Borderlands Freeform RP (Interest Check)

Started by SidheLady, October 30, 2016, 04:44:04 PM

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Welcome back to the dust and the sand, the enigmatic planet known as Pandora.

I want to run a game based on the computer games of Borderlands (1,2, presequal and tales).

It would be set after the events of Tales.

Two teams will be assembled, a team of corporate headhunters, and a team of vault hunters, looking for new vaults and sources of alien technology on Pandora. The vault hunters have a map, but the corporate hunters have all the best tech, the best resources and everything they need, being controlled by the enigmatic Karina Khan.

If you are interested, please drop a post.

Also, note if you would be interested in playing an existing character or an original character, and which team you'd like to belong to.

If we get the numbers, more of a character can be submitted

(or, a complete can be submitted initially. Name, Class, Action Skill, Favorate Weapon, Melee, History and Appearance and noting if the character is an OC or EC)

"Dream, not of what you are, but what you want to be" - Lotus (aka spacemom!), warframe

I have Discord, ask to contact me!

My Games including Sassy Space Vixens and the Gentry

My general Ons and Offs (will be updated soonish whenever I remember and get around to it)


I definitely want in on this.
I have an idea for a corporate character but it's a little iffy. I may write her up and see what you think.
"The ultimate in paranoia is not when everyone is against you but when everything is against you." P.K. Dick
Ad astra - but per hominum


I'd certainly be interested in this, I'm not 100% on it, but regardless, my mind can be fickle with that and once I get over the "scary" factor of doing more than one group game at once, I may (probably will) want to do this, so. I'm totally calling playing Zer0.



I've even got an original character in mind - Rakanichau, a Savage Witch Doctor from the continent of Aegrus. Almost certainly on the vault hunting team, from corporate prejudice if nothing else.


You can color me interested as well, though i should really head back and finish tales now :D
He who acts honestly, hardly ever meets with trouble,
he who speaks honestly, hardly ever escapes trouble.


Awesome, well, if we have 4 VH charries...I could do something with that...
"Dream, not of what you are, but what you want to be" - Lotus (aka spacemom!), warframe

I have Discord, ask to contact me!

My Games including Sassy Space Vixens and the Gentry

My general Ons and Offs (will be updated soonish whenever I remember and get around to it)


I'm going to bookmark this. Damn you.

Put me down for corporate commando. Me and my turret(s) are down for that good kind of greed
Story Lottery Profile
Here’s my O/Os!

I don't know who this Muse person is, but if it explains away the voices in my head, then I'm all for it!


So, we have 3 VH and 2 Corperate Sellouts! I mean...corperate team....<_<>_>
"Dream, not of what you are, but what you want to be" - Lotus (aka spacemom!), warframe

I have Discord, ask to contact me!

My Games including Sassy Space Vixens and the Gentry

My general Ons and Offs (will be updated soonish whenever I remember and get around to it)


Gender: Male
Age: 55
Height: 4'8"
Weight: 105 lbs
Eyes: Black
Hair: Black

Like most natives of the jungle continent of Aegrus, Rakanichau is short and somewhat spindly, frail by appearance in comparison to the hulking brutes of the Pandoran deserts and wastelands. He wears a loincloth around his waist, along with a pouch-lined belt, and a massive carved wooden mask over his face, but leaves his tattoo-covered torso and arms bare. Aside from the assortment of guns hanging from his belt, the only other visible weapon or equipment is his staff, a huge wooden shaft almost as tall as Rakanichau himself and studded with various objects embedded along its length.

Rakanichau is in a state of semi-permanent awe at the society of would-be godlings that he has entered, but is determined not to show weakness and thus prove his unworthiness. At the same time, though, he feels a strange sort of pity for the strangers, masters of mechanical wizardry yet astonishingly out of tune with the world around them. He speaks slowly and carefully in most circumstances, and is constantly trying to pay attention to everything and anything around him.

Action Skill:Tornado - Rakanichau transforms himself into a fast-moving tornado, shrugging off bullets as he tears at nearby enemies with elementally charged winds.

Many moons past, the tribal peoples of Aegrus lived in relative peace. There were monsters aplenty, but they had power to defeat them, and the blessings of their ancestors to protect them. But then a wizard came from across the seas, a priest who commanded metal men and had many guns to trade for the service of tribal warriors. He spoke often of his own god, a mighty hero named Jack, and how Jack had been laid low by treachery. The wizard-priest claimed he would see Jack reborn, and be rewarded for resurrecting his god - but instead, a group of strangers followed the wizard to Aegrus, apparently the same beings who had slain Jack the first time. The wizard commanded that his loyal tribals and metal soldiers destroy the intruders, but instead the strangers slew the wizard and plundered his vault of artifacts before disappearing back across the seas.

Most of the Aegreans simply shrugged, salvaging what was left behind of the wizard's guns and returning to their old lifestyle. One witch doctor among them, though, looked at the events from a different perspective. No mortal could kill a god; therefore, if the strangers who had come to Aegrus had truly killed the god Jack, they in turn must have been gods, for all that they differed little in appearance from the wizard who fought them. If they and the wizard had come from the same land across the seas, perhaps more gods dwelt there as well. And if their power could be mastered by someone of strong enough will - well, gods had to come from somewhere, did they not?

So the witch doctor, Rakanichau, fashioned for himself a canoe and set off alone across the great seas. He had many adventures along the way, encountering strange things and battling horrific sea monsters. But eventually he came to another land, that the inhabitants - lumpy and misshapen brutes, all of them - called Pandora. Somewhere in this land lay the secrets of becoming a god, and Rakanichau would be the first of Aegrus to find them.



Gender: Male
Age: Unknown
Height: 6’ 8". He appears to be about 6’ 2", but that’s only because his shoulders and back are always slouched so that his head doesn’t hit doorways.
Weight: 395 lbs. His great size makes him largely resistant to knockback attacks, which is why he can go toe-to-toe with foes that can throw around grown adult humans.
Eyes: Brown, but become bloodshot during Buzz Axe Rampage.
Hair: Normally Krieg’s head is neatly shaved. Depending on what mask he wears, he sometimes sports a full head of wild white hair. How does that happen? I’ve absolutely no idea.

Krieg is a mass of rage and abdominal muscles. He is tall and heavy, with very dense musculature. He is almost always shirtless, wearing a white mask and bright orange cargo pants. His outfit is completed by heavy steel-toed boots and a small necklace tied to a leather string that is repeatedly wrapped around his neck. The necklace seems to have deep importance to Krieg, but he seems unable to either remember its origin or how to express it coherently. Krieg also carries a riveted steel vambrace on his left arm and a nearly identical riveted steel greave on his right foreleg, while his right forearm and left foreleg are wrapped in bandages. His signature weapon is the buzz axe, a Bandit-made, fully-functional toothed saw-blade with a hollowed out back, attached to a two-handed axe handle that he wields with furious zeal.

Krieg is a psycho, and that is not a play on words. Krieg suffers from Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID). He argues with himself sometimes, and he has an inner voice which occasionally tells him what to do or comments on his surroundings. The dominant personality appears to be his violent side. His more peaceful side seems to try to keep him in check by threatening that it will take control and commit suicide if ever he harms an innocent person. He also appears to suffer from psychosis, or loss of touch with reality. When he speaks, it is usually to offer either incoherent babbling or soul-chilling promises of violence, destruction and death. Occasionally the inner voice is able to communicate with the outside world. His favored combat strategy is to slice his enemies into tiny bits while screaming about bicycles made of meat.

Action Skill:
Buzz Axe Rampage. When used, Krieg puts away his currently equipped weapon and takes out his buzz axe, gaining massively increased melee damage and increased movement speed. Each time he kills an enemy, he fully regenerates his health. Krieg can also take aim with his buzz axe, being able to throw it with psychotic accuracy over long distances.

”This is Krieg’s inner voice.”


Whatever Krieg went through to make him the blood-drinking, meat-loving killer that he is, it is noted he wasn't always like this. Krieg's psyche has a remnant of who he used to be - a literal inner voice which forces Krieg to only kill the deserving, and help others. The voice often remarks that he remembers helping people, getting paid with loot, and other Vault-hunter-esque pursuits. It's also informed Krieg that should Krieg ever kill an innocent person, the inner voice will take over and commit suicide to kill them both as punishment.


Okay, so, if we can have our two vault hunters post, I can work...something...out
"Dream, not of what you are, but what you want to be" - Lotus (aka spacemom!), warframe

I have Discord, ask to contact me!

My Games including Sassy Space Vixens and the Gentry

My general Ons and Offs (will be updated soonish whenever I remember and get around to it)


If you wanna set up the IC thread, I can get the ball rolling.

The meat ball, that is.

...Although you REALLY want a Witch Doctor and a Psycho to start working together without any adult supervision?



Depends on how pants-on-head bonkers you plan to play Kreig when The Other Guys's not directly influencing him, and if he's even capable of interacting with the outside world in any coherent fashion. I had a short run playing a Kreig expy in a 1v1, and built his dialogue in a Tarmok-and-Jalad-esque metaphor-laden aphasia that started as coherent dialogue when he thought it but ended up sounding super deranged.


I think Rakanishu and Krieg will be bestest buddies in the whole wide world.



"Dream, not of what you are, but what you want to be" - Lotus (aka spacemom!), warframe

I have Discord, ask to contact me!

My Games including Sassy Space Vixens and the Gentry

My general Ons and Offs (will be updated soonish whenever I remember and get around to it)


Rakanichau's over fifty, and he's got hundreds of years worth of ancestor spirits following him around. How much more adult do we need to get?


Quote from: TheGlyphstone on November 05, 2016, 02:16:30 PM
Rakanichau's over fifty, and he's got hundreds of years worth of ancestor spirits following him around. How much more adult do we need to get?






Seriously, though... I am interested in seeing how a very wise, spirit-driven witch doctor will be able to help poor old Test Subject 525 with his... shall we say... Interesting personal quirks.


"Dream, not of what you are, but what you want to be" - Lotus (aka spacemom!), warframe

I have Discord, ask to contact me!

My Games including Sassy Space Vixens and the Gentry

My general Ons and Offs (will be updated soonish whenever I remember and get around to it)




"Dream, not of what you are, but what you want to be" - Lotus (aka spacemom!), warframe

I have Discord, ask to contact me!

My Games including Sassy Space Vixens and the Gentry

My general Ons and Offs (will be updated soonish whenever I remember and get around to it)


I have a corporate character I'm working on a profile for but I've been taking my time as I thought the game was going to start off with a just VH section and I just don't have a VH that is really working for me :/

Of course she is more forced to work for corporate than allied with them, so if the situation was right she could end up working with VH's for a short time...
"The ultimate in paranoia is not when everyone is against you but when everything is against you." P.K. Dick
Ad astra - but per hominum


Sorry siddy, I'll have to pass on doing Zer0 for this, so don't wait on me :D My other stories are coming back a bit and I'm getting some more interest finally, so.



"Dream, not of what you are, but what you want to be" - Lotus (aka spacemom!), warframe

I have Discord, ask to contact me!

My Games including Sassy Space Vixens and the Gentry

My general Ons and Offs (will be updated soonish whenever I remember and get around to it)


I'm up for playing Gaige, the Mechromancer if this gets off the ground.