Athos' Pathos - Plot ideas - Bondage, extreme, fandoms - Looking for F players

Started by Athos, December 17, 2011, 05:07:13 PM

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So I'm back (sort of), and looking to dip my toes into some RP. Only one or two stories max. If you see something you find interesting above, or if you'd like to discuss something else, please send me a PM.


Current roleplay status:  Looking for new stories.

"Weep," said Athos, "Weep, heart full of love, youth and life! Alas, I would I could weep like you!"


So I've been gone for....awhile. In some ways it feels like a lifetime. Anyway, recently I've been craving some more adult oriented roleplay so I'm open to new stories. Hit me up if anything I've got here interests you, or if you have a story you think I'd fit with.

Current roleplay status:  Looking for new stories.

"Weep," said Athos, "Weep, heart full of love, youth and life! Alas, I would I could weep like you!"


So I've been gone for quite a while, but I'm looking to get into some writing again. Have a look at my plots and let me know if anything interests you, or approach me with your own ideas. :)

Current roleplay status:  Looking for new stories.

"Weep," said Athos, "Weep, heart full of love, youth and life! Alas, I would I could weep like you!"


I've decided to poke my head out of the wordwork and see if anyone wants to write. All the above plots are available, also if you want to write something else I'm always open to idea. :)

Current roleplay status:  Looking for new stories.

"Weep," said Athos, "Weep, heart full of love, youth and life! Alas, I would I could weep like you!"