[Pathfinder EX] Curse of the Crimson Throne: All the Queen's Men (Application)

Started by PaleEnchantress, November 15, 2016, 04:56:03 PM

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This campaign deals with dark themes such as racial genocide and torture. It has strong BDSM and sexual themes with both heterosexuality and homosexuality between males. The PC's play villain protagonists.

The king is dead! In the Varisian port city of Korvosa, the death of a monarch leads to chaos, and only the Heroes can hope to save the city from its own darkest tendencies. As the rule of the beautiful young queen grows more and more draconian, it's up to a band of bold heroes to stop the spread of tyranny before all of Korvosa is crushed beneath her iron fist.

As the PC's your job is to find these heroes and kill them.

This campaign is the classic Pathfinder adventure path Curse of the Crimson Throne played  from the perspective of those who owe their loyalty to the Queen. Many elements of the campaign have been tweaked from their original story. Foremost Queen (renamed) Atremicia Arabasti's soul and personality have completely merged with that of the ancient blue dragon Kazavon. They are no longer separate entities. In the original they remained separate with Kazavon having only a minute influence on the Queen.  For those not familiar with Pathfinder lore. . .


The followers of Zon-Kuthon, God of Envy, Pain, Darkness, and Loss tend to be a nasty bunch, with a penchant for torture and self-mutilation. Yet not a one of them - including quite possibly Zon-Kuthon himself - has ever come close to the level of atrocity perpetrated by Kazavon, Zon-Kuthon's one-time Champion. Essentially Vlad the Impaler in the form of a sixty foot Blue Dragon, Kazavon disguised himself as a human mercenary and offered to help the nation of Ustalav drive out the invading Orc hordes. Upon his victory, Kazavon set himself up as the dictator of the borderlands area, where he ruled with an iron fist, torturing to death all those who disagreed with him, including many of the soldiers who had served him faithfully up to that point. When his employer tried to rein him in, Kazavon flayed the man alive. He would go on to achieve truly special heights of depravity, holding torture parties, and orgies involving the undead, spreading his influence throughout the entire area, and having entire villages impaled for his entertainment. Kazavon was eventually killed by a party of heroes, but the madness didn't stop there. The pure evil of his soul contaminated his skeleton and threatened to resurrect him. The bones were crafted into seven Artifacts Of Doom and hidden throughout the country; contact with even one of them is enough to drive the wearer down a path of madness, murder, and ultimate self-destruction.

All PC's will be members of the Queen's warrior harem. Any female player characters (Discouraged, but not disallowed) would effectively be harem guardians. The male on male homoeroticism of the situation is going to be played up but any hardcore gay actions are entirely optional. Ultimately I want the party to have a high level of camaraderie all being brother's in arms that were hand selected to serve Queen Atremicia in all capacities. Despite good relations with each other the PC's will be doing very evil actions for a very evil woman. Court intrigue, subterfuge, violent combat, and even the very act of managing a Kingdom will all be part of the game.

(Read this, Important) Details on MxM participation

- Compare the requires level of homoerotic participation to a two girl one guy threesome where the girls are good friends decide to give a "fake lesbian" show and make out for a minute or one feels up the others breasts and tells the guy "These are really nice, you should try them." 

Hardcore mansex is entirely optional, hell, even softcore is optional. At no point will anyone need to fuck or be fucked by another guy.  If, somehow, you end up as a torture/rape victim (which is unlikly to begin with. I have no plans for such things) and you arent the type to like it it would be glossed over and played for drama. You know, like a single line.  Just showing you how bad things were.
- "Your captor even sexually violated you. You can still smell his stench on your body"

What will be unavoidable is situations where the whole party has their dicks out. Particularly harem scenes with the queen. She likes her boys to be "close" so if you can't double stuff, display a little false "gay bravado", even so much as touch another guy, or possibly take a cumshot to the chest, make friendly jokes with other guys in the party "You must have really liked that! Haha I've never seen you cum to hard before" then you're limits are too strict to be comfortable in this campaign.

You can go full balls deep gay, even having a relationship you like and value far more then what you have with the Queen but that's by mutual choice.

One player said "Yeah, I myself I am not 'balls deep' into gay sexual stuff but I am comfortable in 'I am straight enough to touch another guy's junk'" Which is probably an ideal sentiment for those not into gay content.

Details on FxM Participation

Fair is fair, you're not forced into this either since there will be plenty of other PC's willing to do the job.

Mission briefings and debriefings will frequently occur during the group sex scenes. I have several reasons for that. You'll be in the room and getting all the details. You will not have to personally pleasure the queen though she is bound to touch you intimately. We could arrange things like having your hands bound behind your back and an animated dildo working your ass rendering you helplessly lost in your own pleasure while the others do some light mockery of your position.  Also if you are exclusively into MxM I encourage you to talk privately with the other players with what exchanges they are comfortable making with your character.

So full out heterosexual sex is on a similar level of optional as homosexual is. You'll have to skirt the edges but thats it. However the descriptions of other character's heterosexual actions (with the Queen at least) may be harder to ignore. We are all adults I'm not going to ask anyone to keep their intimate actions under spoiler tags. We all know how to skim over a few paragraphs of text. Long scenes, sexual or not that only involve two people will likely be their own thread.

Those who are strictly MxM inclined do have one small advantage. The Queen is less jealous of your relationships with other men than other women. Your Dungeon Mistress also enjoys writing such MxM scenes more. So ultimately sexual encounters with NPC's will be a bit deeper if they are homosexual.

FxF - Lesbians exist in the campaign world and will likely have representation in the NPC population but actual FxF sex is probably nonexistent.

For more information on the base campaign itself there is this page which explains the adventures well and has a free players guide pdf download link on it.


For a rundown of the Kingdom building rules, the PFSRD has this. You do not have to know the entire system, the most important part is what positions your character might be interested in. Obviously Ruler is taken.


The interest check thread is now locked, all discussions can go in this thread, but for reference here is the link to the Interest Check.


Characters Creation: Start at level 4, point buy is 25. You may pick two traits and an additional trait if you take a flaw. I would like a small paragraph about how at least one of the traits impacts your character. There is a racial bias against nonhumans in the campaign, but you may still choose to play them. Just know it will impact them socially. 3.5 D&D material is mostly allowed, just ask. I will list the Kingdom leadership role the character wants and  will probably get, but I do not promise you will get that one.

Max HP first level, each level after roll for HP but if it's less then half, take half (round fraction down). So you get the fun of a potential high roll without the scary low roll.

Current Applicants

List of who has been accepted into the game. The roaster is already very large I can make room for no more.

Players who have submitted fully fleshed out characters and are probably in the game for sure.

Artemicia Arabasti and Dungeon Mistress - Pale Enchantress (Occultist Arcanist - Ruler)

Venster Arabast - Zaer Darkwail (Brute Vigilante - Councillor)

Jasmine Sleet - Faeli (Iron Tyrant Antipaladin - General?) [Harem Guardian]

Kennick Enesco - Lockepick (Winter Witch - Undetermined)

Kargash Wolfsnarl - 1651Leviathan (Barbarian/Fighter - Royal Enforcer?)

Prof. Paracelsus Von Hohenheim  - SeraphAzriel (Toxicant Vivisectionist Alchemist - Magister)

Giedon - Rummy Tum Tum (Inquisitor - High Priest?)

Eirrian Shelta - JoanieSappho (Mesmerist - Udetermined)

Edward Kessel - Pockets (Chameleon Unchained Rogue - Spymaster)

Waitlisted Players. I'll do what I can if there is room. If you have a history of group game reliability it will really help.

Foxfyr (Izevel Dolor- Warpriest harem guardian),  VonDoom (power hungry Aasimar bard planes walker)

Additional Tips, Notes, and Houserules

If you're playing with anything that focuses on certain types of enemies. Many foes in the game are Humanoid (Human), Evil outsiders are reasonably involved as well.  For Alignments you'll be fighting other evil, and neutral more then good. However the vast majority of foes are Chaotic so law's powers against chaos are fairly effective.

Feel free to take a character from the adventure path and work them in your background or even replace them with your own version of them.

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Zaer Darkwail

Ok, just remind that I am going playing one the canon NPC's albeit reflavored; Venster Arabasti (as 4th level vigilante with brute archtype, so he can do intrique in social persona and then heavy brutal violence in brute form).


Bookmarking and placing an interest marker. I have to decide on exactly what I want to play.

Max hit points? Half plus one after first?

And I'm calling dibs on the Spymaster role.
08/02 - New A/A Update


Quote from: Pockets on November 15, 2016, 05:50:39 PM
Bookmarking and placing an interest marker. I have to decide on exactly what I want to play.

Max hit points? Half plus one after first?

And I'm calling dibs on the Spymaster role.

I'm pretty sure everyone is a spymaster in theory, though I believe you mean in the kingdom position which isn't taken yet. So yay!

Max HP first level, each level after roll for HP but if it's less then half, take half (round fraction down). So you get the fun of a potential high roll without the scary low roll.
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Color me interested.  Curse of the Crimson Throne was the first of Paizo's Adventure Paths that I ever read the whole of, and I'd love to try a run through of it from the opposite angle, so to speak.  I own the whole Adventure Path and have read through it multiple times, so I'm rather intimately familiar with the place and the characters involved. 


Quote from: SeraphAzriel on November 15, 2016, 06:57:57 PM
Color me interested.  Curse of the Crimson Throne was the first of Paizo's Adventure Paths that I ever read the whole of, and I'd love to try a run through of it from the opposite angle, so to speak.  I own the whole Adventure Path and have read through it multiple times, so I'm rather intimately familiar with the place and the characters involved.

Well I'd expect something  interesting from you then. Show me what you've got.
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Are you allowing Unchained classes? Not necessary, just checking my options!
Like what you see? I am currently looking for new plots!

Detailed List of O/Os and Plot Seeds

All of my image links were previously photobucket and broken -- I'm fixing them as I use the avatars again, or for current games. Please let me know if there is something that needs updating!

Zaer Darkwail

Alternative Identity: Butcher

Butcher is a new sort identity/local figure since king became bed ridden sick with his mysterious illness. Butcher is title given by the people who had encountered his rampages in the poorer districts in the city; harassing non-humans, seeking fights where he mutilates or seriously kills somebody or breaked in and then brutally raped women and also pillaged houses in his mad rampage. Guards had tried catch him but for enormous big brute he is darn elusive and even if spotted is darn agile and too fast for them to catch him! Once guards managed surround house he was in but he brutally overwhelmed the guards, killing two, injuring the rest before he ran off injured and disappeared.

He has so far terrorized the poor neighborhood to point every night they close their doors and run for homes when sun sets....as sun sets he most of time comes and hits upon anyone who dares to be in street! Considering guards haven't found him anywhere on city (or seen anywhere else) there is growing tension in non-human poor district that he is let to be than seriously taken as criminal!

Butcher's theme/favorite song what he sings when he hits on alleys of the city (plus Rory Mercury AMV is awesome)


Venster Arabasti was the bastard child of Queen Domina of Korvosa. Because of his otherworldly parentage, Venster was hidden away by his family on the fourth floor of Castle Korvosa, where he lived as a recluse. His only contacts with anyone, were his occasional card games and harrow readings he shared with his half-brother Eodred (his father was varnesti and since he was born he was destined to receive his father's family harrow deck which he got decades ago and has treasured and used them since for readings). Despite these pleasantries, Venster was very jealous of his half-brother, and it took little for his brother's wife, Artimecia, to seduce Venster and then convince him to murder the King. He poisoned the playing cards he and his brother used during their visits, a poison which the King succumbed to.

Once king fell to bed sick with mysterious illness which could not be cured (which could not as king was poisoned with slow working poison), Artimecia then performed secretly a Zon-Kuthon ritual upon Venster before engaging him once more sexually, a ritual which turned him entirely devoted slave to her whims (bound by addicted lust) and thus eliminate any risk of Venster turning against her to expose her plot with the king. But in turn she is slave to Venster's lustful whims (as usual with said rituals), as failure to sate said lust in some regular basis would free him from her whims.

The ritual transformed Venster from a disfigured tiefling bastard to smooth handsome man with suave social skills, with grace and manners which are perfect as is his resolve. However all his carnal, bloodlust, anger and rage is all stored to alternative monstrous brute identity which he needs vent out or else it can bubble into surface of his true identity and take him over in rather ugly consequences. This alternative identity he has named as Butcher, which is fitting as compared to him Butcher embraces and relishes the demonic heritage which Venster haves. Nobody outside the castle knew about his excistence so he started make public appearance under name Venster Arthemis. Working as socialite living amongst non-humans and working as fortuneteller and one who had predicted many good fortunes for everyone or given warnings of bad futures, while sametime he had terrorized in same district, amongst poor, as Butcher and also work in palace as queen's council member (presenting non-humans interests) and standing senechal until original senechal returns or whereabouts are known.


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Quote from: Zaer Darkwail on November 15, 2016, 07:20:36 PM

Alternative Identity: Butcher

Butcher is a new sort identity/local figure since king became bed ridden sick with his mysterious illness. Butcher is title given by the people who had encountered his rampages in the poorer districts in the city; harassing non-humans, seeking fights where he mutilates or seriously kills somebody or breaked in and then brutally raped women and also pillaged houses in his mad rampage. Guards had tried catch him but for enormous big brute he is darn elusive and even if spotted is darn agile and too fast for them to catch him! Once guards managed surround house he was in but he brutally overwhelmed the guards, killing two, injuring the rest before he ran off injured and disappeared.

He has so far terrorized the poor neighborhood to point every night they close their doors and run for homes when sun sets....as sun sets he most of time comes and hits upon anyone who dares to be in street! Considering guards haven't found him anywhere on city (or seen anywhere else) there is growing tension in non-human poor district that he is let to be than seriously taken as criminal!

Butcher's theme/favorite song what he sings when he hits on alleys of the city (plus Rory Mercury AMV is awesome)


Venster Arabasti was the bastard child of Queen Domina of Korvosa. Because of his otherworldly parentage, Venster was hidden away by his family on the fourth floor of Castle Korvosa, where he lived as a recluse. His only contacts with anyone, were his occasional card games and harrow readings he shared with his half-brother Eodred (his father was varnesti and since he was born he was destined to receive his father's family harrow deck which he got decades ago and has treasured and used them since for readings). Despite these pleasantries, Venster was very jealous of his half-brother, and it took little for his brother's wife, Artimecia, to seduce Venster and then convince him to murder the King. He poisoned the playing cards he and his brother used during their visits, a poison which the King succumbed to.

Once king fell to bed sick with mysterious illness which could not be cured (which could not as king was poisoned with slow working poison), Artimecia then performed secretly a Zon-Kuthon ritual upon Venster before engaging him once more sexually, a ritual which turned him entirely devoted slave to her whims (bound by addicted lust) and thus eliminate any risk of Venster turning against her to expose her plot with the king. But in turn she is slave to Venster's lustful whims (as usual with said rituals), as failure to sate said lust in some regular basis would free him from her whims.

The ritual transformed Venster from a disfigured tiefling bastard to smooth handsome man with suave social skills, with grace and manners which are perfect as is his resolve. However all his carnal, bloodlust, anger and rage is all stored to alternative monstrous brute identity which he needs vent out or else it can bubble into surface of his true identity and take him over in rather ugly consequences. This alternative identity he has named as Butcher, which is fitting as compared to him Butcher embraces and relishes the demonic heritage which Venster haves. Nobody outside the castle knew about his excistence so he started make public appearance under name Venster Arthemis. Working as socialite living amongst non-humans and working as fortuneteller and one who had predicted many good fortunes for everyone or given warnings of bad futures, while sametime he had terrorized in same district, amongst poor, as Butcher and also work in palace as queen's council member (presenting non-humans interests) and standing senechal until original senechal returns or whereabouts are known.

The Butcher totally seems like a guy who would like hard rock that's aggressive but not necessarily good. He doesn't understand refined taste, he does understand raw adrenaline. He understands going apeshit, and destroying everything in sight too. Carry a few alchemist fire for easy property damage.

Exchanging songs, be sure to listen to the lyrics. I think it Fits Artemicia well.

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Zaer Darkwail

Yeah, could purchase few alchemist fire for random arsony purposes but then again he could break into shop and just shoplift stuff :P. Also interesting fact his muscle harness adds +8 to his Str for carry capacity and he has carry capacity of large creature as Butcher (so yeah, he could probably lift wagon and throw it 10'ft at somebody). Party may sooner or later learn who or what Butcher is how things turn out and thus share secret of the secret alias of Venster.

The 200gp for magic clothes is sort must have for brute archtype (or else they get hefty clothing bills) plus also conjure semi-magica clothes (like blindfolds which allow him see through them as he publicly conceals his all three eyes and dresses well where as Butcher dresses like heavy gothic metal fan).


Quote from: Zaer Darkwail on November 15, 2016, 07:52:11 PM
Yeah, could purchase few alchemist fire for random arsony purposes but then again he could break into shop and just shoplift stuff :P. Also interesting fact his muscle harness adds +8 to his Str for carry capacity and he has carry capacity of large creature as Butcher (so yeah, he could probably lift wagon and throw it 10'ft at somebody). Party may sooner or later learn who or what Butcher is how things turn out and thus share secret of the secret alias of Venster.

The 200gp for magic clothes is sort must have for brute archtype (or else they get hefty clothing bills) plus also conjure semi-magica clothes (like blindfolds which allow him see through them as he publicly conceals his all three eyes and dresses well where as Butcher dresses like heavy gothic metal fan).

Makes me think of that line of feats from the old 3.0 book about playing monster characters where you got to pick up one person and use them as an improvised weapon to beat an other person with.  Ive sadly never seen a build around it, it think the main issue is people with freedom of movement cant be grabbed so you'd be denied your weapon.
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Zaer Darkwail

But then again how many people got freedom of movement access though? Also brute gives some nice special features which allow throw people around by punching them (and around 8th level or so throw medium sized people as improvised weapons if he succeeds grab them).


Alright, I've found my character and role.  One 'Doctor' Reiner Davaulus, Queen's Physician.  A Vivisectionist/Toxicant Alchemist  Did you want me to PM you with more of a backstory/fluff explanation or did you want me to send forth a character sheet?


Quote from: SeraphAzriel on November 15, 2016, 08:18:24 PM
Alright, I've found my character and role.  One 'Doctor' Reiner Davaulus, Queen's Physician.  A Vivisectionist/Toxicant Alchemist  Did you want me to PM you with more of a backstory/fluff explanation or did you want me to send forth a character sheet?

Yes! I was wondering if someone would see that potential there! Well, hopefully ill get both but id prefer the backstory/fluff expectations first.

Also, you did read everything i wrote in the opening post here, right?
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Gotcha!  I'll try to work on it a bit tonight, but I'll probably really be able to get to it tomorrow after work. 
And yes I did, and I get what I'm getting myself into.  Because the villains always get the cooler toys.  And Our Girls Are Always Hotter.  I'll make sure to re read it tomorrow as well so that I didn't overlook any details. 

That aside, are you particular about any kind of art or images that we use for faceclaims?  I found a build and body type that I like better than the vanilla one in Pathfinder (I find it a bit bland tbh), but if it's in a style that you dislike, then I don't mind using verbiage in place of.   


Quote from: SeraphAzriel on November 15, 2016, 08:53:18 PM
Gotcha!  I'll try to work on it a bit tonight, but I'll probably really be able to get to it tomorrow after work. 
And yes I did, and I get what I'm getting myself into.  Because the villains always get the cooler toys.  And Our Girls Are Always Hotter.  I'll make sure to re read it tomorrow as well so that I didn't overlook any details. 

As a Vamp type woman IRL I can confirm. Evil has hotter woman. 

Quote from: SeraphAzriel on November 15, 2016, 08:53:18 PM
That aside, are you particular about any kind of art or images that we use for faceclaims?  I found a build and body type that I like better than the vanilla one in Pathfinder (I find it a bit bland tbh), but if it's in a style that you dislike, then I don't mind using verbiage in place of.

I don't know what you just said. I prefer not using excessively anime looking art though.
Edit: I looked it up I know what you mean now. Ill post what I and other character are using for their faceclaims. The ones I'm showing I helped the person select in some manner so they all reflect styles I'm able to appreciate

Some Current Character Images.



Venster's Brute


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Ever have one of those character concepts that you love so much, but trying to decide on his/her combat style is nigh impossible?
08/02 - New A/A Update


So I'm looking either at a spooky-kinda arcane caster, or a barbarian who is... Damaged.


Quote from: PaleEnchantress on November 15, 2016, 09:08:48 PM
As a Vamp type woman IRL I can confirm. Evil has hotter woman. 

I don't know what you just said. I prefer not using excessively anime looking art though.
Edit: I looked it up I know what you mean now. Ill post what I and other character are using for their faceclaims. The ones I'm showing I helped the person select in some manner so they all reflect styles I'm able to appreciate

Sorry.  I have odd prose and like to use big words.  It's a thing I do.  :'D  Because I found the perfect look for the character, but, as I feared its in the style that you like the least.  Seeing the big burly male types, I was thinking of something a bit more svelte and androgynous.  But I'll worry about appearance once I've gotten an actual backstory and fluff for you to sink your teeth into.  I think that this biography just might write itself.  : )


Quote from: SeraphAzriel on November 15, 2016, 10:13:41 PM
Sorry.  I have odd prose and like to use big words.  It's a thing I do.  :'D  Because I found the perfect look for the character, but, as I feared its in the style that you like the least.  Seeing the big burly male types, I was thinking of something a bit more svelte and androgynous.  But I'll worry about appearance once I've gotten an actual backstory and fluff for you to sink your teeth into.  I think that this biography just might write itself.  : )

Oh you meant what my personal taste in men is? Thats so sweet of you to consider! I would never describe my taste as "burly" I don't like body hair but I do like muscular. If they look like they could have come from the cover of a doom metal album or be part of a "The Legacy of Kain" revamp, you are probably on the right track.

That said I have a large collection of favorites if you'd care for suggestions.
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Hmmm. Just noticed that "females discouraged" there at the top. Dunno how I didn't see that before. So, two questions.

1) What would the role of "harem Guardian" entail?
2) Can I see your male image collection?  ;D I have scant pickings in my own folders.


Quote from: Chulanowa on November 16, 2016, 12:01:19 AM
Hmmm. Just noticed that "females discouraged" there at the top. Dunno how I didn't see that before. So, two questions.

1) What would the role of "harem Guardian" entail?
2) Can I see your male image collection?  ;D I have scant pickings in my own folders.

1. You mean besides  the ritualistic scarification of your own face and wearing a mask? Well the ability to stand beside the Queen's bed during the harem scenes fully armed and probably making deadpan snarky commentary on the men's performances. Then on adventures "out in the field" you'll be in charge of caring (in a "hands off the goods" way) for "the queen's property"; meaning babysitting a group of men capable of torture/rape/murdering an entire enemy army all on their own. You don't have to be a physical guardian, magic works too. - You take up the role of the least sexualized character in the entire game and probably the one with the most unique interpersonal dynamics between yourself and all other characters, including the queen. I suggest playing up the dark comedy of a servile snarker when it comes to the guys. - Technically you and one of the guys could fall in love with each other and have a relationship. The Only question is "Are you both dumb enough?"

2. Once I know what youre looking for I can link you suggestions. I can link you to one of my many collections, the one on deviant art which is over 100 PAGES of images.
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Quote from: PaleEnchantress on November 16, 2016, 12:16:09 AM
1. You mean besides  the ritualistic scarification of your own face and wearing a mask? Well the ability to stand beside the Queen's bed during the harem scenes fully armed and probably making deadpan snarky commentary on the men's performances. Then on adventures "out in the field" you'll be in charge of caring (in a "hands off the goods" way) for "the queen's property"; meaning babysitting a group of men capable of torture/rape/murdering an entire enemy army all on their own. You don't have to be a physical guardian, magic works too. - You take up the role of the least sexualized character in the entire game and probably the one with the most unique interpersonal dynamics between yourself and all other characters, including the queen. I suggest playing up the dark comedy of a servile snarker when it comes to the guys. - Technically you and one of the guys could fall in love with each other and have a relationship. The Only question is "Are you both dumb enough?"

2. Once I know what youre looking for I can link you suggestions. I can link you to one of my many collections, the one on deviant art which is over 100 PAGES of images.

Wouldn't be hte first 100-page DA collection I've plowed through. Lemme at it  ;D

Hmmm. Only trouble I have is the facial scarification. Hard to find something that fits. I mean there's always hte option to be like "no, she's scarred, really, trust me"


Quote from: Chulanowa on November 16, 2016, 12:24:49 AM
Wouldn't be hte first 100-page DA collection I've plowed through. Lemme at it  ;D

Hmmm. Only trouble I have is the facial scarification. Hard to find something that fits. I mean there's always hte option to be like "no, she's scarred, really, trust me"

You could always find a pict of her with the mask on. Also the image could be "pre scarred" so we just take what we see and imagine a tic tac toe board carved on her face.

Check out both my "Normal" favorites which tend to be prettyboys with the rare "it's not a hot guy i just liked it" image and "Studly demon" which is where i but the more beefcake and demonic options. My organization is terrible though
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