Sara's stories. Mostly fantasy with some darker stories.

Started by Sara Nilsson, August 02, 2013, 05:49:05 AM

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Sara Nilsson

Read my on/off first! But here is a TL:DR: I rp only on the forums.

Taken RPs gets moved down to the other post (with a link to the story), however I will not mark a story taken until we are actually several posts in. I have been having too many people drop the story without a word after a single post, so I will not shut someone else out over that. I wont be poking you if you stop replying instead after three months of silence I will just assume you lost interested and didn't feel like telling me and close the story.

And when I write male or female below I am only talking about our characters. I don't care what is or isn't in your pants. Since I hopefully wont be seeing that part, only what your lovely brain can come up with. Wait, did that sound creepy? I don't plan to break open your skull. Probably.

Also please don't reply in this thread, it makes it difficult for me to keep it updated. Yes I am really a klutz when it comes to trying to do coding.

The way my ideas are set up, first I have the title along with a few keywords that I think describe it and also the F/F and/or M/F to show the gender pairings I want with your character being the first, if a gender is added in parenthesis that means extra NPCs usually played by the person where the parenthesis are. Meaning M/F(F) means I will play an extra (or several extra) females for instance (ie group fun during funtimes). Then comes a in character snippet that might explain the idea and lastly my out of character rambling to explain everything.. I hope. Oh and a pic to the right that might get your ideas flowing.. or so I hope.

Of course... my ideas are not set in stone, i don't have a script of everything that will happen. I have rough ideas of where I see it going but that is of course something that can and will change as two people RP :) If the current craving listing is empty it just means I have no particular favorite in that category at the moment.

Note: I work 7 days a week, but in general I can post during the weekdays but weekends are the busiest time for me so I am unlikely to get any posts done during that time other then to reply to the odd PM and such. Though I am TERRIBLE at keeping up with Private Messages, so if you haven't heard from me in a few days just poke me! I am not ignoring you, I just probably forgot. That doesn't mean I am not excited, for some reason PMs just.. slip my mind.

Handy Links:

Apologies and Absences This is also where the post tracker is.
Currently Craving
Fantasy and Magic
Slice of Life
Smutty Stories
Short Stories
Non/low Smut Stories
Character Vault
Finished Stories

Other threads:

Sara's Emporium of unwritten tales. (NSFW) A thread with some random story ideas I have come up with. Might serve you as an inspiration.

And if you made it all the way down here, yes I am on discord. You can PM and ask for the info.
In the mood for: something beastly or incesty

Apologies and Absences

Sara Nilsson

Currently Craving

This is where stories that I am currently really itching for will go.

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Stuck in a game
GM/F, computer game world, non-con, monsters

"Mentally she focuses, and sure enough she can see, not quite but she can tell they are there. Hit points, magicka, stamina and her inventory. This is so odd, it almost makes her head hurt thinking about it. She is actually stuck inside of the game. And of course, just for a laugh, she had installed some skimpy armors. Just to laugh at how pathetic they are of course. Wait. Whats that menu? Sexlab? Oh right, she visited Loverslab too. Mentally she navigates the menus, she doesn't understand half of them. Wait what is that? Rape Settings? THAT doesn't sound good. "These settings cannot be changed at this time"


Slowly she sinks down on a nearby log and just seems to stare out into nothing, in reality she is glaring at the menu settings. But whatever she does she can't change them, the same error seem to flash before her. With a sigh she closes the menu, slowly she is getting better at navigating them. That is when she is greeted with a new message.

"As you explore the world more of the settings will open up to you."

Interesting. But she isn't quite sure what that means, does it mean just doing quests or doing the things in the menus?"

Ok, strange idea? Well, she is stuck in a computer game. Think Skyrim (with various loverslabs mods). The thing is, she knows it is a game. It behaves like a game, so if she dies she will respawn at the last save point. Like the last time she slept or something. Which also means any horrible things that happen to her wont mean she has to become a depressed mess. Violated by a gang on bandits? Well its just a game so time to get revenge on them!

Specifics can be discussed of course, and yes I wrote that I am looking for a GM to do the story with. BUT I am more than willing to do a LOT of the work as well, world building, writing NPCs etc.

In the mood for: something beastly or incesty

Apologies and Absences

Sara Nilsson

Fantasy and Magic

This is where stories either set in a traditional fantasy setting (LOTR, AD&D etc) or stories set in our world where magic will play a prominent role goes. Yes there can be cases you can argue a story should go in Slice of Life instead.

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Stuck in a game
GM/F, computer game world, non-con, monsters

"Mentally she focuses, and sure enough she can not see, not quite but she can tell they are there. Hit points, magicka, stamina and her inventory. This is so odd, it almost makes her head hurt thinking about it. She is actually stuck inside of the game. And of course, just for a laugh, she had installed some skimpy armors. Just to laugh at how pathetic they are of course. Wait. Whats that menu? Sexlab? Oh right, she visited Loverslab too. Mentally she navigates the menus, she doesn't understand half of them. Wait what is that? Rape Settings? THAT doesn't sound good. "These settings cannot be changed at this time"


Slowly she sinks down on a nearby log and just stares out into nothing, in reality she is glaring at the menu settings. But whatever she does she can't change them, the same error seem to flash before her. With a sigh she closes the menu, slowly she is getting better at navigating them. That is when she is greeted with a new message.

"As you explore the world more of the settings will open up to you."

Interesting. But she isn't quite sure what that means, does it mean just doing quests or doing the things in the menus?"

Ok, strange idea? Well, she is stuck in a computer game. Think Skyrim (with various loverslabs mods). The thing is, she knows it is a game. It behaves like a game, so if she dies she will respawn at the last save point. Like the last time she slept or something. Which also means any horrible things that happen to her wont mean she has to become a depressed mess. Violated by a gang on bandits? Well its just a game so time to get revenge on them!

Specifics can be discussed of course, and yes I wrote that I am looking for a GM to do the story with. BUT I am more than willing to do a LOT of the work as well, world building, writing NPCs etc.

The Prize
M/F, non con. Fantasy.

"Her arm is aching, sweat is stinging in her eyes. Each breath is a struggle, but she isn't going to give up. With a snarl she raises her swords again, this man will not best her so easily. She has lost track of how long they been fighting, longer than anyone else that is for sure. The rest of the battle is over, it is just her against the barbarian warlord. A tall imposing man for sure, build like a walking mountain with the scars to prove that he is no stranger to warfare. Not that she would think otherwise, to rule a tribe like this you have to show them you are better than them. And, well she is afraid he will best her in the end. She has dredged up most  of her strength already, if she had been in top condition to begin with perhaps. But she has been wandering the Ashlands for months now, searching. Only to stumble upon this raid and well her honor demanded she leap into the frey.

His heart is pounding inside of his barrel like chest, both from the joy of fighting, from fatigue and from seeing his opponent before him. This, woman, a female is holding her own against him. Another warlord might be insulted, but not him. This is a gift, a gift from the Wolf spirit. Here, finally someone worthy of bearing his children. He will best her, and then as his men claim the other women by the fire he will make her his. Such a strong woman, and brave. Oh yes, she will give him many strong sons once he has broken her to his will. All women break eventually, some just take longer. But, the breaking is part of the fun. To feel them struggle as you sink your manhood into them. Oh he can hardly wait. "

Ok.. *deep breath* I tried non con before and, mixed results. But I think I would like to try again. So the story is, well simple and cliche enough right? Big bad warlord leading his men on a raid to claim loot, and women. And this strange female warrior shows up, fights the warlord almost to a standstill before being beaten. Stuff, you know.. happens. ^^ And then I can see them slowly growing to respect each other. Slowly. Neither willing to back down, and that is what earns the respect.

In the mood for: something beastly or incesty

Apologies and Absences

Sara Nilsson


Various Sci-fi stories as well as cyberpunk, Star Wars etc. Basically even if it has magic it goes here if there is a lot of advanced technology (Ie Shadowrun).

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In the mood for: something beastly or incesty

Apologies and Absences

Sara Nilsson

Slice of Life

Stories set in a world with modern technology, little or no magic.

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Heroines and Villains, natural frenemies
M/F, silliness, supers, hate/love

"She tugs at the restraints but they refuse to yield even to her impressive strength, clearly made specifically to keep beings such as her captive. Must have cost a small fortune. Robots stand guard outside the cell, probably programmed to ignore any plea or ruse from the prisoner. Slowly she looks around the small cell, thick metal walls, nothing really in the room to use as a weapon, the cell door just a flickering force field. Maybe she can, no the chains wont allow her to reach them.

She has heard tales from the other female superheroes and the ones that had been captured in a similar way all tell of the horrible fate that awaits them. To be used by their nemesis in the most horrible degrading ways. Over and over until their mind just couldn't take it anymore. Then dumped at the Superhero HQ a well fucked mess.

And honestly, she can't wait! This new system is such a great initiative, lets face it there has always been so much sexual tension between a hero and their nemesis. But no one, not even the cruelest of villains actually want to rape the heroes. That is just, uncalled for. So the Program was invented, when the sexual tension reaches too high mediators will step in and negotiate a little get together where the hero and villain can safely play out their sexual fantasies of being captured by, or capturing the other. All with strict limits and safe words of course."

Just ignore it is Supergirl, I mean it can be, but she is just the symbol of the generic female superhero that after too many tussles with villains find that the sexual tension is too much. So the premise is really rather simple, a superhero game where the hero and villains will now and then get together to play out a pretend capture scenario to relieve themselves of all that pent up frustration.

A New World, A New Life
M/f, Free use, changing dynamics.

"To think, the Free Use laws went into effect only recently but already so much has changed. The few doomsayers where quickly proven wrong when society didn't instantly collapse, instead after a hesitant period where people where not sure of what to do everyone settled into a new more comfortable rhythm. After all the laws where quite simple when you removed all the mysterious legalese, a man can at any time request sex of any woman (adults of course), and she can't say no. The fact that it was mostly women that pushed for it was a surprise to a lot of men.

Each city and village quickly had areas set up where the law was in effect, and others where it wasn't. After all it isn't like kids stopped existing and they shouldn't be exposed to this. So every adult has a small app on their phone now where they can check to make sure they are in the right area. Large red bracelets are issued to people that for a reason or another can't or shouldn't have sex, illness, infections, trauma etc. All you have to do is show that to the guy to let him know you are off limits. The fines for counterfeiting such a band are quite steep but so far no one has seen a need to do it, as if you have a genuine need for one the government hands them out."

First off, no this is not meant to be a smutfest! Sure there will be smut, but not constantly. So the idea is, the world or at least the area our characters will operate in has recently passed new laws making Free Use the new rules. What does that mean? I was thinking that women are not allowed to turn down an offer for sex, (I know, how sexist of me. I just like it that way but I'm open for negotiations). I think there is a lot of room to explore how a society would change, how our characters would change with these new rules in effect. As for exactly who our characters are? I mean they can be anything really. It could even be set in a sci-fi or fantasy world. And yes, there will of course be lots of public sex. :) But again, the focus should be on the story. The pure smut I found works better as one shots.

The New Wrestling League
MF/FM, public sex, wrestling, tongue in cheek

"She slowly takes long deep breaths, steadying herself. She both has and hasn't made it, she is in the big leagues but she has yet to prove herself. Lots of blood and sweat, and many a long hours in the gym and on the training mats. The woman she is about to wrestle looks over and winks at her, they both practiced the match several times now. It is all scripted of course, but that isn't the point of the game anyway. It is to put on a show, to make the crowd excited, worked up and eager for more. The old wrestling was on the way out, this new style was gaining ground fast. Everyone wrestled in teams, lady and gentleman. The ladies would battle it out first, officially more as a warm up. But with clothes being torn at times and the whole act being much more erotic without going all out into lewd they where crowdpleasers for sure. The outcome would give the menfolk a certain number of points to start their match with. If you wanted the lewd stuff, that is what the pay per view shows where for, the grand finales for each season. That is when things got.. heated."

So wrestling, staged of course. The ladies fight first, and do it teasingly, having clothing ripped, playing it all up. But never going really lewd until the end of each season. I see the story being part fighting and part what is going on outside of the matches. Setting up "rivalries" the practices, the gimmicks.

In the mood for: something beastly or incesty

Apologies and Absences

Sara Nilsson

Smutty Stories

When I say smutty stories I don't mean non stop smut, I still want a story. For a good example look up my story 21 Hunk street, still plenty of story but more heavy on smut then my other stories.

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M/F, casual sex, free use

" With the prison population growing out of control something had to be done, so a new program was quickly cobbled together. Instead of prison time select prisoners are given points that they can do chores to earn. At least that is how it was pitched as to avoid too much outrage from some people. What it means in reality, mostly women are given a points based punishment. And to pay off those points is easy, men who have enrolled in the program gets notified when a woman with points is nearby on their phone and then they can demand sex. Various sex acts costs different points, a blowjob in private isn't much. Anal in public that leads to her sucking him off straight from the ass? That's a lot more. The phone app comes with a calculator so the guy, or guys can quickly tally up what they can demand. And in typical fashion, men can get those points to pay with by handing over some cold hard cash. The government always wins.

He can hardly believe his luck, his phone just dinged and looking at it he has an alert from the new app. And when he spots the ID on the phone it doesn't take long to match it to the gorgeous woman stretching a little further down the beach. And she just leaned down showing off those massive tits, that settles it. Quickly he hurries over, checking how many points she has. The app doesn't say what she is guilty off, just the points. And its a fair amount,  more than he has in his account. But he has enough for a very nice time.

"Hey, Jessica. Sooo glad my phone just told me you where near.""

I mean, its simple. Lots of casual sex in public, specific kinks is open for discussion. It can either be a shorter story or something longer, perhaps they become friends and lovers? Or, she has done something really bad so has a ton of points. But the judge figured she was hot enough that the points system was better than jail.

In the mood for: something beastly or incesty

Apologies and Absences

Sara Nilsson

Shorter Stories

Stories that are much shorter in length, more of a one shot type of deal. Might be possible to adapt to a longer story if you so wish. Give me a holler if you got an angle that can extend the story. Sometimes crossposted to the one shot thread in the appropriate forum for that.

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Name: Office party, with benefits

Content: Human, gangbang,

Another year gone by, time does fly. And the company has done great, heck better than that. They exceeded all dreams and now its party time. So the CEO (my character) throws them a party with an open bar, she isn't going to spare any expenses so the drinks are on the house. With some liquid refreshment inhibitions drop, and it isn't helped by the CEO being a good looking woman, and painfully single due to being all but married to the job.

So backstory/setting done.

Rather simple story, but I mean its a one shot :) So they all get a bit tipsy, and somehow Palpatine ret.. sorry wrong script. Somehow they get a bit handsy and well sex happens. The way I see the story, a few posts to introduce the characters, to have them drink and be merry before they start getting naughty. I would like 2 guys enjoy her ample charms at once.. or .. more if you are feeling adventurous :) Im greedy. *nodnod*

Now.. being me.. I mean who else would I be? I adore an audience, but we can discuss that. But having people watch and comment.. consider it a plus.

Setting: Modern world, nice villa they are using for the party.

Requirements: Anyone who can play the guys. I don't care what your tag say. Three or more paragraphs per post (or so), just.. take a look at my post history for a feel for my posts. If we can match it would be great.

Other info: I will need a few posts to get a feel for the characters before the smut. Or my muse just goes.. nope. Hope to hear from.. well.. someone? You.. yes you! No, you.. look I am pointing right at you! Oh wait you can't see me can you. Well, just imagine I am waiting for you ok?
In the mood for: something beastly or incesty

Apologies and Absences

Sara Nilsson

Non/low Smut Stories

Stories with little to no smut that isn't fade to black. For various reasons, some stories I don't think it suits or even possible. And sometimes you just want something non smutty.

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In the mood for: something beastly or incesty

Apologies and Absences

Sara Nilsson

Character Vault

Here goes various characters that exist in my head that I do not have a specific story for. Most of them can be tailored quite extensively to suit the story so do not think you have to play against them as they are. Some like Snogflog (not written up yet) have been everything from a goblin manservant in a Birthright campained I DMed, to a sexy orc whore here on E. For instance.

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In the mood for: something beastly or incesty

Apologies and Absences

Sara Nilsson


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Northern steel, Southern spirit
F/M, different cultures, strong willed women, possibly pregnancy taken

"We came south to plunder, to steal gold, steel and of course women. Every spring the competition to be allowed to honor of joining the raids are fierce, all the unwed men want to prove themselves in the eyes of the tribe and in the eyes of the gods. And some of those who already have a wife wish to bring back plunder to make her happy, or even a second wife perhaps. Me? I never thought much for southern women, most of them are weak, sniveling things not suitable to the harsh climate. Still, I wanted to bring glory to the gods, to test my arm and my steel against the southerners. Women have never really been part of my life, at least.. until I came upon her.

The rest of the village where fleeing our wrath, the few guards easily overcome. No challenge to be had there, at least until I burst into her home and found an amphora of wine smashed over my head and more crockery and utensils then I ever seen flying at me. Oh she wasn't going to just allow me to take what was right by conquest. Her anger was a beautiful thing, where the menfolk fled she stood firm armed only with household goods. Of course I had to have her!”

In this story I would like to play the male for once. The concept is quite simple, and yeah cliché as hell. He and his kin is coming south for plunder and women, but he isn't some brute. He wants a woman that is his equal, who will stand up to him and who isn't afraid to beat some sense into him if need be. I see some fun meetings with his family once she starts settling in, and some good heart to heart with his mother.

In the mood for: something beastly or incesty

Apologies and Absences

Sara Nilsson


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Idea by BigBadWolf

Name: In the gnoll camp

Content:  Bondage,NC, (maybe Extrem), Exotic

Scenario: This is a basic idea which was inspired by the picture down below. A woman (or women) captured by gnolls, and they use her as a sex toy.

Setting: Fantasy

Other info: I've got a bit more ides in my head with this, but I'm looking for a partner who also likes the picture. I'm open to discuss it as a long term game.

The Gnoll Camp My first attempt at dub-con. I want to thank my writing partner for helping me along. I would say it was an interesting experience to have tried it out even if I have to admit in the end I don't think it was for me. But still, was fun to do and again thank you for writing with me.

My wife the pornstar
M/F, smut, romance, humor possible incest.  taken

""Aaaaand cut!! Wonderful job!" The director grins at his preview screen where the camera man has zoomed in on the naked redhead smearing cum all over her face with a wicked grin on her lips, the man responsible for the mess just grins down at his costar and helps her up from where she is kneeling. "God Jenny you are amazing, think you can leave a guy some leeway next time. I almost erupted way to soon." She just grins and gratefully takes the towel an assistant gives her so she can wipe off, "oh come on a big strong stud like you can't take having his cock sucked?" He just gives her a long look and grips his softening shaft, "hey be nice to the monster or next scene where you get it in the rear."

A few hours later she arrives back home and parks her trusty old Volvo in the driveway and waves to the neighbors across the street before heading indoors to be greeted by the heavenly aroma of home made pizza. "mommy mommy mommy!!!" the smallest one launches herself at her mom and is happily scooped up and spun around in the air. "Hey you little firecracker! You been good to daddy?" The little redheaded girl nods lots before nuzzling into mommy's neck as Jenny walks in to give her husband a long kiss. "Hi darling, how was work?" he just grins at her and sneaks in a little unseen squeeze on her behind as she accidentally rubs her massive silicone breasts against him. Their oldest son just looks at them kissing and rolls his eyes "get a room you two"

Well.. pretty straight forward. She works as a porn star, he is.. well whatever you feel like playing.. something ordinary. Nothing in the adult industry, and they are still after several years of marriage madly in love and have no problem expressing it. But of course they try and keep her job secret so the kids or the nosy neighbors wont find out (hence the humor part, I can imagine many fun little things about that). If we so desire the oldest son could be of age and perhaps find his mom quite hot.. but only if the story will allow it. It really isn't a big deal either way. Pretty simple little story no?

Notes: So we finished it! After almost 6 and a half years. We did it. My final thoughts are in my last post of the story but I had a blast, sure the story deviated a bit from what we initially planned but such is the way of stories :) Characters take on a life of their own.

A short, really short little story about a pair of sisters indulging in a little unexpected fetish of theirs. A pretend home invasion turned sexual. What I really enjoyed about this story, (other than the itch I got to scratch) was the way we handled the characters. Most would scream Godmodding over it. But it really worked for this story, it allowed the sex to flow much easier over the normal constantly having to pause to let the other person write. So all in all I really liked it and it is something I think I will try and use more in the future, With partners approval of course.

Also I want to thank Pockets for lots of good writing and fun chatting over discord. Really good guy to write with, and always willing to help plot and work through a block. Can recommend :)

Also also.. *giggles* the story worked great as just a super short story. Any more would have been repetitive. So while short, I really had fun and got to try something new. And again, got it reinforced how hard it is to write a character in bondage.

Name: How to handle bad girls in two easy steps. Link to story: Scandal at Mosswood (Sara Nilsson & Aethyrium)

Content: Human, bondage, light to rough. I am open to various levels here. If you so wish could even be incest. NO noncon though, everyone in the story is a willing participant. But limits can be pushed.

Scenario: With the passing of the new Free Use Initiative (FUI) a lot of changes to the way things work quickly happened. While the law doesn't say you can just use any woman willy nilly, it is more the woman has to agree be under the Initiative. Either for fun, or as punishment or other things. Using a special badge/wrist thing/whatever to indicate that they are free use. In the case of this story, it takes place at some university somewhere (doesn't really matter where unless you have a specific one in mind.) So for this story if you are a woman and act up (i know, so sexist *giggles* one day Ill make a free use of men story but not today. I am sexist that way) they can get detention. Meaning an hour or two in a special room designed for free use. Naturally some would deliberately get into trouble just for this, it gives them that illusion of noo i totally didn't mean that. I am not some slut! The room is open to students and faculty. And, the hour or so is more of a guideline.

So backstory/setting done.

MC, a cheerful student. Moderately popular, but not all that brave when it comes to boys. Not for the lack of trying from a few of the guys. She isn't a virgin or anything (mostly because man I am tired of writing virgins) but more focused on school. Cheerleader but not one of the slutty ones. So YC has had his eyes on her for some time, maybe he makes it look like she has made some error to get her sent to detention. Exactly what? Maybe when she wasn't looking took a book out of her bag so when she went to the school library to return it she couldn't find it? Or she was in charge of doing the laundry for the sports team and YC snuk in a few red socks without her looking so it all came out pink. We can work something out.

So YC (could be faculty, could be a student) has now seen his shot so is eagerly awaiting his chance. Could even be a brother or so. Again, flexible. I don't want to dictate your character too much. Its, your character after all.

As for the story itself, it would start with a few posts of her having to report to the headmaster for her sentencing, I need a few posts to get in the head of the character and get in the mood for writing smut. Then off to the detention area. here it kinda depends on the mood of the story we want. There will be others in the room, but mostly they will be in the background, with the other girls. Unless you want YC to have a friend he wants to share MC with of course. I wont say no.. well.. duh ./. if you read my on offs that should be obvious.

But if we want something softer, more like the gif over.. there. *points* If we want something rougher I can see the room more being, benches the girls are secured too. Ass up for the guys to just walk over and enjoy themselves. I am sure we can work it out without me making a long list here.

Did any of that make sense? Confusing I know, but .. my brain is a confusing place. A lot of the tone of the story is flexible, can be soft, almost romantic and can be rougher. For once I actually have no real preference.

Also and this is kinda a must. I WANT people to watch, and comment. Can be cute and innocent comments or crude comments. But it is supposed to be public after all.

Setting: Modern, campus buildings/outside

Requirements: Anyone who can play one or more guys. I don't care what your tag say. Three or more paragraphs per post (or so), just.. take a look at my post history for a feel for my posts. If we can match it would be great.

Other info: I will need a few posts to get a feel for the characters before the smut. Or my muse just goes.. nope. Hope to hear from.. well.. someone? You.. yes you! No, you.. look I am pointing right at you! Oh wait you can't see me can you. Well, just imagine I am waiting for you ok?

So we finished it! Yay! May I say, Aethy has been an utter delight as a writing partner, even if she scared the bejeebus out of me once. The evil minx. Can really recommend. Lots of fun occ chatting as well as willing to help work with the story. Really has been a delight!

Name: Cats are bad luck... or is that have bad luck? Link to story: Shit...I really shouldn't have walked under that ladder... (Sara and Jessie) (Non con, trigger warning)

Content: Human, bondage, dub to non-con

The City, from the sparkling skyscrapers to the more downtrodden urban areas The City can be summed up with one thing. Supers. Heroes, villains and everything in between (aka some edgy teens claiming that good and evil are constructs and the only true metric is suffering. So your normal kids, but with superpowers.) Now, they are not quite wrong, even the so called "good guys" are not always quite so good. some more concerned with catching the badguys by any means possible, others might have a slightly.. fluid.. view on the legal system.

So backstory/setting done.

Note: NO this is NOT a canon setting, just using the black cat image.. for inspiration. :)

So MC, is a small.. ish.. super villain. She isn't out to ruin stuff, or destroy the world or anything. Just make her own life comfortable my stealing pretty things. Of course she has a hero that she so far has foiled time and time again, and he is getting mighty frustrated. She keeps slipping through his fingers and he is tired of the ridicule he gets for it.

So as the story is set to start they will clash again, but this time he will overpower her. But rather than hauling her cute butt to prison he decides to use that butt for his own pleasure, to take out his frustration on her.

This can be done in a few ways, either more of the dub con way. Where they will both end up enjoying it. Or just outright noncon.

Now.. being me.. I mean who else would I be? I adore an audience, but we can discuss that. But having people watch and comment.. consider it a plus.

Setting: Modern world with superheroes.

Requirements: Anyone who can play the aggressor. I don't care what your tag say. Three or more paragraphs per post (or so), just.. take a look at my post history for a feel for my posts. If we can match it would be great.

Other info: I will need a few posts to get a feel for the characters before the smut. Or my muse just goes.. nope. Hope to hear from.. well.. someone? You.. yes you! No, you.. look I am pointing right at you! Oh wait you can't see me can you. Well, just imagine I am waiting for you ok?

So we finished it, yeah it is just a short story. As it was a bit of an experiment for me. But I must say I had a blast and can't recommend Jessie enough!!! Seriously, a super fun person to chat with and to write and plot with. 10/10 Had me laughing so hard many a times.
In the mood for: something beastly or incesty

Apologies and Absences

Sara Nilsson

I decided to keep a little log of changes here. A few years later ^^

11/10/2022 Removed stories.
10/15/2023 Renovating. Removed all stories, will go over and redo the whole system
1/22/2024 Added Stuck in a game
1/26/2024 Added Heroines and Villains, natural frenemies
12/5/2024 Added A New World, A New Life
1/2/2025 Added wrestling story

Just the code so I won't forget it. IE nothing to see here. Move along to another ideas thread that is actually good.
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[size=14pt][b]title[/b][/size][float=right][img height=400 padding=8]http://address[/img][/float] tags

[size=12pt][i]" in character prompt "



[url=address goes herel]text[/url]


[float=right][center][img height=300 padding=8][/img][br]Madison Roe[br]Student, cheerleader[/center][/float]

In the mood for: something beastly or incesty

Apologies and Absences