M looking for F for a steampunk/Victorian era themed RP

Started by Orochimaru, May 06, 2015, 03:31:18 AM

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Connecting Shadows

Irene was the heir to the Duke of Leeds. Leeds is a booming city in the marketing industry in England. The time frame is the Victorian era. However, growing up, she was mostly alone as her parents were busy with work. Her father busy with his duties and her mother was a famed fashion designer, but she was not always alone. She had a friend in an orphaned boy who went by the name, Wraith. He was raised on the streets and when they both were 6, he happened to be sneaking into her house when he found her outside and alone at night sobbing. He approached her out of curiosity and from there; he came by several times a week and played simple games with her like tag and hide and seek. She even took time to teach him a little bit of writing and reading.

This continued for four years until he disappeared, but reappeared again on her birthday, just to wish her a happy birthday. His life was different then hers as he went from street urchin to a thief. He had adventures outside where she didn't, but he had come to call her his friend. Someone he came to trust; which was difficult with his lifestyle, but it was the only life he knew.

What he did not know was his friend; Irene had a dark craving; to be in the world as him. As the years passed and he saw less and less of her, he would not see such a beautiful young woman she would transform into. She would secretly come to open a brothel for the rich and soldiers, but kept her identity a secret.

The shadows protected wraith and he used them a few times to protect wraith, but now with her father cracking down on crime and with wraith well known only to those in the know like Irene’s father. Times are tough, but the shadows of the same world will bring them together again.

This is a brief history, but this is Irene’s story on her slow decent into the dark underbelly of Leeds. She even tries and slowly succeeds in convincing her long lost, but now found friend into being her guide. She would be leading a double life. Her life as an heir and then her work as the head of the city’s major brothel.

This is the image I would like you to use as Irene. Last name is yours to choose.

I will be playing her male friend, Wraith. Where we will be starting off is when they both are 25 years old. Over 10 years since they last seen each other.

If you are interested, please PM me. Do the same if you have questions and do not be afraid to come to me with an additional idea that may fit into this if you like.