Hogwarts: More Than Magical (Full)

Started by kckolbe, April 18, 2013, 02:17:17 PM

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Ummm... someone said that there was a post on wand cores and example of acceptible wands someplace? I must of missed it.
"I am a Southern Gentleman, which means that I'm a rogue and a scoundrel. When I'm not kissin' the hands of married women, I'm slipping off their wedding rings."
My Ons' & offs'
Absenses & Apologies (Updated 3/02/23)
Blinkins' Thinkin's (Story Ideas)
Yes, I really am blind.
Being Literate is the ability to read and understand a language. When you ask for literate, what you are looking for is Verbosity, which is the ability to use lots of words without actually saying very much... like politicians. I consider myself both literate and verbose.


Setting Info thread, link in first post of this one.
Ons/Offs  A/A  Oath of the Drake
(From the Penis Game) Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Penis
I love a wet nymph.  "Letting some guy have [her] just to have another woman is a losing trade"

Buffy: The Vampire Slayer(IC#2)
Intro Thread


Name:  Vidya Ayers
Nationality: Irish
Pureblood Established family
Age: 16
Year: 4th
Distinguishing Features: A striking girl of mixed Indian and Irish decent, Vidya is stands at a rather short five feet, three inches, but seems infused with an energy that makes her presence quite commanding when she wants it to be. Her eyes are a deep brown, and her black hair falls to mid-back in soft waves. Her skin is a light shade of golden brown, and beneath a slightly oversized school sweater she seems to be quite busty.
Personality: To most at Hogwarts, both students and staff, Vidya is a friendly but rather lackadaisical student, not really someone who would stand out in a crowd. At her core, however, Vidya is driven by curiosity and nothing thrills her like exploration. With the extensive repairs and renovations Hogwarts has undergone in the wake of the battle with Voldemort's forces she's taken it upon herself to explore and map the school and grounds, both those areas available to students and, more eagerly, the places she's forbidden from going. She takes the fact that no one has concrete proof of her trespassing as a testament to her skill, and though she's known among certain circles (mostly those who view the rules more as suggestions than anything) as someone who knows her way around a dark hallway she's perfectly content being an unknown.
Though highly intelligent, Vidya tends to be an incredibly lazy student. She can be a highly focused, dedicated worker when she finds something she's passionate about, but the trouble is Vidya's passion lies in the unknown. The well-trodden roads of standard schoolwork don't hold her attention for long. A few select teachers have seen the blood, sweat, and tears she pours into less standard work, but most write her off as just another lazy underachiever. She has little patience for "silly wizard squabbles" as she calls everything from overly intense inter-house rivalries to blood purist bile, and often goes out of her way to disrupt such conflicts.
Background: Vidya was born to the youngest children of two prominant wizarding families; the Ayres of Ireland and the Darzi family of India. The younger of two siblings, Vidya's older sister did little to ease the already prodigious expectations piled on the young witch's shoulders. Though she only spent 4 years at Hogwarts, Rani Ayers quickly rocketed to the top of the social strata through a combination of raw charisma and exceptional quidditch skills. Those same three years were young Vidya's first at a real magical school; while she spent much of her first year seething in envy, she eventually realized that being over-looked by staff and students alike gave her ample opportunity to get into mischief without being caught and she embraced her lack of notoriety.
Though born in Ireland, Vidya spent several years of her childhood in India and attended primary school there in light of Hogwarts' entry age changes. In 2002, a year after her quidditch-prodigy sister transferred to Hogwarts, Vidya's parents enrolled her in the school, banking on the its reputation and long history to overcome its current strife.
[Post-enrollment background to be added later]
Interesting fact: Though she doesn't attend many matches at Hogwarts, Vidya is an avid quidditch fan. She collects Jalandhar Djinns merchendice; her older sister plays Chaser or them.
Wand: 14.5" Vine, Ashwinder Egg shell core, quite swishy
From the notes of Amala Darzi: Practically unheard of in western europe and still quite unusual in this particular wand's native India, Ashwinder egg shells are rarely used by wand makers due to their strange and often unpredictable nature. Seemingly weak at first, many witches and wizards shun ashwinder egg shell wands due to a perceived lack of power, though contrary to common perception they can be phenomenally powerful when in the hands of a wielder who knows it well. Much like ashwinders themselves, wands with their egg shells at their core excel at quiet, subtle work such as charms but can produce highly destructive spells when their owners are cornered. Each shell core wand varies greatly from the next, as their already unwieldly nature reacts strongly to the wand wood with which it is paired, amplifying both the negative and positive qualities of the wood.
Pet: None, but would like an owl or some other bird

Agility: 4
Athletics: 2 - Climb 1b, Run 1b
Awareness: 3 - Notice 1b
Cunning: 3
Deception: 2
Endurance: 2
Fighting: 2
Magical Expertise: 3 - Charms 1b
Magical Projection: 4 - Charms 1b
Marksmanship: 2
Persuasion: 3
Reflexes: 3
Status: 2 - Rumor 1b
Stealth: 4 - Sneak 1b, Open Lock 1b
Will: 3

   Majors (Care of Magical Creatures, Potions) 3
   Minors (Herbology, Divination, Astronomy) 3
   Others (History of Magic, Ancient Runes, Arithmancy, Muggle studies) 2

Destiny Points:
   1 available, 1 invested [Night Eyes Quality]

   Night Eyes, Furtive

   Sleep Deprived

Point Spending

4 - Stealth to 4
4 - Agility to 4
1 - Reflexes to 3
1 - Awareness to 3
1 - Cunning to 3
1 - Majors to 3
1 - Magical Expertise to 3
4 - Magical Projection to 4
1 - Will to 3
1 - Minors to 3
1 - Persuasion to 3
20 total

1 - Climb
1 - Run
1 - Notice
1 - Charms (expertise)
1 - Charms (projection)
1 - Sneak
1 - Rumor
1 - Open Lock
8 Total
    {{A/As updated 5/8}}           


I was looking through the students posted so far but they'er hard to keep track of since they're scattered over 6 pages worth of thread. Thus, I thought I'd compile them all in a handy list of links! If you spot someone I missed please let me know and I'll get them linked up.

Charlize Renard, played by Jane Storm
Darci Donavon, played by Blinkin
Xavrill Robeson, played by Kdyami
Gustav Raubriter, played by TheHangedMan
Edgar Crowly, played by TheHangedMan
Veronica Ravenshire, played by Luna
Penelope Blackthorn, played by AmberStarfire
Desiree Elvire Gullroy, played by Tydorei
Cameron Joyce, played by JamesSureWould
Katrina Ravenshire, played by Luna
Vidya Ayers, played by Meliai

So thus far we're sitting at 7 ladies, 4 fellas, assuming I haven't accidentally skipped anyone over.
    {{A/As updated 5/8}}           


I tallied 12 somewhat fleshed out concepts so far (Rogue PMed me hers), with Codexa having made some progress, and Persephone still brainstorming.  Additionally, Meliai is working a second character.  So that puts us at 11 females and 4 males.  You can add three males to the list, though, as Muse is working a male character (coordinating with him in YIM), and I have two primary NPCs, both male (you can check them out in the character thread).

So I am currently looking at 11 females and 7 males, which I am fairly happy with.  After all, the vast majority of the NPCs I've written are male (including 4 OC instructors, which are all male), and JaneStorm had a male concept ready for her second character.  So in the end it will be a lot closer than it currently appears.

By the way, Meliai, thank you for consolidating the character progress so far.
Ons/Offs  A/A  Oath of the Drake
(From the Penis Game) Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Penis
I love a wet nymph.  "Letting some guy have [her] just to have another woman is a losing trade"

Buffy: The Vampire Slayer(IC#2)
Intro Thread


I've been working on fleshing out her background for a while now. I'm trying to figure out how her parents were safely able to deal with have a metamorphagus daughter so that's been slowly making it's way out of my head. I'll hopefully have a sheet out before I go to sleep.


Look forward to seeing her.  By the way, I know I already mentioned Magical Expertise being popular, but certain classes are getting a lot of attention.  *I* do not have a problem with this, but please bear in mind that most academic subjects will only become significant twice, maybe three times over the course of the game, and that is if said character happens to be in the right place and time, and I would hate for a character's only chance to shine in a particular field to be compromised because two other characters have the same strength.

I realize that with just shy of 20 characters (which is just glorious for me, thank you to everyone who is playing), there is going to be overlap.  Look out for your own best interests, though.  If your character is really good at Ancient Runes, and you see another character or two is as well, decide how you, as a player, feel about that.  It could be the start of a backstory with those characters being fond of each other and studying together since no one else is on their level.  Maybe they compete to outdo each other (especially for House points in class).  But maybe, just maybe, you feel that you'd rather have your character's niche specialty be a bit more unique.

I hope that helps a bit.
Ons/Offs  A/A  Oath of the Drake
(From the Penis Game) Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Penis
I love a wet nymph.  "Letting some guy have [her] just to have another woman is a losing trade"

Buffy: The Vampire Slayer(IC#2)
Intro Thread


Alright, here's my attempt at a decent character. I think I distributed the points correctly. Make sure to yell at me if I didn't. xD

Name: Alexander d'Artagnan VII
Nationality: French
Blood Status: Pure (Family has records dating back to early 1600's)
Age: 17
Year: 4th
House: (Leave Blank)

Description: 5'9'' or 176 cm. Tan with medium length brown hair. Tattoo on left shoulder of a skull being pierced by 3 different types of blades: a rapier, a longsword, and a dagger. Another tattoo of his mother's birthday in Roman numerals on his left tricep. Clean shaven usually, but it's not extremely rare to see a goatee or a gruff 5 o'clock shadow on him.

Personality: Alex is what one could call "connected." His charm and persuasive abilities are well known in the school but even more so his fencing abilities and his overall fighting ability. He holds his head up high and is sure, steady, and dependable. Alex is a rock with his beliefs and cannot be easily swayed to think opposite of his currently held beliefs. He is not one to fall into peer pressure and encourages others to follow his example and be steady with their beliefs. He works well with others, especially if they share his beliefs and interests.
However, Alex can be hot-headed during his most vulnerable times and can easily go to arms when something doesn't go the way he intended to go. He tends to keep these conflicts outside of the classroom.
Alex is well-spoken and loyal. He can be counted upon to do the most important tasks. Although being a pure blooded wizard, he doesn't care about that and views everyone as equals until someone gives him a reason not to.

Background: Alex was born in Lyon, France to a very prestigious family in France with a rich history, the D'Artagnan's. He is a middle child of three, the oldest being 23 and the youngest being 9. The D'Artagnan family is known to be proficient in raising great sword-fighters, especially fencers. Alex has many cousins and relatives, so reunions are always a fun time. At age 4, Alex's immediate family and grandfather moved to England because his father got a job in the Ministry of Magic in Britain.
Alex was home-schooled by his grandfather, being taught not only how to read and write, but also how to fence. Swordfighting was the way that the D'Artagnan's settled disputes in France with other families. Alex is very talented, and was seen as such at a young age. He was also very wily, being able to butter people up and get them to do things for him. He was able to sometimes get out of his studies and go to a local park and play with the kids there. One time, he went to a park and, unknowingly, played with some Muggles. His strict grandfather caught him and got angry with him. Alex did not understand, but he was young and did not have a steady hold of his current beliefs or a good understanding of the situation.
Alex eventually went to Hogwarts and began his wizarding career as a student of the prestigious school of Hogwarts.

Interesting Fact: Alexander d'Artagnan is a descendant of Charles de Batz-Castelmore d'Artagnan who was part of the Musketeers in France during the time of Louis XIV. He gets off to a good start with people who know this about Alex.

Wand: 13.5'' Cherry, dragon heartstring core, sturdy

Pet: None

Alex's Points
Agility: 3
  -Balance 1B
Athletics: 3
Awareness: 3
  -Notice 1B
Cunning: 3
  -Memory 1B
Deception: 3
Endurance: 3
Fighting: 4
  -Fencing 1B
Magic Expertise: 3
Magic Projection: 3
Marksmanship: 2
Persuasion: 4
  -Charm 1B
Reflexes: 3
  -Quickness 1B
Status: 3
  -Rumor 1B
Stealth: 2
Will: 3
  -Dedication 1B

Majors (History of Magic, Ancient Runes) 3
Minors (Herbology, Potions, Muggle Studies) 2
Others (Care of Magical Creatures, Astronomy, Divination, Arithmancy) 2

Qualities: Charismatic, Compelling
My Request Thread + info about me!
My O/O's ~ AidenWhite O/Os - UPDATED: 08/01/2024 (dd/mm/yyyy)
My availability for One on One's (Solos): Available! PM at your own risk.


So just out of curiosity, since I have my character from a part of Ireland that specifically isn't part of the UK (specifically northern Ireland), would there be an Irish Minister of Magic or something similar? Just so I can clarify.


Rogue, for simplicity's sake I am going to say no.  It's easier for them to be under the same Wizarding administration.

Aiden...I like him.  He has the feel of a muggle lover to him, but I'll allow it.  ~grins~

A note on ages, though.  Generally, a 4th year student will be 17, only 16 if a grade was skipped.
Ons/Offs  A/A  Oath of the Drake
(From the Penis Game) Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Penis
I love a wet nymph.  "Letting some guy have [her] just to have another woman is a losing trade"

Buffy: The Vampire Slayer(IC#2)
Intro Thread


*coughs* And what's wrong with muggle lovers? *winks* And okay. That does make things rather easy.


Just getting ready to play Lucian, who thinks it a shame when a respectable wizard puts too much effort into muggle pursuits (like fencing).
Ons/Offs  A/A  Oath of the Drake
(From the Penis Game) Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Penis
I love a wet nymph.  "Letting some guy have [her] just to have another woman is a losing trade"

Buffy: The Vampire Slayer(IC#2)
Intro Thread



I've edited the age.

I wanted to give him something I didn't see in others so why not a pinch of muggle lover xD I know right. Giving everyone a fair chance. Strange in a pure blood. o.O

Alex likes magic, but for menial things. He'd rather much settle things by the blade. Much more personal in his opinion ^^
My Request Thread + info about me!
My O/O's ~ AidenWhite O/Os - UPDATED: 08/01/2024 (dd/mm/yyyy)
My availability for One on One's (Solos): Available! PM at your own risk.


He's delightful.  Would he be interested in playing a Keeper at Quidditch?  He could use a bonus die in Reflexes (Dodge) if so, but is otherwise a good fit for it, stat wise.  Either way, feel free to post him in the Approved Character thread.  I would ask that you write his abilities like this instead:

Agility: 3 Balance 1B


By the way, since he is, thus far the only approved one, I don't want the rest of you to feel your characters were lacking.  I just decided to start approving characters today and his doesn't really mirror another character's much.
Ons/Offs  A/A  Oath of the Drake
(From the Penis Game) Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Penis
I love a wet nymph.  "Letting some guy have [her] just to have another woman is a losing trade"

Buffy: The Vampire Slayer(IC#2)
Intro Thread


By the way, I realize that I am opening myself up to a swarm of PMs, but would everyone kindly PM me their requests for House (per character) in order of preference (i.e. 1-Ravenclaw, 2-Slytherin, etc)?  If you don't have a strong preference, please feel free to say so.
Ons/Offs  A/A  Oath of the Drake
(From the Penis Game) Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Penis
I love a wet nymph.  "Letting some guy have [her] just to have another woman is a losing trade"

Buffy: The Vampire Slayer(IC#2)
Intro Thread


Name: Petra Vinter
Nationality: Russian (Durmstrang transfer student)
Pureblood 2nd generation, though her father is a squib
Age: 17
Year: fourth
Distinguishing Features: Petra has a somewhat slender build, with long legs and subtle curves. She has dark, richly colored auburn hair and bright, inquisitive blue-green eyes. Due to the fact that most of her time outdoors happens in the dead of night, her skin is somewhat on the pale side, with a smattering of freckles scattered across her nose, cheeks and shoulders. She needs glasses, though just for reading, and wears them on a thin silver chain around her neck when not in use. She has a soft spot for muggle fashion (her parents' regular care packages always contain several months worth of magazines on the subject) and enjoys dressing up. The only demerits she's ever received were over unsanctioned uniform modifications.
Personality: Quiet, studious and more than a bit mousy, Petra seems like your typical shy scholarly type. She often gives people the impression that they're looking at a small, frightened rabbit given human form and she can be quite jumpy, particularly when engrossed in a book. Petra isn't all timidity though; when engaged in a topic she's passionate about (particularly astronomy) she instantly fills with exuberant energy and will talk the ear off anyone who will listen and she can be an unfailingly loyal friend to anyone who's kind to her.
Unfortunately, having grown up under parents who made no attempt to hid the fact that they expected little of the girl, and having spent her early school years in a rather cut-throat social environment has molded Petra into a natural follower. Though she likes to be alone with her studies she easily capitulates under more forceful personalities, particularly those who are less than kind, and often finds herself an unwitting accomplice to things she'd rather have no part of. General peer pressure has little effect on her, but when directly confronted she folds fairly easily. The increasingly large pool of students at Durmstrang willing to pull her strings for any little thing they desired was the largest motivating factor behind her choice to apply for transfer to Hogwarts.
Background: Born to a rather unremarkable young witch and her squib husband, Petra's family didn't think much of her chances to get into a prestigious school like Durmstrang, but she surprised many, not least of which her parents, when she passed the entrance exam with flying colors. Though her magica power is average at best she possesses a keen mind and a zest for academia that more than makes up for her lack of natural talent in most cases.
Though other students payed little attention to her for her first few months at school, meek little Petra soon became a popular target for bullying and harassment. By her third year she was nearly working herself to death, cajoled into doing the homework for nearly a dozen of her schoolmates.
Unable to stand up for herself in the face of such overwhelming opposition, Petra applied for transfer to Hogwarts near the end of her third year and was accepted over the summer.
Interesting fact: Petra has a hidden passion for Quidditch. Never able to go out for the team at Durmstrang, she spent much of her summer honing her skills and plans to pursue it at last at Hogwarts. The sport seems to be the only thing able to bring out Petra's little known competitive side.
Wand: 13.25" Walnut, Rusalka hair core
From the notes of Amala Darzi: Favored mostly in the slavic nations of eastern europe, rusalka hair makes for moody wands, prone to wilting if not properly appreciated by their owners. While quiet and reliable if well maintained, these wands are generally not particularly powerful, though there is one notable exception. When a rusalka hair wand has properly bonded with a witch it can be capable of performing impressively strong defensive spells.
It is a common folk belief that the wands favor attractive young women and bring death and doom down upon the heads of any male who dare wield them. Though while I have yet see one paired with a man, to this day no young men who've tried a rusalka hair core wand in my shop has spontaneously combusted.

Pet: Cricket, an affectionate grey tabby with a vexing habit of wandering out of the dorms when Petra isn't around.

Agility: 4 - fly 1b, acrobatics 1b
Athletics: 2
Awareness: 4 - notice 1b
Cunning: 5 - logic 1b
Deception: 2
Endurance: 2
Fighting: 2
Magical Expertise: 2
Magical Projection: 2
Marksmanship: 2
Persuasion: 2
Reflexes: 3 - dodge 1b
Status: 2
Stealth: 2
Will: 2

   Majors (Astronomy, Arithmancy) 3 - Astronomy 1b
   Minors (Herbology, History of Magic, Muggle Studies) 2
   Others (Potions, Ancient Runes, Divination, Care of Magical Creatures) 2

Destiny Points:
   3 available

   Well Studied: Astronomy

   Flaw: Will, Vulnerability: body
    {{A/As updated 5/8}}           


I would love to play a Keeper, but I thought it was mandatory for Quidditch players to have the Fly special ability.

I will make the edits and post my character tomorrow ^^

Question!: The characters that you put up have more than 20 allotted points. Are they a "higher level" for a lack of a better term?
My Request Thread + info about me!
My O/O's ~ AidenWhite O/Os - UPDATED: 08/01/2024 (dd/mm/yyyy)
My availability for One on One's (Solos): Available! PM at your own risk.


Fly is just a specialty, nothing big.  It's recommended, but not required.
Ons/Offs  A/A  Oath of the Drake
(From the Penis Game) Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Penis
I love a wet nymph.  "Letting some guy have [her] just to have another woman is a losing trade"

Buffy: The Vampire Slayer(IC#2)
Intro Thread


Quote from: AidenWhite on April 21, 2013, 10:45:28 PM
Question!: The characters that you put up have more than 20 allotted points. Are they a "higher level" for a lack of a better term?

Just saw this.  John and Lucian both start with 23 points.  Lucian is an extremely powerful young wizard, and John is a marvelous Seeker and not really bad at anything.  This will be the first game where they have been stronger than the PCs, but they will have less opportunity for xp as well.  Also, they are very antagonistic toward each other, so I wanted them to be a bit larger than life to help get PCs to pay attention to the feud.   
Ons/Offs  A/A  Oath of the Drake
(From the Penis Game) Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Penis
I love a wet nymph.  "Letting some guy have [her] just to have another woman is a losing trade"

Buffy: The Vampire Slayer(IC#2)
Intro Thread


Going to go ahead and follow one idea from last game.  All PCs should be 4th or 6th year students.  I think we are lacking in 6th year types as well.
Ons/Offs  A/A  Oath of the Drake
(From the Penis Game) Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Penis
I love a wet nymph.  "Letting some guy have [her] just to have another woman is a losing trade"

Buffy: The Vampire Slayer(IC#2)
Intro Thread


Okay, here goes my first attempt at a character
Name: Cameron Joyce
Nationality: Irish
Blood Status: Mixed
Age: 17
Year: 4th
House: (Leave Blank)
Description: He’s a bit taller than average at 5’11”. He doesn't have much noticeable muscle, but his legs are quite powerful (because how much he was to run away from things). His hands are quite quick and sneaky. His eyes are a light hazel, he’s got curly, rather bushy, bark brown hair, and his skin is rather pale, like most Irishmen.
Personality: Curious and quick thinking. He’s fascinated by wand lore and magical history. While his grades aren't fantastic, he excels in the classes that he truly enjoys. When he is passionate about something, this seems to bleed into other people
Background: His father came from a semi-respected Irish wizarding line and his mother is a muggle. He’s got two older brother (both past Hogwarts age) and younger sister whose about 10. His father had gone to Hogwarts he when was younger, so the second it was possible, Cameron was registered at the school.
Interesting Fact: He wants to own a wand shop, and he was a picture of Ollivander and Gregorovitch in his notebook
Wand: (I'll get to this. I swear)


Agility: 3
Athletics: 3
-Run 1b
Awareness: 3
-Notice 1b
Cunning: 4
-Craft 1b
Deception: 3
-Bluff 1b
Endurance: 3
Fighting: 2
Magic Expertise: 4
Magic Projection: 3
-Curses 1b
Marksmanship: 3
Persuasion: 3
-Charm 1b
Reflexes: 3
-Dodge 1b
Status: 2
Stealth: 3
-Sleight of Hand 1b
Will: 2

Majors (Herbology, History of Magic) 3
Minors (Muggle studies, Astronomy, Care of Magical Creatures) 3
Others (Potions, Divination,  Arithmancy, Ancient Runes) 2

Qualities: Evaluation
Drawbacks: N/A


Actually looks pretty good.  Personally, I would reconsider the Magical Expertise of 4 for a physical ability (reflexes or agility coming to mind), but no issue with it as is. 
Ons/Offs  A/A  Oath of the Drake
(From the Penis Game) Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Penis
I love a wet nymph.  "Letting some guy have [her] just to have another woman is a losing trade"

Buffy: The Vampire Slayer(IC#2)
Intro Thread


Hey Meliai, that one looks cool, too. Another Durmstrang transfer student. Considering that, do you think her and Gustav might be familiar with each other (in passing, or perhaps as rivals or allies or what-have-you)?  If you're up for it, I'd love to hammer out any sort of details of the like.

And with the Hogwarts students, if anybody wants to work out some sort of relationship between their character and the socially awkward Edgar, feel free to send me a PM or just chatter at me here.

Also, in terms of wands, a slight update for my character. Edgar's wand is, ironically, not that strongly attuned to him, and Gustav's has been edited with some additional details, which can be seen here:
Gustav's wand

Foot long wand made from pale cherry wood, which is rare in the western countries, and known for its power. The core of this special wand, which is known as Umbra (Latin for "Shadow"), is a mixture of runespoor fang, and Banshee hair.  The mixture of core materials produces a frighteningly powerful, difficult to use wand; it is highly aggressive, and well-attuned to the Dark Arts.

As an aside note, Umbra is a peculiar wand which has bonded tightly to the Raubriter family. It will function well for any of them, though always does best with the current heir to the family (which Gustav is).  It is also likely to backfire if someone not of his family attempts to use it. Because of Umbra's peculiar personality, it refuses to cast healing spells or the spell Lumos (these spells automatically fail when cast). In addition to this ban, rolls for Charms and Transfiguration spells are at a -1 penalty, although Curses and blasts of energy are at a +1 bonus, due to its aggressive nature.

Edit: Also, in  regards to Durmstrang, the last time I played this game with kc, I had Gustav, and I had fleshed out the four Houses of Durmstrang. kc, Meliai, would you both be cool and like me to post that House information again, here?
A&A's and O&O's *Status: Here and there | Games: Aiming for punctuality*
"In prosperity, our friends know us; in adversity, we know our friends."
"In the ocean of knowledge, only those who want to learn will see the land."
"Before you roar, please take a deep breath."
Check out my poet tree!


I'm okay with the Durmstrang Houses being posted.  PM it to Meliai first to make sure it works with her character, and once you two are good you can send it to me and I'll add it to the Setting Info Thread. 

Gustav is good to add to approved characters, by the way.
Ons/Offs  A/A  Oath of the Drake
(From the Penis Game) Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Penis
I love a wet nymph.  "Letting some guy have [her] just to have another woman is a losing trade"

Buffy: The Vampire Slayer(IC#2)
Intro Thread


Here is the first draft of House assignments.  I decided to give all four PC Houses a go. If you have any concerns or feedback please PM me.  I moved some people to their secondary choice in order to balance both main characters and genders.

Katrina Ravenshire (Luna)
Cameron Joyce (JamesSureWould)
Alexander d'Artagnan VII (AidenWhite)
Charlize Renard (JaneStorm)

John Summerby (kckolbe)
Veronica Ravenshire (Luna)
Vidya Ayers (Meliai)
Petra Vitner (Meliai)
Edgar Crowley (TheHangedMan)

Penelope Blackthorn (AmberStarfire)
Darci Donavon (Blinkin)
Desiree Elvire Gullory (Tydorei)
Gustav Raubriter (TheHangedMan)
Gabriel Brewer (Muse)

Lucian Goyle (kckolbe)
(Reserved for Rogue of TimeyWimeyStuff)
Xavril Robeson (Kdyami)
Ons/Offs  A/A  Oath of the Drake
(From the Penis Game) Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Penis
I love a wet nymph.  "Letting some guy have [her] just to have another woman is a losing trade"

Buffy: The Vampire Slayer(IC#2)
Intro Thread