Signature Image Issue

Started by NoraVonElliquiy, August 21, 2017, 08:02:03 AM

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Hello! I hope I'm not asking a stupid question. If I am, please let me know and I can take this down or request to take this down.

I'm having an issue where I can add an image to my signature. I believe I'm using the correct HTML and the image is within the size requirements, so I'm a little lost. Every time I add a link to the image with the HTML and then save my profile, the link gets deleted with the profile save, so I'll only see "[ img] [ /img]" in my signature (minus the spaces).

Has anyone else experienced this? Is this a quick fix or something a little more complicated?

Thank you in advance for the help! Hope you're all having a good day :)

Beguile's Mistress

You need to go to the Wiki in the dark buttons above and click "Upload Image" to be able to use that image in your signature.

The following tutorial might be of help.


You may also want to go into Profile/Look and Layout, and be sure 'show WYSIWYG Editor' is unchecked, if it's not already.  Some people have had serious code problems with that turned on- I've even had the vanishing picture issue.
Whether it's a breakdown or a breakthrough, shit still gets broken.

more me here now!  (O/Os, ideas and junk):

and mea culpas  (A/As):


Is the signature image uploaded to the wiki?  That is a requirement.
"Language was invented for one reason, boys - to woo women.~*~*~Don't think it's all been done before
And in that endeavor, laziness will not do." ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~Don't think we're never gonna win this war
Robin Williams-Dead Poets Society ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~Don't think your world's gonna fall apart
I do have a cause, though.  It's obscenity.  I'm for it.  - Tom Lehrer~*~All you need is your beautiful heart
O/O's Updated 5/11/21 - A/A's - Current Status! (Oct 31) - Writing a novel - all draws for Fool of Fire up! Requests closed


Yep! The wiki step was the one thing I was definitely missing. Thank you, guys! I got it to work! :D