Pathfinder (DnD) for Newbies and Beginners (looking for 2)

Started by hippyness, May 04, 2013, 08:24:59 PM

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Hello anyone deciding to read this.

There seem to be many Pathfinder games going up on the boards now but this one may be slightly different. I'm looking to start a game, as the title of the thread states, for people who don't have much or any experience with playing Pathfinder. Everyone has to start somewhere and here might as well be it.

Who I am:
I have been playing and DMing table top games for many years. I enjoy teaching the game to new players and helping people become more comfortable with rule sets. I however, play very loose with the rules when it comes to new people, hoping to introduce rules as needed but not to constrain everything a player wants to do with the word "No". I've had some of the best game moments come from allowing players to do what they feel. So plan on this being much more stream lined then the books will tell you and don't be afraid of all the text. I will hand hold you through all of this, this is for fun not beating the rules into you.

Who I'm looking for:
People interested in the Pathfinder (or really any table top but willing to play Pathfinder) who haven't had too much experience with the game. I'm not going to tell someone they are over qualified but if you don't think "beginner player" or "intermediate player" describes you then this game may not be for you. Level of play is a personal label, not something anyone else can tell you.
Being super experienced in role playing is not what I'm talking about, I only mean experience with Pathfinder. We are still looking to role play between player characters and between NPCs. And I hope for more fleshed out character than numbers on a sheet.

What game we'll be playing:
I'm hoping to run an Adventure Path published by Paizo, for ease of work load on me. I would like to discuss with people interested which game they'd like to play.
I am unable to run Shattered Star as I am currently playing in it. I would like to not run King Maker as one day I hope to finish playing it. I will run, but only if the group really wants to, Carrion Crown as I have DMed it before and am currently DMing it. I'd like to avoid the newest path as it is still being published.
Each game discription is here:
The level of sexual interaction is up to the players. I will be willing to work it in, but I don't feel it needs to be forced into the game. Yes, you CAN buy a wench in every tavern in town but I may stop RPing that with you after the first few times. Yes, raping the bodies of all the slain foes is do able but each one will not have it's own text block. Yes, taking off your pants will make the king mad, he doesn't care how big your penis is or that you took a feat for it.

I currently have three slots taken (no characters made). I'm hoping to find at least two more players but I'd really like to cap the game at 8 or 9 players. I don't want to over whelm myself or others.

So please join me in a game of Pathfinder for Beginners, we could have so much fun.
Totally me in that avatar. ^_-
I need something exactly seven percent stronger than TEA!
Something I have found helpful from other partners.


Just wanted to pop in and say that I'm one of those three slots. I thought I would wait before making a character to see what others would be interested in having me play.


You know, I was only like five minutes past forgetting to PM you about this. ^_^

Thanks for paying attention though.
Totally me in that avatar. ^_-
I need something exactly seven percent stronger than TEA!
Something I have found helpful from other partners.

Marie Reynolds

I would say I fit in the lower end of the intermediate pool, so I would like to throw my hat in.

Roxy Rocket

      Very interested. I guess I ought to look up the modules in case someone wants me to have an opinion/

      Serious note? Blythe's avatar is more naked than mine. That's not at all fair.


I'm peeking at the list of adventure modules to see which one I like.

And Roxy, your avatar is far classier than mine.

Roxy Rocket

      Naked and Classy... must we be forever at war?

      It's okay. I forgive you. Just merve them handsalittle.

      *chews her flank*

      Carrion Crown is haunty and cool... but O-U-T out.

      Wrath of the Righteous has Demons, which is cool, but might be intense for starting on.

      Serpent's Skull = Jungle and Pirates?

      Reign of Winter looks neat. It's warm outside do I feel good about it.*
      Curse of the Crimson Throne is urbany. Legacy of Fire is all deserty... I guess they never heard of beach blanket bingo. Oh well.

      *You are right to hate me when I LINK THIS!
Spoiler: Click to Show/Hide


The three that catch my eye the most are Second Darkness, Council of Thieves, and Reign of Winter. I don't mind too terribly much which adventure is run, though, so long as I get the chance to learn Pathfinder, but those three got my interest the most.


Yay for two more people. -claps excitedly-

If a few more people get in, we'll be kicking goblins out windows soon.

Welcome Marie and Roxie.
Totally me in that avatar. ^_-
I need something exactly seven percent stronger than TEA!
Something I have found helpful from other partners.


Roxy Rocket

      Allo Hippington, looking sexy in pink panties today are we?

      I'm iffy on council. Wanna call it as a toss up between Second Darkness and Reign of Winter and see where everyone else is leaning?



I am one of the three mentioned at the start, just popping in to say hello's all around. :3


Throwing in my vote for Reign of Winter.

Marie Reynolds

I am Torn between Reign of Winter or Kingmaker. The chance to fight Rasputin though is very tempting.


I must applaud you for starting up a newbie DnD game.  So many other games are so set up for people who know a lot about the game that I must applaud you for starting up such a game.  It's always good for others to have a chance to learn.


Quote from: Roxy Rocket on May 04, 2013, 10:56:07 PM
      Allo Hippington, looking sexy in pink panties today are we?

Usually. ^_^

Quote from: Mysterica on May 05, 2013, 12:33:54 AM
I must applaud you for starting up a newbie DnD game.  So many other games are so set up for people who know a lot about the game that I must applaud you for starting up such a game.  It's always good for others to have a chance to learn.

If you ever check back, thank you for the props.

Quote from: artichoke hearts on May 05, 2013, 02:02:27 AM
Am I to understand that the modules start us all at level 1? Personally I'd like it so we can build our characters from scratch and watch them grow.

Yep, you'll all be level ones. Though, with as many of you as there are right now a house cat MIGHT not kill all of you, so that's a good thing. It also makes creating a first character easier and allows building from the ground up.

It's seeming like Reign on Winter is going to win out. I'll need to look over it and see how it is going to run. I'll start gathering info for you guys, or at least links to where important stuff is.

We need either one or two other people to join, or I'll start posting up stuff later Monday and we'll run a few players short.

This is happening much quicker than I expected and I've very excited!
Totally me in that avatar. ^_-
I need something exactly seven percent stronger than TEA!
Something I have found helpful from other partners.

Roxy Rocket



Kinks: Transformation, funny situations, danderes, dominant partners, being captured

Role: I prefer being a utility role. I always prefer my characters to be tactical and efficient

Character type: Mary is the shy, but handy bookworm type. She not commonly wanted due to her shy, skittish nature, but those who accept her will find efficient assistance.


Kinks: Depends on my character's gender. If I RP as a female, I will not participate in sexual situations whatsoever (just not comfortable with that). If I RP as a male in this particular game, I prefer bitchy submissive partners, voyeurism/exhibitionism, and some BDSM. I tend to play bisexual male dominant characters, if no one minds that. Players can inform me what gender they'd prefer me to play.

Role: Either Utility or Control. I like wizards and rogues quite a lot.

Character Type: Playful, tricky, and greedy opportunist (whether a wizard or rogue). This is a character that isn't so much persuaded to do good things because it's good, but because it's profitable or exciting. Looking at a CN alignment here, or maybe even NE. Don't worry; I'll still be a team player.  :-)


I may be interested in this. I've played D&D 3.5 before but never using any of the campaigns that have been published always an original campaign and I have limited experiance with pathfinder.  I've also never played D&D in a forum setting so I'm interested in seeing how this would work. (also when I played always started at level 5 so never had the experience of starting as a level 1 character)

If you'd let me join you guys I'd like to play if the party is not already full and you don't think I'm overqualified


Quote from: Blythe on May 05, 2013, 02:47:36 PM
Kinks: Depends on my character's gender. If I RP as a female, I will not participate in sexual situations whatsoever (just not comfortable with that). If I RP as a male in this particular game, I prefer bitchy submissive partners, voyeurism/exhibitionism, and some BDSM. I tend to play bisexual male dominant characters, if no one minds that. Players can inform me what gender they'd prefer me to play.

I kind of made the assumption you'd be a male, Blythe. Hope that wasn't wrong of me...

Quote from: SeraphBlade07 on May 05, 2013, 02:48:57 PM
If you'd let me join you guys I'd like to play if the party is not already full and you don't think I'm overqualified

You are very welcome into the bunch Seraph! Like I said, I wouldn't turn people away for being "overqualified".

Wow... one more and we're full. O.O
Totally me in that avatar. ^_-
I need something exactly seven percent stronger than TEA!
Something I have found helpful from other partners.


Mind if I grab the last slot going? I've seen loads of pathfinders posted since I joined E but haven't joined any as I've never tried it before. Would be good to have a chance to get into it.
On Hiatus


Quote from: hippyness on May 05, 2013, 03:08:48 PM
I kind of made the assumption you'd be a male, Blythe. Hope that wasn't wrong of me...

I sometimes leave what gender I'll play open in a large group, as to let people be more comfortable. But if I can play as a male, I'd enjoy it better. So let's assume a male. But yeah, not wrong of you. I do even have it in my O/Os that I almost never play female characters anyway.

*hugs and adores on Lurking*

Oooh, yes, take Lurking. She's a good writer. <3


awesome ^_^ thanks guys. I'll probably play a male character as in the past when I've played table top games in person I've always had to play females because it's too hard for the other people to remember that my character is a guy.


*snuggles Blythe*

I shall probably play a female as I'm playing a male in every other rp I'm in at the moment.
On Hiatus


Okay, last slot to Lurking.

Always play what makes you happiest, to both Blythe and Seraph. I tend to crossplay if I ever end up on the player's side of the table.

Yoshi, Artichoke, Seraph and Lurking, do you guys have a preference towards which game we play?

Everyone, you might as well bookmark
It has almost every Pathfinder rule posted there and is searchable.

I'm going to double post the next bit because I'm slightly crazy about lay outs and flow and such.
Totally me in that avatar. ^_-
I need something exactly seven percent stronger than TEA!
Something I have found helpful from other partners.