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Interest Check: Justice League

Started by Shadowclaw, November 06, 2013, 07:01:20 PM

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This is an interest check to find out how how many people would be interested in working with me to reboot and plan out a new DC Universe for an RP revolving around the Justice League. (This isn't an RP yet, though I am keeping track of who ever wants to play canons.) If anyone is interested, let me know.

If this group is successfully formed, we would work together to create a new dimension based the more current age of DC comics. The current time in history would be 2014 and things would be a little more pleasant. We could bring back dead heroes, destroyed cities, the Watch Tower, and so forth and choose from different versions of canons. Then when we know what we're working with, we can start brainstorming plots for an RP. We can do anything we want. Give characters like Power Girl a chance to really shine, try themes from the DC universe that aren't covered much, allow heroes who died a chance to develop their characters more and actually be involved in a plot having to do with them, and so forth. This would be a creative group project.

Just now LordMing and I agreed that for the sake of balance (three Kryptonians being too many) that the project will be using Superman, Power Girl, and Linda Danvers as Supergirl.

We don't have a big enough group to REALLY get things moving so I'm still looking for anyone who wants to be involved.


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Original characters? Definitely! I've been working on one I've been want to play for a while now, with Miss Martian. I designed him with her in mind. But I do want to ground the story to the DC universe with some versions of canon characters.

Freeform as in they feel like they were designed with the DC universe in mind, or as in feeling like a character is clearly from another comic universe like Marvel or an anime show? I'd like to keep it feeling like DC, and there are so many different ways to do that and still have a lot of creative elasticity. There are so many themes that can be used.

For me, I went the demon route since the DC universe has strong ties to demons. Raven, Azazel, Darkseid, and even Lucifer. Offhand, I can quickly think of these themes: Aliens, mythology (Wonder Woman is strongly based on Mythology), ancient human history, characters from the future, magic and the arcane, or even a character that crossed over from another alternative earth. I'm sure there's more.

Did you have anything in mind, or are you just exploring the thought of making a character?


Not really sure what I'd make but I'll be thinking on it.
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I think one crossover character would be okay. Maybe an X-Men character who accidentally mixed technology or powers with an electrical surge, hurling them into another dimension? Storm would make sense. It would be pretty interesting to have a single crossover mutant character from Marvel working with the Justice League. *makes a note of that* ;D It'd be fun to see how they adjust to a completely different world with a different set of rules about what is real and what is not. Were demons and mythology real in the X-Men? I never really got into reading X-Men.

mia h

Quote from: Shadowclaw on November 06, 2013, 07:01:20 PM
Take a look at the list of all the existing Earths! Considering its infinite, that's a small list!

If by infinite you mean there are 52  :P
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Quote from: mia h on November 07, 2013, 02:43:28 AM
If by infinite you mean there are 52  :P

Yeah, that.

Also it's hot she beat me to it. <3


Well a buddy told me a while back that even though DC only covered a certain amount of alternate earths, there were infinite worlds. But I told him, don't they keep changing the number of worlds anyway? So does it really matter how many there are at any point in time? Its always subject to change. They do that to allow creative freedom for the writers. In the end, does it really matter if we add more? My point was that's how many exist right now that we know of, but we can add another if we want. Just give it some really high random number and no one will care.


Quote from: Shadowclaw on November 07, 2013, 10:14:37 AM
Well a buddy told me a while back that even though DC only covered a certain amount of alternate earths, there were infinite worlds. But I told him, don't they keep changing the number of worlds anyway? So does it really matter how many there are at any point in time? Its always subject to change. They do that to allow creative freedom for the writers. In the end, does it really matter if we add more? My point was that's how many exist right now that we know of, but we can add another if we want. Just give it some really high random number and no one will care.

Oh, no. I'm a comic nerd. I wasn't commenting on anything other than the canon accuracy of DC having infinite worlds. Not the game, or possibilities for the game. Just the canon issue. It only matters 'cause DC recently redid it's canon with a '52' event, and in fact the new canon is simply known as "New 52." And I was about to post the same thing when mia posted it. Hence my comment on mia's comment. ^_^

For the game, like in DC canon, it's all up to the creative minds behind it. So, you're right. And we're not suggesting there only be 52 versions for THIS game, or I wasn't (can't speak for mia), just I'm a nerd and wanted to point it out.  :-)

mia h

Quote from: Ascia on November 07, 2013, 11:11:21 AM
just I'm a nerd and wanted to point it out.  :-)

+ 1

There might only be 52 universes but what's in most of them is anyone's guess, so the exact number of universes or the number of universe for the game isn't really important
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No problem, I was groggy. *sips tea* I didn't really know what you two were saying. lol Its all good. I just think its dumb that such a small amount of alternate earths have been explored, then take a hammer to the original world and smash it up. :-( So why don't we make a better one we all love with best versions of our favorite characters?

I'm sure everyone has there own favorite version of a character that has changed from one era, series, or world to another. What are all of your favorites? How about we start with the key members of Justice League and their enemies? Batman, Green Arrow, Superman, Green Lantern, Wonder Woman, Martian Manhunter, Flash, Black Canary, etc, for starters.

mia h

So do you have any plans\stories in mind or is it just a sandbox type game?
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To answer your question, there would be some amount of structure while providing a good amount of creative freedom. It wouldn't be me or any particular single person outlining a story that everyone would have to follow, everyone would have a say because it would be a group effort. There isn't a story in mind yet, because there's no group yet. The creative freedom would be there for individual roleplayers, but depending on what everyone agrees to that will establish some kind of minimal structure everyone would stick to. Read on, and I'll explain.

The first step would be a group rebooting the timeline of New Earth, creating a new multiverse (dimension), and working out the best versions of canons since we're editing the timeline. The second is finding players who can play canon characters so we know what we have to work with. Second is writing a basic outline of a plot with some nonspecific desired outcomes. RPers will be given freedom in how they want to play through it, but they'll need to work together and communicate with each other. Some original characters will be allowed and one crossover.

Does this interest anyone? Right now I'm looking for people to work on the timeline who are familiar with any parts of the DC New Earth timeline.

I myself have a character I've been working on, but he's not done yet. He's going to need someone to play Miss Martian as his partner and lover. I've been designing him for a while with a telepathic partner in mind. After a while of brainstorming, writing and rewriting, she was just naturally the best choice. So yeah, its going to have to be the younger girl older guy relationship. (Even though 3 earth years = 1 physical age for her, 64 is 1 for him, and he looks around 30). I wonder how members of the JLA will react to that? She'll look 16, 17, or 18, but actually be older than most of them. I can see some of them standing around doing the math on their fingers trying to figure out if they should be outraged or not, while in the distance she's having fun riding on his shoulders into an adventure. Man I wish I could draw that scene....


I'd be interested in making a DC world with canons and such, though In my experience on websites I'm not to good with playing canons so I'd probably join when originals are allowed.  Also for this game do you have to be with the Justice League right away or could you be a villain or neutral character, and possible join the League at a later time or not at all?
If sex was a roller-coaster, I'd ride it over and over again.



This project is a reboot of the New Earth Universe timeline from DC Comics. That means nothing from TV, movies, straight to DVD, or anything else. Just the comics.

People designing original characters later on during this project, need to make an effort to find a way to fit their new character into the themes of DC comics of New Earth. For example, you wouldn't design a character with Bleach or Marvel in mind, or even DC's Prime Earth, if you're making them for DC New Earth. That would make no sense, and it would be considered an original crossover which I really don't want.

The point of this project is to reboot the New Earth timeline while staying true to the original feel of that world, not something based on live TV and movie versions. So nothing based on Smallville, Arrow, any of the DC "inspired" movies, or the animated versions.

A group I'll be forming will work out the timeline and work with everyone to establish which versions of New Earth canons to use, including which DC New Earth artwork (since the versions have a lot to do with the artwork).

If this RP really interests anyone but they're rusty on the look and feel of DC comics, there are tons of them everywhere you can buy used and new reprinted on the cheap. Comic stores, online stores like newkadia, garage sales, ebay, craigslist, etc. They even have online versions you can buy now from the online DC store. So there's TONS of ways to get caught up on DC these days. ;D I'm planning to do that again as well. I've been starting to lose touch with some of the original characters, especially after watching live action TV series, movies, Justice League Unlimited, and Young Justice. There's no reason to be scared off by going out and getting some comics, I've done that for RP's before and its fun! And cheap! I once walked out of a store with about 30 comics for around $18. ;D

I have a nice stack of some comics I bought not long ago, but they don't cover all my favorites like the ones I remember having when I was younger. Most of what I have centers on Gotham characters. I grew up loving characters like Superman, Flash, and Wonder Woman. Not sure what I should read though. Suggestions?


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How about Big Barda but might just name her Barda to get away from her past a bit. She was in the JLA just not a core member but might be in the game she was pretty tough.


Quote from: catherinehellfire on November 07, 2013, 06:27:11 PM
I'd be interested in making a DC world with canons and such, though In my experience on websites I'm not to good with playing canons so I'd probably join when originals are allowed.  Also for this game do you have to be with the Justice League right away or could you be a villain or neutral character, and possible join the League at a later time or not at all?

Have you read many comics?

Quote from: AndyZ on November 07, 2013, 06:42:03 PM
Good luck with the game ^_^

Thanks! Though I'm not sure if this is an official RP yet. I still don't have anyone playing canons yet. I just realized I have a new message, so maybe that will change. :)

Quote from: RubySlippers on November 07, 2013, 07:14:31 PM
How about Big Barda but might just name her Barda to get away from her past a bit. She was in the JLA just not a core member but might be in the game she was pretty tough.

A stereo type reversal character. That should be interesting. Yeah, why not. I didn't even remember her to be honest, until I saw some pics of her. Have any thoughts on how you want to play her?

(Sorry, on the last forum I went to, posters couldn't condense multiple quote replies into one reply. That taught me some bad habits!)


Quote from: Shadowclaw on November 07, 2013, 07:20:02 PM
Have you read many comics?

A stereo type reversal character. That should be interesting. Yeah, why not. I didn't even remember her to be honest, until I saw some pics of her. Have any thoughts on how you want to play her?

(Sorry, on the last forum I went to, you couldn't condense multiple quote replies into one reply. That taught me some bad habits!)

She was a JL member just not a core member. I'm mulling over how to get her into the JL since she would have been commander of the Furies before then. I'm thinking she was on a mission to Earth to recover an object that could lead to the Anti-Life Equation for her master and being exposed to perhaps the Amazons turned to be a force for good. And joining up as a member after a few years proving she was good. Mostly she will be one of the major cannons of the JL especially against her former master who she has no desire to let hurt innocent people again.


Quote from: RubySlippers on November 07, 2013, 07:48:34 PM
She was a JL member just not a core member. I'm mulling over how to get her into the JL since she would have been commander of the Furies before then. I'm thinking she was on a mission to Earth to recover an object that could lead to the Anti-Life Equation for her master and being exposed to perhaps the Amazons turned to be a force for good. And joining up as a member after a few years proving she was good. Mostly she will be one of the major cannons of the JL especially against her former master who she has no desire to let hurt innocent people again.

Sounds interesting... really it does. So her character would probably know Wonder Woman well because of her past with the Amazons? Do you think they'll remain friends or socially move in different directions?

I was planning on my character getting along really well with WW since he'll see eye to eye with her on a lot of things, would have backed her up when she snapped Maxwell's neck, and they're both great fighters. His main power is supernatural combat (when you add up what he is, all his powers and abilities, and him spending most of his 1800+ years mastering countless forms of combat arts and martial arts.) WW did after all get combat tutelage from Ares himself, and he'll respect that. I was actually hoping he and WW could have a short lived affair just for the sake of adding some history between them, and adding a complication to the beginning of his relationship with Miss Martian.


Status: Stepping away for a while.


I have actually done this before.  I have a Green Lantern version I'm proud of.

Is this going to be freeform, or with a rule set?


Quote from: Shadowclaw on November 07, 2013, 09:27:03 PM
Sounds interesting... really it does. So her character would probably know Wonder Woman well because of her past with the Amazons? Do you think they'll remain friends or socially move in different directions?

I was planning on my character getting along really well with WW since he'll see eye to eye with her on a lot of things, would have backed her up when she snapped Maxwell's neck, and they're both great fighters. His main power is supernatural combat (when you add up what he is, all his powers and abilities, and him spending most of his 1800+ years mastering countless forms of combat arts and martial arts.) WW did after all get combat tutelage from Ares himself, and he'll respect that. I was actually hoping he and WW could have a short lived affair just for the sake of adding some history between them, and adding a complication to the beginning of his relationship with Miss Martian.

Very likely be friends with anyone opposing Darkseid that is the entire JL. Barta did lead the Furies enslaving countless races so she will have a lot of good karma to rack up likely never making amends that will weigh on her soul. The Amazons gave her a place to call home and get resettled in her new life so would die for them and her adopted planet.


I misunderstood something, I think.  You're talking about needing to know comic-book canon, but I thought I read that you were doing a new and original universe?

From what I've seen each universe is totally unique, so why would you need knowledge at all besides basic looks of a character? Excluding the animated series seems a little short sighted since that too could be considered yet another universe and the movies even another one.  Perhaps the 1960's Batman series is one universe where everything is a little campy (a lot campy), and then the 90's animated series is another, and the 90's movies another, and the Nolan movies another.  I fail to see why you have to know comic book lore is all I'm saying.

It was interesting to me at first, thinking I could come up with an altered version of say Huntress from the comic books, but these latter posts seem like you have to have an in-depth knowledge of their canon AND you want them played exactly like that?  Like I said, I'm really confused now.

mia h

Quote from: RubySlippers on November 07, 2013, 07:14:31 PM
How about Big Barda but might just name her Barda.

Welll if you're not keen on Big Barda there is always Little Barda  ;D
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