Eden, Earth's Last Hope (Conditional recruiting only!)

Started by Adonis, March 03, 2012, 03:21:36 AM

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^^ See that link for more information. Eden is no longer in "interest check" phase, but a "further recruitment" phase.
You can't change who people are at their core. You can only love them for what they've given you.
Current Muse Status: Overdriiiive


I genuinely interested in this.  Depending on how big this thing gets, I'll definitely join in.


Well, hopefully I can keep it to 6-8 people. If interest ends up being larger than that, I may consider opening things up further.
You can't change who people are at their core. You can only love them for what they've given you.
Current Muse Status: Overdriiiive


Wow this sounds amazing.  I'm a huge Dragonriders of Pern fan and this is right up my street.  Definitely interested :)
Looking to write.  Sometimes life catches up with me.  If it does I will be back...


I am filled with recollections of lives I have not lived.


Aye Kaz, I did draw a bit of inspiration from pernese sources. So, insofar, three interested, one declared/earmarked for a big ol lizard :)
You can't change who people are at their core. You can only love them for what they've given you.
Current Muse Status: Overdriiiive


Very interested too! Put me down as a Chosen/Rider please?! :-)


DRAGONS?! I WANNA BE A DRAGON!!....oh...lemme read first...

YUP DEFINITELY! Silver preferably...


I'm not sure what the arrow in the dragon colour/affinity chart means. Are we limited to ice/fire/air, or can we choose from all of those listed thus far?
I am filled with recollections of lives I have not lived.


Its most likely just a formatting error. I do all my gamework on good ol' notepad, so sometimes it doesnt translate quite right. The ones I listed are just fine.

The arrow is attached the the message about requesting other types of dragons being brought in (between other games, literary references, and movies, etc, I probably could have stuck about twenty more in there). However, for simplicity and organizations sake, I opted to keep it simple.
You can't change who people are at their core. You can only love them for what they've given you.
Current Muse Status: Overdriiiive


I'll throw my hat into this game.  I've been gunning for a sci-fi/colonization game, and this one looks good :)

I'm prolly going to go with a human, but I'm not sure about gender yet.  I'll wait to see how it adds up later on for that.
"Not all who wander are aimless.  Especially not those who seek truth beyond tradition, beyond definition, beyond the image."
O/O's ~ A/A's ~ Avi's


I'm definitely interested, probably as a dragon.
Also? I can kill you with my brain.

Check out my On's and Off's: https://elliquiy.com/forums/index.php?topic=132510.0

Also, my 1x1 roleplay requests: https://elliquiy.com/forums/index.php?topic=130337.0


Looks interesting...mark me down for a male black dragon.  Is this going to be a simple sandbox, or have some structure as an adventure?

(also, while I'm *squeeee dragon*, some background of the dragons would help before making too much of a concept)


This atm is just an interest thread at the moment. More background information will be provided as I get things worked out and set up.

And to answer the earlier question, there will definitely ne plot and structure. This will not be a simple playground to rampage 'round in.
You can't change who people are at their core. You can only love them for what they've given you.
Current Muse Status: Overdriiiive


Quote from: Adonis on March 04, 2012, 12:21:12 AMAnd to answer the earlier question, there will definitely ne plot and structure. This will not be a simple playground to rampage 'round in.



The main directory has been created.
Map of Preane has been created
Character creation information, and information on each species of dragon has been created.
OOC thread is up.

All can be found in the main directory, here
You can't change who people are at their core. You can only love them for what they've given you.
Current Muse Status: Overdriiiive


 If this is still recruiting, interested in joining as an onyx dragon.
Call me Shadow
My A/A


Aye, still recruiting pretty heavily. Though I am in sore need of some Riders.

Everyone please keep in mind - No riders, no dragons. Dragons will *not* hatch without a rider present to bond.
You can't change who people are at their core. You can only love them for what they've given you.
Current Muse Status: Overdriiiive


Maybe you should put in the title that you aren't recruiting anymore dragons....
Call me Shadow
My A/A


I would. If it were true :p

Things balance themselves out slowly. Simply because I need more riders than dragons does not in any way mean I'm no longer recruiting them :)
You can't change who people are at their core. You can only love them for what they've given you.
Current Muse Status: Overdriiiive


I might be interested in being a rider. Depends on who's available as a dragon.

In fact, I might also be interested in being a dragon if you don't have too many!

Please check out my latest A/A post.
I would rather watch a movie then have dinner than have dinner then watch a movie!


I'd so be interested in this game! Since the opener says players can have two characters I'd like to throw in my hat for a female rider and a female Emerald dragon. Will bounce off and work on character sheets! :D


 I can go with a male onyx and a female rider if need be.
Call me Shadow
My A/A


Shadow and Caela, I look forward to seeing the sheets!

One a sidenote, we may end up having quite a few f/f pairings based on the numbers haha.
You can't change who people are at their core. You can only love them for what they've given you.
Current Muse Status: Overdriiiive


"Not all who wander are aimless.  Especially not those who seek truth beyond tradition, beyond definition, beyond the image."
O/O's ~ A/A's ~ Avi's