Shadowrun: Hong Kong (Kickstarter)

Started by Florence, January 13, 2015, 10:33:33 PM

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So, I just found out about this Kickstarter for a new Shadowrun game from the makers of Returns and Dragonfall, and presumably using the same engine. It already hit its funding goal by the time I found out about it, but there's still plenty more time to go before the Kickstarter ends, and a ton of nice stretch goals to reach. I can't imagine I'm the only person on these forums who loved Dragonfall (though I'd be a little more understanding if I'm one of the only ones who actually enjoyed Returns, if not nearly as MUCH as Dragonfall), so I figured I'd share.

For those of you who haven't played Returns or Dragonfall, Shadowrun is a tabletop RPG system set in a world where elements of cyberpunk and D&D style fantasy combine, resulting in one hell of a setting. You've got your hackers and cybernetics and corrupt corporations, in a future world with high tech and low life. You've also got magic and monsters, elves, dwarves, orcs and trolls, and... if the title of Dragonfall didn't give it away, dragons.

Shadowrun Returns was an crpg of the classic variety, where you create your own character, choosing their sex, race and job class, as well as some minor customization to their appearance. You're then thrust into an adventure where you decide how to resolve the problems presented to you, and wind up meeting a cast of other characters to help or hinder you.

Returns was enjoyable, in my opinion, but flawed. It felt too constricted and linear, the save system wasn't the best, and all in all, it felt like a lot of great ideas with some hit and miss execution.

Dragonfall, on the other hand, was everything Returns should have been. Excellent writing, unique and memorable characters, a more open world (though not completely open, it still felt less restrictive than Returns), various game play improvements including an improved save function... basically, it was an amazing game. It was not only an improvement over Returns, but a damn good game in its own right. If you haven't played Dragonfall and sound even a little intrigued by all this, I definitely recommend going out and picking up the Director's Cut, which somehow managed to make it even BETTER. You don't need to play Returns in order to play Dragonfall, as the stories are completely unrelated, apart from being set in the same world.

So now, we have Hong Kong being funded on Kickstarter, and I pledged $15 right away. I can't spare as much as I'd like, but I can at least snag myself a copy of the game when it comes out. It looks like its picking up funding fast and I'm excited to see how many stretch goals they'll meet. Not only is this a new entry in what is quickly becoming a favorite game franchise of mine, but its set in one of my favorite cities, Hong Kong! I'm so excited to explore the Shadowrun version of Hong Kong, and see what mysteries await.
O/O: I was going to make a barebones F-list as a rough summary, but then it logged me out and I lost my progress, so I made a VERY barebones F-list instead: Here.

Galactic Druid

I personally thought Returns was pretty fun. The system it went with was a lot more fun than the old SNES Shadowrun title. It was pretty linear, like you said, but Im so glad it existed, as it set the groundwork for the series to make a comeback in gaming.

Dragonfall was amazing, hands down, pretty much an improvement in every department, aside perhaps from storytelling, as returns did have a pretty solid story.

I honestly can't wait to see what they'll do with Hong Kong. Totally backing this.