The Avatar Above Me--part 2

Started by Riastradh, October 16, 2010, 05:40:06 AM

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Breathless Intent

Should make up for lost time ;)


Could share a coffee with him. And more.. ;)

Breathless Intent

Already has my heart racing a mile a minute, I should probably forgo the coffee!


Should let me listen to her heart! ;)

Breathless Intent

Just wants an excuse to get a closer look at my lacy things ;)


Is wearing my favorite lacy things today? ;)

Breathless Intent

Forgets that his favorite lacy things are usually the ones dropped on the floor!


Cannot possibly be naked! *shocked*

Breathless Intent

Assumes that one needs to be wearing lacy bits in order to be clothed!


Caught him on a technicality which is not surprising!

Breathless Intent

Knows that I'm good at my job :D


Breathless Intent

Has a fondness for paper airplanes.


Is a vision in white and can wear those pearls well!
- Writer's Melody

"Love looks not with the eyes but with the mind." - William Shakespeare

(Specifically Seeking Someone to Write Solas)
(Absences/Apologies) (updated 6/21/24)


Has me lovin' the blank and white!
Yes pleases and no thank yous (Updated 9/15/2014) <3 What I'm currently craving (Updated 9/15/2014) <3 Where has your favorite little Dream Dancer been? (Updated 6/20/2013)

"Woman was created from Man's rib; Not made from His head to top Him; Nor from His feet to be trampled; But from His side to be His equal, Under His arm to be protected, And near His heart to be loved"


has me thinking of Prince's Purple Rain... :) (hugs again)
Hello! :) Might consider rps again, mainly vanilla/light bdsm, might consider taboos eg uncle/neice, teacher/student, etc


Has me! *jumps in his arms and kisses him*


is having me in all kind of exciting ways - hugs, snogs, snuggles and smooches Cole - hello again! :)
Hello! :) Might consider rps again, mainly vanilla/light bdsm, might consider taboos eg uncle/neice, teacher/student, etc


Makes me want to tickle him until his Avi smiles hehe
Yes pleases and no thank yous (Updated 9/15/2014) <3 What I'm currently craving (Updated 9/15/2014) <3 Where has your favorite little Dream Dancer been? (Updated 6/20/2013)

"Woman was created from Man's rib; Not made from His head to top Him; Nor from His feet to be trampled; But from His side to be His equal, Under His arm to be protected, And near His heart to be loved"


Tickleback! I play mean when it comes to tickles, wolf-girl! Be warned! :)
Hello! :) Might consider rps again, mainly vanilla/light bdsm, might consider taboos eg uncle/neice, teacher/student, etc


Hmm has me deciding to use another tactic in my goal to make him laugh *rubs my chin thinking*
Yes pleases and no thank yous (Updated 9/15/2014) <3 What I'm currently craving (Updated 9/15/2014) <3 Where has your favorite little Dream Dancer been? (Updated 6/20/2013)

"Woman was created from Man's rib; Not made from His head to top Him; Nor from His feet to be trampled; But from His side to be His equal, Under His arm to be protected, And near His heart to be loved"


Undeniable Sin

Knows how to take a shower in style
   My O/O's       Roleplay Ideas


Moments of Sanity
Fishin' For Insanity                 Drive me Crazy                    My Asylum                 Mad about somethin                 Don't click!

Confusion is befuddled by me         Fear is terrified of me         Love adores me         And Insanity Envies Me.