Life and Death in Monstergirl Arena

Started by wigglebiscuit, May 30, 2016, 10:47:04 AM

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Welcome to the Arena...

Concept and Tone:
Not a traditional group-game, but a series of interconnected one-shots between myself and a rotating cast of writers. I will play the monstergirls, the cast will play their gladiator opponents. These bouts will be nonconcurrent. I will only pair with one writer at a time, but maintain a 'roster' of active players and cycle through them. Each round should be relatively short, beginning when the gladiator enters the arena and ending when the finishing move is executed. There is an OOC thread, where the roster list is maintained, the Bestiary, where gladiators can work on their character builds and discuss ideas, and where the list of Bouts, Victors, and Vanquished are maintained.

As described below, this game belongs squarely in the Extreme category. Do not expect your character to survive. Monstergirls are stronger and faster than humans. Though victory is possible, the odds are stacked against you. Don't despair. Accept your fate. You can always create another character and give the Arena another shot.

Themes: Fatalistic battle with the odds stacked against you. The goal isn't winning or losing, but rather how you lose. Gladiators know, going in, that death is not the worst outcome by far. They will be
all in front of thousands of roaring, cheering, jeering, pointing and laughing monstergirls and humans (yes, select humanoids are allowed to travel to Pandora's realm to watch the contests).

The bouts are part gladiatorial match, part sex-fight. For the most part, gladiators who perish will do so in moments mind-blowing orgasmic pleasure, as this is the preferred hunting method of most monstergirls: defeat, rape, consume/impregnate/enslave.

Setting: The Arena is a propaganda tool aimed at making humanoids more sexually depraved and thus more susceptible to Pandora's influence. It is an annual event which takes place inside Pandora's realm. (See below.) It is broadcast live--and illegally--to the humanoid realms, and is the second-most popular feed, next to the Dungeon itself.

The Arena pits humanoid gladiators against monstergirl opponents in matches that often lead to death (or worse). For the monstergirls, this is an opportunity to slake their lusts, wreath themselves in glory, or find new mates. And what is the draw for the gladiators? Oftentimes, nothing. Many are slaves that have been sold to Pandora's realm for just this purpose. Others are those who have foolishly trespassed into Pandora's realm, or strayed too near her borders and were captured. Some volunteer simply to die at the hands of a monstergirl, offering their bodies as food while their minds experience orgasmic bliss unlike nothing they have ever experienced. Still others are mighty warriors from the human realms who simply cannot resist the temptation to test their mettle against the most dangerous foes Pandora has to offer.

Regardless of how they end up in the arena, gladiators are treated like kings and queens while they are there. Any gladiator who survives three bouts in the arena is crowned a champion and given their freedom.

More Setting Info: Based off a collaboration between Rhev in myself. You can read the details here. The synopsis is that after a long war, the world has been divided between the humanoid realms and Pandora, the goddess of monstergirls. A series of elaborate treaties preserve this tenuous peace. The world is still largely medieval, as battles are still largely fought with bow and sword, but progress is marching on, especially in the area of communications, with ethertubes transmitting live events across the continent.

Collaboration: Writing partners will have a great amount of control over the Arena and the way bouts unfold--even if the characters they portray ultimately don't. For example, an Arena match doesn't have to be a straight-up fight. It could be a capture-the-flag, or a race to get to the opposite side before the monstergirl gets you. Be creative. In addition to creating their own characters, they will choose the monstergirl they play opposite of (though I retain the right to refuse any idea) and her finishing move. Though nothing is guaranteed (I can't control the rolls), you get to choose how your character ends.

Once a character has been defeated, writers are free to create a new gladiator, and thus retain their spot in the roster.

Participation in the OOC thread is mandatory.

Rules: Monstergirl Arena is powered by Savage Worlds, with some alterations. The Savage Worlds Test Drive rules can be obtained here. (opens to a PDF.) Though I recommend purchasing the full rules. Seriously, folks, it's like ten bucks.

The Fatigue rules have been replaced by Arousal. Like Wounds, characters have will be able to sustain three 'hits' to arousal, instead of the usual 2. Upon suffering the fourth Hit in either Wounds or Arousal, characters become susceptible to a monstergirl's Finishing Move, which will happen on the next hit. As per the SW rules, Wounds and Arousal are cumulative, so if a character has sustained 2 wounds and 2 Arousal, he is at a -4 penalty!

Bennies. Bennies allow re-rolls in the SW system. Players normally begin with 3. In Arena, they begin with 1. Use it wisely.

Nonlethal Damage. As this is a gladiatorial match and not normal combat, any attack can use lethal or non-lethal damage, with no penalty. All standard attacks (non-sexual) go to wounds. Most monstergirls fight with blunted weapons.

Posting Requirements: Three times a week, weekdays excluded, moderate sized posts. First Person POV is not allowed. I can't write opposite of that. Basic grammar rules are mandatory. I'm not a rules-nazi, but c'mon people, spellcheck.

Be nice. If you don't like something I post, PM me. Don't air your grievances in the OOC thread.

I reserve the right to remove any player from the roster.

1. Submit a simple gladiator concept, no more than a paragraph or two. Include a brief backstory. All the standard fantasy races and classes are allowable.
2. Submit the monstergirl you'd like to play opposite of. A picture would be nice. Check out King Superior's Palace for ideas. Make sure to check out the Bestiary, specifically, the Disallowed Monstergirls. Don't forget to include her Finishing move.
This is also as good a place as any to mention that this is Monstergirl Arena, not Monsterguy. While Futas are acceptable, I will not be playing male characters.
3. Submit a concept for the Arena layout. If you can't think of anything, just put standard. That's okay, too.
Include all of this information in a post in the OOC thread and PM a link to that post. I will snoop on you to see if I think we'd be a match, and if so, I'll approve your concept and add your character to the Roster. At that point, you can start creating a character sheet. Add this to the post you've already created. The Roster is not first-come, first-serve. I reserve the right to bump up gladiators as I see fit.

If you're nice and handy with the SW rules, you'll help me create my Monstergirl as well.

That's all I can think of for now. If you have any questions, please post them below. Anyone who can help with nifty banners and such would be greatly appreciated.


Not fond of snuff but other than that this looks fun.


Quote from: Hobbes1266 on May 30, 2016, 11:02:52 AM
Not fond of snuff but other than that this looks fun.
Hobbes, you get to set the Finishing Move of the monstergirl you face. Plenty of monstergirls would be just as happy capturing a male as a breeding slave, for example.


Alright that's fine by me. Would all gladiators be male? A few pictures you had weren't.


Quote from: Hobbes1266 on May 30, 2016, 11:07:20 AM
Alright that's fine by me. Would all gladiators be male? A few pictures you had weren't.
Gladiators can be any gender or orientation. They will face off only against Monstergirls/futas, however.


Alright just making sure I know my options.


Do I want to try this?

Hmm, maybe, I do like fighty games, and EX rated isn't a problem depending on the context.

Do you want a character writeup here or elsewhere?  You said "Character sheet in the OOC", but this is the recruitment thread.


Thanks for your interest, Terian. Post your concept in the OOC thread please.




Right now I'm thinking of making a female halfling, possibly against monster girls interested in using her for oviposition.


I absolutely positively love this, it's similar to something I have in progress and you definitely have my interest.

Death and/or Bad Ends are fine with me, I'll look at setting up something.
I have taken the Oath of the Drake for Group RPs.
My Ons & Offs (Updated 6/3/2022) and Ideas are here.

The Peak Elliquiy Experience™:
Quote from: roulette on March 15, 2014, 06:59:18 PM"What? Ewww... Well, maybe... actually." -adds to own O&Os-


Well, my attempt is in.

Now to dig out my Savage Worlds book...


Question: What if we want our opposing monstergirl's player to create the monster girl? Or is that not an option? Or perhaps a suggestive one?


Quote from: Vercile on May 30, 2016, 11:09:27 PM
Question: What if we want our opposing monstergirl's player to create the monster girl? Or is that not an option? Or perhaps a suggestive one?

I'll be playing the monstergirl, so I am the one who creates the character sheet for her, with input from the player. This is so that the monstergirl is created in line with your kinks, especially the Finishing Move.

Now if you want the monstergirl to be a surprise, all you'd really need to do is specify the Finishing Move. I wouldn't feel comfortable working with a totally blank slate.

Does that help?



Sorry, I thought I sent you a PM. Yes, it was great.

I'm going to add Callisto to the Roster. Feel free to create a sheet for her, including it in the same post. What do you think? Novice + 4 Advances? That should get her to Seasoned, right?

I'll get to work on stats for Ranni.


Sounds good--any Edges or Hindrances forbidden?

Zaer Darkwail

I voice interest, just need check on savage worlds system more in detail.


It's a pretty simple system, once you get the hang of it. Plus, there are plenty of templates out there you can use to help build your character.


Since it's not an outright group, I might consider this. I have to see if I still have my rulebook anywhere, though.


Quote from: wigglebiscuit on May 31, 2016, 09:50:24 AM
I'll be playing the monstergirl, so I am the one who creates the character sheet for her, with input from the player. This is so that the monstergirl is created in line with your kinks, especially the Finishing Move.

Now if you want the monstergirl to be a surprise, all you'd really need to do is specify the Finishing Move. I wouldn't feel comfortable working with a totally blank slate.

Does that help?

Very much so, thank you!
The only problem I'm having is what kind I'd like, or more accurately; What Finishing move. As it would predominantly decide what type or style it would be.
Going to study the "Savage Worlds" Link and put together my CS though.


The first match is up! You can follow it here.