Spies in Monstertown [NC: Exotic, guided freeform]

Started by Sain, March 27, 2017, 01:35:19 PM

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Laughing Hyena

Oh I would happily accept that opportunity as well. ^_^ So many ideas!


Hmm if you don't like playing switch or any subby scenarios at all that is definitely going to make things a bit tricky. Mainly because for me to allow many scenarios where you would get smut would mean letting your character win often so that he/she gets their hands on the villains. The game set up was more designed for subby switchy characters in mind with players that enjoy having their characters fail in a sexy manner (and of course win also). I don't really want to have to think of ways to constantly avoid putting your characters in a position where they are powerless and deviate too much from what makes sense in the narrative.

Maybe if you make your character to work around that and play some kind of interrogator arch type who gets to deal with many prisoners. That could be one way to make it work, but even so I'm a bit worried, or rather I need confirmation how averse you are to having your characters lose control. How would you handle your character and his partner getting captured and then the villains taking the other character to some smutty interrogation while yours stays in the prison for example?
PM box is open. So is my discord: Sain#5301

Laughing Hyena

Quote from: Sain on April 08, 2017, 12:33:28 PM
Hmm if you don't like playing switch or any subby scenarios at all that is definitely going to make things a bit tricky. Mainly because for me to allow many scenarios where you would get smut would mean letting your character win often so that he/she gets their hands on the villains. The game set up was more designed for subby switchy characters in mind with players that enjoy having their characters fail in a sexy manner (and of course win also). I don't really want to have to think of ways to constantly avoid putting your characters in a position where they are powerless and deviate too much from what makes sense in the narrative.

Maybe if you make your character to work around that and play some kind of interrogator arch type who gets to deal with many prisoners. That could be one way to make it work, but even so I'm a bit worried, or rather I need confirmation how averse you are to having your characters lose control. How would you handle your character and his partner getting captured and then the villains taking the other character to some smutty interrogation while yours stays in the prison for example?

Well Im understanding that I will need to adjust and curb expectations but I thought this was super spy in medieval times genre crossover. Isn't it in the rulebook that they wind up in overly elaborate traps, and are in inexplicably sexual situations? And the daring escapes that happen later in such. I'll happily make some compromises to myself just to enjoy this.

Basically, as long as I not getting pegged or such male penetration I can deal with that. Besides it can make the payback and role reversal on I have come into play as a result. Also the tone is much lighter and that also helps. So in short, bring it on!


Yeah daring escapes and triumphs are naturally part of it :-)

Okay, in that case it should work. You're very welcome to make a character then! I can work with personalizing the kinks to players within a quite wide range, but the story must flow free towards most dramatic and fun outcomes.
PM box is open. So is my discord: Sain#5301


Quote from: Sain on April 08, 2017, 01:10:03 PM
Yeah daring escapes and triumphs are naturally part of it :-)

Okay, in that case it should work. You're very welcome to make a character then! I can work with personalizing the kinks to players within a quite wide range, but the story must flow free towards most dramatic and fun outcomes.

So... would you say Ooooo Kinky? ;)
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Laughing Hyena

"Are you kidding, once you have had a taste of me you will never want anyone else! HEY WHERE ARE YOU GOING!?"

Laughing Hyena

Name: Blackthorn the Magnificent Lion
Age: 20
Sex: Male
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Description: A young man stands at five foot six, relatively average for most men. A crown of golden blonde hair frame his face well, and blue eyes sparkle with intellect and curiosity behind them. Adorned in black robes and a gold scarf to match his hair and compliment it, he wears a tan dyed button jerkin underneath it. Atop his head is a black pointed hat that droops over giving a slightly unkept and weathered look despite the appearance.

Strengths: Magic User - Blackthorn is quite adept in the use of spells and has a good amount of magical study into the school of transmutation, capable of shape changing one object into another, or of changing his own form into another be it another human or animal. These transformations range from practical to perverted; from the mundane to the magical; from the size of a mouse (1 inch) to the size of a minotaur (8 feet). He can use his magic in a transmuted form, which is useful for returning to normal. He has absolutely no knowledge in necromancy and is pitiful with summoning spells.

Seduction - The man has a rather healthy sexual drive and often tries to apply it vigorously in his adventurers and his missions. It makes him a rather formidable opponent even in some of his most vulnerable states. He also has access to a number of rather tantric spells to further his mundane talents and has no shame in using them to his enjoyment. Including ones to prevent conception, naughty tentacles, modifying his own body heat, heightening or reducing sensitivity and so forth.

Too Kinky to Torture - The man is incredibly lewd in both mind and actions. He doesn't feel any shame and freely indulges his appetite for the fairer sex. As a result he will happily indulge in a lady knowing that he can turn things around if given the chance to get more lewd attention from them. They will find a much more willing partner which might spoil someones fun or excite others that are willing to engage in a sexual battle with the mage.

Compassionate - For a great many of his faults he does care about his fellows, even if he has an extremely perverse, greedy and egotistical streak. When people he likes wind up in serious trouble, he will drop what it is he's doing, lose the ego, the greed and pervy nature and do what needs doing to get them out of a jam.

Weaknesses: Transmutation Limitations - Unlike what most might believe from the common folk, mages cannot transform another living being in a baneful matter against their will. At the very least he cannot, thus limiting his applications of magic in some capacity on the subject of transmutation. Secondly, it's impossible for him to transform himself into an inanimate object, a mental safeguard to avoid a fatal magical mishap. Thirdly, inorganic transmutation requires materials to change. One cannot make something from thin air and thus he needs materials equal to or less than what he wants to create. As a few examples - he could change wine into water (less expensive) but not water to wine (more expensive). He cannot create a wall without stone and mortar to work with, currency without precious metals. Furthermore, he cannot create complex mechanisms out of transmutation such as doors, clocks, catapults, cannons, etc as it is beyond his magical capacity. Fourthly, his self transformations cannot make use of magical abilities his form has only physical attributes are carried over. As an example, if he say turned into a basilisk, he could not turn one to stone with his gaze, or if he turned into a mind flayer, use psionic powers as it is a supernatural effect. He could however fly if he turned into a bird as that is a physical attribute or if he turned into a tentacle monster, use reproductive organs for mating or groping. Fifthly, his transformations that alter his own body into another species require that he have some kind of material component from the creature he seeks to transform into. Hence he needs material components to transform himself, although for altering his appearance and for some of his more... original spells, he needs no such materials. Lastly, Transmutation takes a small measure of imagination and concentration. The bigger the object to transmute, the more time it takes. A few examples are, making a key requires a thirty seconds of concentration as an example, whilst altering the make up of an object from metal to glass takes a full minute. However self transformations are much faster. As an example, altering his normal physical appearances is ten seconds as skin, eyes and hair changes color. On the other hand changing from a human to a mouse takes a minute. If he wanted to change into something larger such as a minotaur. If he is distracted or his mind muddled, this can cause his magic to fail or misfire.

Perverted - Self Explanatory but the mage is incredibly lewd and will often act on his baser impulses if he can indulge in sexual encounters. And if someone starts to come onto him, the greater the lure becomes. He will often take unnecessary risks to indulge his fanciful appetite with the fairer sex, peeping on women and using his magic for more inappropriate uses and lewd acts.

Egotistical - He thinks incredibly highly of himself, and considers himself infallible. If something goes wrong he will never be the one to admit a mistake and will make excuses for why something went wrong. It can get grating at times and insufferable to those that cannot either look past that fault. This also tends for him to overestimate his abilities and he can as a result, get in over his head. It's a good thing he's brilliant. =)

Awful Greedy - He has an deep enjoyment of the finer things in life and is not above using his gifts of magic for monetary gain. On top of this he is terribly free with this money when he acquires it, frivolously spending things on himself but also becoming very careful with money, stingy even when it comes to more charitable causes.

Story: Blackthorn's full name is Aramis Winston. He renamed himself in order to hide his own name from the public eye thinking a mage shouldn't sound so... ordinary. But before he was a mage he was a farm boy upon a small out of the way nameless hamlet. Born to Jerl and Maria Winston, the boy was of decent stock, at first. However as he grew he proved that he had little love for labor and was a constant dreamer. Still he had to pull his weight and however reluctantly, he did. Working the fields in spite of his lackluster ability to work said fields, he hears the fantastic stories in the local inn and tavern every now and then. Adventures and magic. It wasn't however that he managed to hit is teens that his true talents began to take root. It was within the dead of winter and the frost was amazingly harsh this time around and he was trying to get a fire started in the pot oven to warm himself and the animals up. Out of frustration he managed to light the stove with naught but sheer will and a spark of electricity over the tinder. Surprised by this he decided to further this upon his own for now. He wasn't sure how his parents would react.

A small cantrip of chiling water here, working the mills for grain with his mind there, his small talents grew with time.  However the Shining City's Arcane Guild took note of the magical going ons in the local hamlet. One of the emissaries for the guild came to investigate and discovered Aramis Winston. He had been using his gifts to put together a nest egg of wealth for himself from any travelers, using divination to cheat at gambling and it was drawing the ire of the town with how uncanny his luck was. They took him in with the opportunities to control and master his gifts. Over toiling in the fields and living a much better life if he succeeded in becoming a fully fledged magician, he took this opportunity without a second thought.

During his time at the school he was fascinated by using transmutation in problem solving and further fascinated by it's applications. In essence this allowed him greater control over his lifestyle and what he could do. He made use of it in practical and later in his early adulthood years perverted uses. however it wasn't his perverted nature but rather, his rather egotism and pride that led to his expulsion from the school during his last year at the academy. On a dare he seduced the headmasters daughter and unfortunately he was caught and thrown out on the spot. Despite the blunder he was still seeing himself as a gifted transmuter and found no problems finding work. However it was only after his expulsion that the spymasters took note of his talents for both charms, and magic that drew the spymaster's attention. Someone capable of alteration magic works incredibly well with others that could benefit from him.

Likes: Exceptional Food and Drink, Chocolate, Snowy Scenery, Swimming, Wealth ; Large Breasts, Bondage, Foreplay, Power Perversion, Dominating Dominant Women (Loves to Break the Haughty), Exhibitionism

Dislikes: Legitimately Hurting Friends, Prudish/Close Minded People, Strong Alcohol ; Male Penetrations, Gender Bending, Bathroom Play

Ideas for the character: Being lured away from his duties for a very tempting offer of sex. Risking a independent dungeon spelunk because of rumored riches. One of his attempts at wooing turns out to be of noble birth which can cause huge problems. Impromptu transformation backfires and puts him in a delicate situation.


Let me know when the work is finished and I'll give more in depth feedback :-) As it stands the magic ability is way too strong and versatile for this game.
PM box is open. So is my discord: Sain#5301


Hey all! Had a few busy busy days. I've put up an OOC thread and character sheet thread follows tomorrow. Everyone whose concept has been approved by PM sent in a few minutes can move there. I'll still accept concepts and everyone who has started working on theirs can still finish the requested edits and join in! The IC opening should be done in a few days.
PM box is open. So is my discord: Sain#5301

Laughing Hyena


Oh hey, this thing's come up again. Hopefully it turns out better than last time.

I am mainly looking to see if there will be male naga character/s in a dominant role. I will have to rethink my character, but if interested, please PM me in the meantime so we can discuss in detail! Thanks!~
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-Victor Frankl
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