X: Force Underground - An Adult Themed Marvel Roleplay (Recruiting Now)

Started by lights, July 29, 2017, 06:33:17 PM

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X-Force: Underground

“You won't be going places we know need the X-Men, or the Avengers or the Fantastic Four. You're not going anywhere to fight Magneto or Apocalypse. And you're not going to be put in front of the cameras and talk about how you made the world better for everyone when you're done.

You'll go to the places where people shut down or run the minute a guy who can blast through a mountain with his eyes walks in the door. You'll talk to people who don't talk to anyone. And you'll follow leads that might just be nothing or might just be more trouble than you could ever imagine.

The reason you're here isn't to be a peacekeeper or an ambassador or a superhero. It's to investigate, to gain information, ascertain threats, deal with what you can, avoid what you can't and get back alive”.

-Nathan Summers (Cable)


X-Force: Underground is a freeform roleplay set in the Marvel Comic Universe. Though it will not involve regular interaction with traditional superhero groups such as the Avengers and the roleplay itself will have a darker setting than the comics themselves and will feature adult elements and themes.

The character you play in this game will be a founding member of the newly created Underground team operating as a subgroup of the faction X-Force, lead by Nathan Askani'Son Dayspring Summers also known as Cable.

X-Force, for those not familiar with the title, is a more covert and at times extreme group than the X-Men but still a reactive group dealing with threats that pose great dangers to both mutants and humans alike.

The Underground however has been created by Cable to deal with potential threats that either do not warrant the level of power which can be generated by teams such as the X-Men or threats that are as of yet unconfirmed and cannot warrant investigation by heroes who are constantly needed elsewhere.

In addition to this mandate they were also created to investigate mutant or superhuman involvement in illicit criminal activities that recognisable heroes or those with a public image to maintain cannot get close to, such activities including abduction, human trafficking, illegal drug use, and prostitution.

Due to the nature of this task and in order to avoid attention being drawn to the group from individuals and organisations on either side of the law the Underground members have been chosen from a range of candidates with low power levels and where possible more subtle powers. The downside being noted that the team is not suitable for engaging large threats, especially in a traditional manner.

“Ohhh look at me. I roleplay online. I like dice. I have a character sheet. I know all of the plot of Game of Thrones and none of the timestamps for nudity. NNNNEEERRRDDD”

-Wade Wilson (Deadpool)


The game will be freeform and though I will give players as much control and choice in the game as I possibly can it will not be a sandbox game and it will have a structure. Also there will be no stats you will need for your character's powers or actions.


The game will take place across various locations in the general setting of the Marvel Comic Universe though there is no guarantee of interaction with specific groups, teams or characters outside of Cable and X-Force. So your character does not need to be overly familiar with X-Force or the X-Men or Charles Xavier or any Marvel events and teams. Especially since I will not necessarily be following Marvel continuity (if only because it changes so much anyway).

The game will be set in the current year and feature the current technology, fashions and political climate.

In terms of location on Elliquiy, the game is intended for mature players and may feature sex, alcohol and drug use and as such will be placed in NC: Human-Freeform Small groups.

“You take what you have. And you do the best with it. All I've got is mutant luck. And guns. And Wade I swear you say anything about my guns being fully loaded or you even think of making a honking sound and I will shoot you in the face”.

-Neena Thurman (Domino)

Character Creation

Your character will have been personally recruited by Cable for inclusion on the team. However everything else about them is up to you to create. Their reasons for joining and their background are entirely yours to create. And having relevant experience, or being involved in the areas in which the team will operate is not at all mandatory. However they must be of a sufficient mindset to operate within a team. So no psychotic, constantly antagonistic, or uncontrollable characters will be allowed. They must also be mature enough to operate in the environments in which the team will enter so all characters must be at least 21 years of age.

Additionally to warrant inclusion on the team, your character must have some form of power or ability. However where it came from is up to you. They do not have to be a mutant and can have gained their powers from whatever source you think suits them best. However if you chose them to be a tech user for example, the tech must fall into the same limitations as powers, being that it must be of a low power level also it must not be large and obvious and draw attention to itself.

Finally, I would prefer that your characters be original creations. Though if you think an existing Marvel canon character would be perfect for the setting and you really want to play them then PM me and I'll see what I can do. However they may have limited roles or I may have to limit their powers and abilities to fit the game. So far I have interest in X-23 and Psylocke so please do not ask to play them.

Character Powers

As mentioned in the premise, the team is made up of members with low power levels and if possible less obvious powers. However it's up to you as to what powers you chose for your character. If you want any guidance, I would encourage you to be different and creative. And to bear in mind that powers that don't obviously stand out or be noticed would be best for the team. Things that you thought about for a previous game, but didn't quite fit might well be good for this one. Anything you like really, that you think would fit the setting and fit who you want to play.  And whilst you don't have to play as a character with a unique or subtle ability, please try to take the power level and setting into account.

Now in terms of defining low power level this is freefrom and there will be no set number values or systems, but your character should really be no more than mid tier street level at best. Mid tier street level being able to take on a gang of trained normal human attackers. (Though obviously powers will make a difference as to how and why this could happen).

And finally, in terms of powers your character should be skilled enough in their use to warrant inclusion on this team. Though they shouldn't be up to the absolute expert level of the top Avengers or X-Men. In other words it shouldn't be inconceivable for your character to sometimes miss a shot or lose a fight.

The character sheet format to use is below. You can either send character sheets to me as a PM or post them in the thread, however they won't be approved until I give you my okay to post them in the approved character thread.


[b]Code Name:[/b] (Optional)





[b]Hair Colour:[/b]

[b]Eye Colour:[/b]

[b]Appearance:[/b] (Can be a written description, but I would prefer a image as well. And either photographic or drawn art is fine)

[b]Sexual Orientation:[/b]

[b]Turn Ons:[/b] (Optional)

[b]Turn Offs:[/b] (Optional)

[b]Date of Birth:[/b]

[b]Place of Birth:[/b]


[b]Marital Status:[/b]

[b]Origin of Powers or Abilities:[/b]

[b]Powers or Abilities:[/b]

[b]Notable Skills:[/b]



[b] Reason for joining X-Force: Underground:[/b]

“I don't like speeches bub. This is how it is. You know what needs doing. Get on with it”.

-Logan (Wolverine)

General Structure

I'd ask that players please write at least two or three paragraphs per post in this game. I always appreciate longer posts, but I don't insist on them.

I'd like players to be able to post at least once a week. If you can't post or have IRL issues please just PM me to let me know. Also if you don't want to continue in the game please PM me. I won't take offence in anyway.

Dependant on player numbers and post frequency there may be a post order for all scenes and not just combat. There will almost definitely be a post order for combat barring say all players living in different time zones. In any case I'll make sure that posting priority is passed if any given player hasn't posted within a reasonable time.

Also in combat please post actions that show what your character is trying to do and not ones that show they have have done it and moved on to another opponent or objective. (Though you can use an element of reason to this, such as if your character has a power that you know an NPC cannot stop or defend against). You can always PM me about actions you want your character to take and what they could lead to if you think it would otherwise be too difficult or unwieldy to write.


Please follow the standard Elliquiy Rules.

When interacting with other characters beyond just dialogue please make sure you have the permission of their player.

And if you have any issues or problems please discuss them with me over PM and not on any actual threads.

Links (coming soon)

X-Force: Underground – Dramatis Personae (Approved Characters)

X-Force: Underground – Game Thread

X-Force: Underground – OOC Thread


Once characters have been approved, I'll create the Approved Characters thread and add them to it. Once sufficient characters have been approved I'll put up an OOC thread and inform you all when the game itself will start. If you still want to play after the game starts, PM me and I'll put you on a reserve list in case anyone drops out for any reason.

That's all for now...

Have fun playing :)


Sheet incoming!

Current Post Rate: Quick to Moderate
Current Solo Posts Owed: 3/6
Current Group Game Posts Owed: --/1

I AM AVAILABLE FOR: Groups, Solos, F/Any, posting via forums

My O/Os
My Solo Ideas (FxF for now)


Also working on my character sheet

Also sent! :-)



Thanks to everyone who sent in character sheets. I like that everyone has done it via PM. Seems fitting for the game :)

I'll have replies done for everyone today.