Sassy Space Vixens 2: The Vixens strike back!

Started by SidheLady, August 02, 2016, 02:23:18 PM

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Okay, due to the popularity of my inital post, I'm offering a second game, similar but not the same to the other (cause that;d be boring for me)

Once again 5-6 players please.

So, on with the show

Close to the border of the Many Planets Union, the independent space station known simply as "Friendship 2" (don't ask what happened to friendship 1), quietly orbits the planet RenHault (a small mining and scientific colony).

Friendship 2 is popular station with pirates, mercenaries and others who like to take advantage of it's independent status, and on the recruitment boards the following message is posted.

"Wanted, a brave (and competent) crew for thrilling adventures, exploits and some crime.
If the life of a pirate is your thing
See Captain Cassandra Cara Lina Shalleri Mika da Luna, former custodian of house da Luna, Captain of the Harpy Screamer, Dock 74.

No Time wasters (or time travelers) please"


so, I want to run a playtest group for my game Sassy Space Vixens. I would like between 4 or 5 players (any more and I'll consider running a second game). Once the basic characters are posted, we'll communally do the ship build.

If your interested in playing, drop me a PM or reply to the thread.

The game can be found off this post.

Thanks for your time
"Dream, not of what you are, but what you want to be" - Lotus (aka spacemom!), warframe

I have Discord, ask to contact me!

My Games including Sassy Space Vixens and the Gentry

My general Ons and Offs (will be updated soonish whenever I remember and get around to it)


Posting my rolls here for reference while I make the character.

At 2016-08-02 15:23:36, Ysariel (uid: 22828) rolls: 6d6 Result: 15

Full Result: Ysariel rolled: 6d6
Comment: Space Vixens 2
Result: 5, 1, 2, 1, 4, 2,
Total: 15

That makes 4, 1, 1, 1, 3, 1 after deducting 1 from all. My character will apparently be the butt monkey of this merry bunch!


*becomes interested and rolls up character stats...becomes a little alarmed*

5,3,3,4,3,1 (these are after the one point reduction)

Interesting. :3

Mhmm maybe someone who can't hold her drink well or isn't good at gambling would be appropriate? xD

I'm tempted to take dread pirate qualified, mainly cause it would allow me to make her first mate, procurer and the disciplinarian.

...Or Insane (mutant would obviously be the remaining basic talent). :3

These two lovely vixens are kinda speaking to me. Both are a good mix of being alluring while also looking like just the kind of first mate a captain would want in terms of ensuring crew moral and obedience as well as being a valuable asset in business dealings. xD

My F-list:
My A/As: -My RPs and how many I can do at one time


At 2016-08-02 17:37:08, Jaded (uid: 39556) rolls: 6d6 Result: 18
4, 2, 2, 5, 3, 2
after subtracting 1. 
3  1  1  4  2  1

I took dual roles, but can drop to one if preferred.  Just wasn't sure where to spend qualities.  Still a WIP.

Name: Susanna Wolf
Race: Human
Role(s): : Doc, Procurer

Fighting: 1
Drinking: 1
Wits:     5 (4+1)
Savvy:    4 (3+1)
Gambling: 1
Plunder:  2

  Dual Role
  Bargain Hunter
  Ms Smarty-Pants


  Ray Gun

  Personal Force Field

Susanna Wolf spent her entire life, from childhood through her teenage years, studying.  She attended the finest academies, went to the most prestigious colleges, and basically never got to live for herself.  She was trained, not by choice, as a doctor.  She had classes ten hours a day, tutors for another six, and knowledge downloaded directly into her brain while she slept.  So, naturally, as soon as she turned eighteen she dropped out of college, left home, and went in search of adventure.

Susanna isn’t officially a doctor, though she has a great deal of knowledge in that area, and she isn’t really a merchant, though she learned how to haggle when spending the paltry allowance she was given. 


Getting the rolls out of the way,

Rolls: 5, 5, 5, 3, 2, 1
Total: 26

Three 5s aren't bad. Opens up a fair number of possibilities. Not sure on role yet.

Name: Sar'iaqua'naven'zilla, know as ''Saria'' to her friends and ''Hey, Thief! You stole my panties!''...also to her friends.

Race: Mysterion
Role: Pilot

Fighting: 3
Drinking: 1
Wits: 5
Savvy: 5
Gambling: 2
Plunder: 5

Gunslinger: You are good with guns, especially pistols. When using pistols you reduce the difficulty by one stage, OR you may use two pistols at the same time (with two actions) for standard difficulty.
Alien: Mysterion
-Exosuit: Mysterions are totally immune to all forms of environmental damage, as well as the effects of space. However, as outfits become part of the exo-suit, if they lose a piece to wardrobe malfunction, they lose this benefit until it can be repaired due to damage.
-Mysterious: Because of the air of mystery around them, it’s almost impossible to know what is true with them. They may re-roll any failed savvy checks because of this.

Exosuit (Outfit, Headwear, Top, Bottoms): A synthesis of organic material, sleek high-tech alloys and glowing circuitry forms the basis of Saria's suit. Latching on to her as a second skin, it follows her movements precisely, the elastic materials stretches lewdly across her voluptuous form, leaving little to the imagination despite covering her entire body. Saria's bodysuit radiates a pleasant heat slightly above a normal human’s internal temperature. A glistening fluid, with a distinctive animalistic musk, is excreted through a microscopic membrane creating a thin and isolating layer across her body.

Her head is encased in an elongated horned helmet with sweeping ridges, created from the same materials as the suit. A bone white faceplate hides her appearance, its partially translucent allowing a set of light diodes to emulate simple facial expression. Saria's nether region crackle with electrostatic energy, stimulating the suits regenerative biomaterial, though easily pierced to reveal her engorged, dark and waiting pussylips. 6’’ stilletto heels, seamlessly grafted into the suit, adds a swinging gait, showing off her ample assets with each step. Internal gyroscopes and the suit’s enhanced cybernetic muscles allow her to easily maintain her balance and provocative postures even in intense situations.

Weapons and Accessories:
2xPistol: Duratanium alien pistols studded with pink kryptonite, firing micro explosive crystal shards.
Multiform Gential - LGM Probe A51-series

Appearance: See outfit.




Quote from: Warlock on August 02, 2016, 05:44:43 PM
Getting the roles out of the way,

Rolls: 5, 5, 5, 3, 2, 1
Total: 26

Three 5s aren't bad. Opens up a fair number of possibilities. Not sure on role yet.

Name: Sar'iaqua'naven'zilla, know as ''Saria'' to her friends and ''Hey, Thief! You stole my panties!''...also to her friends.

Race: Mysterion

Fighting: 3
Drinking: 1
Wits: 5
Savvy: 5
Gambling: 2
Plunder: 5

1 Basic Quality
Alien: Mysterion
-Exosuit: Mysterions are totally immune to all forms of environmental damage, as well as the effects of space. However, as outfits become part of the exo-suit, if they lose a piece to wardrobe malfunction, they lose this benefit until it can be repaired due to damage.
Mysterious: Because of the air of mystery around them, it’s almost impossible to know what is true with them. They may re-roll any failed savvy checks because of this.


Weapons and Accessories:
Pistol: Duratanium alien pistols studded with pink kryptonite*, firing micro explosive crystal shards.
Multiform Gential




Go Demolitians, Cracker and or Pilot. Saria would make a great bestie with benefits for my gal (who I intend to have take the frist mate and disciplinarian roles). xD
My F-list:
My A/As: -My RPs and how many I can do at one time



Name: Countess Cora Jakal of Royal house Jakal, Coco or  "that insane bitch who seduced me out of all my shit"

Race: Human

Role: First Mate and Disciplinarian

Fighting: 3

Drinking: 3

Wits: 1

Savy: 5

Gambling: 4

Plunder: 3


Dual Roles

Insane: You  are  undeniably  batshit  insane,  well  and  truly  detached  from  reality.  You  are  totally  immune  to embarrassment  or  verbal  damage,  however,  you  cannot  use  Wits,  and  because  of  this  all  Wits checks are based on Savvy instead.

Top:Black leather backless halter dress top
Hands: Black opera length black tru-silk gloves
Legs: Black leather dress skirt with side slits
Feet: red star ruby stiletto high heels
Underwear: Black Tru-Silk bra and thong panties with red accents, Black velvet garter belt with straps attached to matching thigh high stockings
Pistol: silver feminum alien pulse pistol with Star Ruby grip
Dagger: silver feminum dagger with authentic leather wrapped hilt
Rifle: grey durantium micro-explosive sniper rifle with "shatter like glass" in Zelfian inscribed on the side
Accessory: Multiform Genital

Appearance: WIP

Biography: WIP
My F-list:
My A/As: -My RPs and how many I can do at one time

Kiric Rand

Guardian of Lynnie's heart
-My inbox is sort.of like 7-11. It's not always doing business, but it's always open.-
Flying High or Falling Fast (O/Os)My Ideas! A/A updated 2/11/15


Quote from: Kiric Rand on August 02, 2016, 06:56:04 PM
Damn, so many people already posting
Join the crew. Cora needs more toys to play with...I mean subordinates to boss around! >:)
My F-list:
My A/As: -My RPs and how many I can do at one time

Kiric Rand

Well, since we got a doc, I might make my batshit crazy demo girl

Roll Result: kiric rand rolled: 6d6
Result: 5, 2, 4, 2, 6, 5,

So my stats will be 4, 1, 3, 1, 5, 4

Not too bad
Guardian of Lynnie's heart
-My inbox is sort.of like 7-11. It's not always doing business, but it's always open.-
Flying High or Falling Fast (O/Os)My Ideas! A/A updated 2/11/15


Name: Kailee
Race: Human
Role(s): Cracker, Engineer


Dual Role
Congratulations, you have the skills to fill more than one role aboard ship. You have two roles rather than one.

Expert: Computers
You have an expert knowledge in...something. You need to choose what your field of expertise is, and any checks that involve it, are considered one stage easier.

Expert: Engineering
You have an expert knowledge in...something. You need to choose what your field of expertise is, and any checks that involve it, are considered one stage easier.

Default Outfit

Plastic Sports Bra with Neon Piping
Plastic Briefs with Neon Piping
Plastic Mid-thigh kitten heel Boots with Neon Piping
Plastic Upper arm length Gloves with Image or Logo
Plastic Hair Clip (counts as hairband)

  • Laser Ray Gun (Normal/Normal/Normal)
  • Duratanium Energy Edge Dagger (Normal/Normal/Penalty)

History: A barely-legal thrillseeker and tech prodigy who could make machines purr by batting her eyelashes, Kailee bounced off-world first chance she could get rather than take up some boring conglomerate or Starcore job. Despite a complete lack of any idea what she's getting into, she's counting on her good luck, cheery innocent demeanor, and wicked haxxor skills to pull through!


Quote from: Ysariel on August 02, 2016, 07:37:56 PM
Name: Kailee
Race: Human
Role(s): Cracker, Engineer

Fighting: 1
Drinking: 1
Wits:     4
Savvy:    1
Gambling: 3
Plunder:  1

Dual Role
Congratulations, you have the skills to fill more than one role aboard ship. You have two roles rather than one.

Expert: Computers
You have an expert knowledge in...something. You need to choose what your field of expertise is, and any checks that involve it, are considered one stage easier.

Expert: Engineering
You have an expert knowledge in...something. You need to choose what your field of expertise is, and any checks that involve it, are considered one stage easier.

Default Outfit

Top = Sports Bra
Bottom = Briefs
Gloves = Gloves
Boots = Boots

Ray Gun (Normal/Normal/Normal)
Dagger (Normal/Normal/Penalty)

History: A barely-legal thrillseeker and tech prodigy who could make machines purr by batting her eyelashes, Kailee bounced off-world first chance she could get rather than take up some boring conglomerate or Starcore job. Despite a complete lack of any idea what she's getting into, she's counting on her good luck, cheery innocent demeanor, and wicked haxxor skills to pull through!

Cora: "Kailee dear, meet me in my quarters immediately. I need you to fix something of mine, something that I'm afraid is quite...fragile."
My F-list:
My A/As: -My RPs and how many I can do at one time


Should I be nervous by the amount of characters with multiform genitals installed?
"Dream, not of what you are, but what you want to be" - Lotus (aka spacemom!), warframe

I have Discord, ask to contact me!

My Games including Sassy Space Vixens and the Gentry

My general Ons and Offs (will be updated soonish whenever I remember and get around to it)

Kiric Rand


Name: Raven Astros or "The crazy bitch with the bombs"

Race: Human

Roles: Demolition

Fighting: 3
Drinking: 4
Wits: 4
Savvy: 1
Gambling: 5
Plunder: 2

Lucky: Once per session you may reroll all three dice from a check

Robot bits: d3 (I shit you not I rolled a 3) optional extras

Dem Titties: Flash assets for diplomacy and seduction checks to be one stage easier

Bitch: When attacking with words, checks are one step easier

Boozehound: Easier to find booze

Loudspeaker: May yell as an attack
Alcho fuel system: Only drunk if no alcohol in last 12 hours
Multitool: Always have tools available

Torso: Black Tank top
Legs: Ripped up jeans
Hands: Fingerless gloves
Feet: Claf high boots
Underwear: String bottoms, no bra

Pulse Pistol

Histroy: Raven is the one bitch you really don't want to cross. Wanted in multiple starsystems for crimes, mostly involving explosives, she doesn't seem to hang around in one place long enough for people to really know here. A military drop out, Raven has always had a deep facination with booze and bombs, even going so far as to become sexually excited at the idea of explosives being used. One such mishap managed to get her kicked off her previous crew when an accidental explosion  (they did try to warn her that rigging the fusion core intk a makeshift incendiary was a bad idea) destroyed a good chunk of the ship.
Guardian of Lynnie's heart
-My inbox is sort.of like 7-11. It's not always doing business, but it's always open.-
Flying High or Falling Fast (O/Os)My Ideas! A/A updated 2/11/15


Quote from: Kiric Rand on August 02, 2016, 08:11:07 PM

Name: Raven Astros or "The crazy bitch with the bombs"

Race: Human

Roles: Demolition

Fighting: 3
Drinking: 4
Wits: 4
Savvy: 1
Gambling: 5
Plunder: 1

Lucky: Once per session you may reroll all three dice from a check

Robot bits: d3 (I shit you not I rolled a 3) optional extras

Dem Titties: Flash assets for diplomacy and seduction checks to be one stage easier

Loudspeaker: May yell as an attack
Alcho fuel system: Only drunk if no alcohol in last 12 hours
Multitool: Always have tools available

Torso: Black Tank top
Legs: Ripped up jeans
Hands: Fingerless gloves
Feet: Claf high boots
Underwear: String bottoms, no bra

Pulse Pistol

Histroy: Raven is the one bitch you really don't want to cross. Wanted in multiple starsystems for crimes, mostly involving explosives, she doesn't seem to hang around in one place long enough for people to really know here. A military drop out, Raven has always had a deep facination with booze and bombs, even going so far as to become sexually excited at the idea of explosives being used. One such mishap managed to get her kicked off her previous crew when an accidental explosion  (they did try to warn her that rigging the fusion core intk a makeshift incendiary was a bad idea) destroyed a good chunk of the ship.

Cora: *makes a mental note to vent all alcohol on board out of the air lock for the crew's general safety*
My F-list:
My A/As: -My RPs and how many I can do at one time

Kiric Rand

Quote from: Drowdeviant on August 02, 2016, 08:21:50 PM
Cora: *makes a mental note to vent all alcohol on board out of the air lock for the crew's general safety*

Oh it won't be that bad. She had a high enough drinking to handle her alcohol, and her system cleans it out fairly quickly. She't not likely to blow anyone up while drunk
Guardian of Lynnie's heart
-My inbox is sort.of like 7-11. It's not always doing business, but it's always open.-
Flying High or Falling Fast (O/Os)My Ideas! A/A updated 2/11/15


Quote from: Kiric Rand on August 02, 2016, 08:35:12 PM
Oh it won't be that bad. She had a high enough drinking to handle her alcohol, and her system cleans it out fairly quickly. She't not likely to blow anyone up while drunk

I meant it more for her possibly becoming an angry drunk and thinking that she could get revenge by booby trapping one of the ship's systems to explosively malfunction.

Cora's job is basically to keep all of you from throwing things into anarchy. If Raven shows that she can be well behaved and follow orders than Cora will likely get her all the booze she wants. Also Raven might get opportunities to help Cora discipline other members of the crew when it is needed (after all no one would suspect the "good cop" of actually being the crazy one).

...wait I actually think we need a GM ruling on what happens since my gal is both first mate and the ship dominatrix/commissar/disciplinarian. Mainly cause by simply asserting her authority as first mate by giving orders Cora could be reducing the difficulty by two degrees since it technically is also an example of her asserting dominance. >:)
My F-list:
My A/As: -My RPs and how many I can do at one time

Kiric Rand

You do realize Raven's method of discipline would go something like this.

"This collar is rigged up fo that if you do this bad thing again, you blow up"

Guardian of Lynnie's heart
-My inbox is sort.of like 7-11. It's not always doing business, but it's always open.-
Flying High or Falling Fast (O/Os)My Ideas! A/A updated 2/11/15


Quote from: Kiric Rand on August 02, 2016, 09:13:45 PM
You do realize Raven's method of discipline would go something like this.

"This collar is rigged up fo that if you do this bad thing again, you blow up"


Very true...granted I would imagine it would be the perfect punishment and reward for Raven herself. xD

Also the dungeon will be having a no explosives policy. :3
My F-list:
My A/As: -My RPs and how many I can do at one time


Quote from: Drowdeviant on August 02, 2016, 06:02:08 PM
Go Demolitians, Cracker and or Pilot. Saria would make a great bestie with benefits for my gal (who I intend to have take the frist mate and disciplinarian roles). xD

Pilot it is, everyone needs a getaway driver and she absolutly hates having to call shotgun anyway. Sitting in the driver seat guarantees her a seat in the front.

She doesn't have a license, since they had some archaic and primitve rule about showing your face for identification. Shouldn't be an issue since Saria have the best co-pilot, Auto-pilot.

Quote from: SidheLady on August 02, 2016, 08:07:41 PM
Should I be nervous by the amount of characters with multiform genitals installed?

Its one of the LGM Probe series, used for serious scientific investigation and adapted to humanoid physiology since it was the primary market, not that they had a say in the matter.

Saria only have the purest intentions and no desire to dishonor its legacy. Due to the unique nature of Mysterion biology, she uses it as a dispenser for, uh, rectal suppositories. It's purely for medical reason, cross her hearts (hopes captain doesn't know she don't have hearts).

Quote from: Drowdeviant on August 02, 2016, 09:22:43 PM

Very true...granted I would imagine it would be the perfect punishment and reward for Raven herself. xD

Also the dungeon will be having a no explosives policy. :3

But I always wanted to escape from the dungeon, Michael Bay-style. You never let us do cool stuff! Buh! *pouts behind her helmet. Maybe. You can't tell*

Hmm, makes mental note to add neon diodes to facial plate.

++Running Diagnostics++






++Completed Diagnostics++



Quote from: Drowdeviant on August 02, 2016, 08:02:23 PM
Cora: "Kailee dear, meet me in my quarters immediately. I need you to fix something of mine, something that I'm afraid is quite...fragile."

"Yes ma'am! Right away!"

"Y-y-you want me to fix WHAT?!"

"B-but I-I- "Oww! Yes ma'am! Right away ma'am!"

Also, I have this idea that Kailee is sunshine and rainbows to everyone, but every once in a while an enemy really ticks her off (usually by making some disparaging comment about her skills, or showing blatant technical incompetence) and she rages all out at them. Like this.


Quote from: Warlock on August 03, 2016, 03:55:10 AM

But I always wanted to escape from the dungeon, Michael Bay-style. You never let us do cool stuff! Buh! *pouts behind her helmet. Maybe. You can't tell*

Hmm, makes mental note to add neon diodes to facial plate.

++Running Diagnostics++






++Completed Diagnostics++


Cora: "If you want to do that dear then I might be willing to make an exception...granted I would need you to completely remove your suit before hand. Wouldn't want such a lovely little thing possibly getting ruined, also it makes sure you couldn't possibly cheat. Having the damsel in distress escape too easily would just ruin the mood after what will it be Saria dear, the bomb collar or this ravishing little suit of your's? *reaches around and starts to fondle the mysterion's body from behind*
My F-list:
My A/As: -My RPs and how many I can do at one time


Quote from: Ysariel on August 03, 2016, 06:23:38 AM
"Yes ma'am! Right away!"

"Y-y-you want me to fix WHAT?!"

"B-but I-I- "Oww! Yes ma'am! Right away ma'am!"
Cora: "Good girl, now just lean against that wall and I'll go get what I need you to fix. You know what let me put these on you in case you get frightened by it". *shackles Kailee's arms and legs to wall and blindfolds her*

"Now tell me dear. How familiar are you with the X Series fully modifiable phallic instrumentation system?
My F-list:
My A/As: -My RPs and how many I can do at one time

Kiric Rand

Quote from: Drowdeviant on August 03, 2016, 07:48:46 AM
Cora: "Good girl, now just lean against that wall and I'll go get what I need you to fix. You know what let me put these on you in case you get frightened by it". *shackles Kailee's arms and legs to wall and blindfolds her*

"Now tell me dear. how familiar are you with the X Series fully modifiable sexual paraphernalia system?

"Careful, I may have rigged those up"
Guardian of Lynnie's heart
-My inbox is sort.of like 7-11. It's not always doing business, but it's always open.-
Flying High or Falling Fast (O/Os)My Ideas! A/A updated 2/11/15


Quote from: Kiric Rand on August 03, 2016, 07:54:44 AM
"Careful, I may have rigged those up"
Cora: *glares intensely at Raven and lightly presses her dagger to the demo woman's throat* "Did I ever give you permission to fucking touch anything in the dungeon?"

Whelp psycho control freak Cora has come out. Guess she'll need to consult with the captain on what actual means of punishment to dispense upon the poor fool who disobeyed the dungeon's strict no explosives policy.

Remember One part of her job is to make sure you guys don't get put in any significant danger...that is without personal consent. War was having Saria give consent to be possibly blown to smithereens. >:)
My F-list:
My A/As: -My RPs and how many I can do at one time