Seeking writing partners! (f/f m/m m/f)

Started by suddenlyskies, October 29, 2013, 11:19:21 PM

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Hello there! As I'm sure you've managed to ascertain, I'm on the hunt for some partners to roleplay with.

I'm open to almost any setting or fandom, but I don't do canon characters, only original. I try to write at least a paragraph per post but will try to meet your length; as long as you do your best to give me something to work with, I'll do my best to do the same.

Right now I'd prefer to play a f/f pairing in a medieval setting. I can be convinced to play m/m or m/f, in the latter case I'd prefer to play the female role.

I'd also really really like to do something in either the Dragon Age or Mass Effect settings but am open to original settings as well.

I like a lot of plot and romance. Smexy stuff is secondary. Still appreciated of course, but I don't want the kinoodling to be the central focus. I like romantic relationships as well as sexual ones, with the cuddling and the pet names, et cetera.

The gender of the writer doesn't make a difference to me.

Please no chatspeak or writing in the first person. Third person only, thank hyu.

I think that's about it! Feel free to contact me via pm. My AIM has been glitchy lately so if you IM me and I don't reply, that'd be why.

Status: Tentatively looking for new partners at this time
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