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The Worst of Words

Started by Delibee, December 15, 2014, 08:26:15 PM

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Words are only as good or bad as the associations we have with them. For example, some words or phrases are like nails on a chalkboard to me, even though they might be harmless or have no meaning to you. When I hear the words "Annotated Bibliography" or "Mail Anywhere," they make me nauseous. Does anyone else have any words or phrases that they just can't stand?
Avatar art "Penthe vs. Shehyn" by Brandon Chang.


Beguile's Mistress

"I could care less."

Grates on me like a wire brush.

Let go for "I couldn't care less."

I'll be happy to explain the difference if you don't understand. :-)


"I don't know" --- and this from my other half most of the time. It isn't so much that he utters them more that he "mumbles" the phrase.

This, for some reason, just chaps my hide.

Okay -- it's not just the other half that says this, either. I work in a law office, and when I hear this spoken from the other girl I work with, or even my boss, I just.... cringe!

Wow... really? You don't know?



People who like use like when they're like not even using like to indicate like a similarity.
If you're searching the lines for a point, well you've probably missed it; there was never anything there in the first place.


Like... I know!!!!

Sorry, Inkidu, I couldn't resist.

But I hear what you're saying....


The word "moist." It sounds gross to me. >_<


"Let me talk to your supervisor".

"That's not good enough".

I hear this shit at work all the time and it just pisses me off to no end when people treat me like a peon and I don't know what I'm talking about, since it's always their ignorance that leads them to get that way but they want to blame it on me.
Considering a permanent retirement from Elliquiy, but you can find me on Blue Moon (under the same username).


Quote from: Mathim on December 16, 2014, 02:58:05 PM
"Let me talk to your supervisor".

"That's not good enough".

I hear this shit at work all the time and it just pisses me off to no end when people treat me like a peon and I don't know what I'm talking about, since it's always their ignorance that leads them to get that way but they want to blame it on me.

THIS!!!!! ^^^^^^^^^^^

Totally understand.

Sorry, but there is no supervisor. Just me and the attorney and she's in Court at the moment. Now, how may I help you?

Ugh... thanks for that Mathim!!!! Indeed....


There are more, but those are the most frequent. I'm not even free to ask them, "Just how much reading and research on this process did you do before coming here to complain? What is it about this that you don't understand, that I've been trying to explain to you as simply as I would to a small child, or is it just that I'm telling you the truth and it's just not what you want to hear?"

That's work, though. Here's school:

"Did you do the homework?" If I did, no you can't see it. If I didn't, shut up, I don't want to hear your comments.

Considering a permanent retirement from Elliquiy, but you can find me on Blue Moon (under the same username).


Here are some I don't care for:

"A whole 'nother."

These are in writing rather than spoken, but they drive me crazy!

"Would of" instead of "would've".  It's a contraction of would have, so there is no 'of'.

'Then' when they mean 'than'.  One is a reference to time and rhymes with 'when' (duh), the other is comparative.

Bloodied Porcelain


I DON'T CARE what Miriam Webster has to say on the matter... it's not a real god damn word. It's something people made up when they meant to say regardless or irrespective.

Also... "Stuff". This is mostly in regards to people's writing, but that's just such a lazy word it makes me grind my teeth when I see it in a piece someone has written. I want to pull out a giant red pen, cross it out, and then write "NO" on their forehead.
I want no ordinary lover. I want a storm. I want sleepless nights and endless conversations at four a.m. I want passion, I want madness.
I want someone who's able to make my whole body shiver from a distance and also pull me close to make sense of all my bones.

~ Bizarre, Beautiful, And Breathtaking ~
~ O/O ~ Seeking ~ A/A ~ Mirrors and Masks ~ Poetry ~
She walked with the universe on her shoulders and made it look like wings.


Quote from: Bloodied Porcelain on December 18, 2014, 10:42:12 AM

I DON'T CARE what Miriam Webster has to say on the matter... it's not a real god damn word. It's something people made up when they meant to say regardless or irrespective.

Also... "Stuff". This is mostly in regards to people's writing, but that's just such a lazy word it makes me grind my teeth when I see it in a piece someone has written. I want to pull out a giant red pen, cross it out, and then write "NO" on their forehead.

"Stuff and nonsense!" That's the only context in which it should be used. Of course, my most frequent alternative for 'stuff' is 'shit' but I don't hear anyone complaining about that one.

That whole irregardless thing made me think of means the same thing as flammable, so what's the point?
Considering a permanent retirement from Elliquiy, but you can find me on Blue Moon (under the same username).


Quote from: Mathim on December 18, 2014, 02:14:56 PM
"Stuff and nonsense!" That's the only context in which it should be used. Of course, my most frequent alternative for 'stuff' is 'shit' but I don't hear anyone complaining about that one.

That whole irregardless thing made me think of means the same thing as flammable, so what's the point?
Well they do have different roots being inflame and flame respectively. Also there's not such word as flammatory and inflamed can be used inflammatory, and has other non-heat related uses.
If you're searching the lines for a point, well you've probably missed it; there was never anything there in the first place.


I say "like" all the time. I'm horrible about that one. I also say "sort of" way too much.

I say iregardless on purpose for comedic effect fairly often. Usually accompanied by other non-words like chalant or cromulent.

For me, since I play D&D a lot (when I can) people saying "dice" to refer to a single die drives me crazy. Usually my GM.


Smirk. I hate that word. I hate the fact that it is overused in RP and its overuse is what has given me this knee-jerk loathing of it. If a character smirks, I instantly hate that character.

Quote from: Bloodied Porcelain on December 18, 2014, 10:42:12 AMAlso... "Stuff".

Beguile's Mistress

Quote from: Madmartigan on January 18, 2015, 03:32:58 PM
Smirk. I hate that word. I hate the fact that it is overused in RP and its overuse is what has given me this knee-jerk loathing of it. If a character smirks, I instantly hate that character.

I've never been able to get past the feeling that smirking is rude.  I don't know why but to me it just is.


The words."Are you sure you are doing that right?"

Well considering that this is what I do all day every day 5 days a week for the last year and a half...and I am not the person who actually prints your bills...and I have no fucking control over the prices/rates/how much bloody power you use! Yes...i am sure I am doing it right...or would you like to take over and do my job?

Also."Why do I have to identify myself?"

Oh because of that whacky government with all its privacy laws..those silly people seem to think that identity theft is an actual real thing..and that someone might actually want to call and take your banking info we have on file. Hence the reason I can only tell you the last 4 digits. And why we ask for your phone number date of birth and your passport/picture ID/or driver license number to make sure you are you...and not some random ex/neighbor/angry exfreind  who is trying to get a bill in your name because they cannot get one in your name and will probably end up ruining your credit and running up a 2000 dollar bill which you will then be liable for because you would not take an extra minute out of your day to answer a simple question. Also I am required to as by not only law...but by fucking company policy and there are things I have to say on a just let me say them and we will get to your bill in a minute if you would not mind terribly just playing along for the 30 seconds it takes.

Also being asked to say Aboot when I have worked for american companies...nothing against most of you but when someone asks me."Oh you are Canadian do you say aboot?" No...a boot is something that goes on your foot and then I shove up your ass if you ask me to say aboot...its about...and yes I have a slight accent when i say about..or out..but to me...when you say have the accent. the way I say it is how everyone here says it.I have never actually met anyone (including those from newfoundland who some have fairly thick accents) that actually pronounce it as aboot in anyway other than sarcasm.
Some mornings its just not worth chewing through the leather straps.
Current Status for posts: Caught up (holy shit) Current Status for RP:Not looking any more. sorry


    Oddly enough the word 'education' gets me going. Here in the US, the education standards are so low that the word itself has become a mockery to me.
   We are learning what the scientific method is in my junior level Psychology class.
   To get into first grad here, you need to be able to recognize 5 or six letters of the alphabet. Not name them or the sound they make, but point and say 'I know these ones'. And college? Forget about it.

  Other words/phrases:

'Baby daddy'-  Yes, I know what it means. I still hate it. It seems so irreverent to me.
  Call me old fashioned, but if I were to ever get pregnant, that man would be 'the father of my child'. It sounds better to me.

Misuse of diagnosis- I've always thought calling someone retarded was a mean thing to say. But people throw around words like 'bipolar' all the time and I think it sends a really bad message. There are people out there who suffer greatly with the symptoms and the stigma of these disorders- someone like a clean kitchen does not count when it can be hard to even leave the house.

Current Muse: Meh, not super driven right now

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I hate reverse psychology phrases like this, "Don't click!"

Sir Percival the Gallant

Due to a nasty teacher from my preteen years who verbally abused me and who loved the words concept, critical and criteria, I now really dislike these words, especially the last two. Even criterion isn't as bad, though I naturally don't especially like it, either.

I also find almost all letters of acceptance tend to begin with, 'We are pleased to inform you that...' and those of rejection tend to begin with, 'Thank you for applying to...' Frankly, I'm tired of seeing both.