Mechwarrior (Interest Check)

Started by vin26m, November 22, 2016, 04:49:42 PM

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Uh, yeah.  Im all over this one.  Battletech was the first RPG / Game i was exposed to , and I am fairly familiar with the lore.  Color me highly interested. Im also all for focusing on the robots , combat , tactical simulation , and energy weapons :) (Large Lasers and Particle Cannons.)

Vid game Exp for me includes mw2 , mw2 gbl , mw3 (my fave storyline ) , and mw4/mw4bk /mw4mercs.  I also played the Mech commander 2.

3060ish works for me.  Fedcom civil war happened around then , so my character would be a veteran of that.  He would be a former Merc (Grey Death Legion ).

Im on my phone atm.  Ill give you a more detailed character description once I have a proper keyboard.
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Melvin A. Dallas, Call-sign "MAD"

Age: 42
Affilliation:  Former mercenary, one of the few surviving members of the Gray Death Legion.

Has a cyberntic left arm. (Myomer replacement. )

Dream Chassis:
IS Lights: Jenner or Wolfhound 
Clan Lights: Uller(Kit Fox) or Puma(Adder)
IS Mediums:  Crab or Uziel
Clan Mediums: Ryoken(Storm Crow) Blackhawk(Nova)
IS Heavies: Orion, Maurauder, or Warhammer
Clan Heavies: Night Gyr or Novacat (Favorite general purpose omnimech)
IS Assaults: Awesome (Favorite general purpose IS Juggernaut)
Clan Assaults: Supernova, Maurauder-IIC

A seasoned veteran mechwarrior of many battles, Melvin was present during the reinforcement of Hesperus II in 3065.  He fought gallantly during the final push, and despite his comrades falling like flies around him, he pushed on, going so far as to smash the head of his badly damaged Night Gyr into an opponent that got too close.  But his mech was not immortal, and repeated direct hits made his mecha shut down...

Rather than try to salvage his mech, the opposing force of Skye Rebels unloaded into it, trying to set an example to the rest of the world.  One shot from a Large Laser ripped through his cockpit and cooked away his left arm instantly...  Some point after that not even his rage could keep him awake, and he fell unconscious...  A few hours later he awoke, the stinging pain from his singed but cauterized left shoulder hammering away at his nerves.  The Mechwarrior swore, wishing he had just died or bled to death...  But the laser had sealed his severed arm shut. Melvin was able to drag his battered body from the wreckage of his mech, and he wandered the battlefield for days after that, for how long he cant really remember... All he knows is that his body refused to die...

At some point he made it to a spaceport...  Melvin pretended to be one of the many refugees seeking medical attention...   The mechwarrior had only enough savings left for a workable cybernetic prosthetic...  Depressed and apathetic, he worked as a mechanic on a union class drop-ship making its way to the Planet of Solaris.  The pay wasn't great, but it kept him fed, with enough left over for him to drown himself in cheap but effective whiskey...

Once at Solaris, he deserted from his mechanic contract, and lost himself in the intoxicating, cheap beverages in the numerous bars.  Maybe his liver would finally give out, kill him, and allow him to finally have the peace he so desperately craved...

But then he saw an ad, asking for experienced mechwarriors...  Fighters for the gladiatorial type matches in the Solaris arenas...

A chance to pilot a robotic death machine once again, a chance to fight, and most importantly, a chance to die, and die well, doing what he always loved...
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Good ol' Grey Death Legion. Great heroes. Awful mercenaries. :D


Quote from: TheGlyphstone on November 30, 2016, 01:37:54 AM
Good ol' Grey Death Legion. Great heroes. Awful mercenaries. :D

Eh, The MRBC kinda screwed them over,  and the last remaining Carlysle is stuck fulfilling his Lyran service contract.
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Captain Whitebread

Not to mention that Carlysle couldn't see a trap until it closed on him.

Are we allowed more than one character?
There are nights when the wolves are silent and it the moon that howls.


Quote from: Ralhend on November 30, 2016, 01:55:22 AM
Eh, The MRBC kinda screwed them over,  and the last remaining Carlysle is stuck fulfilling his Lyran service contract.
Honestly? As much as I like them, the MRBC did exactly what it should have. They really were awful mercenaries in the sense that they broke or betrayed more contracts than they saw through to the end. For all that said betrayals were always because they found out their employers were evil bastards and they decided to fight on the side of good, that's exactly what a mercenary isn't supposed to do.


Quote from: TheGlyphstone on November 30, 2016, 11:42:28 AM
Honestly? As much as I like them, the MRBC did exactly what it should have. They really were awful mercenaries in the sense that they broke or betrayed more contracts than they saw through to the end. For all that said betrayals were always because they found out their employers were evil bastards and they decided to fight on the side of good, that's exactly what a mercenary isn't supposed to do.

Regardless, it sets the perfect stage for a disgraced mechwarrior down on his luck, as per what the DM requested =D

Oh, and can we have Duncan Fischer providing commentary?  =D (Bwahaha.  J/K)
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True 'nuff. Still fun to argue about BT lore with other fans, though.


Quote from: TheGlyphstone on November 30, 2016, 11:54:35 AM
True 'nuff. Still fun to argue about BT lore with other fans, though.

Eh, I don't argue all that well.
I am super excited for this game though.  I have been craving mech action like a cocaine addict going through withdrawls
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*kicks over the lore*

Howdy Sir and/or Madame, have you heard the Word of Blake?  OuO

I have been reading some of my old ComStar books and maaan, they talk a lot of shit on the other factions for a bunch of pseudo-mystics that couldn't see a fundamentalist rebellion in their midst. Like they smack at FedCom for not taking care of their civil war and then they turn around and look at the Blakes and say "I'm sure it's just a phase".

ComStar - delightfully ignorant, please send help.


Its too bad they never figured out any type of real time interstellar communication system.

Didnt comstar or whoever have some kind of typwriter esqe like devices that did not require the HPG network for anything ?
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Captain Whitebread

You're thinking the Davion 'fax' machine.
There are nights when the wolves are silent and it the moon that howls.

Mister Ugly

 :o ;D
My reaction to seeing a battle 5tech thread. WOW I was actually also working on a BT/MechWarrior story set in 3042 and wondering if there were people here that actually knew Battletech.
I played the original Battledriods board game. Played in and ran several BT games. Played in all sorts of sanctioned FASA and Mechforce NA events. Played most of the video games . Played the Solaris BT Board game [yes there was one done by FASA].
Anyway this is great!!
I play Mech Warrior Online also and yes LRMs are considered luser and newbie weapons. Cause most do not know how to run a missle boat...I do.

I will see about a character from my favorite stellar nation the FRR [Free Rasalhague Republic] or what is left of it now. Of course if it is 3065+ Then The Word of Blake's Jihad is about ready to kick off and they do bad things to Solaris If I remember correctly.

Also here is  brief guide to 'Solaris'

"You have to learn the rules of the game. And then you have to play better than anyone else."
"The difference between stupidity and genius is that genius has its limits"
Albert Einstein

What makes the ugly feel pretty ...


I think I'll invent a pyromaniacal ex-soldier from one of the Great House militaries, discharged for setting one too many important things/people on fire. Give him a Firestarter and he'll be happy as a clam.

Sara Nilsson

Quote from: TheGlyphstone on November 30, 2016, 03:54:44 PM
I think I'll invent a pyromaniacal ex-soldier from one of the Great House militaries, discharged for setting one too many important things/people on fire. Give him a Firestarter and he'll be happy as a clam.

join the firestarter love group!
In the mood for: something beastly or incesty

Apologies and Absences


I didnt' see you had already claimed the Firestarter. :-(

I should probably look for something else then, to preserve verisimilitude. Very unlikely for a Solaris team to double up on flamer mechs, it's a very specialized design.

Sara Nilsson

If you got your heart set for one I can always pick something else if you want :) I am flexible as you know
In the mood for: something beastly or incesty

Apologies and Absences


So am I, it's hardly a concept set in stone. By all rights you did get there first.

Sara Nilsson

Pfff it isnt first served first come.. though it could be interesting to have two people compete for the same mech too
In the mood for: something beastly or incesty

Apologies and Absences


I think it'll be more interesting to still make a pyro, but not give him a Firestarter when someone else on the roster does get the mech that makes him touch himself at night. ;D

Sara Nilsson

Quote from: TheGlyphstone on November 30, 2016, 04:56:51 PM
I think it'll be more interesting to still make a pyro, but not give him a Firestarter when someone else on the roster does get the mech that makes him touch himself at night. ;D


That is rather disturbing :) I like it
In the mood for: something beastly or incesty

Apologies and Absences

Inerrant Lust

Sara Nilsson

im waiting on harebrained schemes mech game myself. Since i love their games
In the mood for: something beastly or incesty

Apologies and Absences


Quote from: Inerrant Lust on December 04, 2016, 11:09:55 AM
So... this is a thing.

Oh please let it actually get completed. At least it means we don't have to replay through the Clan Invasion again.


Quote from: Sara Nilsson on December 04, 2016, 11:24:47 AM
im waiting on harebrained schemes mech game myself. Since i love their games

I take it you have played Dragonfall then?  =D
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