[Recruitment/Interest Check] Exalted 2.5: Return of the Mighty

Started by Dracorion, November 08, 2012, 11:17:54 PM

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Marie Reynolds

I really cant find a two point that i would like  so I am comfortable with the two hearthstones I got also just looking for a good map of Lookshy so i can firgure out where their is  a country area.


Just say that one level of the hearthstone got drawn from the stone to give the manse itself a little extra power. You could try the Direction books, or if you have it Scavenger Sons.
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Marie Reynolds


Marie, link me to your character and I'll find you a good level 2 one.
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Re Z L

Quote from: Dracorion on November 18, 2012, 06:24:19 PM
I approve, Darkling.  ;D

Ah, Res, now I see. Though, could you also list Dusk's minor contacts?

They aren't usually listed, really there aren't any categories of minor contacts according to the background, it's just a bonus die per background dot to find contacts, like Alex said.  If you want me to add them anyway, how many should I list?


Basically done!  ;D
Fyr The Flameheart
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Name: Fyr
Caste: Xia (↑Warrior/↓Entertainer)
Motivation: Live the greatest Story.

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Theme Music!

Many tales ago, there were a pair of Raksha, abound in the Wyld, who often shaped together, such feelings as love were alien to them, but one could have said that they had gown used to each other's presence, easily playing their stories off each other with a familiar ease. Sufficed to say, when a interloper blundered into their narrative, they united to put the offender down. With him at their mercy, and his Heart in their hands, they demanded to know what in the name of the Shinma he thought he was doing. The other replied that he had come from the Garden of the Primordials, driven away by foul exalts, and riven of the wonder, now wandered as a lost soul, his story one of bleak mourning.

Wonderous? That sounded impossible to the pair, what wonder could be found in so staid and fixed a place? What of the wonder of their narratives, uninterrupted by anything so blaise as fixed concepts. But the other continued, he told them of Dreams, and the bounty of the Soul, the delicious feast of mortals, weaving grand designs around them to convey his message. The pair were intrigued, and headed for the Gates, and shaped existence beyond!

Assuming a story of a prince escorting his bride-to-be through mysterious new lands, the pair appeared in creation in what they would come to discover was the East, and wandered where their whims and the road took them, the Prince defending his Bride from the hostile locals where they encountered them, though for whatever reason, their time was actually relatively peaceful, many of the smaller towns they visited opting to stay out of their way and hope they went away, Soon. So it went, On and on, and indeed, they discovered the succulent feast that creation offered, sharing the tastiest morsels of soul, virtue, and dreams, which was everything the Beggar had claimed, no wonder he had been so dour, to have lost such a thing! It continued, and is the way of the raksha, they eventually grew bored, and began new tales, which was not as easy as it had been in the Wyld. Things from their previous tale kept interrupting their new stories, friends, enemies, they did not just vanish with the pair were done with them, and rose agains and again to vex them. Eventually the pair came to a solution, and became rival warriors, competing to lay waste to as many elements of their previous tale as possible. If these things would not vanish, then they would be removed. Of course, raksha are immortal, and backtracking was only a matter of time. Once all that could bother them was dead, the pair became Scholars, and spent many seasons beneath a mighty Tree debating the motic chaogeopolitical ramifications of raksha feasting on souls on the Garden its self, and when they tired of that, they once more returned to civilization, this time in the mask of mortals, travelling merchants.

That was when everything changed.

One day, while browsing a market, one merchant turned away from the other to examine some bauble, and the other picked up a knife, mischief glinting in their eyes. Then they drove the blade into their partner's back, with a laugh. The one stabbed stiffened, trying to clutch at the blade embedded in their back, then fell. Pulling back her hood, the slayer waited for her partner to get up, laugh, and share in a joke well played, they had does as much, many times, in the wyld, but never since coming to creation. Yet... he didnt rise, and she knelt, oblivious to the commotion her act had caused, and the near riot of people fleeing the market. She reached out a hand... and he vanished in a snap of unravelling potential, leaving her alone.

It took some time, for realization to dawn, he wasnt playing, he was gone, his existence ended, and would never begin again.

And it was amazing. Potential bloomed in her mind, not merely any story, but the greatest story, a unending tale, where not only could the hero fail, but it was likely, the world would not bend to their will, chance was a enemy, ever looming. She set off in pursuit of this true story, even returning to the Wyld for a time, to start anew, weaving a new tale for herself. This time, when she took form, it was a permanent one, for she no longer had any desire counter to that of pursuing her True Story, no reason to ever return to the Wyld. Becoming a Shaped being was a small price to pay towards that end.

A mortal could have told her; its called Life.

Upon returning to the Garden, she headed for a city called Nexus, which she had heard, formed a veritable fountain of possibility, a place were even raksha could live, where adventure abounded, and power flowed like water. The reality was somewhat less awe inspiring, but it suited her purposes, she easily established herself in a immodest home, took the name Fyr, and began building a reputation, which was not hard. Humans came to see her for the spectacle of it, revelling in the spectre of danger, and it was not hard for her to pick out a pretty girl, and woo her away from her dashing young lover, and he, bless him, challenged her to a duel. The result need not be elaborated on here, as it doesnt matter, but this is how she started, how her tale and reputation began in this new form. In time, the gawkers thinned, though there were always those who would be interested. In their place, came lovers, a ppearently that first woman gave rather glowing reviews of their encounter, and before long, dissatisfied lovers from all over nexus came creeping to her door at night... and on their heels, irate husbands and wives, often all too eager to defend their honour.

It was a good start, but as Fyr well knew, it was merely a prelude, a basis, a Origin. What matters is what one builds from it.


Str••••• ••
Dex••••• ••
App••••• ••
Wit••••• •

Abilities [C for caste, F for Fav]

Linguistics (Riverspeak)
Martial ArtsC••••• (••• Ring Artefacts)
PresenceC•••••(••• Seduction)
Awareness ••••

Birth •• ()
Artefacts ••• (7 dots of wyld artefacts)
-Ringforged Reaper Daiklave •• (Concluding Arc)
-Ringforged Artefact Lamellar •• (Armour Of Martial Impression)
-Behemoth ••• (Resplendent Figment of Hunger)
Freehold ••• (Cyst Respire 3e/h)
Gossamer ••• (Start each story with 6 goss, Resources 5 in Creation)
Style • (Sword grace number of personal stunt dice per story) 4/4
Resources ••• (gift from our patron, she doesnt need it, but its not like shes going to turn it down, gossamer is too bloody valuable to turn into something as worthless as money)

-Concluding Arc (Reaper Daiklave. Speed 4, Acc +5, Dam +4L/2, Def +2, Rate 4. O. 3m)
Fyr's signature weapon, this reaper daiklave takes the form of a especially wide bladed katana. It's made of a blood-red steel, with a thick warm-hued gloss, as if it was dipped in thick oil. The colourful whorls range across the hot shades; reds, oranges and yellows and move slowly, too slowly to notice, but enough that if one were to look away, and look back, it would appear as if the pattern had changed. It possesses no handguard, and appears to be a single piece of metal, blade, grip and pummel. Isenfyr often keeps this weapon hidden away in Elsewhere, or somewhere stranger, and draws it forth from her left palm, as if from a waist sheath.
-Armour Of Martial Impression (Lamellar. +8L/9B, -0/0. 3m) Appearing as a translucent Gi of angular obsidian segments over her normal clothing, this armour wraps her form when called to her.
-Resplendent Figment of Hunger

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-Assumption Of Fire Shape [3m 1g. Permanent. Assumption, Glamour (1), Mutation (1), Shaped-Only] Fire imbues my form, granting immunity to mundane heat and fire. -Active-
-Assumption Of Dreams And Passion (Lust) [0m. Reflexive, Permanent. Assumption, Glamour (1), Mutation (1), Shaped-Only] Lust imbues my form, granting 1 automatic success on all attempts to seduce. +1 MDV vs non-seductive mindfuckery attempts -Active-
-Sovereign Fire Shape [1m/die. Reflexive, Instant. Combo-OK, Glamour (3), ↓Merged, Shaped-Only] spend 1m per die to use your assumed element to aid yourself or another player, must be valid action for element, cannot exceed E dice.
-Elegant Muse Attitude [1m/die. Reflexive, Instant. Combo-OK, Glamour (3), ↑Merged, Shaped-Only] spend 1m per die to use your assumed emotion to aid yourself or another player, must be valid action for emotion, cannot exceed E dice.

-Bastion of the Self (Heart) [--. Permanent. Mutation (4), Native, Shaped-Only] Immune to all non-magical forms of damage.
-Assertion of Greater Vision [2m. Reflexive, Instant. Combo-Ok, Echo, Social. Waking:] Strip Unblockable/undodgeable qualities from social attacks, assert MDVs as normal.

-Ravishing the Created Form (1wp. Simple, Instant. Combo-Basic, Crippling, Native, Shaped-Only, Shaping, Touch) roll feeding grace vs consenting target, for each success remove dot of permanent willpower or fed virtue, and gain 10 motes. If essence pool overflows, five motes become a point of WP, ten become glamour.
-Bottomless Dream Gullet (--. Permanent. Native, Stackable(2).) Gain additional 5-mote pool that can only be filled with feeding charms.
-Oneirmantic Conjuration (--. Permanent. Shaped Only) Once a day get draw a piece of gossamer from a sleeping target.
-Banquet of Crumbs (--. Permanent. Native, Shaped-Only) Once per scene feed on the emotional resonance of a area, roll feeding grace and gain success motes.
-Shiftless Untamed Beauty (6m,1wp. Reflexive, 1day. Combo-Ok, Compulsion, Emotion, Glamour(3), Mutation(2), Shaped-Only.) roll Cha+Presence on activation, and compare to MDDV of everyone encountered for the rest of day, if fail, then they become addicted to the raksha's presence, and suffer -1 external to raksha's social attacks. Each week must roll WP vs Cup or be forced to return to her. Costs 2wp to break free.
World Shaping
-Gladdening Visage (1g. Reflexive, 1Story. Glamour(1), Illusion, Mutation(1)) Creationborn must have a DV of 8+ to beable to see the character is not human, beings of equal or greater E can spend 1wp to pierce this Illusion.

Body Strengthening
-Opulescent Gossamer Raiment (--. Permanent. Mutation(2), Native) gain E+Heart b/l soak.
-Blade Turning Skin (--. Permanent. Mutation(1), Native) gain E agg soak.
-Ox-Body (--. Permanent. Native.) Gain either 1 -0hl or 1 -1 and -2 hl [+1 -0.]

-Host Summoning Glory of Command (1m. Permanent.) Spend a mote to reflexively ready any weapon or object in her possession.
-Unconquerable Truth (3m,1g. Reflexive(2), Instant. Combo-Ok, Echo.) Nullify Unexpected quality from a attack.
-Rarified Air of Inevitable (4m,1g. Simple, 1Scene. Combo-Ok, Echo, Glamour(2), Mutation(2), Obvious) raise a DV by one.
Permanent Mutation
-Root Of the Perfected Lotus (--. Permanent.) Gain access to Terrestrial Martial Arts.

=Even Blade Style
-Death Between Heartbeats (2m. Reflexive(1), Instant. Combo-Ok) When resolving several character's actions simultaneously, this one goes before others.

Join Combat: 10

Dodge DV: 8
Parry DV: 9
MDV dodge: 9
MDV parry: 5

Natural: 5B/2L/0A
Others: 6B/6L/3A
Final Soak: 20B/16L/3A

-0 [  ] [  ]
-1 [  ] [  ]
-2 [  ] [  ]
-4 [  ]
-X [  ]

Compassion ••••
Conviction ••
Temperance ••
Valor ••••

Lure: Compassion; Seduce the unhappily married.

Heart •••
Cup ••••
Staff ••
Ring ••
Sword ••••
Way •

Stasis 0/10

Story (Dedication)
Adventure (Seeking)
Duelling (Fun)
Mortal Paramours (Lust)
Dusk (Valued Adversary/Lust)

Permanent: ••••• •••••
Temporary: 10/10

Permanent: •••
Personal: 21/21 (9 Committed)
Gullet: 10/10

Gossamer: 6

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Bonus Points 0/18
-5 WP dots [5]
-5 staff grace dot
-5 ring grace dot
-1 valour dot
-1 compassion dot
-1 ability dot

Misc/GM Stuff
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Figured i would make this, to keep ST full of ideas :P


Quote from: RSGAlex on November 18, 2012, 06:26:37 PM
What if it's a Circle of Immaculate Masters? Or the Spiders of Mars?

(Also, I added some inconsequential stuff about the Hand of Writing way back. May also add more to the background if I feel the urge.)

I think that minor contacts don't get listed, IIRC. You just roll Contacts (possibly plus something) to see if you have a minor contact in the area. But don't quote me on that.

Ah, hm, that's not how I've seen it played. Even canon Exalts with the Contacts background specify what group their minor contacts belong to.

And Res, it should really just refer to a group of people, like "Southern merchants" or "people the character has saved from the Fair Folk".


Aieeee, die Augen tut mir weh!

Just don't go into Bedlam. It'll be a pain to deal with.

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And it wouldn't surprise me if there were mistakes like that made and repeated. Or just done for flavor. Witness that the original Infernals sheet had a Copy/Paste error from 1e. Or all the jokes about Pants and Lunars.
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Marie Reynolds

Andy I would love to link you to my character put i have no idea how to link a thread but if it helps its on page 8 of this thread.

Re Z L



Okay, Marie, I took a peek and here's some of the things that I noticed:

If all you want are the two level 1 wood powers of Stone of Healing and Gem of Injury Sense, how about if you have one stone provided from a level 2 manse which does the powers of both?  That'd also mean that you don't need the skin mount amulet.

Also, they errataed artifact armor so that reinforced buff jackets and reinforced breastplates cost the same.  Since Jade doesn't have any fatigue penalty, that means that you would get better soak and more hardness without any new penalties beyond one more point of attunement.  Whether that fits your concept or not is up to you, though.
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If I've owed you a post for at least a week, poke me.


Right then, new houserule time:

Fair Folk artifacts

Ring-made artifacts created by Fair Folk confer their own bonuses akin to magical material bonuses when attuned by Raksha: melee and ranged artifact weapons add +1 to Accuracy, Damage and Rate. Artifact armor receives two points to subtract from mobility penalty or fatigue value, either subtracting 2 points from one of them, or 1 point from both of them.

Re Z L



Cant decide if i want beast traits or elemental traits, delicious choices!

Laughing Hyena

Relaxing still waiting for the game to begin. Speaking of which anyone wanna explain to me exactly what the Emissary is?


Quote from: Laughing Hyena on November 18, 2012, 10:48:38 PM
Relaxing still waiting for the game to begin. Speaking of which anyone wanna explain to me exactly what the Emissary is?
My understanding, and I admit, I'm abit rough, is that its a mysterious position somewhere above, parallel to, or below the ruling plutocrats, who delieves the edicts of the council to the rest of the city.

Zaer Darkwail

Emissary depends on ST what it is; some cases it may be sixth maiden (or one future incarnations of the five maidens), some cases it is lurking/hiding primordial and some cases something else. But if speak what is known about what Emissary does; he/she reinforces the stricture of Nexus (the basic one) and is presentative of Council of Entities who made some laws like; if whore is still eatting after dusk has arrived in restaurant the restaurant must pay whore silver from sharing her company in restaurant (resulting in restaurants kick any clear prostitutes from restaurant before dusk).


Pages 136-138 of the Compass of Terrestrial Directions: Volume 1, the Scavenger Lands has a writeup on him.  However, exactly what he is gets left up to the Storyteller.  People say he, but it's not even certain that the Emissary is male. 

Basically, he's the hammer that a Storyteller has in order to keep people from destroying the setting, as well as the reason why neither the Realm nor Lookshy have overrun this place to the degree that Anathema can't set up shop.
Ons/Offs   -  My schedule and A/As   -    Advice for GMs on Elliquiy

If I've owed you a post for at least a week, poke me.


Although, again, I'd say that the 1e book that has it in (Scavenger Sons, I want to say) gives a slightly better view of the Emissary.

Although, honestly, as long as you're not breaking the 'laws' in Nexus, you're probably alright with the Emissary.
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The Emissary is certainly an interesting figure. I have some ideas for him, but given that his influence is limited to the more or less iron grip he has on Nexus, he's not likely to feature heavily in the story unless you guys seek him out or Nexus takes a central part in the plot.


Indeed, Also, if any of you have any particular insights into raksha char building, i would be happy to hear them. Not having trouble, just havnt done it before, so input/tricks/common practice would be appreciated.  ;D

Re Z L

Quote from: Darkling on November 19, 2012, 04:05:23 PM
Indeed, Also, if any of you have any particular insights into raksha char building, i would be happy to hear them. Not having trouble, just havnt done it before, so input/tricks/common practice would be appreciated.  ;D

Not too familiar with it myself, but if you want a second pair of eyes to look over anything I'd be happy to   ;D

Laughing Hyena


Quote from: Laughing Hyena on November 19, 2012, 05:11:22 PM
Huh. Twelve Exalts... nasty stuff.
HAY!  >:(
eleven exalts and a raksha thank you very much!  :P


The first bit of advice I can think of is that you should probably take at least some of your mutations as Oaths. Lets you fit a few more in if you need them. Also, remember that some of the monsters might also be regular weapons in addition to shaping weapons and monsters. But that applies to a lot of things. I.E. your graces tend to also be magical-ish items in addition to your graces. (RE: Raksha creation)

And Twelve Exalts. More than enough to kill anything that moves. :p (For the purposes of the Metal Gear joke, I'm pretending that the Raksha is made to look like an Exalt.)
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