Empire of the Indigo Star -- Sci Fi political intrigue freeform original setting

Started by Niferbelle, November 10, 2015, 08:12:06 PM

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All the great characters coming up, love them. I however have had one hell of a time to get my muse to come up with something new. So I will try and watch some spacey movies or something and see if I can shake anything loss. No promises though.


Awww, Curvy. Sometimes the muse just won't cooperate. Just don't give up on us!


Quote from: Niferbelle on November 17, 2015, 04:20:22 PM
Awww, Curvy. Sometimes the muse just won't cooperate. Just don't give up on us!

I'm trying, de muse liked the original idea. But I told it no, so I'm watching space stuff to help perk up something else. Currently Andromeda, may pick a movie too hehe I'm open to suggestions!


Curvy - I have it that Rhebekkah made a couple of friends when attending finishing school with Lady Torensson.  They are now all part of the Imperial Court if you want a connection you could make one of her former friends.  Should be lots of intrigue at court.

"Sorry, you must survive at least 3 games with me before we can chat like this."
Congratulations, you've unlocked Flirtatious Crash! - Envious


Feel free to tell us about the muse, Kitten, and what you liked about it. Maybe there can be suggestions!

Speaking of suggestions, I would be looking for some connections as well. Primarily, I have left the house he was fostered in open for interpretation, so if there's anyone that might like to have had a hand on the Duke's  upbringing, I'd love to hear from you.

"The next time I kill you, I promise you the labyrinth that consists of a single straight line that is both invisible and endless" ~Jorge Luis Borges.


Well it was a GEL, rough start but Nif had a way of dealing with that. She was going to have enhanced navigation and reflexes (tweaking and enhancing a birds ability to tell directions in a way that had her being a hell of a navigator and eventually pilot.)But the problem was that this is a nobility based game and she'd end up not being able to be a part of a big part of it. And starting a game with a large part of it being cut off from a character seems like a bad idea lol.

So I am trying to get an idea for a noble and shelving that one till when we are able to have more than one character.


I think a GEL would be an interesting character once the game is up and running and when the plot with the possible GEL (revolution, uprising? not sure which word to use here) get's running but can definitely see how it would be an issue until we get to that point.


That's my intention, Caela. I started with one character per player partly because it was easiest for Aiden and me to get the game set up and running but also because once the game got going I thought people would have a lot more ideas for a second character and would have a better idea of where that character would fit in. When we get to second characters, we will allow GELs but they will come from a specific background.

Cyrano Johnson

Quote from: CurvyKitten on November 17, 2015, 04:23:57 PM
I'm trying, de muse liked the original idea. But I told it no, so I'm watching space stuff to help perk up something else. Currently Andromeda, may pick a movie too hehe I'm open to suggestions!

Fantasy tropes are also a good fit for a setting like this one. Especially lost heirs to (or ladies of) great Houses disguised as common folk, for instance.
Artichoke the gorilla halibut! Freedom! Remember Bubba the Love Sponge!

Cyrano Johnson's ONs & OFFs
Cyrano Johnson's Apologies & Absences


I have to say I'm loving the character sheets I've been getting. There's a lot of creativity flying around this place!


… And my character’s been approved! There is one very important OOC note I forgot to include, though: Jurien Novari is still available to play as a PC, and none of the info I wrote about him is necessarily canon. Beyond the brief description of Julien in the official Ten Houses info post, all aspects of his character are open to discussion – the blurb I’ve written is basically just a placeholder, just in case he needs to be NPC’d. 



"Sorry, you must survive at least 3 games with me before we can chat like this."
Congratulations, you've unlocked Flirtatious Crash! - Envious


"The next time I kill you, I promise you the labyrinth that consists of a single straight line that is both invisible and endless" ~Jorge Luis Borges.


Quote from: Crash on November 18, 2015, 09:03:19 PM
*smooshes da cheeks of Flower's avi*

-said cheeks return back to perfect poutdom-

Quote from: CShades on November 18, 2015, 09:12:56 PM
Flowerrrrr Are you following me around? :P <3

A good stalker never reveals her secrets.  ::)



I wanted to point out that I have started a game information thread (see link in first post). Right now it's pretty much just the information in this thread repeated except that there is info there about the known alien races. I am going to begin to add in information soon to keep everything updated from character building process.

Thank everybody!


A couple of points I forgot to mention in my last post:

  • Nora, Jalen’s incongruously platonic companion, is available as a PC to anyone who wants to play a non-noble character, but still have significant connections.
  • If anyone wants to set up some background with Jalen, just send me a PM. In fact, send a PM anyway, because my inbox is on 99 messages and it’s driving me insane.

Quote from: Niferbelle on November 20, 2015, 10:18:41 AM
there is info there about the known alien races.

I get the feeling Jalen would get on well with the Boodsi... :p






Hi GMC, welcome!

I have meant to ask this, but keep forgetting to. Do we know if we are all starting spread out, or are we thrown together somewhere for Reasons, or...  well, ambassadors and long distance comms work too. Sorry, stream of consciousness here. I think what I really want to know is what's the general communication paradigm between houses/empire AKA getting in touch.

"The next time I kill you, I promise you the labyrinth that consists of a single straight line that is both invisible and endless" ~Jorge Luis Borges.


The game will be starting with everyone being called to the Emperor's Palace for some unnamed occasion. Attendance is mandatory ;)


Oi. Like those stories where the king invites the whole family to a party and no one leaves alive. I SEE

"The next time I kill you, I promise you the labyrinth that consists of a single straight line that is both invisible and endless" ~Jorge Luis Borges.


Quote from: CShades on November 22, 2015, 02:55:03 PM
Oi. Like those stories where the king invites the whole family to a party and no one leaves alive. I SEE

*laugh* Something like that.