Recruitment - A Game of Futas - Servants/Slaves needed

Started by JoanieSappho, September 30, 2016, 01:15:38 PM

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A Game of Futas

For much of the known history of the world there had always been a handful of ... different people. Neither female nor male, but seeming to possess the attributes of both in equal measure. This third gender, these futanari as one now-forgotten people once called them were little different from those around them. Perhaps a little stronger and tougher, but not much else.
Then, centuries ago, a demonic invasion swept across a small, isolated nation. That nation seemed lost, but was saved by the actions of a futa who would, although none knew it at the time, begin an Empire that would stretch across the world.
The demons that survived their failed invasion were enslaved and soon a generation of half-demon futanari was born.
Apparently, when a futanari impregnates someone - and they can seemingly impregnate anything - the child is almost never male.
The few men left in that kingdom soon became little more than playthings for their futanari mistresses and, while they were never treated quite as poorly, the women likewise came under the domination of their rulers.

And then the next country seemed weak and vulnerable, and was absorbed by the futanari. Then another. And another.
Other humans, elves, dwarves, goblins, even, near the end, and angelic host. All fell to the futanari and shared the same fate as those ancient demons - the men and women kept as playthings for their new mistresses.
Some women, and a handful of men were given citizenship and rights in return to service to their Empress and the Imperial Princesses, born from the Empress and the highest-ranking woman to survive the fall of the nation, but for the most part, the only people with rights in the Empire are those with both breasts and a penis.

In the reign of the thirty-eighth Empress, a halfling futanari renowned for both her cunning and her massive number of offspring, the last bastion of freedom came under attack. Outnumbered many times over, however, there is little hope for the men and women behind that city's walls, especially as the full strength of the Empire has been called out in an unprecedented display of power.
Those walls will soon fall and those inside will either die or be claimed by the soldiers and leaders of the Empire.

And after that? Well, life in the Empire will go on, although the Empress will, from that moment on, be the uncontested ruler of an entire world.

I know, it sounds like the game is 'Orcs and Elves, No the Orcs Are Futa'. But it's not quite. That will definitely be how this starts but, spoilers, the current Empress is going to die shortly after the fun in the city gets going.
And then, the gathered Princesses will have to select their new leader. They cannot kill or seriously injure each other, or knowingly allow that to happen due to a spell placed on the ruling family that also binds them to the will of their Empress, so they will have to find other means. Some will fall in behind a strong leader in return for power or pleasure, others will have to compete against each other in contests of strength and intellect. Also sex.
There's going to be lots of that.

While I'd definitely like to see a fair few princesses -all of whom are futanari, although that's all they have in common - there is room for male and female characters. The defenders of the city, obviously, to be taken and enslaved, but also the soldiers and servants of the Empire. Some women and a handful of men are free citizens, due either to being an immediate relation of a Princess, or as a reward for their (or an ancestor's, in a few cases) service to the Empire. Such people are still, of course, subordinate to the Princesses, but under Imperial law they're actually people. Most men and women ... are not.
The setting is definitely a fantasy one, with pretty much any fantasy race you have in mind open for playing, both for the defenders and for the Empire - and for the Princesses. As mentioned above, a nation falls to the Empire the Empress at the time took the queen or oldest princess of that country and basically kept her pregnant until a futa popped out. And from that futa was the line of Imperial Princesses for that country born.

With thirty-eight Empresses having done this over centuries, the Princesses range in relation from being half-sisters to very distantly related cousins, many times removed. Close enough for those that want to play with incest, yet also with enough distance for those that would rather not.
Most kinks are, of course, negotiable, the only thing you'll have to be exposed to is futanari and almost certainly dubious/non-con scenes. However, this is most likely going to be under Extreme, since the only things that will not be done are: Gore, vore, mutilation and scat.
And of course, the stuff we're not allowed to do on E anyway. But everything else? Fair game, if someone agrees to do it to you.

As for the sheet:
[float=right][img height=300 padding=5]Image URL goes here[/img][/float][b]Name: [/b]

[b]Age: [/b]
[b]Distinguishing features: [/b]
[b]Build: [/b]

[b]Gender: [/b]
[b]Status: [/b]
[b]Orientation: [/b]
[b]Kinks: [/b]
[b]Offs: [/b]

[b]Likes (Non sexual):[/b]
[b]Dislikes (Non sexual):[/b]
[b]Strengths: [/b]
[b]Weaknesses: [/b]

[b]Personality: [/b]

[b]History: [/b]

[b]Other: [/b]/code]

Some notes about the sheet:

Name: The name of your character.

Age: 16 up. From as young as we can go to as old as you want. (Personally I'd like a mix of youthful and mature, but that's just me)
Distinguishing features: Tattoos, scars, piercings, birthmarks, etc.
Build: If not obvious from the image, or put "As picture"

Gender: Male, female or futa, of course.
Status: Whether your character is a Princess (Futa-only), Free citizen of the Empire (Any gender), Slave or a Defender of the soon-to-be-taken city.
Orientation: Although, to be honest, everyone's getting some futa dick, willingly or not. Possibly including the princesses, if they lose to the wrong person.
Kinks: Everyone has something that gets them going, usually.
Offs: Things the character doesn't like. Note that these can be things that the player loves, and may e things you want to happen to them (against the [i]character's[/i] will, but not the player's.)

Likes (Non sexual): Please list at least three things she enjoys with her clothes on.
Dislikes (Non sexual): Please list at least three things she dislikes regardless of clothing status.
Strengths: Please list at least three things she's good at.
Weaknesses: Please list at least four things she is bad at, and always make it one more than her strengths. I know it is hard, but seriously, you can tell far more about a person through their weaknesses than their strengths.

Personality: At least one decent length paragraphs about how your character behaves, how she thinks, what pushes her buttons, what drives her, the sort of person she is, how she relates to others.

History: At least two, preferably three, decent length paragraphs about where she's from, her family.

Other: Anything else you think I've forgotten.

Also, genitals. Keep them reasonable, please. No dicks as long as your character is tall, or things that would literally split most women apart. (And I don't even want to think what would happen to a guy's butt ...)

As for the competing part - the weaknesses and strengths play in there. I figure that for players trying to do things to other players, we roll things off. Each player gets two d6 as standard. If a weakness applies, they use one less die for each weakness. If a strength applies, they use one more. Princesses get an extra dice as standard. A temporary advantage can be set up in advance (like rigging a chandelier to fall, or hiding a weapon there in advance), but these advances have to have been set up by the character or an ally in an earlier post. Then the two roll off. The one who rolls highest on a single dice, or through doubles, wins.

An example of the rules:

Shirannia, the Imperial Princess of a centaur-dominated region, has broken ahead of the main force invading the city, and has cornered an elven archer in an alleyway. She should have her mind on fighting, but he's cute and, well, it's been a while since she's had fun, so she's going to try and hold him down and have some of that sweet, sweet elven ass.

Being a princess, Shirannia starts off with 3d6. Like many of her people, however, she is generally Peaceful and not mentally suited for violence. One the other hand, her sheer physical Strength will certainly help her here, although being so Large she has difficulty in small spaces. Like narrow alleys. Two weaknesses and a Strength apply, so Shirannia rolls 2d6.

Lathel, a young elven archer, is trying not to get anally raped by a centaur. As he isn't a Princess, he gets 2d6 to start. Being generally Weak, he's at a definite disadvantage, but his natural Nimbleness, combined with how he and several of the other defenders posted that they set up ropes to allow for climbing up to the roofs of nearby buildings before the walls were breached provide him with two Advantages and one Disadvantage, so he rolls 3d6.

Shirannia rolls; 5,  6, definitely a good start.
Lathel rolls 4, 4, 5.

The highest single dice result is Shirannia's, but doubles (or triples, quadruples, etc) are added together, and Lathel's result of 8 allows him to narrowly manage to scamper up to the rooftops with an intact butthole.

If that earlier post about setting up those ropes while bantering with other defenders hadn't been made and Lathel had instead just rolled 4 and 5 ... well, he'd be spread around Shirannia's cock. (If Lathel's player wanted that to happen, they could just elect to not roll and automatically fail their attempt to get away.)

Setting things up in advance can create advantages ore disadvantages for a single round, and can be very, very important. And while Princesses are rarely left alone and unobserved long enough to sneak in and do this, well, a good retainer can be worth his weight in gold. And may be very handsomely rewarded by his mistress. Hint hint.  :P

And, for player reference;

The 38th Empress

Empress Heather Syfian

Age: 148 (Human equivalent: 48)
Distinguishing features: Has her face on all the recent coins, is a halfling (slightly over three feet tall, hairy feet and so forth)
Build: Motherly, with broad hips and very large breasts. Extremely short.

Orientation: Lesbian/Futa.
Kinks: Impregnation (and being impregnated), younger partners, tormenting/abusing men, having her breasts sucked/fed from, incest, larger partners
Offs: Violence (towards herself/futa/women), men, blood, gore, scat.

Likes (Non sexual): Fine wines, cuddling, taking an active interest in the lives of her many children, ensuring the safety and dominance of the Empire
Dislikes (Non sexual): Men. disloyalty or resistance to the Empire, formal clothing and events
Strengths: Cunning, experienced, and an incredibly convincing liar when she needs to be. Or just feels like it.
Weaknesses: Easily distracted by pretty young women, physically weak, her age has started to slow her down physically and she never had any real combat training or experience.

Personality: The Empress, to all but the very closest, is a warm, motherly figure, slightly playful and infuriatingly casual to those who expect a certain level of decorum, elegance and ceremony. The Imperial Court, at times, feels more like a family discussion than the seat of a massive Empire, although there are hints that, behind the appearance of a women fond of young women, there is a sharp, calculating mind at work. The years of her rule, with a few exceptions, have been amongst the most peaceful and prosperous in the Empire, events seeming to just tick along fine. Perhaps a little too fine, especially if one starts looking into the surprising number of people who seem to be missing, and the sudden rise in fortunes that some quite random-seeming people have inexplicably enjoyed.
While generally pleasant to the futanari and women that make up the bulk of the Empire's population, however, the Empress has a distinctly low view of men and considers how they are being essentially bred out of existence (the current birth rates in futa-dominated areas being split between futa and female, with males only rarely born) to be a good thing, although she does keep a small handful of young men to indulge her darker desires upon.

History: When the time came to select the 38th Empress, now a hundred and twenty years ago, there were many Princesses who put their names forth, although only a few were ever considered to have much chance.
Heather Syfian, then a young halfling girl from a nation that had been all but forgotten about ever since it voluntarily submitted to the Third Empress, was most definitely not one of those serious contenders.

Her country, much like its native halfling population, was seen as little more than tiny and rural, if remarkably fertile. A breadbasket for the Empire, to be sure, but with little else to contribute, and Heather seemed like little more than a simple country futa.
It's still not entirely certain quite how she managed it, although there were a number of suspicious accidents, convenient coincidences and a number of Princesses suddenly changing position and offering the tiny halfling their support after meeting with her or one of her servants but, at the end, the tiny young futa was crowned Empress after what must have been an impressive campaign of subterfuge, blackmail and diplomacy.

Once on the throne, Heather devoted herself to applying those skills to what was soon discovered to be  her two main goals in life; to finish the expansion of the Empire around the globe, and to do so while pregnant as often as possible. The company of attractive young women was, quite clearly, also a greatly enjoyed aspect of her position.

While she definitely has a fondness for young female and futanari companionship, and has been just as willing to become a mother as a father, there are questions about just how much her indulgences are part of a deception. She has, in the past, carried on deceptions for years, purely to use as contingency years later - or just to play with the spies she knows report on her. While she seems genuinely warm, loving and motherly to her subjects - the female and futanari ones, at least - she has, at times, dropped that pretense and allowed a cold ruthlessness to show and while her preference is for quiet, subtle actions that few will ever hear of, the (very literal) Decimation of Hightowers after that province attempted to rebel, and the execution of it's Princess (her daughter), shows that she has absolutely no qualms about using a sledgehammer to break a nut, if that nut is intent on threatening her empire.
Other: The Empress always lies. Especially when she's telling the truth. And when she says she's lying.

EDIT: And yeah, we have a lot of princesses, but few people for them to abus- I mean play with. So, servants/slaves/defenders are really quite wanted right now.

EDIT EDIT: And for the more deliciously not-human characters, the Monster Girl Palace thread might have some pictures for your character. Or for personal fun.


"The ultimate in paranoia is not when everyone is against you but when everything is against you." P.K. Dick
Ad astra - but per hominum


Prudence, justice, temperance, courage, faith, hope, love...
debate any other aspect of my faith these are the heavenly virtues. this flawed mortal is going to try to adhere to them.

Culture: the ability to carve an intricate and beautiful bowl from the skull of a fallen enemy.
Civilization: the ability to put that psycho in prision for killing people.


Futa, you say?
Any race, you say?
No whaledicks, you say?



So can futa be slaves or servants?  I have a craving to either play a human slave girl or a futa servant to one of the powerful princesses.   Maybe one of those taken as prisoners after or during the siege.


"Plans are useless, however, planning is invaluable" -Dwight D. Eisenhower

"Lets see if I can put studying off for another day" -Me


Quote from: orderNchaos on October 01, 2016, 04:17:48 PM
So can futa be slaves or servants?  I have a craving to either play a human slave girl or a futa servant to one of the powerful princesses.   Maybe one of those taken as prisoners after or during the siege.
Futa servants, definitely. Slaves, maybe, but it'd be 'they did something' and got punished with that, rather than starting off there. Or they were on the defender's side.


I'm beginning to have a few priestess ideas.
Prudence, justice, temperance, courage, faith, hope, love...
debate any other aspect of my faith these are the heavenly virtues. this flawed mortal is going to try to adhere to them.

Culture: the ability to carve an intricate and beautiful bowl from the skull of a fallen enemy.
Civilization: the ability to put that psycho in prision for killing people.


This looks pretty interesting! Marking interest for now!


Intrigued. I'll have to mull over a character.

Since, if I recall correctly, we can't post explicit images directly in the Request boards ... have some links! All but the third one are very NSFW. The third one is just kinda NSFW by merit of featuring a hot lady with horns.

Do any of these seem particularly interesting inspiration material?

Savage Futa Warleader.
Futa Slavetrainer specializing in turning males into subservient traps.
Demonic ... Druid, maybe? Futa, obviously.
The questionable futa. Her tail acts as a functional cock.

All could probably work as 'Princesses', though the most traditionally aristocratic would be #2, the slavetrainer.
Now this is the Law of the Jungle-
as old and as true as the sky;
And the Wolf that shall keep it may  prosper,
but the Wolf that shall break it must die.

-Rudyard Kipling, "The Law of the Jungle"


My Ons and Offs!

You! On our wavelength! Carry our message, its heavy! Made of rocks!! Apocolypso dancing! SUNDAY SUNDAY SUNDAY! You'll want to cut your wrists with the whole knife, but you'll only need the edge!


Quote from: VonDoom on October 02, 2016, 03:14:23 PM
Intrigued. I'll have to mull over a character.

Since, if I recall correctly, we can't post explicit images directly in the Request boards ... have some links! All but the third one are very NSFW. The third one is just kinda NSFW by merit of featuring a hot lady with horns.

Do any of these seem particularly interesting inspiration material?

Savage Futa Warleader.
Futa Slavetrainer specializing in turning males into subservient traps.
Demonic ... Druid, maybe? Futa, obviously.
The questionable futa. Her tail acts as a functional cock.

All could probably work as 'Princesses', though the most traditionally aristocratic would be #2, the slavetrainer.

I like the slave trainer, personally. But then, abusing traps is kinda a thing of mine ...  :P


Hmm. I found an alternate picture of the character in the Slavetrainer image which would work better for a character profile. Sadly, I really, really don't like the dick piercing and my image editing skills are non-existent. Any chance someone might be able to help out?
Now this is the Law of the Jungle-
as old and as true as the sky;
And the Wolf that shall keep it may  prosper,
but the Wolf that shall break it must die.

-Rudyard Kipling, "The Law of the Jungle"


I'd be glad to give it a shot after work tomorrow.

Ya got a picture of a futa-priestess in white?
Prudence, justice, temperance, courage, faith, hope, love...
debate any other aspect of my faith these are the heavenly virtues. this flawed mortal is going to try to adhere to them.

Culture: the ability to carve an intricate and beautiful bowl from the skull of a fallen enemy.
Civilization: the ability to put that psycho in prision for killing people.


Name: Felix & Lucia Oxbran

Age: 19
Distinguishing features: gray/whitish hair, crimson draconic eyes, sharply pointed ears
Build: lithe and toned. 5'9 165lbs (felix) 5'7 155lbs (Lucia)

Orientation: bisexual
Kinks: anal, oral, rimming (giving/receiving), group/gang bang, NC, forced incest, being made to watch/assist in the others' rape, facials, cum marking, cum feeding, degradation.
Offs: hardcore bdsm, piercing, branding, torture, etc.

Likes (Non sexual): strategy games, challenges/dares, dances, training, sparring, cooking, being amongst common people/soldiers, horse riding, seducing/dating the same partner.
Dislikes (Non sexual): sour/bitter foods, scholarly work, "formal conduct", being beaten at anything
Strengths: Professionally trained warriors and tacticians, peak physical conditioning, fire proof skin
Weaknesses: Blind idealists, naive to deception/corruption, overly sentimental/attached to friends and loved ones, lacking in physical strength due to low muscle mass (rely on swiftness and technique), high susceptible to cold temperatures

Personality: Stalwart and passionate the Oxbran twins are the very model of valor. They posses a combination of nobility and grace brought on from their royal upbringing, along with toughness and determination honed by many battles. Strict yet fair with their men and compassionate towards the common folk they are much beloved by their people. As siblings they are nearly inseparable, and it is rare to see one without the other close behind. Some rumors even suggest that their affection for one another goes deeper than that of mere brother and sister, but these accusations have never been substantiated. While they take their responsibilities to the kingdom very seriously, they are prone to acts of playful mischief, and have amassed a somewhat scandalous reputation for their rowdiness at celebrations, especially after a hard fought battle.

Born the youngest children of the great king Stein Oxbran, Felix and Lucia stand amongst the last free royal family in the entire world. Believed to be founded by the descendants of dragons, their kingdom, Orensburg, has stood un-shaken for countless generations. A strong, yet peaceful nation, Orensburg has earned its reputation as the great mediator of the world's conflicts. Whenever kingdoms would rise and attempt to conquer their neighbors, Orensburg would lead the charge to put them back in their place. Whenever a fledgling nation faced the wrath of it's larger foes, Orensburg was step in in their defense and help arrange peace. It was believed that amongst the great powers of the world, there was no land more noble, nor more respected than Orensburg, and over the centuries it would be the host of a great many alliances and peace gatherings.

Ofcourse, everything changed when a small kingdom suddenly rose to prominence, forged and sharpened by it's war with the demons. Seeking more power and influence this nation, soon to become an empire, spread out across the land. Orensburg heard the mutterings of this nation's sudden explosive growth, but being on the other side of the world there was little they could do to intervene, nor did they truly believe it would grow to become the threat it now posed. However by the time they realized how much of a juggernaut this new empire had become, it was too late. The beast had grown into a monster far too large, far to ravenous in its hunger to slay. The proud kingdom of Orensburg did everything it could to stave off this force, through sword and through pen, but one by one the nations around it slowly began to fall, consumed by empire's jagged maw.

This is the world into which the young twins Felix and Lucia were born. A world not shining and glorious as the old songs spoke of, but a world in decline, a world steadily slipping out from underneath them. With neither having any claim nor aims at the throne, they instead threw themselves into the defense of their lands, desiring nothing more than to be the symbols that the people hang their hopes and dreams upon. They lead their troops with strong hands and boisterous charisma, prone to dealing out rousing speeches and miraculous feats of daring in equal measure. In time the two became figure heads of Orensburg army: young, hungry, passionate, burning with the kind of rage and patriotism that only youth can bring. They would fight to protect their home lands no matter what. And while the other royals stayed within their castles as their once great kingdom was chipped away around them, the twins stood their ground and fought at every opportunity, standing amongst the commoners and their fellow soldiers, not as royalty, but as knights fighting for their homeland. This relatability only further endeared them to their people, and it is believed by some that the people would sooner rise to their call then they would that of the king himself. 

However wars are not won by passion alone, and despite the army's great efforts to hold back the empire, they would find themselves pushed back at nearly every encounter. Eventually they were pushed back to their kingdom's capital, Osta-Baille, the last free city in all the world, the last bastion of hope that anyone could defy the empire. It is here that Stein, now known as "The Last King", sits, awaiting the inevitable demise of his kingdom. It is here that the twins elder brothers and sisters wallow in fear of what will become of them when the walls come crashing down. And it is here that Felix and Lucia, the twins swords of Orensburg, along with the last remaining forces of the royal army, prepare their final act of defiance against the futa hordes.

additional pics

Name: Serana vi Marion

Age: 42
Distinguishing features: snow white "hair" and onyx black armored robes. Usually smells faintly of blood and rooms dim slightly when she enters them.
Build: slender, d-cup breasts, 5'10 145lbs

Orientation: pansexual
Kinks: groping/molesting, anal, oral (receiving), submissive partners, pet play, light bdsm, food play, cum play, degradation, public sex/humiliation, pimping out partners, voyeurism, corruption, collars, incest.
Offs: subbing, hardcore bdsm, piercing, branding, torture, etc.

Likes (Non sexual): Wine, the color black,  gambling, reading, games of strategy, playing "the game", running her side businesses, moonless nights, long walks after dark, pranking servants, her fellow princesses.
Dislikes (Non sexual):bright lights, well lit rooms, people knowing her identity, stubborn marks, people who refuse to be manipulated, tea, humorless people, her fellow princesses.
Strengths: Stealth/Infiltration, assassination, information manipulation, necromancy/dark magic
Weaknesses: Low strength, low durability, superiority complex, doesn't know how to handle not being in control of a situation, under estimates opposition, weak to holy/light magic.

Personality: Ever sheathed in mystery, Serana is an enigma amongst the other princesses. Rather than flaunt her wealth or power, she prefers to stick to the shadows and stay out of the limelight, both physically and politically. She acts more as though a servant of the empire than one seeking to run it, and she takes a rather dismissive stance towards matters of succession and rule. "Let whoever's in charge do their job right and I in turn will do mine" is usually the most she will say on the subject, however one cannot help but suspect there are more sinister, manipulative motivations driving her than mere sense of duty. In person she tends to be curt and polite, almost to the point of patronization. While most would say she gives off an unsettling aura and is uncomfortable to be around, she can be surprisingly playful and humorous when she chooses to be, evidenced by one of her favorite hobbies being the teasing and pranking of her sisters' servants. Ofcourse this jovial attitude can just as quickly flip back to cold and menacing should the need arise.

History: One of the princesses of the futa empire, and potential successor to the title of empress. While very little is truly known about Serana, the woman having deliberately destroyed most of the records surrounding her birth and upraising, it is generally accepted that her status as royalty is genuine. Some believe she has the highest amount of pure demon blood among the current living princesses, though just as many believe she is a witch who intentionally projects the illusion of demonic heritage to intimidate those who would oppose her, and to make her seat amongst the royal court seem more legitimate. Others believe her to be some kind of vampire that keeps herself concealed under black garments to protect herself from the sun, while still some other, quieter proponents claim she isn't actually a princess at all, but an impostor who has taken over the true Serana's identity.

What is definitively known about her, however, is that she is leader of the "Night Veils" the shadowy underbelly of the empire. This mysterious group is responsible for handling all the more..."under the table" dealings of the empire: stealing rare artifacts, gathering intelligence, spying on enemy nations, manipulating rulers, assassinating troublesome individuals both outside the empire and in. Essentially anything too heinous or unsightly for the empire to do out in the open, the Night Veils are in charge of handling. And considering the brazen path of rape and murder the empire has openly cut through the land, the jobs the Night Veils undertake are considerably heinous. And all of it, every slit throat and planted piece of evidence, goes through Serana. It is a job she takes a great deal of pride in, and considering the amount of power she wields, one could be forgiven for thinking her disinterest in the throne was genuine. After all, why bother ruling the empire out in the open, when she can freely pluck and tug at it's strings from the shadows? With all but the most informed few none the wiser.

additional pics
What a thrill...with silence and darkness through the night....

Request Thread


Thinking of maybe concept for this, just need to decide on what pic to build on.
PM box is open. So is my discord: Sain#5301


Hmm. Rather interested in both your proposals, pdragon -- the twins could probably stand some training once captured. They'll certainly be able to indulge any incestuous leanings and if Kasdeya gets to train them to her own preferences, they'll end up even more identical than before.

Serana seems to lean strongly on her demonic heritage as well, so it looks to me like they'd either make natural allies or bitter rivals.

Kasdeya could also use a more secretive ally who helped her out once or twice in the past when she was starving and needed to get the submissiveness fucked out of her (see Luxuria weakness).  A rare opportunity to top her.

Name: Kasdeya Sargantas

Image (NSFW):

I will fix the image to the appropriate formatting in the actual character thread. Can't show it here since it's explicit. I'm still looking around for images, though, so if I find one that is more suitable still, I may change her appearance.

Age: 168 (Appears physically in Mid-Thirties)
Distinguishing features: red eyes, red hair, dark skin, single piercing on right nipple
Build: Voluptuous Futanari with large breasts , tall and athletic, as image. Well-muscled in demon form.

Gender: Futa
Orientation: Pansexual
General: Anal (give), Oral (receive), Group Sex, Cock and Ball Worship (receive), Monster Girls, Nipple Piercings, Clit Piercings
For Slaves: Enslavement, Corruption, Feminization, Mind Break, Gang Bang, Prostitution, Humiliation, Pet Training/Play, light bdsm

Offs: Toilet stuff, non-sexual torture, submission&humiliation receive (except when starved), anthro.

Unless highly starved, her own pussy and ass are reserved for the most wealthy of futa-nobles, her fellow princesses and the rare indulgence.

Likes (Non sexual): opulence, scheming, self-determination, wine, social events, games of wit, designing dungeons, collecting rare monsters
Dislikes (Non sexual):  good, purity, lack of self-awareness, taking orders, dullards, cheap things
Demon Form: Kasdeya's demonic ancestry is very potent, granting her the ability to change into the form of a (Futa-)Succubus. In this form, she possesses enhanced physical attributes, flight and the potency of her corruption magic increases. It is a closely guarded secret that only her most trusted allies and slaves know of.

Corruption Magic: Kasdeya wields magic that can awaken and enhance dark impulses in others and change their shape to match their new inclinations. Whether that means turning them into hulking brutes, voluptuous vixens or lesser demons and monster girls. Her favorite application is to 'drain' male slaves of their masculinity until only their genitals make it possible to tell them apart from a woman. She cannot transform others into proper Futa.

Slave Maker: Kasdeya is particularly skilled in breaking the unwilling to sexual slavery and quite capable at turning them into a product worthy of the greatest of nobles.

Sex: Her pussy has been compared to heavenly bliss, her anus to the devil's fruit that once tasted you cannot stop eating. Dramatic exaggerations, of course, but her futa-body is truly made for sex and her skill heightened by decades of depravity.

Business Sense: As a highly avaricious futa, Kasdeya has fostered a keen and ruthless sense of business, from genuine bargaining to sheer extortion, she has mastered it.

Kasdeya carries all the mortal sins within her.

Luxuria: As a succubus-like creature, Kasdeya needs debauchery to function. If she cannot feed on sexual energy at about the same intervals a regular human needs food, she will weaken. This is accompanied by submissive urges that grow stronger and stronger as she starves.

Avaritia: Kasdeya is greedy, plain and simple. She wants more wealth, more status, more slaves. She may not want to be Empress, but can easily be tempted with rewards.

Superbia: Kasdeya considers herself far more important than anyone else, even if
she must pay fealty or is of inferior rank, even if it is the Empress. As a result, she tends to overestimate herself.

Invidia: Kasdeya wants more slaves and more wealth, yes. She certainly wants those things, but if someone possesses an excellent slave or treasure, she will covet it and either want it for herself or see it destroyed.

Ira: A strong hatred for the pure and divine burns in Kasdeya. She is vulnerable to these things, to the [holy], [light] and [pure] attributes, just as full demons used to be. They burn her on touch and, even worse, they purify her sexual energies and can quickly bring her into a state of starvation. Her instinctual wrath burns so strong that even retreat is difficult.

Gula: Kasdeya overindulges. Because of her need for sexual energies to retain her dominant personality, she has slaves endlessly copulating in her vicinity, oral slaves attending her sometimes even around the clock. She has a veritable feast of expensive food available at all times (and thrown out regularly with no regard for the needy) and has a selection of clothes that borders on the excessive.

Acedia: Her demonic nature makes her callous and uncaring towards the plight of those with whom she does not associate. She can certainly form bonds with others, but is often purposely or even maliciously ignorant of anything that does not suit her.

Kasdeya exudes hedonism. She does what she loves most yet is always hungry for more. Due to that, she is considered to be the most decadent of princesses. But her skill is such that it's largely overlooked -- after all, how mad can a futa remain at the vexing Kasdeya when one of her slaves has their skilled lips wrapped around her cock?

She is greedy, lustful and proud - confident in her ability to make a willing servant of anyone. Though she is not particular about her lovers or enslavement targets, whether in gender or species, she favors futa most of all and loves nothing more than to bring a male slave closer to their perfection by turning them into dickgirls or traps.

In truth, beneath it all, Kasdeya is a fragile existence. She is dominant and loves dominance, but her body and powers are quick to betray her if she doesn't sate them. Much of her greed, vanity and envy of others compensate for this profound insecurity that festers at her core, since she knows that she will cave to any demand if deprived of sexual energy. Her indulgences are like an armor designed to keep that from happening.

She places great value on her independence and self-determination, which puts her at odds with the idea of succession. She has no interest in becoming Empress. She already is a supreme existence to her slaves and if she had all the duties that rulership demanded, she would not be able to satisfy her desires. As a result, she is more than happy to sponsor more ambitious princesses who won't interfere with her lifestyle and position.

Kasdeya is the product of an unusual, incestuous union. The Empress was a proper half-demon of human stock, her mother of the angelic host. She fell just prior to the moment of conception, wings blackened and eyes lost in depravity  -- as a result, Kasdeya was born with almost as much evil and corruption in her veins as a full demon and with an innate hatred for purity and good to match the spite of a fallen angel.

Growing up, she certainly seemed a prodigious child. She was a quick study, physically gifted and a beauty that was predicted to bloom for a long time. But proved problematic nonetheless - willful and selfish in the worst ways, which was particularly troublesome when she started turning the servants assigned to her into her playthings. The culmination of this came when she completely ruined a young butler from a prestigious family. She turned him into her personal dress-up doll and broke him so completely that he (or she, at this point) couldn't live without a constant supply of hard cock.

As punishment, she was sent away. In her exile, she studied with a number of notable individuals and senior princesses, until she found a genuine surviving demon  to teach her how to make use of her wellspring of dark power. When she finally returned after a decade of travel, she had learned many things -- most important of all, she had awakened her demon form and was now skilled in corruption magic.

Still gifted at making slaves of men, women, futa and even monster, this was to be her role. To prepare slaves and servants for the highest of nobles, princesses and even the Empress herself, who by then had been replaced by a new successor.

In the time since, she accumulated large amounts of wealth and followers. At times she was forced to join the war efforts and proved an effective if unconventional commander to her warrior-slaves.

With the final bastion of resistence about to fall, Kasdeya has already set her eye on a few prospective targets in the city … 

Kasdeya has vast amounts of wealth to call upon and commands a small army of monstrous slaves. Savage, brutal and inclined to rape what they can get their hands on, they are overseen by some of her more elite creations.

Additional Image (minus dick piercing):
Demon Form: (Again, may change if I find a better image.)
With piercings as regular form and a cock that's ... one cockhead shorter.
Now this is the Law of the Jungle-
as old and as true as the sky;
And the Wolf that shall keep it may  prosper,
but the Wolf that shall break it must die.

-Rudyard Kipling, "The Law of the Jungle"


So far, yes to everyone.

And I've been meaning to throw the Empress' sheet up, but first I need to make it. She'll be around for the beginning, after all.
Also, I told pdragon and should probably have remembered to tell everyone: You can make two characters. One on the Imperial side, one on the defending part, if you so wish.


I'm really considering a slave or servant...and now seeing that we have a few slavers who are into non-con I'm even more excited about it. I'll start thinking about a character. If we are doing a futa, are they anthro or humanoid?


Quote from: orderNchaos on October 03, 2016, 10:34:27 AM
I'm really considering a slave or servant...and now seeing that we have a few slavers who are into non-con I'm even more excited about it. I'll start thinking about a character. If we are doing a futa, are they anthro or humanoid?
Short answer: Yes.
Long answer, pretty much anything within reason, really, is open to be played.


Ah, didn't think anthro was in. Will have to add that to my off listing, then. Sorry. :-\

Monster Girls, on the other hand ...  O:)

Aaand edited in the other images, as well as updated my on/off lists with monster girls and anthro.
Now this is the Law of the Jungle-
as old and as true as the sky;
And the Wolf that shall keep it may  prosper,
but the Wolf that shall break it must die.

-Rudyard Kipling, "The Law of the Jungle"


And put the current Empress up at the end of the first post, just so you know who you'll be replacing.
She is ... kinda odd for her role, to be honest. (And yes, she is basically a hobbit. A man-hating futa hobbit. Sue me)
(Please don't sue me.)

I suppose I should go get a character page up, too. Once I decide if this should be NC-Exotic, or Extreme. Extreme tends to do more violent blood-stuff, which isn't really what I want ...


I tend to go to the highest rating to be safe rules wise, just in case something comes up that's above the average game rating, and rely more on game scope/player offs. But I'm happy with either.

(Now to go call my lawyer and sue JoanieSappho.)
Now this is the Law of the Jungle-
as old and as true as the sky;
And the Wolf that shall keep it may  prosper,
but the Wolf that shall break it must die.

-Rudyard Kipling, "The Law of the Jungle"



NSFW piccy
Name: Aureia

Age: Unmeasured (Awakened: 22 )
Distinguishing features: Golden Skin, glowing Red eyes, Silver hair
Build: Heavily muscular, large breasts, strong hips
Sex: Female
Status: Defender

Orientation: Omni
Kinks: Anal, Oral, Vaginal, gangbang, Rimming (give/receive) Cum, excessive cum, cum marking, cum baths, gaining slaves, Tentacles, capturing Prisoners.
Offs: Rape, Being enslaved (Character off only)

Likes (Non sexual): Statue artistry, fine clothing, hand to hand combat
Dislikes (Non sexual): patina, poor quality clothing, being controlled
Strengths: Physically unstoppable, Tireless endurance, Master bodyguard, Soft as gold, deceptively clever
Weaknesses: Easily Manipulated, Vulnerable to magic, Cumstarved, Fear of Enslavement, Harem Greed, compelled to follow orders (if someone is able to claim her), Wants to be dominated

Personality: Airy and bubbly, Aureia is an odd nut, always happy to meet new people, even more so when those new people are a threat to those she has sworn to protect as it means she can use them until they have been drained dry... The gold skinned woman might be considered someones vapid fuck toy in which they would be partially right. Though under the sometimes vacant smile lies a clever mind, that while not brilliant, is as sharp as a shard of obsidian..

History: Originally a golden golem looted from some overly rich country that fell to the Empire, the golem Aureia was reforged to her recent form only recently, a decadent princess buying up the golem and paying for its reconstruction into its current form as a mixture of body guard and pleasure doll. The golden skin, now soft enough to please the most temperamental of lovers, could turn away blows from some of the finest weapons wielded by the finest warriors with only a light marring of the shimmering flesh and given some vestige of intelligence to make it so she could better please her Mistress both in and out of the bed chambers. To keep her powered, and loyal, she was made to gain vital essence from cum, her Mistress originally intending for her cum alone to be enough, she forgot to mention this, and Aureia was made to gain subsistence from any lovers juices..

This came to a point when the Princess, wanting to advance herself up the throne, starved the golem until she was mad with lust and hunger, leaving hints and clues that if the empress was to "disappear" she would be fed again.. And thus she was off, sneaking through the palace to the Empress's chambers, and, in a twist that was seen coming in other universes, was seduced and "captured" by the Empress. The princess was brought before her, to watch as her golem (ears now plugged for the start) kneeling between the Empress's legs drinking greedily of Her cum. The princess was made to give up her Control of the golem, which was promptly transferred to the Empress, and the princess stripped of her station was given to the Golem as a play thing before being traded away for a VERY pretty dress...

Even still she remains loyal to the Empress, rising above and beyond what might be expected from a simple golem, enough that she has been granted "citizenship"of sorts, and the right to own her own slaves, which she is always greedy about gathering...


My Ons and Offs!

You! On our wavelength! Carry our message, its heavy! Made of rocks!! Apocolypso dancing! SUNDAY SUNDAY SUNDAY! You'll want to cut your wrists with the whole knife, but you'll only need the edge!


... Hope this is ok... Just... weird idea that popped into my head..
My Ons and Offs!

You! On our wavelength! Carry our message, its heavy! Made of rocks!! Apocolypso dancing! SUNDAY SUNDAY SUNDAY! You'll want to cut your wrists with the whole knife, but you'll only need the edge!