Writing for RPs 101 [Interest Check - LGBT friendly - Brainstorming]

Started by Oneiros, March 28, 2013, 10:12:58 AM

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You deserve praise my Liege! A very interesting proposal and something I think everyone , whether new or veteran, amateur or master, can learn something from. I hand in my interest.

I see there is great interest here and possibly need for a split, as it were. My main interest and passion is mainly GMing, both on and off of E. I have noticed though that I have been making some rather embarrassing and really disruptive mistakes. I'm a very good GM when it comes to planning and executing games outside of E, sitting around a tabletop (virtual or real) but it seems I don't really have a complete hang on it whenever I take those experiences to a post-by-post basis. So if you would want to split the group or are looking for someone to GM this school idea, I'd be happy to do so and hopefully learn something in the process.


I just wanted to pop in to make sure it's clear that I'm still interested! I've been quiet because, frankly, I don't really care what the scenario is! If it's a scenario I like: Neat! If it's a scenario I don't like: then it's all the more practice/training! So I'm pretty open to whatever. I apologize if that ambivalence is not helpful.
Like what you see? I am currently looking for new plots!

Detailed List of O/Os and Plot Seeds

All of my image links were previously photobucket and broken -- I'm fixing them as I use the avatars again, or for current games. Please let me know if there is something that needs updating!


If I was going to do a 'level' of fantasy, I would suggest 'low magic' for every day stuff. More powerful supernatural phenomena would be useful for plots (Extreme example: hey! We fell through a plot hole! Ack! ), and instructors. Doors in the place might open to more powerful realms, or less powerful, but I would suggest our GMs have that plotted and mapped, at least as far as /which/ realities are accessable and when, if they are going to use it.
And with that in mind - original realities? Established settings? How many?
Writer of horrors, artist of mayhem.

Currently available, frequently lurking.
Ons and Offs
Absences and Apologies
Ideas and inspirations: small groups


I'm not opposed.

Co-GM: Not me. I have some GM experience, but none freeform, and I do not think my writing is up to that regardless.

Pre-game coordination: We're trying. It's not helping the thread subscription is misbehaving and keeps not sending me email :(


Good to hear people are still interested! Thank you for the words of encouragement, and sorry I've been being a bit slow. My computer has been giving me all kinds of crap and I'm not having a great night.

Wargtass (mind if I call you War?) you seem like a reasonable candidate for co-GM. If we have a significant divide amongst people regarding what they want to play, we might end up splitting, but for now it seems like people are grudgingly accepting the school setting :) It'll only be boring until we can get it going properly!

I'll think over it a bit tonight and post again a bit later. I'm thinking over everyone's suggestions and trying to come up with some good ideas myself. I do kind of like Thorne's idea about places in the school potentially opening up into different realms.


I'd love to co-gm it, didn't see that post about you looking for one before I posted myself. Just give me a nudge once you want to get started with the planning.  ;D

Edit: And War is fine, gives me a menacing tone.  :P


Just popping in to say that I am still interested. I am okay with a supernatural twist, as long as it doesn't get to complex. I would like to focus on the writing and learning, not some overly fancy setting or plot. ;)