Doctor Who 50th Anniversary (Need 11+ players for Doctors+companions) (No sex)

Started by YaoiRolePlay, November 01, 2013, 02:11:29 PM

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I would also recommend these two since I'm a huge Six fan:

The Marian Conspiracy:

His introduction on audio as well as Evelyn. The first older companion I've seen the Doctor with. It's also one of my top three Doctor Who stories ever.

And The Holy Terror:

Absolutely brilliant, written by the same person who wrote The Chimes of Midnight.


I'll try and listen to some of these audios when I can.

I'm going to try McGann first because he's the one you can't really see elsewhere though.


Yes indeed. Good plan. That was how I got into the audios, after watching the tv movie and wanting to see more of him.


Psycho Mantis: You must spend every day pretending to act like you're falsely letting on that you aren't not unbetraying someone you don't not purport to allegedly not work for but really do! How do you keep all this shit straight without having an aneurysm?
Revolver Ocelot: *shrug* Practice.
—The Last Days Of FOXHOUND


ok I get that the sisterhood of Kahn (Karn) or whatever here were apparently able to force a regeneration but Is this supposed to be how the eighth becomes the ninth or did they perform a partial regeneration like with number ten? or what? I mean if he just regenerated here fully then he's somehow like an 8.5 or something weird that doesn't fit into the full capacity of the time lords life cycle of 13 regenerations. on top of that it would mean that he somehow wasted one of his regenerations using this method
Psycho Mantis: You must spend every day pretending to act like you're falsely letting on that you aren't not unbetraying someone you don't not purport to allegedly not work for but really do! How do you keep all this shit straight without having an aneurysm?
Revolver Ocelot: *shrug* Practice.
—The Last Days Of FOXHOUND


The sisterhood were asking for his help in the Time War and the Doctor agreed that there was no more need for a Doctor, but a Warrior. They were able to trigger his regeneration into whatever body he wanted. So when the Doctor said Warrior, the one sister had a specially prepared potion for him that triggered his regeneration into the perfect warrior.

If Hurt is indeed an incarnation, that would mean that Capaldi's Doctor will be the last according to the twelve regenerations rule. Unless of course they find a workaround for it. Or just pretend like it doesn't exist. Either way works.

The Ninth, presumably, comes later. A regeneration during the Time War.


i think the work around for that is either River having given the rest of hers to save him or capaldi will end up being the valeard
Psycho Mantis: You must spend every day pretending to act like you're falsely letting on that you aren't not unbetraying someone you don't not purport to allegedly not work for but really do! How do you keep all this shit straight without having an aneurysm?
Revolver Ocelot: *shrug* Practice.
—The Last Days Of FOXHOUND


The Valeyard doesn't make a lot of sense if he is an actual incarnation of the Doctor. Because by taking the Doctor's remaining regenerations, he'd be taking his own regeneration as well. Which would than make him not exist.

The only way it makes sense is if it were some sort of "cast off" or "shadow" of the Doctor. The best theory on that I've seen so far is that the Valeyard is the Meta Crisis Doctor:

Despite that the wiki itself doesn't think it's a possibility. :P


The Valeyard is kinda tricky to place. I always assumed he was the 13th regeneration, which makes sense as the Doctor appears to be getting darker the closer he goes to the 13th form. Or maybe he is after that, as look at the Master who used up all thirteen bodies.
In reference to the Big Finish stuff, I am thrilled it is now canon. <3

They/Them pronouns


or the valeard is like the master in th 5 doctors an illegally acquired 14th body. though doctor who makes it clear that by turning the TARDIS into a paradox machine he could take the doctors regenerations and still exist
Psycho Mantis: You must spend every day pretending to act like you're falsely letting on that you aren't not unbetraying someone you don't not purport to allegedly not work for but really do! How do you keep all this shit straight without having an aneurysm?
Revolver Ocelot: *shrug* Practice.
—The Last Days Of FOXHOUND


I'm secretly hoping for a regeneration scene with Hurt to Eccleston now.


I know right. Now that we know Moffat and McGann have been lying about McGann's involvement, I don't know what to expect. We've heard that Eccleston didn't want to come back, but maybe that's a lie too.


Eccleston did claim it on camera though.....which could just be an act...
Psycho Mantis: You must spend every day pretending to act like you're falsely letting on that you aren't not unbetraying someone you don't not purport to allegedly not work for but really do! How do you keep all this shit straight without having an aneurysm?
Revolver Ocelot: *shrug* Practice.
—The Last Days Of FOXHOUND


Tennant denied all involvement in an interview too, though, on camera. Graham Norton Show, I believe. As did Billie.

They/Them pronouns


Some people like to claim Steven Moffat ruined the show or is the Antichrist or something... But I think he's pretty good. And I love that he lies... It gives the potential for more surprises.


Moffat is incredibly divisive. On the one hand you have people who love his work so much. Like myself.

On the other you have people who hate all his continuity inconsistencies and the incredibly silly and implausible finales. Like the Doctor can be wished back into existence or the fabric of the universe was fooled by a robot copy of the Doctor into creating a fixed point around it.


I think Moffat is great. I really do. Before he took over the Doctor Who lead, the episodes he wrote were usually my favourites. Sherlock and Coupling are favourites of mine too. His plots tend to be more complex, but that's what really grabs me. He has the great ability of bringing so many threads together that make you pause and give a satisfied 'oh yeah' at the end.

Interesting how he's been dropping hints about the importance of the Doctors name in his episodes since series 2. I'm excited to think how many little questions might finally be answered next week. I just hope this episode pulls it off. *fingers crossed*

Now, when are we starting this RP?  ;)


I was not impressed with the ending for series 6, I found it a massive anticlimax and was quite disappointed. I liked series 5's ending, 7's too. Though I prefer finales in two parts. I miss two-parters...
Moffat has wrote some great episodes, nearly all of them have been great. But he does leave a lot of questions unanswered (Still wondering about that duck pond). My favourite story of his is Silence in the Library/Forest of the Dead.

Actually that gives me a good question. Favourite stories? Classic and NuWho.

My two would be Caves of Androzani (Davison) and Dalek (Eccleston)

I don't know when we're starting. OP (Forum talk :3) is waiting for more Doctors to materialise. I don't know how many exactly. We've got 6 I think. Which is a good amount, but 11 would be awesome. We could start and leave it open, perhaps.

We still need a plot though!


Caves of Androzani is brilliant. Really good episode. Remembrance of the Daleks has to be my all time favourite, but it's so hard to pick. In the end it comes down to the fact I love Daleks, Seven was my first real Doctor, and it's the hint that the Doctor is the Other in Gallifreyan history.
I love that. >_>
I struggle vastly with new. It's hard to pick one favourite. Series 5 has to be my all time favourite series, but I am utterly biased because Eleven has quickly become my Doctor. It's so hard >_>

They/Them pronouns


I've seen most of the old show and I really don't like it. I'm more of a fan of the audio series. But if I had to pick for the old series: Vengeance on Varos. And for the new, that's an insanely tough choice. There's way way too many amazing stories. Probably The Empty Child/The Doctor Dances with too many runner ups to mention but a couple really good ones: Midnight, Turn Left, Blink, The Eleventh Hour, The Beast Below, and so many more.

Yeah we can start now if you like and just keep it open in case others want to join. Just got to work out a story between us first. What are some things that everyone is interested in? Not necessarily even sci fi, we can do literally anything. And we can do multiple stories. Indeed, I was going to do a Hogwarts student as a companion once.


Eccleston's my Doctor. I started watching when it came back on because my dad who watched it as a kid showed it to me. I watched all the episodes of the series, but Dalek was the first episode I properly paid attention to, it was what hooked me. When there's loads of Daleks they're usually made to look silly. But this episode showed how powerful they are. How much damage just one can do. It made them seem like a real threat. I find it just fantastic.

Wait, are we having companions or keeping this Doctors only?


It can be either way, depending on what everyone wants. We can do companions, but if we do we'll have to rp them as well since we only have the six of us.


I wouldn't mind having a companion or not. We're the ones who would be roleplaying them, after all.

For a fun suggestion, how about we play eachother's companions instead of our own?


I suppose, if the companions end up with different Doctors. Though that might cause problems if someone doesn't know anything about a companion or doesn't know how to characterize that companion.