Looking for a party!

Started by InoshimaLance, December 10, 2017, 12:14:33 PM

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Hello, my name is Lance!

I am new to the Forums, just today I was approved, and I am looking for an adult story-deep roleplay experience. I am not gonna discard anyone that comes to me with a good idea but I will list my priorities in hopes to catch the good fish, and also give a good insight of my roleplay style and requirements. Also, for extra info I'll add a small section for personal stuff I think I will enjoy the most while rping but do not fall as a requirement. x3

1st Level (Will probably do them 100% of the times if they have at least a bit of what I want):
- World of Darkness (New or Old but New is better): Yes I wanna throw myself some adult dark adventure on any of the versions, but mostly looking for Vampire, Mage or United.
- Sandbox: Yeah, I am probably gonna accept the Sandboxy Ideas if the appeal more than some others.

2nd Level (Will jump to play but not as important to me):
- DnD 5e: Just came across it and I love it, so bring it. Better if the rules are kinda Homebrew, but not too much.
- Pathfinder: Yes, I haven't tried a pathfinder rp yet, so why not start with an adult one?
- Starfinder: Same as pathfinder.

3rd Level (If the rp is good and my requirements are met fairly, I will most certainly do it):
- Anything else.

The next is a list of what I do expect to get from a rp experience. Some of them are not a must-have-criteria, so don't feel like you should not invite me if you read it.
- Open and Fair play: I want the adult and story choices to be open and fair to all the players please.
- Male Characters with open or homosexual sexuality: Sorry to say it but I do not play females neither do I engage in sexual activities with them. I would not mind playing an rp with female characters (or female players) but male characters that are open for me to romance/engage with will most of the time call for my taste. And I mean the manly kind.
- Fantasy/Magic elements mixed in: The more we have of this the more I will wanna play, x3, this includes dark fantasy elements like vampires.
- Open NSFW content: Kink-wise I would like to have freedom to play without causing much trouble, I am not a freak so don't worry, you won't see stuff so hardcore from me.
- Multiple Characters: I like the world to be open and huge, full of characters that interact together. Something about small character pools make the roleplay quite dull sometimes. This includes NPCs also, but mainly PCs.

Now a list of what I would enjoy to have but could skip: "Explicit Text Content, NSFW, but I'll try to keep it PG13"
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- Old (40s to 50s) Male Characters with Homosexual sexuality.
- Harem Groupings
- Fantasy World Scenarios
- Dark Fantasy Modern World Scenarios
- Romances
- Bara (Manly, Big, Bear) Males
- All have even small quirks (Humans too, is hard to be on a rp where one race or group not only feels left out but also incredibly weak compared to the rest).



I'm trying to get this started. So far I have yet to get anyone to submit a character. If it appeals to you, lemme know. If not, well... lemme know anyways. lol
