Elliquiy on a mobile device

Started by Magnum Opus, September 29, 2015, 03:50:19 PM

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Magnum Opus

My laptop is currently out of commission and therefore I'm having to check E on for phone for potentially up to a month.

Any advice on using Elliquiy from a smartphone? I'm on a Motorola Moto E 2, android system. Does Elliquiy have an app? Or is it compatible with another current forum app?

Failing that any advice regarding this would be great. Thanks.


Elliquiy does not have an app. :)

It should work just as it does on a laptop for you! Some things are different, such as viewing a different alignment (due to the varying widths of phone and laptop screens), some fonts won't show up and appear as normal fonts (I.e Pristina), etc. But it works just fine on mobile for you. :-)

If you have any questions, I can help. I'm mostly use E from my phone lol unless it's time for big posting.
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We'll be moving to Elkarte eventually, which has a much better design for mobile users at the very least.


It's a little outdated now as I believe it was primarily designed for the relatively early days of mobile internet but there is the Wap2 version of Elliquiy. It basically cuts out all the bells and whistles giving a purely text based and simplistic version of E. The biggest loss in terms of functionality is that you can't use your Bookmarks with it but it should help with general navigation and loading times.


For app suggestions I'd suggest tappatalk. :)
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