Character names

Started by ImaginedScenes, December 15, 2014, 01:16:52 PM

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I'm very picky about character names. I try to find ones that sound normal, but are uncommon. Cassa is an example. It sounds kind of like Cassandra"and has a similar linguistic pattern to Jenna, but it isn't a common name like Ashley or Sarah.

Does anyone know of any websites that list names like this? A lot of the "Top uncommon names" sites that I found through Google just have weird re-spellings, have a lot of names that I still think of as common, or are just out there.

Bloodied Porcelain is my go-to site. They have a popular name by census list and all that, and you can always use that and then think of re-imaginings on said names.
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Behind the Name is the one I use, and they have a random generator as well which helps me.  It also has a Surname section.   


Behind the Name is my favorite as well! For your specific needs, I'd suggest checking out the "related names" link you can find in the right hand column of a lot of individual name pages. It'll show you all the variants of your chosen name, which will often find you results like what you're looking for.
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I'm not allowed to post external links.  Probably because I'm not an approved member, but anyway.

This isn't spam or a virus, and I swear, it's relevant.  Google "character name generator for fun," and that's a site that I stumbled on recently.  It randomly generates lovely names, and you can select the decade and ethnicity for more precise results, too.

I haven't spent hours or months using it to know if the names get repetitive, but so far, I love it.

(If this was inappropriate to post, since it references an external link, I'm very sorry and won't mind at all if this is deleted.  Not trying to break rules at all, just trying to be helpful.)


When I make my characters, the names just come to me. Half the time, the name I get is just made up. I have this thing with words, which may or may not help me with my character templates when I need the most.
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Quote from: crossroadsandcharms on December 16, 2014, 04:25:12 AM
I'm not allowed to post external links.  Probably because I'm not an approved member, but anyway.

This isn't spam or a virus, and I swear, it's relevant.  Google "character name generator for fun," and that's a site that I stumbled on recently.  It randomly generates lovely names, and you can select the decade and ethnicity for more precise results, too.

I haven't spent hours or months using it to know if the names get repetitive, but so far, I love it.

(If this was inappropriate to post, since it references an external link, I'm very sorry and won't mind at all if this is deleted.  Not trying to break rules at all, just trying to be helpful.)

You can post links after you make ten posts. It has nothing to do with being unapproved and everything to do with stopping spammers. : )


I always make up my character names myself. It's too much fun to leave it to some program or net tool, to do it for me! ;)