Xavier had to make do with less and being teased for being "poor". Xavier was an optimist however and spent his time exploring the world around him and the streets of Chicago.

That exploration led him to discover the magical world. He stumbled across a group of magical warlocks and witches practicing their craft in an abandoned manor. Fascinated by what they were doing Xavier continued to watch and learn. This went on for several weeks with him watching the practices and then doing it himself. To his surprise the magical spells worked and thus Xavier discovered he had magical blood.

The coven he was peeping on came to him. They revealed they knew about his watching as well as his magical powers. They trained him throughout the years and he grew quickly through the ranks. By the time he graduated from high school he was considered a master warlock within his coven. They were so impressed that they offered to sponsor him an send him abroad for further training.

And thus Xavier magical training continued to grow. He traveled the world learning far off exotic magical techniques. He felt a particular calling to the monks in Tapai and even shaved his head in honor of them. Eventually he returned back to the states and when offered the position of the new headmaster of magic school took it.

Character on's/offs Same as my other characters

Writers on's/of's Same!


I didn't know if you guys know! But in the comics they got over the whole Prue actress not wanting to come back by having her reincarnated within the comics to a new person in salem.

So some one could TECHNICALLY play a long lost grand daughter of Prue! If interested!


Quote from: EroticLiteracy on December 27, 2017, 06:11:16 PM
I didn't know if you guys know! But in the comics they got over the whole Prue actress not wanting to come back by having her reincarnated within the comics to a new person in salem.

So some one could TECHNICALLY play a long lost grand daughter of Prue! If interested!

Probably too humiliated to come back after how she got fired. You know that funny story, right? She was ALWAYS coming onto set drunk as a skunk, picking fights with Holly Marie Combs and they had to pour cup after cup of coffee down her just to get her workable. It got to be too much and she got axed. The end.

It's good she's gotten herself sober now though, if only she could have done it sooner.


Thats what I have always heard! Apparently she was a total diva as well and most people didn't like her! I forgot she even got to season three! I find it great they brought her back in comic form!


Quote from: Levi on December 27, 2017, 04:19:50 AM
I love this!

Miss kaia I'll get that changed when I get home.

Lamenting- hi girl! *waves in excitement*
Living- feel free to join us!
Sith- apologies for the spelling error I was on my way to work


~ Who cares what and who we are as long as we no longer break ~


How are you guys doing? I hope you didn't mind my two characters!

Ha as I was typing this Leo just appeared for the first time on Charmed! Third episode in!

I loved their romance but wasn't a fan of the whole back and forth they did for so long!


Right?  We just got to the part in the show where Paige is introduced.  Just met her past life.  My girlfriend has been enjoying it.  I just can't talk to her about this game because spoilers xD

~ Who cares what and who we are as long as we no longer break ~


I love Paige! In the end I was so happy they moved Piper into the big sister role and introduced a new little sister in Paige! I think the change in the hierachy only made teh show better!


I mean, Prue brought some good things to the group, but the dynamic with Paige was so perfect.

~ Who cares what and who we are as long as we no longer break ~


Quote from: LamentingQuill on December 27, 2017, 06:28:53 PM
Probably too humiliated to come back after how she got fired. You know that funny story, right? She was ALWAYS coming onto set drunk as a skunk, picking fights with Holly Marie Combs and they had to pour cup after cup of coffee down her just to get her workable. It got to be too much and she got axed. The end.

It's good she's gotten herself sober now though, if only she could have done it sooner.

See I had heard at one point she was trying to force the show to have more focus on her and such and the final straw was when she mouthed off to Tori Spelling.
Locked, cocked and ready to rock!


Quote from: Sessha on December 27, 2017, 09:23:20 PM
See I had heard at one point she was trying to force the show to have more focus on her and such and the final straw was when she mouthed off to Tori Spelling.

There are ALL sorts of rumors about it! I think its a combination of a lot of thigns! In the interviews they all seem pretty pissed at her!


-pokes my head in to see if any of the female characters want to have David falling for them. :P
Always looking for roleplays, just keep in mind that I' m not a fast poster.

On's & Off's | Request Thread | A & A

Buffy the Vampire Slayer CYOA |
Eternal Nights (VtM) Interest Check  | Buffy: After the End Interest Check


So a few things!

1. Levi and I talked and as of right now no more charmed characters! So you can still create demons other witches ect ect but the main power of three has been established

2. Given the increase in interest Levi is in the process of creating a char room for all of us to put our characters in! So be on the look out for that!


Also for you guys who have not yet go ahead and post into the main room! We are starting this thing!


Well it has been forever since my wife and I watched Charmed but this sounds like fun.  I will write up a lady for the game.  I don’t know if I should go witch, part demon or white lighter though.  Maybe a faceclaim will point me in the right direction.

"Sorry, you must survive at least 3 games with me before we can chat like this."
Congratulations, you've unlocked Flirtatious Crash! - Envious


Quote from: Crash on December 30, 2017, 11:36:56 PM
Well it has been forever since my wife and I watched Charmed but this sounds like fun.  I will write up a lady for the game.  I don’t know if I should go witch, part demon or white lighter though.  Maybe a faceclaim will point me in the right direction.

Yesssh!!!!  All the yays.

~ Who cares what and who we are as long as we no longer break ~


"Sorry, you must survive at least 3 games with me before we can chat like this."
Congratulations, you've unlocked Flirtatious Crash! - Envious


Quote from: Crash on December 30, 2017, 11:36:56 PM
Well it has been forever since my wife and I watched Charmed but this sounds like fun.  I will write up a lady for the game.  I don’t know if I should go witch, part demon or white lighter though.  Maybe a faceclaim will point me in the right direction.

Welcome can't wait to see what you put together.