Yet another personality test

Started by Lilias, June 21, 2016, 09:50:22 AM

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To go in the dark with a light is to know the light.
To know the dark, go dark. Go without sight,
and find that the dark, too, blooms and sings,
and is traveled by dark feet and dark wings.
~Wendell Berry

Double Os <> Double As (updated Dec 12) <> The Hoard <> 50 Tales 2025 <> The Lab <> ELLUIKI


None of them called to me. What does that say?
If you're searching the lines for a point, well you've probably missed it; there was never anything there in the first place.


Kinda with Inki here - Technically, I would have chosen the black and white one, but only for the purposes of creating one with a color palette that wasn't among the other offerings.
"Language was invented for one reason, boys - to woo women.~*~*~Don't think it's all been done before
And in that endeavor, laziness will not do." ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~Don't think we're never gonna win this war
Robin Williams-Dead Poets Society ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~Don't think your world's gonna fall apart
I do have a cause, though.  It's obscenity.  I'm for it.  - Tom Lehrer~*~All you need is your beautiful heart
O/O's Updated 5/11/21 - A/A's - Current Status! (Oct 31) - Writing a novel - all draws for Fool of Fire up! Requests closed


I found that my choice had little to do with colours and nearly everything to do with the pattern itself.
To go in the dark with a light is to know the light.
To know the dark, go dark. Go without sight,
and find that the dark, too, blooms and sings,
and is traveled by dark feet and dark wings.
~Wendell Berry

Double Os <> Double As (updated Dec 12) <> The Hoard <> 50 Tales 2025 <> The Lab <> ELLUIKI

Beguile's Mistress

The colors and the shape both resonate with me. :-)

Red/Brown/White: Determined, energetic, enthusiastic, impatient, impulsive, bold, anger, aggressive, anxiety, charismatic, materialistic, nervous, passionate, powerful, unforgiving, inner strength, powerful, high energy, fiery, sexual, strong-willed, grounded, new beginnings.


Quote from: Oniya on June 21, 2016, 11:21:29 AM
Kinda with Inki here - Technically, I would have chosen the black and white one, but only for the purposes of creating one with a color palette that wasn't among the other offerings.
To me they were just so much visual noise. Each one was just... there. None of them just said, "I'm the one you'd pick."
If you're searching the lines for a point, well you've probably missed it; there was never anything there in the first place.


I chose this one.

Red/Lilac/Pink/Blue/Yellow: Sensual, feminine, beauty, love, light, emotional, healthy, refreshing, energizing, tender, sensitive, creativity, affectionate, artistic, intuitive, strong spiritual energy, mystical, ethereal, awakening, aware, wisdom, compassionate, organized, laughter, joy, happiness, togetherness, soul connections, positive, blossoming.

Beautiful Mystery

Quote from: AmberStarfire on June 21, 2016, 02:22:08 PM
I chose this one.

Red/Lilac/Pink/Blue/Yellow: Sensual, feminine, beauty, love, light, emotional, healthy, refreshing, energizing, tender, sensitive, creativity, affectionate, artistic, intuitive, strong spiritual energy, mystical, ethereal, awakening, aware, wisdom, compassionate, organized, laughter, joy, happiness, togetherness, soul connections, positive, blossoming.

I chose that one as well Amber. I did like a few others but I think all of the colors got me. Bright and all the colors! xD
Check A/A
The devil doesn't come dressed in a red cape and pointy horns.
He comes dressed as everything you have wished for.


Yellow/Black/White: Analytical, awakened, content, easy-going, free, friendly, platonic love, good intentions, good communicator, happiness, delight, intelligence, leader, no attachments, optimistic, hopeful, positive, spiritual, creativity, ambitious, cheerful, opinionated, fulfilled, perceptive, change, strength.

Very interesting.

Seduce my mind and you can have my body.
Find my soul and I'm yours forever.


Hmmn. I'm not sure it fits to a T, but its decently accurate.

Red/Brown/White: Determined, energetic, enthusiastic, impatient, impulsive, bold, anger, aggressive, anxiety, charismatic, materialistic, nervous, passionate, powerful, unforgiving, inner strength, powerful, high energy, fiery, sexual, strong-willed, grounded, new beginnings.
PMs are open for all role play inquiries.


Red/Brown/White: Determined, energetic, enthusiastic, impatient, impulsive, bold, anger, aggressive, anxiety, charismatic, materialistic, nervous, passionate, powerful, unforgiving, inner strength, powerful, high energy, fiery, sexual, strong-willed, grounded, new beginnings.

Oh yes, this is definitely me.

Cassandra LeMay

Green/White/Black: Animal lover, enjoys the outdoors, balance, healer, healthy, in tune with nature, peace, passionate, renewal, rebirth, need for security, connection, nurture, health, good communicator, caring, considerate, compassionate, emotional, empathetic, other-worldly, dreamer, adventurous, explorer, growth, heart-centered.

I am not sure how much that really is me, but it certainly fits how I like to think of myself.
ONs, OFFs, and writing samples | Oath of the Drake

You can not value dreams according to the odds of their becoming true.
(Sonia Sotomayor)


Quote from: Beguile's Mistress on June 21, 2016, 11:41:40 AM
The colors and the shape both resonate with me. :-)

Red/Brown/White: Determined, energetic, enthusiastic, impatient, impulsive, bold, anger, aggressive, anxiety, charismatic, materialistic, nervous, passionate, powerful, unforgiving, inner strength, powerful, high energy, fiery, sexual, strong-willed, grounded, new beginnings.

I'm with the Beguiling Mistress on this one.  That's the one I chose.

That said, I also agree with the others who said none of them particularly jumped out at them.  Because none of them jumped out at me, either.  This one was a knee jerk reaction because it was different than the others by being bright but not difficult on the eyes.  When I took a minute to actually look at them though, I came to the conclusion that I didn't like any of them and would throw them all back.  No.  Eww.  Just too much going on. 


This one was the one that caught my eye first and that I liked the most.

Orange/Yellow/White/Black: Advanced spiritually, adventurous, free spirit, creative, analytical, healthy, honest, kind, leader, outgoing, powerful, stamina, strength, teacher, vitality, creative, content, intelligent, adaptable, etheric, gifted, intuitive, nurturing, psychic, sensitive, spiritual, satisfaction, successful,talented, anxiety, protective, guarded, dignity, pride, courageous.


Yep, the same goes for me Blythe. That or the Monochrome one. I had a hard time choosing, but the one with color defined me far better than the one without.
When you look at yourself in the mirror, who is it that stares back at you?


Green/White/Black: Animal lover, enjoys the outdoors, balance, healer, healthy, in tune with nature, peace,
passionate, renewal, rebirth, need for security, connection, nurture, health, good communicator, caring, considerate,
compassionate, emotional, empathetic, other-worldly, dreamer, adventurous, explorer, growth, heart-centered.

Yup, pretty much.


As soon as I saw this one I knew this one was the one that called to me, it was also the last one I saw;

Red/Brown/White: Determined, energetic, enthusiastic, impatient, impulsive, bold, anger, aggressive, anxiety, charismatic, materialistic, nervous, passionate, powerful, unforgiving, inner strength, powerful, high energy, fiery, sexual, strong-willed, grounded, new beginnings.

Before that I was thinking maybe this one but it was a weaker connection I was unsure of as opposed to the other one where I immediately went "Yes that's the one."

Lilac/Blue/Black/White: Clairvoyant, depth, intuitive, inspired, artistic, awareness, communicator, empathetic, inspirers, intuitive, leader, performer, philosophical, psychic power, philosophical, spiritual growth, visionary, dreamer, imaginative, vitality, stability, idealistic, musical, magical, harmony, devotion, tranquility, limitless, expressive.
Random PM's and questions welcome :D
Sorry 10/20/18      Updated O/o's 11/05/18


Red/Brown/White: Determined, energetic, enthusiastic, impatient, impulsive, bold, anger, aggressive, anxiety, charismatic, materialistic, nervous, passionate, powerful, unforgiving, inner strength, powerful, high energy, fiery, sexual, strong-willed, grounded, new beginnings.

I don't like to say it's me but, so much of it is. But hey, matches up pretty much with what my zodiac says about me. Go Scorpio. Haha.


I chose this one:

Red/Brown/White: Determined, energetic, enthusiastic, impatient, impulsive, bold, anger, aggressive, anxiety, charismatic, materialistic, nervous, passionate, powerful, unforgiving, inner strength, powerful, high energy, fiery, sexual, strong-willed, grounded, new beginnings

I love the colors and the look of the Mandala and well everything it says is kinda well perfect description of me  :o
Is kinda freaky.

Why don’t we drink to me and my reflection in your lovely eyes?

My O/O's
Have you taken care of yourself today?


Yello isn't usually one of my favorite colors, but I quite liked this one for some reason O.o

Yellow/Black/White: Analytical, awakened, content, easy-going, free, friendly, platonic love, good intentions, good communicator, happiness, delight, intelligence, leader, no attachments, optimistic, hopeful, positive, spiritual, creativity, ambitious, cheerful, opinionated, fulfilled, perceptive, change, strength.

They say best men are moulded out of faults, and, for the most part, become much more the better for being a little bad...
Absences 11/10 ≈ BlindfoldsRequests ≈  On's and Offs
Tentatively Open to a few more 1v1's but also come write with me in Grey Matters--->


Orange/Yellow/White/Black: Advanced spiritually, adventurous, free spirit, creative, analytical, healthy, honest, kind, leader, outgoing, powerful, stamina, strength, teacher, vitality, creative, content, intelligent, adaptable, etheric, gifted, intuitive, nurturing, psychic, sensitive, spiritual, satisfaction, successful,talented, anxiety, protective, guarded, dignity, pride, courageous.

I like how the little pointed pieces around the edge look like people dancing. >_>


That is the one I picked which means:

Red/Turquoise/Aqua/Pink: Affection, love, passionate, romance, balanced, calm, caring, free-thinker, generous, good communication, helper, integrity, intelligent, kind, loving, patient, peaceful, sensitive, sympathetic, genuine, considerate, thoughtful, truthful, intuitive, peaceful, movement, change, vibrant, pleasure, radiance, stability.

Which is a bit interesting, thank you for sharing!
My absence is something I am dealing with, and I hope to be back on track Feb 6. There are things that have happened that isn't...exactly what I had planned and I'm working on getting it situated.


I chose the red/white/brown.   It was swirly.   I'm so deep. :p
Old R’lyeh Brewery. Enjoy a cold one, by the Great Old One.

Tanken Sai

What does it mean when two of them call to you?
The first was the orange, white, yellow and black one, then the red, brown and white.
May the goddess watch over you


I found this the most appealing:

Red/Lilac/Pink/Blue/Yellow: Sensual, feminine, beauty, love, light, emotional, healthy, refreshing, energizing, tender, sensitive, creativity, affectionate, artistic, intuitive, strong spiritual energy, mystical, ethereal, awakening, aware, wisdom, compassionate, organized, laughter, joy, happiness, togetherness, soul connections, positive, blossoming.

Some of the above are rather accurate, I'd say - while others are so not. ~laughs~