Question/Advice from those who suffer from panic/anxiety...

Started by Moreth, February 07, 2014, 08:28:21 PM

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Hey everyone,

I'm just looking for some advice for a starting point. Recently I have suffered some pretty big set backs in my personal and professional life. As a result lately, I have been waking up and just been feeling absolutely overwhelmed. Feelings of panic, anxiety and dread just kick my ass. Literally takes me like half an hour to get a grip on it and calm down. I find that breath is hard to come by, elevated pulse and blood pressure also seem to go along with these episodes

I've never been through anything like this before.. Is this like panic attack symptoms? And where would I start as far as going to get help for myself? Is this something that a GP could handle, or do I need to see a psych doctor? The episodes I'm having are increasing in frequency and duration. It's not a case of me thinking negative thoughts and working myself up.. It's hitting me mostly when I first wake up. It's been making me lose sleep, because I don't wanna sleep and wake up and deal with it.

Anyways, anyone else ever dealt with something like this before? And if so what helped you, where did you start? Thank you for taking the time to read this and any advice that might be forthcoming!


Your GP can give you a referral, at the very least. That is part of their job.


I don't wanna be that person who replies along the lines of 'you need Jesus', but I will say that in my personal experience, looking into Buddhism, especially meditation, has helped me manage my anxiety. Its not that I'm advocating being religious, mind you, I still consider myself a Buddhist/Atheist, but the teachings of Buddhism did sort of help me look at the world with a little less anxiety.

On a similar note, tea... generally lighter teas (green or white), as they have low-caffeine, help. The caffeine in tea can stimulate anxiety, but tea also possesses very relaxing qualities. I do find earl grey to help with anxiety, though that just might be because it has a soothing aroma and flavor for me.

That said, I don't think any of that will really help in the case of random panic attacks like you're describing, I would recommend seeing a doctor of some kind. You may need some anti-anxiety drugs.

If you live in a place where a certain plant has been legalized... I would, with my limited medical knowledge, recommend that over some of the other anxiety meds they have out there. Of course, I have to emphasize that 'if you live in a place where it's legal' part, wouldn't advocate doing anything illegal, of course. I'm sure that would be against site rules, and I am nothing if not a good, rule-following denizen of this fine community :>

(In fact, if even that endorsement is crossing a line, Vekseid, ya know... feel free to edit it out xD)
O/O: I was going to make a barebones F-list as a rough summary, but then it logged me out and I lost my progress, so I made a VERY barebones F-list instead: Here.


My advice would be to set up an appointment with your GP.  In the interim, before the appointment, look into relaxation techniques.  Whether these help or not, follow through with the appointment, and let your GP know what you've tried and what's been helpful (and what hasn't been). 

Some people can moderate their anxiety on their own.  Some need guidance/counseling.  Some need medication.  None of these is a 'worst case' - it's just all in how our brains are wired.

Hope things turn around for you soon!
"Language was invented for one reason, boys - to woo women.~*~*~Don't think it's all been done before
And in that endeavor, laziness will not do." ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~Don't think we're never gonna win this war
Robin Williams-Dead Poets Society ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~Don't think your world's gonna fall apart
I do have a cause, though.  It's obscenity.  I'm for it.  - Tom Lehrer~*~All you need is your beautiful heart
O/O's Updated 5/11/21 - A/A's - Current Status! (Oct 31) - Writing a novel - all draws for Fool of Fire up! Requests closed


Good advice given. My panic/anxiety attacks were associated with my depression. I went  to a psychiatrist as I was totally collapsing and ended up taking prozac for several years. The medication helped, but I ended up changing my job, going to counseling, and doing yoga and meditation. I'm off prozac now and I feel good. My advice is get help and don't ignore how you feel. As stated above, your GP can refer you to someone. Do see someone, I never ever want to feel again like I felt back then. Mind you, I was dealing with depression as well.

My best thoughts to you.
Ons & Offs

Boy, “If I and a slice of pizza fall in the water, which do you save?

Girl, wipes grease off her chin, “Why'd you let my pizza fall in the water?”


Quote from: Moreth on February 07, 2014, 08:28:21 PM
Hey everyone,

I'm just looking for some advice for a starting point. Recently I have suffered some pretty big set backs in my personal and professional life. As a result lately, I have been waking up and just been feeling absolutely overwhelmed. Feelings of panic, anxiety and dread just kick my ass. Literally takes me like half an hour to get a grip on it and calm down. I find that breath is hard to come by, elevated pulse and blood pressure also seem to go along with these episodes

I've never been through anything like this before.. Is this like panic attack symptoms? And where would I start as far as going to get help for myself? Is this something that a GP could handle, or do I need to see a psych doctor? The episodes I'm having are increasing in frequency and duration. It's not a case of me thinking negative thoughts and working myself up.. It's hitting me mostly when I first wake up. It's been making me lose sleep, because I don't wanna sleep and wake up and deal with it.

Anyways, anyone else ever dealt with something like this before? And if so what helped you, where did you start? Thank you for taking the time to read this and any advice that might be forthcoming!

I would agree with everyone that your GP is the best place to start. I suffer from anxiety attacks and have done so for several years. Mine usually hit in the middle of the night when my mind is trying to calm down and relax. Well that...and getting on airplanes...but that's a different story. =-)

My GP at the time I started having the panic attacks referred me to a counselor who ferreted out what was happening and advised my GP to give me a prescription of very low dose medication for when those times come. They happen perhaps once or twice a month at most.

The increasing frequency in your case would lead me to believe that whatever it is, it's not something you can deal with on your own so yes, absolutely seek out the advice of your GP.

Good luck!  ;D
"I am the one thing in life I can control
I am inimitable I am an original
I'm not falling behind or running late
I'm not standing still,
I am lying in wait.”


As said many times above, see your GP. Then take and follow their recommendations. If they refer you to a mental health professional, don't be alarmed and think that you're crazy or things are worse than they are. Like all other health professionals, they are there to help you live a healthier life.

While this is going on, when you wake up in the morning, try some abdominal breathing breathing. You know you're doing it correctly when your belly rises and falls, and your chest remains mostly still. This gets a lot more oxygen into your body, as well as forcing your muscles to act in a strict set of motions, and focuses your mind on your breathing. It has a side effect of slowing down your heart rate as well. While it might not help you completely, it most likely will take the edge of the event.

As best you can, don't let it overwhelm you. If you have friends, family or loved ones that you feel can be of help, see if they can give you some support too. Every little bit helps in the long run. Good luck, and I hope you find a way to manage it, or if you can, get rid of it.

Observing Trifles

My best advice is to find a relaxation method to keep you busy and help you find your center when those attacks set in. Personally, I greatly benefit from something calm and repetitive like knitting. Keeping my hands busy and staying in that consistent rhythm helps to bring me back from the edge of a panic attack, simply by helping me to focus on something else. The repetition is key to helping me get back into a good place.

Finding a method that works for you can be a great help. And if you're able to talk with a counselor, even better.
|| the hunt ||

.you make my crooked heart do freaky little flips.

Chrysanthemum Abernathy

As someone who suffers with social anxiety I would encourage meditation as well. I've managed to transition off of my medication under observation from my doctor, of course, by using yoga and meditation. I would warn against cold turkey or immersion methods to deal with panic attacks or social anxiety, I've had terrible results with both. Best of luck.


It's cool seeing so many other people on here with SAD, I suffer from it as well and it makes me feel a bit less weird about joining..
In addition to that recently I've been having pretty bad panic attacks for the last few months reasons I rather not disclose, I'm still to much in the thick of it to give any overly helpful advice methinks, but what I've been taking time to stop and breath in and out really deeply and telling myself it'll be OK. that and a bunch of anti anxiety meds I got from my doctor.

A friend of mine posted this on my facebook a while back and I think it helped little bit, maybe it'll help you.