The Perlemian Route: Star Wars Smugglers [FULL]

Started by vanTheMad, February 03, 2016, 12:59:06 AM

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Apologies, you just missed the cutoff, and I already took on one more character than I originally intended. I will let you know if anything changes, though!

Captain Whitebread

Okay thanks.  Let me know if anything changes, not that I'm hoping that you lose players.
There are nights when the wolves are silent and it the moon that howls.



Posting here to keep the OOC thread clean until people have their character sheets up.

Since we have five people to fill three two-person berths (I doubt the captain or first mate are willing to share their rooms), I'm calling dibs on the solo berth. :P
I have attempted to convert it into a half-decent medbay so we have more than 'the first aid kit in the refresher' for medical supplies/treatment.
Given how many of you are geared up for combat, I don't think I'll face much resistance. ^^
Hmm... actually, given how many of you are geared for combat, it might be easier to fill it with medical kit I can attach to you and then dump you in your berth instead. :P
Either way, the single room is mine.


Actually, I'll be making a floorplan for the Dianoga shortly! The previous owner of the ship made some modifications of their own, I'll have the floorplan added to the OOC probably tomorrow.



Nyx needs his own room for the small arsenal he has on hand. Can't be a good Mandalorian without an overabundance of weaponry and explosive ordinance.


Aren't you the first mate? I thought you got your own room anyway.


Quote from: ThisOneGal on February 07, 2016, 02:32:54 AM
Aren't you the first mate? I thought you got your own room anyway.

Yeah, that's what I was saying lol. That his room houses all his weapons and such, so it's a good thing he has enough space for them all.


Do people want to know the explanation for 'September' beforehand, or would you rather discover it when your character does?

Separation of character/player knowledge/ignorance is a thing where there isn't really a 'right' answer, so I'm curious as to what the group prefers.


Quote from: vanTheMad on February 07, 2016, 01:33:28 AM
The previous owner of the ship made some modifications of their own,

She may not look like much, but she's got it where it counts, kid.
Whether it's a breakdown or a breakthrough, shit still gets broken.

more me here now!  (O/Os, ideas and junk):

and mea culpas  (A/As):


Quote from: ThisOneGal on February 07, 2016, 10:08:25 PM
Do people want to know the explanation for 'September' beforehand, or would you rather discover it when your character does?

Separation of character/player knowledge/ignorance is a thing where there isn't really a 'right' answer, so I'm curious as to what the group prefers.

Im not entirely sure how anyone would learn of whatever September is unless she brings it up as none of us have history with her. My squib would pester the ever loving shit out of her if she mentioned it then didnt tell him what it was though. :P


Quote from: vanTheMad on February 07, 2016, 01:33:28 AM
Actually, I'll be making a floorplan for the Dianoga shortly! The previous owner of the ship made some modifications of their own, I'll have the floorplan added to the OOC probably tomorrow.

Hehe as many of the books state "There is no such thing as a stock freighter"


(in a gravelly old coot's voice) "Give two brand new freighters to two captains then go back and check on them in ten years boy. They ain't gonna look or act like they were even made by the same comp'ny...(swigging Corellian brandy)
~~~ Language is my canvas, and words are my palette. Wanna finger paint?  ~~~