Abducted by an alien! (F for Dom M alien, writer gender irrelevant)

Started by LamentingQuill, August 16, 2016, 06:15:48 PM

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When new high school graduate Liliana Chase allowed her friends to talk her into one last 'hurrah' of misbehavior to salute their adolescence goodbye, they pick the barn of the meanest rudest farmer in the state to spray paint the logo of their school on... she expected they'd paint quickly and get the hell out of there before they were caught and nothing truly bad would ever come out of it...

What she wasn't expecting however was the nasty bitches abandoning her out in the middle of no where... leaving her to walk home with a duffel of spray paints in the middle of the night, in the middle of no where, all by herself... did she mention they were nasty bitches? Yeah, because they are. Backstabbing skanks.

What else was Liliana not expecting? Well, a beam of light to cut through the clouds and drag her up into the sky, of course! She finds herself in the custody of a fairly attractive male alien with a taste for sexy human redheads... apparently he's been searching for one he can breed with and keep, but thus far has been unsuccessful... she finds out he didn't just let the other girls go after they proved to be incompatible with him, they could have told people what happened and had evidence with their bodies... he had to dispose of them...

If Liliana doesn't want to join the other corpses redheaded girls... she'll have to do everything she can to please him and pray as hard as she can that she'll be compatible enough to get pregnant... or it's lights out for her, forever.