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Naughty and Nice list. *Updated*

Started by Samhain, November 06, 2008, 11:11:36 AM

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The Dare:This one is rather simple but exploits my exhibition desires. I want either a couple or maybe college roommates?? The idea is that a dare to do exhibitionist type things slowly evolves into a wild night. Key word slowly. I want to start out with just simple exhibitionist events then work our way up to more outspoken. I would actually prefer to play a male in this one so looking for a female character.

New World: A would be explorer is researching the deepest reaches of the planet when he/she comes across a very interesting culture who's daily tasks and beliefs are massively sexual.

The Experiment:A young scientist signs up for a research project on isolationism and physical fitness. She is isolated in a remote location inside a small structure with just a few rooms. She believes that she is there for one experiment when in fact she is apart of a much different one. The researcher is testing the effects of different types of aphrodisiac / drugs. They would be slipped into her water supply/food/air so forth and so on. Each drug stimulating a different effect. When the researcher comes at the end of the week to check up on her of course the drugs take control and the researcher isn't above taking advantage of the situation.

Here cums the bride:I have been fasinated with a slutty bride. Especially by blackmail. PM me your ideas!!.

Pm me or drop me a line here. I left them broad and open so they can be explored as needed! Men or Women welcome to play any role.


I like Snow Bunnies and Neglected, but they sound like group games. Anyways, consider me interested for solo or group.


I also like Snow Bunnies and Neglected, i'd like to do this in group however


Always seeking 5E games.


Snow Bunnies is set I believe, because we're currently trapped under an avalanche. :)

Also, Samhain, I'm interested in Neglected and especially Beach Bunnies.


Hmm... well, Neglected -could- be a group game very easily, although it could be solo as well. Snow Bunnies just sounds like a group game though...
Insert witticism. But before I do that, I gotta throw up my Ons and Offs, right? Let's see if I can find them... AHA. Got'em.


*added dictator*

I'm really interested in The real friendly ghost ShatteredEmbers. pm me!

HPDDJ, out of the two I also am taking an intrest in Beach Bunnies. pm me!






The Era sounds right up my alley :)

My On and Offs
When the Ink Runs Dry

Looking/Available for New Games


I am interesting in trying out Geruda Girl.


Wonderful! PM me your ideas and thoughts we can work out a story line!!    ;D


Sixties Throwback

I'd like to do the Naughty Honeymoon. If you would like to take me up on my offer then PM me, I have a few Ideas.

Murphy Sez

*claps* I like your thinking! It's unconventional, and I like going outside of the box!

It's been so long since I've run into people who could actually be creative! Hmm, now if only we could replace all the trolls in the chat/messenger programs with people from here!
I love to write, come dream with me.

Get to know me: O/O
Ideas, randomness, pet peeves.


Thufir Hawat

Obviously, I'm not the only one who wondered why vault dwellers are not abused more often in the outside world. I mean, they are healthy and probably look better than most people in the wasteland, and it's not the kind of setting to shun on such things.
Then again, maybe that explains why they want to make sure you can cope with the outside world before they let you go out ;D !
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Thufir Hawat

Quote from: Samhain on January 05, 2009, 03:31:45 PM
Yeah but a girl can dream  ;D
Sure she can... ;)
And your updated idea sounds to me more like saying "only a handful would survive, or social engineering will be necessary in order to prevent this". Then again, I suppose you didn't have that in mind as a focus for your game... ;D
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Interested in the Mind Control story. Sent you a PM concerning it.


Mind Control, Vault 68 and Naughty Honeymoon look pretty fun. Would you be interested in doing a particular one?