Harry Potter - Crossing Borders (Looking for Players! :D)

Started by Shobogun Lover, October 07, 2017, 11:28:44 AM

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Shobogun Lover

Harry Potter - Crossing Borders

Interested? - ROLEPLAY LINK

An Overview

One September 20th, 2016 the unexpected happened. Technology finally caught up to the magical world. Technology had always been advancing, the companies working on how to protect their devices against anomalies that happened frequently and using information garnered from cellphone diagnostics and other methods to upgrade the system functionality and the hardware. They not only were more effective and efficient, it worked! The strange occurrences rarely happened anymore. The new technology was such a hit that it spread out throughout the industry and even went all the way up to Google and their satellites. The upgrade was to increase security for their system. It worked and they hadn't met with any strange occurrences until the system went through it's routine map generation. Photo after photo it took of the world below. They hadn't even noticed it themselves until the news hit and people went wild. What were these places appearing on the maps? Was Google playing another prank on society?

It hadn't hit the magical world right away; most of them were in school or dissasociated with relying on most technology due to the volitile relationship they typically had with it. By the time the Ministry got a sniff, it was too late. Muggle affairs worked hard to cover up damages as people ran to these mysterious areas to get a look for themselves. Nothing were the first reports, and it intended to stay that way. They were pretty well protected with their barriers. The government even had no fly zones set up in most areas. Most.

It was during the school year as Hogwarts that a news Helicopter from Scottland came hovering low over the forest. It had avoided all of the no fly zones and rushed in daring to break a few laws to get a good news story out of it. That ended up being thier grave mistake. The pilot lost control as the helicopter colided with the barriers malfunctioning the controls and offsetting the blades just enough to send it helplessly plummeting. Two unnamed students fro mthe school rushed in to rescue, their faces captured on the live camera feed just in front of a massive castle. The feed had barely managed to survive before the news station finally cut it to play their own form of damage control with the possible loss of life they had all witnessed. It spooked everyone and for a few minutes the world was in a hush. Then mayhem.

Nothing could hold back the Muggles from their curiosity. They started to believe and rushed for where all of these wonders were. Many went home with no recollection of what had happened, may others had snapchat stories with flashes of color rushing at them and cloaked figures in the distance among other things. One or two occurances would be simple enough to dispell. This was havoc. The social media chain disrupted all of the Ministry's work and eventually it was too difficult to keep up with the demand. The world knew, and the question now was where to go from here.

They met with world leaders in private for their thoughts first, and after many weeks and inevitable agreements they brokered a deal. They would reveal themselves to the Muggles, but only if their schools began admitting some muggle students in in order to help meld the worlds together. They were putting a great deal of hope into the younger generations; hope that they would bring about a future of harmony between the magical and muggle worlds. It felt like a fool's dream, but what choice did they have now but to try?

That is how Hogwarts became the subject for the first migration project. Muggles were selected from all walks of life and all nationalities around the world to be placed into the classes at Hogwarts. They only have access to theory classes, and some that were completely dependent on a wand and magical talent were completely removed from their options. The magical students also receive a number of new optional classes from Muggle teachers brought in as well from their core curriculum; mostly sciences and maths. The book work was not the biggest test, but the relationship they would have with the students around them who had been a part of this world all along. The prejudice is strong and many do not welcome the Muggles with open arms out of fear, nerves, racism, and so forth. Where will you be during this project? Will you make it through?

If you're interested in joining the game, all I'mm need first is a reserve! I do reserves for several reasons; to make sure we suddenly don't have two finished profiles for the same role tarnishing one person's hard work- which is just discouraging, and to make sure we do not have any repeat face claims, over saturation of x, or non-aligning FC to age. Yes, I am a stickler about that. If your face claim looks like a 30 year old porn star, they are not going to be a sixth year. All of this information if just for me to get an idea of what you want to make. Please wait until I reply back to your reserve before you work on any profiles, thank you!

Profile forms are on the Main RP thread and in the profiles thread. If you are filling out a profile after you've been accepted, please PM THEM TO ME. Failure to do so will make me frown. I'm not very pretty when I frown.

As a note - you do not need to play every character every skip, this is meant to just be a relaxing do-whatever-you-want game. There is a base story, but I like seeing how people use the story to advance their characters around it rather than forcing them along. I will only restrict characters to this level - as many as you believe you can handle.


   House/Subject Taught:
   Quidditch Status:
   Prefect Status:
   Face Claim Name and Link

[float=left][img height=125]http://i.imgur.com/0Wu7RM6.png[/img][/float][table]
[td]   Name:
   House/Subject Taught:
   Quidditch Status:
   Prefect Status:
   Face Claim Name and Link[/td]


Intriguing idea! I'd like to join. Here's the first idea that came to mind:

   Name: Brandon Pattinson
   Age: 17
   Year: 6th
   House: Slytherin
   Quidditch Status: lol can muggles even ride a broom? If technological broom flying is allowed then I could see him going for it.
   Prefect Status: nope
   Username: Yarnover
   Face Claim: Evan Peters

Quick question - where does this fit into the timeline of the books? Afterward I assume?

Also... I'm iffy about his house due to the founder's beliefs. It fits his personality but I almost went Ravenclaw as well. What do you think?
O/Os ~ ~ A/As

Shobogun Lover

Quote from: Yarnover on October 07, 2017, 09:42:53 PM
Intriguing idea! I'd like to join. Here's the first idea that came to mind:

   Name: Brandon Pattinson
   Age: 17
   Year: 6th
   House: Slytherin
   Quidditch Status: lol can muggles even ride a broom? If technological broom flying is allowed then I could see him going for it.
   Prefect Status: nope
   Username: Yarnover
   Face Claim: Evan Peters

Quick question - where does this fit into the timeline of the books? Afterward I assume?

Also... I'm iffy about his house due to the founder's beliefs. It fits his personality but I almost went Ravenclaw as well. What do you think?

Post books, present year. I however am not doing anything with canon characters. My experience, no one ever plays them right or gives them justice. More interesting to just make our own stuff up anyways. xD

He's cute!! I'll add his reserve. :3 And nope, no flying, but I'm thinking of having a football team, (and by football I don't mean American.)