The Next Generation

Started by Lady Jenn, September 06, 2017, 02:07:25 PM

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Lady Jenn

"Well, I've not seen your human form so it's hard to judge," she said, smiling ruefully. "But considering what I've been through in my life it wouldn't surprise me."


" have you heard of marvel comics?"

Lady Jenn

"I own some," she said. "Isaac gave me a few and then before I had to go into hiding I bought some of my own. I lost track of them some time ago though."


" do you remember one with Jennifer Walter's in it?"

Lady Jenn

"Yeah," she said, laughing slightly. "As stupid as it sounds I used to dream of being her, this feels both funny and incredibly awkward to be honest."


" I'm here " she smiled. " I think your better off human"

Lady Jenn

"I do have powers though," she said. "Isaac doesn't know because they manifested after...after my mother died. He hasn't seen my powers."


" oh?" She looked at her " what are they?"

Lady Jenn

Rather than responding the fridge door suddenly opened and a bottle of milk floated over to greenie, the fridge door closing again. "That's the easiest one to show off," she said.


" nice but you want this also? The transfusion machine is ready to go"

Lady Jenn

"No offence," she said, laughing. "But I think I'll leave those powers to you two, I don't want to be transforming constantly."


" ok " she smiled " probably for the best"

Lady Jenn

" and Isaac seem friendly," she said, smiling. "Sorry, I'm probably being a little too personal there, you don't have to say anything."


" hum it's not both off me's the one that looks like you is to shy "

Lady Jenn

"He deserves to be happy," she said. "He probably hasn't even told the other me this...but the night before my parents got married my mother came to him and all but begged him to give her a reason to call the wedding off. And in spite of his love for spite of everything...he refused to let her reject my father. He broke his own heart for her sake."


" he seems the sort" she got up and kissed him " do you read minds also?"

Lady Jenn

"I wish," she said, laughing. "I'd probably have a boyfriend by now if I actually COULD read minds."


" oh " she smiled " I hoped you might find him"

Lady Jenn

"I'm in no hurry," she said, smiling. "Besides, how many guys are going to see this place and actually want to call it home?"


" no he can't find the human form version of himself "

Lady Jenn

"From what he said..." she said, thinking for a moment. "I'm worried his human form may have become comatose, that he transformed as a defence mechanism, rather than by choice."


" crap " she looked at her and then him " thatmmight explain the tiredness"

Lady Jenn

"It would also explain why the creature can't find him," she sighed. "I never was much of a medical expert, I'm bad enough at helping non-powered people, never mind powered people."


" we need help I can't do this"

Lady Jenn

"Who can we call?" she asked. "I've been out of the loop so long I've not got many friends I can call upon."